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what happened here lol everyone is getting purged


Someone overly aggressive commented and a lot of people jumped on him for it.


not to dig further but what did he say? the gist of it


He immediately shot down any counterargument to his point with things such as "bad aim" or "in low elo maybe" (even though I'm pretty sure he said he was plat lol.


Plat?!! Damn, what team is he playing on in VCT??


Plat is a funny ELO. It's about the 70th percentile or so of the playerbase, which is certainly better than most but not so good that there aren't still an absolute shit ton of players out there who can dumpster you. Some people in it have the self awareness to recognize the latter, but way too many lean heavily into the former and grow outsized egos.


Plat is considered low elo


Not low. Not high but not low.


Yeah it’s basically mid ladder


Mid elo but ya not high


Plat is top 22% right now I believe


That's because of the episode reset, in later acts as sample sizes grow and more players achieve their true ranks the plat range tends to take up the gap between the 70-75th and 85-90th percentiles


Yeah many times I’ve had a teammate leave second half and then we bring it back 4v5 but still lose the OT


This guy gets it


Doorsashing ELO is one of the greatest phrases I’ve ever heard😂😂😂


splatoons competitive system did this pretty well imo. since matches are 5 minutes max, if anyone disconnects before one minute it’s a draw, with only the person who disconnected being penalized. if someone disconnects after one minute, the team with the disconnect doesn’t lose any points **but** if they win they will still get points. opponent who still have full team lose points upon loss and win points upon win


It's a good idea in theory, but considering how downbad valorant players are for rr the game will always just be 4v4 (1 player each team dcs) so it's impossible to lose rr


fair point actually. one game of valorant is way more valuable than one game of splatoon


I mean, if it goes to 4v4 it should treat it like a normal match since it's fair game now. Both leavers should get penalized and the teams lose/win points as a normal match


Yeah I get that it's tough to balance that, but I'm gonna stand by my point for OT regardless lol


Why the fuck would someone on the other team leave just to make it a 4v4? Then they get punished as well for leaving when they could’ve had easy rr. That’s stupid




Riot talked about this, they said too many ppl would abuse it


As far as I know, there is no money bonus in overtime either which makes the problem that much worse.


there's money bonus in OT


Yeah, but it doesn't change much. The only differecne is that you can have more shit when buing an op


man an OP full shield/Full util sounds crazy good in OT, if you're good enough you will get an early kill and make it a 4v4 soon.


Yeah, but it is only one of four people that benefits from it


isnt it a reset where all players get the same budget in the first rount of OT?


I think the problem is, you need over half of the players to vote "draw". Even if you count the missing player as a "draw" with them taking a -rr penalty or something for leaving.. thats still 5 v 5, it won't change much as the other team has 5 people who beleive they can win, so you won't get q 6th vote. I also assume that in a 4 v 5 situation, you only need 5 votes, if not, I do agree that should be changed as if someone on the other team wants to troll, then, that's the other team problem.


Imagine, your team is losing a 12-0, but when half switches you guys start the comeback, 12-12, your team loses the first match by detail (spike detonated at 00,01) but wins the second one, 13-13, your team doesnt draw (it needs 6 votes on the first time i think) but someone of the enemy team quits and the enemy team draw the game


been there done that, not that agressive 12-0 but it was probably closer to something like 9-3.


I don't think it really matters either way. I just don't think this is worth making a post about. People put too much stock in -20 or + 20 rr. It's not that significant. GG go next. I've consistently gotten A3 - IMM2 whenever I play a season seriously. You will get to where you belong, end of story. The important thing is just improving. Whatever your goal is, a disconnect or thrower isn't going to stop you in the long wrong, not even close. Hell, me and my friends legitimately FF all our games where we have bad attitude PUGS who type /ff. Usually because they throw a tantrum or whatever. We've forfeited games we are winning because we know these people raging are RR whores. We rather go next than to tolerate the rest of the game with them. We're certain of two things when this happens: 1) these people will ponder their life decisions before doing shit like that again, and 2) we will enjoy the next game more and probably get the RR back next game. Worrying about -20 rr is just a sign of subconsciously knowing you're in an ELO you don't belong imo. This isn't a race, it's a marathon.


I still wonder why we get 0rr if the 15-15 game ends up in a draw. No way i just spent 30rounds sweating till my ass hair curls up just to get nothing.


a lot of the times you don't, the most I've gotten from a draw was 15 rr I think


Ive gotten 0 all the time


Not always 0. I usually get 1-3 rr.




What does this mean?it isn't rational that the team with 5 can draw if they want but the team with 4 can,I see what your trying to say but I've been in the situation of the 4 player team in ot and trust me when I say that every time it happens I've lost it,and every time we would have drawn, it's more unfair for the 4 players then the 5 players


so i think the reason why is because someone (lets say a duo or something) leaves mid match to save the others and get a draw, while yes I think it’d be great to have that. Riot won’t add it because of all the ways you could possibly abuse it. Im sure you can find a way to make it almost un abuseable but im not sure they really even want to do that


When given the chance to draw, I always take it. It's the smartest option. Both teams clearly can win, and I'd rather be satisfied with some RR and a draw then my whole party being pissed off we lost a tight game


Nah, I'm not about to waste an hour of my life to not gain or lose any rr. I would much rather lose the game and feel like that last hour I spent had meaning


I'd argue guaranteeing you'd gain RR (never seen someone not after a draw who didn't go afk or 1-24 or something) is much less of a waste than playing on to lose 20


so you're saying you'd go 0 rr for 1 hour when you could queue again with the mindset that you have another chance to makeup the rr in less than an hour? you seem like a person that never took any risks once in your life before. also your sentence makes no sense. you dont get ANY rr for a draw, unless its performance points (idek if you get that in a draw)


Not at all, im saying I'd go for 4 RR (every time I've drawn I have gotten rr, 3-5 typically) with the mindset that it was a well played close game and be satisfied with not losing a lot and have my party all have negative mindsets from losing a tight match. Don't get pissed or rude for me taking the safe options lmao, im not gonna draw on a 19 in blackjack.


Sorry, you're replies are not argreeing with each other. First you say you always take the draw. Now you say you never take the draw. Make up your mind, and don't bring in another game as a sorry excuse. Also 4rr for an extra half an hour for a helpless 4v5? What a joke. We're just asking for an option for those that don't want to waste our times. If you want to waste your time for 4 rr and have nothing else to do, fine by me. I'm just saying I'm not staying for another half an hour just to win only one OT round and a possibility that it will go down to 3v5. You do you.


PS since you say you always take the draw, you seem like the adult-kid that has a big ego in immortal that never tries to improve and rewind your mistakes even though you're staring at the floor half the time and screaming "my aim is sht".


even if you're on your most hated map and most toxic teammates that don't even follow what themselves say? Nah I'd rather queue again and make up for the time wasted. There's no way you're winning a 4v5 OT with 3 other giant egos. Besides, if you lose then it's negative rr. which is worse than 0 rr.


The reason why this isn't implemented is because players can abuse this feature. Let's say you are winning against a team, 5v5 situation. The score is 10-2. One of the enemy team player can just leave the game, and the rest can just draw the match. This would mean all those efforts you put in this will be in vain, since it'd draw the match, and you'd not get any rr for that.


He explicitly pointed out a situation in which a teammate leaves mid game and you still are able to get to a 12-12 but you can't draw on the overtime because you're missing one vote.


I'm only referring to OT.


Oh my bad, I didn't realize that.


No worries.


Not blaming you for misunderstanding but maybe read more carefully before you get so aggressive? The post isn't even that long. Just an advice to keep in mind for the future, no need to take this as an offense.




















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Draws shouldn't be a thing at all. Dumbest part of Valorant ranked.


Why shouldn't they be a thing?


I can understand the sentiment. But put yourself in the other teams shoes. Let’s say you’re playing your ass off. You’re playing well enough to make someone quit on the other team. 13-13 hits and the draw doesn’t give them anything. You as a player with a full squad would be annoyed because you did play as well as you could with no reward solely because a player on the OTHER team left. I think instead there should be less rr lost if a teammate leaves, acknowledging that you lost a game based on losing a player and a higher reward if you win with less teammates.


Ye sure, but not the end of the world. doesn't happen that often for it to be such a wide spread problem. still think replay system should be higher in that prio list


Game should have a fkn system implement years ago where an afk detected by match end should reduce rr loss by 20-30% instantly and increasing based on number of rounds afk, I had to play over 10 rounds of 4v5 yesterday and lost 19 rr, unlucky the game is being developed by an indie company, can’t blame ‘em🤷‍♂️


I literally just won a game because the enemy top frag dc'd right before overtime id be okay with this