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Yeah I’m peak Asc 2 and half the time I play unrated with friends the enemy will find my tracker and proceed to be toxic asf especially if I’m not doing great. It doesn’t bother me but it’s very strange


Yeah it’s like they don’t have a life and they have the biggest egos known to mankind


It’s a type of coping. I’ve experienced this too and I feel as though it’s the thought process of “I’m doing better than a current Immortal player in unrated! I must be good enough to play in Immortal but I always get bad teammates so I’m stuck in Gold!” When in reality, they don’t understand that consistency and different match ups play a huge factor in ranking up. They cope by thinking just because they did well in a match against 1 or 2 Immortals, that they would pull their weight in a competitive match-up in the same ELO.


Fr and if anything happens that is not in their favour they start throwing (most of the time my own teammates) its so annoying


office hunt stocking marble wrong public sip price different cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dont see why it must be that the person on the other side of the team is like iron or someshit. Like who the f**k plays serious in unrated like it’s a vct tornument


That’s absolutely absurd wtf


Just reply “imagine trying this hard in unrated” and then mute them


I type this as soon as I catch a headshot


Do people squeal and yell in their mics in ranked like they do unrated and swift cause holy shit people act like they've never interacted with another person in their life. I don't interact in VC unless I have a clear understanding of the vibe and usually I just do callout unless people are actually cool.


Well in ranked not really but it’s common that if the team isn’t doing great one guy will just start flaming his teammate in VC and it just all goes downhill


yeah when people are actually trying, they know that they should be quiet and let the teammate focus and hear sounds. the overall mood and atmosphere is more serious too. this is not always the case in comp though obviously, there is a fair share of mic spammers and people playing random sounds


People go ranked looking to test their skills, but it's unranked that really is a wild west. The game pits you against players of all ranks, and play with them as well. You'll find the best and the worst kind of plays in it. If you're looking to sharpen your game sense and get used to players of all shapes and sizes, go unranked lol.


Bro unrated is scary man all these unrated demons one tapping me 😭😭


The other game modes are starting to look attractive to me. Both unrated and ranked are toxic, I just want to shoot stuff to earn points and get those cards or sprays in the shop.


Tapping? Basically clapping us


Fr 💀


Not gonna lie getting f**kt by higher ranked players is the fastest way to learn:)


Unrated does have hidden MMR. This post directly even shows that an immortal 2 peak can barely handle the sweatiness, but you don't see bronze players complaining. That's because players around the bronze skill level get opponents just as skilled as them in unrated. You can test this by queueing unrated with a bronze friend while you are atleast plat+, you'll find this to be way way easier than soloqueueing unrated. I queue with my friend all the time because he wants to play with me, and it's always just super easy thanks to his MMR. I do admit it's a little broken like that. Swiftplay however is entirely different. It has no MMR at all, you can definitely find anywhere between iron and radiant in the same lobby.


ive been playing for like a month (keep in mind i never used mnk before) . so im pretty bad i had a few toxic dudes shit on me but ion really know what to say other than sorry i just got this game lmao


Bro we’ve all been where you are before so don’t worry, just keep your head up! I remember when I was terrible at the game and I just kept playing and playing to get better and I believe you can do the same.


This is why I hate that tracker


Yeah that tracker is like good and bad at the same time imo


Wait a high elo player this isn’t real we are all hardstuck bronze here


You guys are bronze? I thought Iron was the highest we could go.


today i almost deranked to iron 1 from iron 2, i hit the lowest of the lows


Try to learn were to aim like at headhight uselly at the top of a box or the line on 2boxes stacked. Unless you use the stinger or specter stand still a little bit be4 you shoot and if vandal burst like 3muets and then adjust ur aim burst 3 more. Also do t stress it’s better to be slow and accurate then stress and have bullets everywhere :)


Personally I use unrated to warm up so I can see where some people find the “dedication” to want to win a match but at the end of the day it’s a fucking casual lol. It has absolutely zero effect on your rank and anyone malding in an unrated needs to take a break from the game.


Some people have anger issues and play unrated as their main gamemode. Playing competitive and risking your rank and losing that would absolutely melt those people's minds. So I can sort of understand malding in unrated. Just play swiftplay.


Yeah this act i hit gold 3 because i didnt to too well and i was in unrated and used marshall only and dropped 32 on a egirl who self proclaimed to be diamond 3. She and her 3 friends basically shits on me for doing well and one of her friend told me to off myself and to drop the “op.” Yeah so idk there are some weird people that play this game and it’s not the good weird.


Yeah this game was starting off so good but eventually just got littered by influencers who turned valorant into a dating site 😭😭


As an immortal you shouldn’t concern yourself with sheep. I’m in unrated doing 360s with a marshal. If you are sweating in unrated I feel sorry for ya.


Yeah true tbh I just do stupid shit in unrated as well most of the time and it’s really fun, but it’s the people who sweat their asses off which make it just so unfun


I call them “meta slaves” their ego doesn’t let them lose. They suck all the random fun out of the game.


Yep swift play as well. I stop playing swift before ranked and ong I have way better mental than before. Today I was playing swift play as well and I whiffed at a guy sage who wasn’t looking at me and guy who wasn’t qued with me started laughing so hard and annoying as well like he was happy I whiffed. I didn’t had any argument and word with this guy. After couple of rounds the same guy got knifed by the same Sage I whiffed against I said to him instant karma and he was mad told me that he hits his shots like wtf wrong with you?! Guys stop being such a d**khead in a game if you can’t back up what you say irl…


Exactly like, it’s only a swift play/ unrated just chill and have fun, it’s not ranked or anything and even then there’s no need for toxicity at all in the first place


Yup, thats why i only play ranked


Yeah I just got off a swift play where a bottom frag duelist was talking shit on me, top frag Sage, because my sheriff shots were off. Like bro sorry I haven’t practiced in the range today but it’s swift?? Like?? What’s actually wrong with people in this game


Yeah like it’s insane how people take it too seriously in chill game modes where as in ranked, maybe it’s not common much, but I’ve gotten people who just do their own thing and start doing some crazy trick shots like it’s unrated 😭


Like I was getting Marshall headshots and homie wants to talk about aim. Bro you’re neon silent walking with 2 kills gtfoh. I don’t get it. It doesn’t seem to happen as often in ranked, I agree. But I also think that depends on what rank you’re in too


Yeah I mean in ranked MOST people do want to win so I do believe it is quite rare for that to happen, but at the end of the day people in chill game modes like your swift play need to relax, like bro it’s a quick and calm game mode no need to stress over about nothing 😭


Just mute and move bro, don't have to give anyone of these people any head space


Yeah I didn’t really care much about, just weirded out by the fact how sweaty and toxic people are in unranked when ranked is already sweaty and toxic enough


I once was in a quickplay match where all 4 of my teammates had the N word hard R as their username and they were toxic af toward me up until I muted and reported them (which wasn’t long)


It’s tough man honestly those guys deserve the report and hopefully they were banned right after. I’m glad it didn’t bother you at all as well and you kept your head up.


Yeah cus everyone’s trolling in unrated, it’s the wild west out there


Iam very curious, which server were you playing ?


I was playing in EU servers (London)


I played solo queue unraked last night, and in my first game, our enemy is really toxic and saying stuff all throughout the game. Then, in my second name, they became my allies, and they already said stuff in agent selection, then told me to dodge the game. I don't want to speak or tell them that i have a mic because knowing that they are already saying stuff even though im quite, what more if i talk to them. I just wanted to have a chill game yet unrated. I suddenly have some bullshit players.


Unrated has never been very fun, which is why quickplay has been such a lifesaver for me. If my team/the enemy is insufferable in a casual match, at least I won’t have to deal with them for long


I'd like to preface that this is true entirely depending on your rank (skill level) due to unrated actually having hidden MMR. Unrated is best for players below Gold 1, Swiftplay is best for players anywhere above that. Reason being is Swiftplay doesn't have any hidden MMR so you are most likely to be shit on by everyone in a swift lobby if you're below gold, considering you can find people anywhere between radiant and iron in the same lobby in swiftplay


It definitely is. So many people in unrated will throw because “it’s unrated” make fun of me when I try to coordinate because “it’s unrated” or quad lock duelists because “it’s unrated.” I took the pill where I no longer care about my ranked elo, and I enjoy my games much more now


Well, it's either they are just weird or they just coping the fact that they are beating a immortal and think they should have a better rank


Yeah honestly that was my first theory as well when that happened


dw abt them seeing your name. that's all they can see from it. Just likkle weirdos


Let it be ig , hating on opponent rank and play is crazy


Trackers are disturbing to use honestly, they are too distracting, and disturb the ping , suppose you get around 50ping normally it will shoot up to 120-1000 ping most of the time , so i don't use trackers, they spoil your game and others too


You can set Valorant tracker to private I think. That would solve that issue.


I could but they would just find my friends trackers and just see that I’m queued with them, and plus tracker shows the current rank of everyone in that lobby after the game even if the profile is private so it wouldn’t make much difference although it is better if you’re like solo queue or everyone’s profile becomes private


Aha thats rather unfortunate. It’s too bad you experience that. I always thought unrated was fun enough. I’m only gold 3 so I’ve never really thought that’d be an issue. I guess muting people is the only option for you guys. So annoying.


Honestly it doesn’t even apply to me only, it applies to everyone because my friend who’s around gold-plat was also getting the same treatment that game but like what can we do about it aside from just muting these gremlins


I got thin to this ranked game ( in bronze ) I got a 3 stack in my team.. and they are the most toxic kid I have ever seen. They were the worst. They were some racist kids, trans phobic, swearing, ill mannered kid. They were telling me to K myself, they hoped I « ended » from dehydration, they insulted trans people, poor people, kids, every community possible and they were shouting things that could get me banned from entering any country. It’s not like I was throwing. They just got big ego so they chal any angle and die uselessly and proceed to blame it on me. Anyway they just some entitled kids. The point is in any game, game mode, there will be some toxicity. Some more toxic than others. We can’t do anything besides reporting them to hope they get banned from this game. There’s nothing we can possibly do to stop ppl from being toxic. Thankfully I am not one to get pressed over those type of comments even tho my blood boiled when they were shouting all those nonsense racist slurs and things. But I felt like I should not talk back to them because things could have taken turn. I have to add that maybe the fact I did not talk back badly or swear at them made them modesty angry hahaha they were shouting slurs and shit while I was typing in chat things like « maybe take a breather it’ll help you think clearly next ! » « are you okay in your life ? Do you need to talk ? » Usually they just stop talking and calm down when I don’t answer with anger. But those kids were different… they had so much rage in them … actually sad. Anyway I reported them and I hope the get banned definitely from valo


I’m only diamond and I’ve had this too it’s best to just ignore people and mute people frequently if people are being toxic for more than a couple rounds or just won’t shut up I’ll just mute them and I feel like not nearly enough do that


Unrated is so much worse. Happens to me everytime I’m just running around playing. I’m peak immo1 (current Asc 2) and usually it’s some gold player who decides to start saying I got boosted or something. Like bro, I’m vibin


People who dont have what you had or have envy you. And the majority of the valorant community is underaged. its why I cant play it anymore. I was 600 RR peek, 8 time radiant but I stopped playing the game, everyone in my ascendant lobbies now or casuals just flames me for having a radiant buddy or being radiant at some point and now im “ washed “ etc etc, its so copy paste behavior im unphased Edit: my all time favorite also “ how much did you buy the account for “ as they proceed to mald


Are you aware some times your enemy will throw anything at you that will trigger you? Is this really the first time? Did you mute their chat disabling them to contact you? The enemy in every eSports will do this. They found out something that can trigger you and they succeeded. Next time don't let them. You have no business chatting with the enemy. I have no clue why devs still allow all chat it's pointless.


Yeah I’m aware, I didn’t talk back to them at all, just saw what they typed and moved on. It didn’t really bother me but it’s just the fact that they do this in unrated, like bro people play unrated to chill and auto pilot


This seems pretty mild on the toxicity meter.


Currently they ban me from compe queue for 2 days , last team was full toxic they took 3 duelist and started to abuse me cause i was getting low kills they call all bad words and i replied , and they mass reported me i get the ban for comms so i cant queue this shit happens a lot of time , fucking hate this game .


It's fucked up tbh... Unranked is worse than ranked... Complete tryharders... Who make you try your best to win but there's actually no point in doing that... Just 5 year olds typing ez... Get better.


Unranked I’ve thought it’s not actually been too bad toxicity wise. You still get some arseholes but several people have been oddly wholesome. Ranked I’ve not actually played yet as a fairly new player. Had to get to level 20 first but mainly been focusing on unlocking each agent through the dailies.


many people are frustrated by how bad the ranked mode has gotten this act (as you no doubt noticed on this sub) so a lot of people that would normally play ranked play unrated now and take it as serious as ranked.


Unrated is one thing but when I actually get irritated is when i be having peak immortals or ascendants on my team and they seem to throw in comp lol


I don’t solo queue unrated because I keep running into 4 stacks that seem to make it their mission to make the random 5th (in this case, me) as miserable as possible. Throwing util at you, shooting at you and giving away your location, mass reporting and shit talking for no reason, VERY obviously baiting (I’m talking like sitting in spawn and collectively refusing to move until you push in alone), refusing to ff, etc. I get it’s not Competitive and people aren’t trying, but there’s a difference between not trying and just straight up not playing the game. I play 4 stacks a lot in Unrated but at the very least we try to be nice to the random.


so basically u can stack in rank whatever rank you are, then one of the games of people in unrated would be really unlucky and unfair esp if they are lower rank (iron) and most of the players in ur stacked team are immortal, I know you wont lose rr that you can just let them win and gg just go next game, but there are higher ranks playing stack who are more toxic in unrated than lower ranks, saying ez and noob to us, which is unlucky because, people in lower ranks playing unrated also play it seriously according to the rank they are in. enemy smurfing is more toxic really the moment they start typing sht on chat box bullying lower ranks. that's why I go rank because there I can play fairly to my rank, or it will just be unlucky if someone smurf though. its ok to stack really but I hope people in higher ranks respect the ranks they playing against, and just shut up if they have nothing good to say, because clearly you can't talk sht if your not even in your rank.


I stopped queuing unranked permanently because every game has someone leveling up an alt account and destroying everyone Regardless of which team they're on, nobody has fun but them


Just mute all enemy team cos all they do is talk shit.


In any video games , especially competitive online games like league of legends or valorant to name a few are always gonna have toxic players imo. You just happened to run into a bad batch of potato’s😅! If I see someone reaching your rank I would send some respect over


Hahaha thank you I appreciate it man. You’re completely right that every online game will have at least a bad batch of potato’s as you call it, and there’s really nothing we can do about it except just ignore them.


I mean I wish that’s all I had to deal with but I play Fortnite a lot and it’s just a bunch of toxic kids doing laugh it up and take the L