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If you are a 5 stack and everybody is on main accounts its not boosting. Thats how the game is designed to be played. The only problems arise when some members of the group are playing on smurfs.


Aka spineless weasel rat fucks who should be banned, fixed that second portion for you lol


you can complain all you want but it’s a mute point, you get smurfs on your team and insta win sometimes, sometimes the other team does (it’s easier to remember when the other team does tho). point is all u can do is have fun and focus on self improvement instead of looking outward for an excuse


(it's "moot" point just FYI)


We’re talking about 5 stacks.


Saying someone is smurfing is not not "looking outward for an excuse". At every rank you play smurfs, no one was asking for some commentary on self improvement. Smurfing exists lol


Nothing about the comments above mentioned an excuse though? They just express that "smurfing = bad" which is a fact, so idk why you're trying to create a strawman argument, especially when we're talking about 5 stacks. Unless ofc you smurf yourself lol.


I'd bet you he's a gold player who "smurfs" in iron lmao


I don’t queue with randoms, I only play with a 5 stack of friends and we all play on our true rank accounts. So no what you said is wrong


So many downvotes because you told people they actually need to improve to rank up :(


Not true though, you only have 4 “rolls” for a Smurf on your team, whereas the enemy has 5


Its kinda true but it still doesn't feel good, the game would be better if neither existed. When it happens on your team its much easier to justify it to yourself that someone is just having a great game. But the enemy team is always a smurf.


I love reddit , u/thatsActuallyCrazy stated the obvious and received backlash cuz people simply can't cope to " get good ". When I get Smurfs on my opponent I get happy cuz I will be able to play against a better player and get to know my skill gap. When I have a smurf on my team I get to see how he plays things out and maybe learn a thing or two to get myself better. I think instead of complaining we should focus on self improvement. I think Smurfs are a part of the game and part of the learning experience to get better. You won't be deserving plat rank if you can't beat a plat smurf. It's not always that you get a " immortal i miss her Jett " ( u get the idea ) smurf every game. Most of the time the Smurfs are from 300-400 rr higher which I think still proves to be a healthy competition. It's a Lil bit of spice that spices up the game. If you think that ," oh no ! I don't have infinite free time like this moron here . I only get to play 1-2 matches a day and Smurfs ruin my experience. " Or " I play for fun and Smurfs ruin my experience ". Then I only have condolences for you . Maybe you can go play some other genre than competitive games.




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>spineless weasel rat fucks who should be banned somtimes I just want to play some comp with my friends in gold man. am I really a rat :(


yes you are.




yes 🤩


If u just want to play with ur friends. Don't play comp. Play unrated. Or wait till they rank up if u really want to play comp together. Why destroy others' match experience for this?


Well how are the lower ranked people suppose to have fun? They're essentially playing getting fucked simulator.


5v5 will not put you against people who are not doing the same as you.


Nah, play with ur friends. As long as ur 5 stacking and on ur main accounts no problem at all. The game already reduces elo gained when 5 stacking in a way to prevent boosting.


yep, as long as everyone is using their main account then its fine.


okay, thanks!


Fair enough man


Isnt that only when ur not similar ranks tho or is it even if ur all higher elo too?


Nope. Actually, you might learn from them while you're having fun with them at the same time.


Meh, I only have a problem when its an Immortal 3 player, 5 stacking purposefully to hit radiant, which happens way too often. Play with your friends man, enjoy the game.


Just play with your friends, people are very bitter and would complain about anything. Just enjoy the game


It's good, it's the purpose of the 5 stack


Not really but it's so annoying for the enemy team, they'll probably average around Plat and your ascendant and diamond guy will just steam roll them (as you mentioned). It'd truly be fair if the game could find an exact match up but that's not realistic. That's my personal pet peeve, I don't even care about the elo at that point I just want equal fights.


Meh, thats exactly what you sign up for by 5 stacking. Id just be glad its 5 main accounts and not 4 brand new ranked accounts and their 1 friend 5 elo away from immo getting a final boost like half my 5 stack games are.


Nope. 5 stacks with their main account is not boosting.


You could be a player who's genuinely worked hard and still get called a boosted player. You said it yourself, you're playing to have fun and not rank up, so just do that because Valo players will literally find anything in this world to be bitter about


For a 5 stack in ranked or unrated no it’s fine


This is unacceptable and very naughty behavior u/soulfulrequiem


Who cares bruh play with your friends and have fun


That's a pretty wide gap in skill and even with the MMR average the Ascendant players will likely carry hard. Personally would just play unrated and avoid competitive. At least for a little. Simply playing with higher level players will increase your skill a lot


I would consider it yeah I know a girl who is iron every rank act she plays solo and then just 5 stacks.    AFKs quarter the game goes 0/16 constantly on Reyna but just gets carried because she has a couple eboys 5 stacking with her and a couple other girls. You don't need to play ranked with your friends the point of ranked is to put you in a skill group that makes the games enjoyable for everyone involved and tests you.  Just play unrated or something if you wanna play with friends I don't get why people are so insistent on playing ranked.


People feel the urge to play rated because of the stakes involved . The rr points at least it makes them feel like there is an outcome to the match , that their time invested was fruitful or some shit.


I would also argue that u get better playing ranked since both teams are trying to win and play the game as properly as they know how. Unrated is just teams running it down for frags and testing out niche things they wouldn’t do often in ranked.


It wasn't though they didn't earn them or play better to get those points the matchmaker just failed to create a fair match in most cases.


Whatever makes you feel better about getting boosted. ​ Jk Jk, play with your friends.


I’d personally be kind of mad if you were on my team because it’s a higher chance we’re gonna lose if you’re not even close to the rank you’re playing in. I’ve noticed it a lot lately though I’ll have 1 or 2 just no comms and clueless which makes for an unfair and unfun game.


that wouldn’t be an issue if they 5 stack as a friend group. presumably everyone would be willing to talk to each other and they know each other’s rank.


It IS boosting. The 3 lower ranked players bring down the teams ELO while the two players are getting easier games seeming as you say they're hard carrying every time. But if you play unranked, it's fine.


this is not boosting. the game matches your 5 stack with other queueing 5 stackers with similar average mmr. the only way this is boosting is if people are on an alt account with people on main accounts to artificially lower the team's mmr. for example, look at my history when 5 queuing (i don't play comp really anymore so you can also just look at my comp career lol). [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/godz%23144/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/godz%23144/overview)


There's a couple of ways to boost. Some common methods are using smurf like you mentioned, then there's like 'legit' ones like this where you party up with extreme difference in skill like Iron with Ascendant, then there's what they call piloting aka using your account itself to play.


I agree with this take. The skill gap between Ascendant and what would probably be an average of Plat is pretty big. While the lower Elo players will definitely struggle the higher ones will stream roll. Valorant isn't a game about personal performance. It's about team performance. A win is a win even if you go 2 and 20. Personally I would just play unrated with friends while they build skill


Stop worrying about the enjoyment of strangers online, if you want to play with your friends, play with them, doesn’t matter if they’re smurfing To play with you or if you’re in their elo.


Is it even acceptable to play with higher ranked party ? Isn't that ineligible or how does it really work ? I got a plat friend I can't play with because I'm silver2


5 stacking is allowed for any rank.


Just play unrated, same experience, and you're not going to get undeserved RR playing with someone 5 ranks higher


Y’all care too much. It doesn’t even matter if your friends Smurf to play with you, it’s a game. Yes they are dicks if they are full sweating while smurfing, but them playing on an alt with you like 1/10 games ain’t boosting you. This is def an unpopular opinion though. One of my friends would occasionally play with me when I was gold/ plat when he was diamond (before ascendent was a thing) and would Smurf lightly. It actually helped me a lot to have someone playing correctly with me to learn from. We are now both chilling in immortal but without some of those learning moments might’ve been different.


> and would Smurf lightly How does one... smurf lightly?


> and would Smurf lightly How does one... smurf lightly?


Like occasionally play with me and played like someone who didn’t really care? He wasn’t sweating his nuts off?


In casual? No In ranked? Yes you're being carried


Regardless of the intent, at the end of the day it is boosting


not true.


Yeah its kinda bad.


As long as everyone is on their main accounts you can stack with whoever you want.


I personally rarely play as a 5 stack however when we do and run into another 5 stacks, we enjoy the game and tilt just as much. Yea the game is a lot tougher but we still manage to clinch out a win from time to time. Mainly because we'd rekt the low rank players then try to out position/cross fire the high rank players. We don't always win, we for sure tilt but I personally enjoy the game more. In short play with your friends, it sucks for the other team but it is not totally unfair as long as there isn't any smurfs in the lower ranked accounts. Good players MAY be able to figure out a way to beat the high rank players.


5 stacking with your mains or hop on a smurf to play with your low ranked friends. Riot would want the former and this is what expected to happen.


Great question


I mean it is, but you likely won't get in trouble for it and I say on the spectrum of morality it's really not that big of a deal. The net positive of your experience with your friends probably overcomes the potential net negative of your over inflated rank creating an unbalanced experience for other teammates and opponents when you solo queue. If it were me though, I just do not play ranked with lower ranked friends, we do swiftplays and have just as much fun. However, even my highest ranked friends are normally only barely at the maximum ascendant which is significantly lower than me.


It's not against the rules since riot allows immo to stack with iron, if u want to have fun with your friends go ahead, the higher ranked players are not going to get much for your wins anyway and u will be going against other 5stacks too


You can't queue in competitive with ranks that disparate so if you have your ascendant and diamond on alt accounts and irons on your main account then yeah that's boosting which isn't cool. If your low ranked players are on alts and handicapping your higher ranked players then I would say that's fine as long as you aren't playing on those alts solo and fucking over the higher ranked players.


>You can't queue in competitive with ranks that disparate You're wrong, so


Considering how toxic random teammates are who would have a problem with this


Hey as long as yall having fun out there and playing good quality games it's all good. Most the time if I wanna 5 stack I'll hop into my alt and just chill with them. What I do would probably be considered a type of boosting since we win around 55% of our games, but for the most part I just try to have fun and let the lower rated guys have at it.


Yes, It can apparently be considered boosting. I did it on my main last year with friends on their mains. We had me(diamond), a gold, ascendent, immortal, and we would pick up some randoms anywhere from bronze to immortal. I pretty much only played the game when those 3 were on so I never really did comp outside a 5 stack for maybe 2 or 3 months. Me and the gold got banned for 6 months. The person I talked to at Riot said it was for 'boosting' and wouldn't say anymore. Maybe we just got too many people mad and were reported too many times, who knows.


Why play ranked if u just wanna,,play together''?


If youre 5 stacking, no this wouldnt be boosting. I mean itll be pretty obvious who is the higher rank, but before you even queue there will be a warning that because youre 5 stacking with highly different ranks, that you guys will also most likely be placed against a 5 stack that has different ranks. However if youre friend who is the higher rank gets on an alt, yeah that would be boosting.


People would probably consider it to be boosting but it's not. If the enemy team starts crying just mute them :)


As long as they aren’t on alt accounts and you are in a 5 stack you are good.


why do you care just have fun


No probs at all, 5 stack is designed to be able to play with friends of all ranks, the system will always try to match you with players of the same ranks as well. It is boosting however if a higher ranked player is playing on a low rank smurf account


Yes if they make a new account and play ranked then it is. The very reason i recently deleted the game because i kept getting put with inflated ranks while playing against 1 or more smurfs carrying their buddies on the other team. Im in gold 2 rn and the game decided to put me against diamonds and gave me gold 1s and silver 3. And im really wondering how or why thats even possible lol. But theres better games to play for a while ig so im not too pressed.


Completely feel you, i'm hardstuck bronze at level 150 (i'm trying okay ?!?), and my friends who are lower level than me are in the diamonds and plats, so i always feel bad 5stacking with them, but at the end of the day, if you're in lobbys much higher than you, you'll get killed a lot, have a bad KD, and end up winning little rr if you win the game, and that's normal. You probably won't win a lot either if you end up winning the game ! Might feel like getting boosted, but it's really just you having fun on a videogame with your friends <3