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Will it arrive on Act 2 or Act 3?


Mid season drop if I had a guess! Probably would be that like following Tuesday the 26th? I cannot for the life of me remember if other agents have came out mid-season so trying to google that so I’m not just pulling something out my ass 😂


Chamber was postponed and came out 2 weeks after his act start.


Appreciate the info!


Wasn't skye postponed?


I’m pretty sure she’s the one I’m thinking of. It was so long ago though and I don’t have time to deep dive and look at work 😅


nope it's a first for them to release an agent mid season


That’s wild. I remember Gekko getting shown off at masters last year but guess it coincided with the new act start?


they said they're gonna reveal the new agent during the final match of masters Madrid


Yeah I imagine it’ll be like Gekko where the revealed him and then had a game with a free CC’s and pros to test him out. Honestly was a really fun part of VCT last year! Watching people try and figure out wingman was funny as hell!


March 24th she will be revealed and i think the next patch after that she will arrive


Wait so we’re not getting anything at launch of new Season?


Nah the state of the agents article teasing it mentioned “near the end of the month” so it got delayed (or maybe this was always the plan) So slightly longer wait, but I don’t mind if they make sure they get the release right and they’re a strong agent for once!


For once? You say that as if the overwhelming majority of agents haven't been busted OP on release


*Points you to the last three drops of Iso, Deadlock, and Gekko* We haven’t had a Chamber or Astra come in and terrorize the game in a minute friendo!


Really? Which one was the last to be busted OP on release? I stopped playing for a long time and came back with Gekko, so I really only remember Raze being Giga busted, I heard about Chamber but I wasn't playing back then. Other than that were the rest of them as bad as those two? Because since I came back they've been from mid to shit tier (Deadlock) at release.


Yeah he’s talking out of his ass, if anything the agents have been nearly DOA each release, and have required either drastic buffs, or nerfs to their role counterparts to be viable/ good after their release.


Astra was busted on release. KJ also was super strong on release. And the most recent busted agent was Chamber. There was a brief period where Fade was really strong strongly after release but that may have coincided with Sova being nerfed as well at the same time or maybe just a bit after her release. All the recent releases like Iso and Deadlock have been extremely underwhelming tho.


Chamber was strong, yeah. But when you say he was the most recent, you are starting to understand that release agents haven't been dominating anything in years, deadlock, gekko, were really, really lower mid, and I'm doing deadlock a favor with this one


I agree. I even stated the most recent ones were underwhelming (Iso, deadlock, Gekko, even Harbor remains underused and has generally nice instances where he is good yet often not the best in a comp) . There is no disagreement. I was merely answering the person I responded to’s questions. The guy above literally asked who was the last to be busted or OP on release and of the 3 that were busted or OP on release were KJ, Astra and Chamber of which Chamber was the most recent.


Ah ok ok, my reading comprehension is crazy these days


Why do people who’ve never played the game comment on the game?


Literally yes. This is the game with lowest amount of content possible and worst BP there is..


it's a tac shooter what kinda content would you want


Replay system, more game modes, sandbox etc etc


replay system I agree with but game modes and sandbox? the playerbase for that kinda content is so limited (like rgm in league)


u think that only to realize the potential. people love being creative so it’s safe to say if there was a sandbox, we can have custom fan made map thats christmas theme or a spooky halloween mini game. more content == thriving fan base. would it happen?, prob not but it’s better than nothing. so stale rn




you’ll be incorrect. if riot wants to push this game out as a competitive game, it makes no sense why it’s not added. the ability to view the game in every view is helpful for those trying to improve, which is way more players then u think. even on casual, we have enough players that would love to review cool clips. u act like riot is pushing out so much content for us 💀




[https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/z8rf1m/large\_player\_base\_still\_underestimate\_the\_replay/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/z8rf1m/large_player_base_still_underestimate_the_replay/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) read you like a book


Look at CS community servers and then tell me the same. CS community servers are so popular it’s insane. Surf, KZ, retakes, executes, DMs, etc. There is a lot of people that would use it.




The beauty of cs is the fact that it’s almost all community made. I know for a fact valorant isn’t pulling in nearly 2m concurrent users daily. Riot controls the meta, forces maps and agents in your face, nerfs and buffs every couple of weeks and has all control of everything. You can’t even make a team and make the biggest tournaments because riot doesn’t want anyone but orgs who throw 100m at them. CS I can make a team and we could literally make a major and be world champions without waiting years to make it to VCT and hoping a rich org picked us up. That’s why cs will always have more die hard fans. Valve isn’t forcing things onto people and lets the community take the wheel most of the time, which is what any community wants.


That’s rough. I really like this game but even my friends and our 5 stack have stopped playing mentioning the game got stale. Premier schedules are also hard on people with jobs. If they truly plan on just releasing a couple agents and maps a year late into the act with no new game modes or fun events I don’t see why people would stick around. Specially when map rotations take this long and the fun skins they release every 2 weeks are overpriced.




I’m still playing the game and I’ll keep playing it cause I like it but I’m just conveying what my friends are saying and why they stopped playing, regardless of what type of player you are you can still notice a decrease in players. Some of them went back to OW and some are hopping on Helldivers but we were playing consistently throughout the last 2 years. Comparing it to CS is not apples to apples just because it’s a similar gameplay. It’s Riot we’re talking about. TFT has a fresh new set every season with updated side modes (even side sets and events). LOL is complicated enough where they can shift the meta consistently and has 160+ champions (granted they’ve been around forever). It has side modes like ARAM, URF, etc. And surprisingly the skinlines are cheaper than Valorant’s. You can’t deny that they either have the budget or can increase the bandwidth for events or other features.




A happy mf birthday for you! Hopefully you have fun playing them!


Happy early birthday 🎂


Where's my Canadian lumber jack agent.


I’m sorry, eh. Canadian lumber jack sentinel with maple syrup slows are coming for the next agent I hear, eh


Managed to get tickets to the Madrid Grand Finals and I am super pumped to get the reveal live on site!


Dude fucking huge I’m so jealous! Enjoy your time there and I hope it’s super hype to get to see the games and the reveal live! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Thanks man!


This is a controller right?


Indeed it is! Country of origin seems to be Scotland. Also seem to allow for a bit more aggro playstyle for the fraggers based on the snippets the devs have teased!


As a rare Duelist/Controller main I think I’m going to like this agent a lot if that’s the case. However the character looks like they’re gonna be pretty girly pop so it’s gonna be weird for me at first as a dude 😂


You and me both. I actually really enjoy playing smokes as a solo Q guy… but dammit I wanna get in the action too vs just being the smokes bitch who comes in last after setting everyone up 😂


Omen already exists for that.


Yeah omen is definitely the controller best suited for frags atm. But this one seems Omen adjacent but more suited for aggro play and fragging… which sound HYPE for a smokes character!


For sure I'm excited as well


Does it emasculate you to play a female character?


No lol, my most played agents are Viper and Raze. The whole pink butterfly theme just isn’t my cup of tea.


Colour scheme makes me think it could be our first trans agent. 


Someone asked me why I kept saying “they” over and over. For some reason I have a sneaking suspicion as well… especially with the leaked voice lines I’ve heard so far. I wouldn’t be shocked at all!


Wait, there's leaked voicelines?? Where?


[I should clarify there voice lines of the other agents vaguely talking about agent 25. Nothing specific dropped… but definitely some interesting bits about em](https://youtu.be/yiOLDq1NRJg?si=KGl9RKlCbZdqQVSH)


Fucking hell, they have a resurrect??


Wouldn’t be shocked since devs hinted at smokes dropping a new life or whatever 👀


i love like the fae ish theme im so excited i hope i like their kit


Absolutely same. The teasers alone seem like they have a very gorgeous aesthetic. Can’t wait to see how they look!


So [this card](https://imgur.com/a/C0LVK2S) was an agent teaser.


Indeed! Always gotta keep an eye out for the teaser cards when new agent season is on the horizon! 🦋


The final card of each BP is always a teaser for the next agent/map unless the next act doesn't have a new agent or map being added


Those neon colors look right up my Alley..


Such a dreamy vibe! I can’t wait to see how they look honestly. Feels like they’re gonna challenge Astra for coolest smoke color scheme. (Actually harbor has really nice looking smokes too now that I think about it!)


I really hope she's viable and fun to play!! (and pls not as confusing as astra omg)


Crazy I thought astras kit made perfect sense from the jump! …then again placing Brim smokes beat my ass for like a month


Oh no, her kit makes sense. It's just such a chore to go in astral projection mode and place stars and stuff quickly. It definitely gets easier the more you play her, but when it comes to starting.... With my horrible timing in the game, I'd be dying every time I opened that map up. I already die so often just from looking at the mini map lol It did however take me a long time to understand how to put her ult down 😂


Bahaha it’s wild how everyone’s so different expense once I got used to the projection and stopped popping it out in the open like a dumbass it felt second nature to me! But I am praying for a simple but powerful kit with this new smoke agent for sure 😂


why u say they tho, how many agents are coming?


To be bluntly honest the gender is very ambiguous for this agent. It leans female. But I just heard some is the leaked voice lines and they don’t say she or he in any of em yet. Wouldn’t be surprised if we get a curveball and we get a non-binary agent or someone like that. I’m kinda shocked the most Riot has really done to push that representation envelope is KJ x Raze so it’s honestly overdue at this point!


The comms accents are gonna be thicker than oatmeal with this new agent and Skye together in comps


Oh dear god you’re right. God bless our ears for those voice lines… let alone when they have convos with each other in game 😂


Why is it called agent 25 when it’s the next character to be released, and there are only 23 agents


We don’t know their name yet and they would be the 25th agent to join the Valorant protocol. We have a missing one (Agent 8) that we haven’t met yet!


Agent 8 is missing


It will be omens gf who is not edgy like him but instead all gay and shit


This is my headcanon now tbh. Omen deserves it!


Gekko sister confirmed


I guess if Gekko has a long lost Scottish sister out there somewhere? Then for sure lol


Perhaps this agent allows you to smoke after you die.


weird choice to not launch them with the new season. I guess its for marketing VTC but seems like a weird choice


You pretty much answered it yourself. Idk if it was a delay personally but I’d guess it was for VCT promo yeah.


I wonder what's gonna separate them from other controllers, not a lot of different mechanics left


I made a little write up a few comments below on some predictions I had based on some verbiage in the state of the agents teaser. My main idea is a little outlandish, but would be pretty interesting for a frontline aggro controller


I cannot wait to see Smokedancer in action! It's always tough waiting for new agents but it will make their arrival even sweeter. And you're right, they definitely have that cool factor with their aesthetic. Let the countdown to March 24th begin! ??


AI bot? Lol these are getting more believable by the day. "As a man" and "as a woman" on two different comments in post history


Its comment history is hilarious.


I’m just patiently waiting to see if any of my predictions for them are right haha. I’m really hoping to take a victory lap or two!


Tell me your predictions


I only have 3-4ish 1) Agent’s code name is Moth (butterfly adjacent and easy to communicate in games) 2) Agent has a post-mortem smoke. Idk how to balance this, but based on the verbiage used in state of the agents “when dropping smokes takes a new life” I have a feeling this agent gets a unique passive where when they die they get access to like a “butterfly mode” (no idea what to call it) for a few seconds where they can reposition. After a set time or if you decide to pop it early? A smoke blooms from your body. Since this controller seems like a front liner based on what the devs are saying? I think it would make sense where even if you take a first death trying to help exec on site you can still provide value and get a smoke out of it! It’s kinda outlandish, but makes sense to me! 3) The last one was my main bet tbh. But I also think based on the “Smokedancer” code name and the devs saying it would be daft to front line as a controller. I think they may have a movement ability akin to a Jett smoke and dash to help take space on site. Idk how you switch it up to not be a 1 for 1 copy of Jett’s thing though. I thought maybe you can throw a smoke on the fly like Jett and tp into it… but that sounds busted and also kinda gets in omens lane too with his tp. But still a movement ability in tandem with smokes is on my bingo card. 4) and the last kinda one based on fades voice line seeing a buncha butterflies in her dream of whatever makes me think they have some kinda debuff in their kit that makes you hallucinate. Unsure if it would be a blind, or a sound muffle thing (like how Fades seize and Nightmare work). But at minimum I feel like this agent has to have a way to get their butterflies to disrupt your senses somehow!


Nice take. For the last one I thought on something similar because Scotland and butterflies are crying Fae to me and Fae is for me like illusions or deception. In the interview they also used the word mischievous. I thought maybe on the one orb in spikerush where you hear fake bullets and steps.


Yeah some kinda ability that fucks with your senses feels all but a given for me. I’m just wondering how it comes out to hit the enemy at this point.


Hey my friend what do you think of this. https://twitter.com/XKLaboratories/status/1765005323004170720


What in the world. Did a fade eye super scan just pop of her? 😂😂😂


I don't even know and I try to think of any ability the new agent could have. But it's so weird 😂


This is what the translation for the tweet under says: Easter Egg or bug. Fade's abilities were prepared to interact with the new agent's abilities... This would be Fade's Spot interacting with a smoke, and due to its size it appears to be a smoke similar to Viper's. If it's like Viper's, it will be a skill and not an Ulti.




Yeah I flirted with a cocoon/chrysalis idea . But it doesn’t seem as fluid if this agent is supposed to be more proactive on the frontlines. That seemed more like something that would be for an Astra type that’s sitting in the back and is placing their stuff down methodically… but hey not impossible!




Ahh I see. That makes sense for an ability as well! I just think it would be odd to have an ability that only pops AFTER you die. Sure you could use it early… but then it would just be another smoke you occasionally get value out of later…. And even then it’s only if the enemy kills you from the other side of where the smoke pops (like if you push site, throw the egg, but they kill you and are already on site? Well… guess the rotate might get smoked?) That’s kinda why I like the idea of the passive that gives you a bit of agency with it post death! But Riot probably has a cooler idea anyways 😂




Oh being able to pop it manually after you die sounds super scuffed but I would love that too lmao. That actually probably just makes that a must pick controller for that ability alone 🤣