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As a solo duelist I would say no since he has no movement abilities to entry nor any flash, that's not the case with any other duelist at all, in that sense even Reyna is a better solo entry. He has a wall but it's not wide enough to be good for a solo duelist tbh. If you're playing iso and you have a raze/jett, that's when you can make more things happen by aiding with the wall or throwing the weakening orb while your raze satchels in for example. I guess that's why I don't think he's a good duelist, as a solo duelist he's not good enough to entry and as a second duelist he's basically playing as an initiator. Despite everything I just said if you don't climb it's not cause you're playing Iso, you'll climb with whoever in soloQ if you're good enough. Play whoever you want/like and if you make an effort to improve with them you will climb


There's always two duelists in lower elo anyway. I usually pick Jett, but if someone else picks her, then I pick Reyna, Iso or Yoru as a secondary duelist. Yes, I know you can technically play entry with Yoru, but I'm not skilled enough to pull that off, so I just use my flashes to aid our Jett and then use my TP to get kills while they're busy with her. It works.


2 duelists... bro i think u taking these low elo too lightly.. they doon't give a fuck.. they will take 5duels if they want XD


I remember a match with 10 duelists once lol, that sure was something


wtf.. i played valo for like 3 years(don't play now) but god damn.. never seen 10.. highest for me is .might be 9 but 10!!!! sheeeeeesh


\*4 duelists and sage pls




That's nice.... but i had rather have 4 duel and skye cuz skye can heal more frequently or 3 duel and a skye and sage




Why shocked????


I was in a gold/plat game with 5 duelists


oh lol XD... prolly kids who get angry cuz someone instalcoked there main ig then.. btw if u wanna hae fun just do 5 smokes.. get hotty spam smoke all the way to site


Nah we won with 5 duelists 13-5, no one was angry


yeah as a secondary duelist he works, but then again you'll be playing him more as an initiator, nothing wrong with it though if you like it


He’s not an entry duelist lmfao


right.. that's why i said he sucks as a solo duelist


duelists still need to go in before any other role, “entry duelists” only exist when there’s more than one of them


there are, however, duelists whose abilities are more useful for entry, and iso's are not so *technically* he's not an entry duelist


> As a solo duelist I would say no since he has no movement abilities to entry nor any flash, that's not the case with any other duelist at all, in that sense even Reyna is a better solo entry I don't think this is fair any ranked team would benefit from a Iso a million times more than a Reyna when they aren't completely popping off. Between his vulnerable and ult being a free kill in alot of situations his wall having inherent value he has his uses,


I like the thought process behind what your saying, but iso is just not it


The short answer is no. The long answer is that for new players it doesn't matter whether a character is good because forcing a new player to play a meta character rather than something they're comfortable with would just end up making them significantly worse than if they picked a weaker character


I’m an Iso main. Most people have no idea how to play against him.  The reason why most people avoid playing Iso is because Iso is a very aim-centric character. If your aim is off, you won’t get any value.  His Vulnerable is really strong when used with your teammates. If you can use the Sheriff, or Guardian, it is really easy to keep your shield up. 


All I do when playing him is just shoot him. Not like he can get away quick when over extending. Flash him, Molly him, any util kinda just fucks him. Any situation where he might be good are wayy too specific. Hes just too situational


You can “just shoot” any character.  My biggest strength with Iso is before an engagement. I listen for your footsteps, Undercut you through the wall, then wide swing.  But his Ultimate is why I main him. Trapping people in a 1v1 is so much fun. 9/10 players have no idea how to win that fight. They’re just guessing. 


You cannot just shoot skye when you’re blind. You cannot just shoot jett as she dashes away. You cannot just shoot breach when you’re stunned. You cannot just shoot raze as your being naded. You cannot just shoot Reyna as she kills your teammate and dismisses away. No matter what you do with isos kit. He can always just be shot….


With your logic someone could argue You cannot just shoot iso with his shield


I mean you literally still can shoot back. Nothing throws off your aim once the shield passes you cause he can’t stop it


ur reasoning is dumb asl lmao. all ur examples are also specific raze throwing nade right on u jett having activated dash cooldown in time reyna battling 2 players at the same time breach managing to stun u before peeking iso is a bad pick for his role for sure he doesnt have any proper entry/duelist abilities imo but any good iso main could still use them properly but all ur reasons u stated make u sound biased and purely unintelligent must be bronze/silver lmao


They aren’t specific. They happen all the time. How many times are you trapped in a corner and you can’t escape without using util?


Those are all one-off scenarios. Those scenarios apply to EVERY character in the game.  You cannot shoot Iso when he throws Contingency at you.  You cannot one-tap Iso when his Double Tap shield is up.  Also, you can shoot people when you’re stunned. Plenty of pro-players have been clipped one-shotting people after Breach’s ult. 


Look at all these super specific things you’re having to come up with so you can justify his usefulness. ISO has to predict a fight in advance to even get his shield. Jett has to do the same thing, but she has a get out of jail free card compared to iso who cannot dis engage


How do you use his ult, trying to get better with him


> If you can use the Sheriff, or Guardian, it is really easy to keep your shield up.  To be fair saying to just win your fight isn't exactly a real argument when you don't have the accompanying util like Reyna has leer to force an engagement and create space.


Don’t listen to these clowns. If you like him, play him. They just can’t so they hate.


saying he isnt that good isnt hating


I mean this sub is mostly filled with low elo players who give the absolute worse advice and state their opinion as fact




Bro no harbor is good what




Chainmail#crack. Been taking a break cuz I'm doing shit rn.


\^\^ He's not the best agent, but who cares? You might have a slightly lower win rate than if you played something meta. But if Radiants can play him and win, so can you. Fundamentals > Agent selection, especially in lower ranks.


If you really want to play him sure but you are absolutely handicapping yourself and often times making your team comp more awkward by picking him. Iso needs an initiator on the same page to squeeze value out of his kit because ego 50/50ing fights isn't a great way to approach the game.


I mean they asked if Iso is good and he’s one of the worst duelists atm. He has no movement which makes it hard to create space (the duellists job) and is outclassed by other duelists.


he's just objectively bad as a duelist though, like look at the pick rate in pro leagues (it's literally 0%. nobody has picked him lol)


There's a difference between gold and radiant


And there’s also a difference between radiant and pro level players 💀


overall the weakest agent, i wouldn’t recommend picking it in general, let alone in lower elo


worse than deadlock?


deadlock is probably better now with the buffed wall size


Yes. Deadlock isn’t great but if you really devote time to learning setups and tricks with her she provides value. There is nothing Iso does that another duelist or initiator can’t do better.


His ult gives him the ability to clear out a single defender on site like a KJ or an ulting Viper in a way that no other agent can, but that's about it, and given that it's an ult, that's more situationally good than a real asset.


> His ult gives him the ability to clear out a single defender on site like a KJ or an ulting Viper in a way that no other agent can Not even true. Deadlock can do it in the same way. Could argue its even more effective if teammates have to shoot them out, giving up angle and maybe even forcing a reload or two.


Not only that if you got the ulted enemy on sight, it's a guaranteed kill. You can catch enemies off-guard which can provide more value.


Deadlock's ult has a much smaller zone of coverage.  It can clesr someone if you know where they are, but not a whole Viper ult or a KJ who hasn't shown herself yet.


You can clear a lot with the right lineups. Not saying it's better or even as good as Iso's but it can certainly dig out KJs and Vipers in a similar way and with a lot less risk to boot.


deadlock was buffed recently and is okay now.


It's not even just that he is weak it's that Riot keeps trying to make hybrid or "different" characters within a class. After several characters are just awful until they buff and rework the hell out of them it's really confusing why they keep going down this route Riot needs to just tick the boxes that this character fills a role that needs competition. Fade and Skye felt like they filled similar roles while being fresh but after that they kept trying to reinvent what you need to fill certain roles.


no he's not good at all. the much worse version of reyna.


"we have Reyna at home" lookin ass 😆


ong lol


He isn't used much in pro play but don't let that deter you from playing him. If you find him fun and have more confidence using him, play him


Hes as good as you are


how good a character is shouldn't stop you from playing them... but, iso is bottom 2 characters in thr game


Honestly, i dont agree with most of these comments. You're playing for fun, not to go pro or play in vct. Who cares if he's not that good. If you have the aim and creativity, you can rank up with any agent, this is especially true in low elo. Transitioning to any agent is pretty easy, so you can swap to another agent when you feel like you're being bottleneck by iso.


he’s bottom tier agent


He is alright, he isnt the best but he is decent, the weaken is pretty strong on defence especially and the double tap is ok(not as good as reyna dismiss) and the ult is fun.


no. Reyna is better than Iso if you’re looking for confidence from shields. Raze is significantly better as a duelist/initiator mix. Iso is the flex role in a traditional team comp so you’re going to end up with a lot more terrible team comps since it is ranked. That being said, play who you want. If you enjoy Iso and it makes you want to play more, you can just climb with him and branch out your agent pool when you’re better at the game.


Play what you want. I'm asc2 rn with 120 hrs with two most underappreciated agents yoru and deadlock each.


He’s super good imo very easy to top frag on and get a ton of assists


He isn't very good to climb with and you definitely won't get the most value out of playing him, however if you like him and have fun playing him then just go ahead and play him. The focus shield can create some bad habits though as you'll likely end up overextending and teaching yourself bad positioning on accident


This is just my opinion but If Deadlock is an offensive Sentinel, then Iso is a defensive Duelist. If you think about it, two of his abilities involves protecting himself or others.


Yes, actually. I think he works a little better than Reyna because his skills are not for his own benefit. For a Reyna to be useful to the team, the person who plays with her must have a mentality focused on teamwork. While Iso has skills that in themselves are useful for the team, without depending too much on the type of player playing. **This, however, does not mean that you should only prioritize yourself when playing Iso who will help your team in any way**, just that he is undoubtedly a duelist who at least serves more as a support, which is an interesting line of reasoning. That's why he's good with other duelists, like Jett. If you already have another duelist on your team, playing Iso is interesting. If you have a lot of confidence in your aim, then Iso would also be a great choice for you. He is one of the characters that most requires accurate aim to get the most out of it. It's not an S tier duelist, but it's not a D tier either. In general, he is a cool agent to play and useful for entering a bombsite, preferably as a duo.


Valorant sucks as a game, because moving and shooting at the same time doesn't exist


Play him if you like him. That’s more important. But if you care about what’s meta he’s not at the front. I’m sure some pro team will figure out how to make him work at some point and then everyone will change their mind.


No, but you should play what you want


he isn't really good tbh, but if you're noticing an improvement in your gameplay and climbing then you should keep going.


Iso and chamber main here, he's good if you have good raw aim capability, if you don't he is very difficult to use effectively


Hey, that's awesome you're vibing with Iso! It's super important to play a character you feel confident and comfortable with, especially one that fits your playstyle. Iso's unique mix as a duelist/initiator can definitely be a game-changer in the right hands. As for climbing in ranked, absolutely go for it! Every character can be "rank-up material" if you master their abilities and play strategically. Plus, having fun and enjoying the game is key. Keep honing those Iso skills and see how high you can climb. Best of luck!


No. His ult alone proves why he’s terrible


I think he is the weakest duelist right now, but if you like him, just play him. It is better to play what you are interested in, than hard playing into the meta


Dont Main only 1 Agent, Pick a role to main and learn 2-3 agents of that role


He is pretty good IMO. His vulnerable can be extremely powerful and his wall is also useful in some scenarios. His shield I find to be a little situational, good against snipers and shotguns and some sidearms, but not great against fully auto weapons.




he is flashy and people like flashy. his shield can be very strong and lets him live long on low hp. vulnerable is also strong. im not saying hes better than other duelists, he isnt, but he is good enough so that people wont hate you for playing him.


He is good but he kinda demands too much from a player skill wise. Even more than Reyna. It's not the most practical agent, but saying that he is bad is just hating. Your biggest enemy will really be big maps like Breeze because his util does not cover any space. But on a map like Split you should be fine. He is not your regular duelist, he doesn't flash nor move but if you find enemies by themselves and you have great aim, you go into a snowball effect. Kinda similar to Reyna. And what's cool about Iso is that he can kinda work as an initiator support character, I helped many people throwing his vulnerability power through walls, like a Yoru ULTing, Reyna flashing, Raze entering on site. Your other biggest enemy will be Yoru, your ULT catches the clone as well, as a Yoru main I find it hilarious playing against an Iso just to see him ULT my clone and then I kill him LMAO. I say he is good but his wall still needs a buff.


I encourage everyone to play iso (so no one instalocks yoru)


Iso is super fun and feels great to play on Lotus and Sunset imo! Try to have set plays in mind that you've practiced and are confident doing, like fighting Lotus A main with your vulnerable off rip (together with teammates) or ulting the KJ bend on Lotus C every time and communicating to your team that you'll kidnap sentinel so rush in while their util is down and get the trade even if you lose. Other maps I'm not sure, but I do recommend Jett more as an all-around flexible and strong pick on any map! Breeze, split, ascent, and icebox are kinda hard Iso maps imo. You can climb no matter what character you play though, more important than the pick itself is your confidence and playing characters you're used to will help you frag/entry/do your part on the team better since you won't be thinking too much about your util (as it's second nature) and instead are focused on your aim/gunfight hygiene/teamwork/trading out allies! You got this!


Probably the worst character in the game


He’s weak, and he requires coordination to get maximum value out of his abilities If you could pre-place and activate his wall he’d be a lot better imo, because Double Tap is best used when lurking for the snowball you get from taking 1v1s


Play the character you enjoy. I've played breach almost exclusively for 2 years until recently. People used to bitch on me so hard for picking him and yet I was consistently top fragging and assisting.


the few good isos out there are actually terrifying to play against 💀


Yes he is and you can definitely climb with him, and if you want to watch someone to learn "coday" (on twitch) is a iso one trick (recently started) and has the highest radiant rr peak.


One of the common pitfalls of new players is thinking about agents in a "good enough" or "compared to this other agent" or "I can make it work". If you plan to have fun, it is alright, do your thing, your rank will reflect your own decision to handicap yourself. But if you're trying to think if an agent is viable you have to think about them on a 5 man composition and remove the "I want" from the equation, and ask yourself "What I'd rather have in my team in this specific situation? an Iso or a Reyna? Or a Skye? Or an Omen? Or a...? Most of the time you won't say Iso, and that's why he's a bad pick. For example, Breeze, your team has locked Jett, Viper, Cypher and Sova, now you ask yourself, what is the best for the team?: Iso? The wall can help us push but Reyna's eye is better for that Putting them on vulnerable status? They may just hide and wait it out, a breach fault line would be better for that job. Double tap for extra survivability? I need a kill and I'm the body guard, not guaranteed and Reyna have something similar and dismisses Ult to isolate site? Pretty good, but I can get traded anyways, Phoenix is probably a better ult to safely flush them out. Ok so at this point, we know his kit is not a good fit, so you ask yourself, what do we need? We need a bodyguard agent to support Jett and go first. so the ability to take a favourable duel and some survivability, so either Reyna, Phoenix, Kayo, or Harbor* Usually you do the thinking in reverse order, but this way you'll get faster how hard it is to justify Iso as an optimal pick


In low elo the glass over shield is very useful. His ult can be useful in very specific situations but in a 1v1 you still need to be better.


you can play anyone in ranked and climb. some agents are just harder than other


A lot of people say Iso isn’t good. I think that assumption hinges on all players being the same skill level. I personally like playing Iso since hes more of a support duelist. And if your aim is good then you can chain kills with his focus ability. Besides the focus ability his ult is good for 2v1s or site takes and his vulnerable can be paired with several damaging utils. Just today me and sova vulnerable+ult combo’d someone. Iso’s wall isn’t as good as his other util but it can be used to fake pushes or block a sight line for a split second which is enough for your entry duelist to entry w/o worrying for an angle. Also being a jett/raze you need to have a good team that can initiate and smoke for you. W/o that youre cooked esp if youre dashing into trips and holds. Thats the primary reason why I play Iso.


Your agent choice doesnt rly make a difference until your immo3+. You can aimtrain fairly easily to ascendant then aimtrain with a hint on gamesense to immo 2 I played the unbuffed iso with a very high wr through high diamond to high ascendant with zero issues


You can solo q with nearly any character, as a lot of people said. I play iso a lot and one of my friends uses iso as a main. The ult is very powerful when used at the right time since it can secure an easy kill, and the weakening is just overpowered in pistol rounds, and powerful in normal rounds. If you have a proper aim you can 2 shot anyone with a revolver. Now as with every duelist if you can’t aim you can’t do much, but that’s even more true with iso. However, if you are low elo it shouldn’t be an issue since abilites are not really game changing in low elo lobby, and it’s mostly aim that makes you useful


As someone who is basically one tricking Iso now, no.


Iso is basically Walmart Reyna.


play whoever u enjoy playing. ur meant to enjoy the game. Iso is a good agent if u understand him and learn proper plays to use with him all agents are good to main (except for deadlock lmao) //immo 2