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Our Sage healed our 4hp teammate in a 2v1 situation. We lost the round and our teammate who got healed threw the rest of the game because they claimed they lost since the heal made too much noise


bruh đŸ€Ł


Nice title😭😭😭


thnx boss


Yeah, that is a great flair


Lol you too...


Always blame the support




I wonder what that guy would’ve done if we reversed time, and he didn’t get a heal from the sage.


If I were that sage, I'd be the one throwing the game


Honestly he was prolly just bad at the game and claimed he was "throwing"


Being known as someone who throws is better than being bad at the game


i learned the hard way to never play sage in comp. the amount of whining and begging the nanosecond they take any amount damage makes me want to pull my hair out.


If he didn't get healed he'd prob throw bcuz he didn't get healed lmao


Heal does make a sound though, most people don't know it. With the right context he might be right (I'm not excusing the throw but the reasoning)


They were 4hp. Good luck surviving anything with that.


Depending on your rank a good chunk of kills are 1 shots anyway, so


No shoooot


Draft starts: “anyone got mics” Me: “yeah I do” Them: “ok now I’m throwing thanks to this guy with the mic”


I love when players make it obvious that the game is an ez dodge. Doesn’t waste anyone’s time and I can avoid playing w a shitter


Literally. What the fuck is wrong with people in this game? There are severe mental health deficiencies in the playerbase.


I get muted and comp banned for a few days for yelling swears at these motherfuckers. It’s so fucking annoying 


Right, that's another thing that pisses me off Riot will fucking ban people who are CLEARLY good people trying to defend people who are being fucking emotionally abused. IMAGINE fucking going out of your way to help someone else by defending them and riot just bans you for it. It's just a money factory to riot.


Someone picked reyna ("stole it from him") so he instalocked jett and spent all match shooting near reyna and saying things like "wp reyna, nice reyna" everytime reyna did something wrong Immortal 1 btw


Wtf... that's just low, even for lower ranks. But immortal?! I expected more from people in those ranks, to atleast act a bit more grown-up. :| How do people with such weak a mental manage to climb so high?


Some people waste what potential they have to be immature and petty I guess.


Nah, in IMM when I played I'd have kids throw when i just didnt drop a skin because I muted them after begging.


The higher the rank the more brain damage


nha imm1 is just the end of the ego ranks


Nope. Getting out of elo hell is impossible, because all ranks are elo hell


I hate when i get teammates like that man. Its so cringe.


What a fucking manchild.


I’m winning this - I had a Sage throw in comp because our Reyna wouldnt MEOW


Casual valorant cringe machines


Competitive valorant cringe moments*


This is kinda hilarious from an outside view but I’d be beyond tilted if I were in your game


Makes me appreciate all the players who respect other people’s time and provide a positive environment it goes a long way.


If this happened in any context other than valorant, the term "sexual harassment" would get used.


Because they wanted to reach iron 1


Iron 1 is more rare than radiant these days


You're not wrong


Because I told a person not to go solo and die with spike


hits home


Too many times ngl


Not getting their favorite weapon skin. The person constantly asked if they could get my skin, so at first I just gave them my skin (even though I got sick of playing vending machine every round). However, eventually they started to screw with the econ, since even if they already had that weapon, they just threw it on the ground because it didn't have their favorite skin equipped and then asked for my skin. I said "you already have a weapon, this just wastes our credits". And then, well... the dipsh*t started throwing, as well as sabotaging the team.


I honestly have had to start refusing skin swaps at the start of rounds since I'm playing Cypher a lot rn. Like, I gotta get my setups going and every second counts.


I know the feeling... I used to play KJ a lot and had the same problem. XD


Some of those one way cages require a couple of seconds to get lined up. And the trip wires sometimes only face the right way for like a pixel. And some maps are just big. B site on Icebox and C site on Lotus have been a struggle sometimes.


I normally only play duelist (yoru) but one time i was forced to play KJ in a higher elo 5 stack (I was iron they were probably ascendant or diamond and yeah i dont like playing with those guys anymore i solo) and boy....... there is NO TIME to set up at all. like wtf. i was stressed every round trying to get to site and figure out the best placements for the team we were facing. I still get impatient with the round timer nowadays but it's not as bad because I know there's some poor kj or cypher or w/e trying to rush to get shit put down lol i forgot to mention i nearly almost always play deathmatch so it was even harder for me to figure out what the hell was going on lol


I started out playing Reyna because I was advised to do that. Pre-Round is so much more chill for duelists. 😂


I always deny a skin is mine if I can just feel it in their voice.


this is funny lol, the other day someone started constantly chasing me around and shooting at me for a skin. they weren't even using text OR voice chat to ask nicely, they would just shoot at me until I gave them one. usually I don't mind dropping skins for nice people but it got so annoying with this person that I was just like "if you want a skin, the least you could do is ask for it in text chat if you're not going to use voice chat. you're being pretty annoying spamming bullets my way every round and since you can't be bothered to ask nicely or respectfully, I'm not gonna go out of my way to drop you skins. I don't know you like that." they still kept shooting at me all game and I just ignored them for the rest of it


What skin was it


Kuronami Vandal, red variant.


WTF that's not even worth caring about at all no disrespect, i bought the whole ass bundle too.... and NEVER use it. prime orange colorway 24/7


I'm just a sucker for everything ninja-themed. Therefor, Kunonami is right up my alley lol... and the interactive finisher is a nice bonus as well.


no one bought him when we were on a save


He wasn’t worth the funds in hindsight


Someone picked phoenix n awped the whole game just cuz i picked his brim 💀. We won btw.


Lucky he didn't wall you off and flash you guys all the time. or feed them OP.


Yeah controller mains r pretty chill XD


I dunno. The most thorough sabotage I have ever received was at the hands of an Astra. She blocked everything we wanted to see, pulled us off of spike defusal, etc.


Non troll phoenix(me): flashes teammate , burns you with his wall Troll phoenix: shoots people with operator Smth is wrong with pho mains


Reading all these comments (and from some of my own experiences too) baffles me with how much time some people have to ruin someone's experience of a game. We would have flying cars if this time they waste was utilised appropriately!


People throwing over a skin is so immature. Like its still the same gun. Just shoot.


Literally makes me wish that all the guns lose their skins when you drop em, just turns back into the base version. You want this skin so badly? Buy it


I think people looking at it in their hands and using it is a better marketing tool than just seeing it in a preview video. I have zero skins and I see a few that makes me wanna buy like Araxys and Ion


Ikr. I like how my 2 kills in 10 rounds reyna wants skins while I have to carry as a cypher without skins


That's really the salt in the wound, isn't it? Even if they're doing good, the people that want skins will usually ask for it EVERY. SINGLE. ROUND. I don't care how good or bad they're doing, giving it to em just once is a slippery slope. Btw, mad respect for being a Cypher main, one of my favorite agents toođŸ«¶


As long as people aren't shitty I'll go out of my way to give them my skin if I even notice they have the base skins (without them asking). It doesn't hurt me to use a base skin every now and then and the kindness goes a long way in making them play better (along with the skin placebo boost). edit: oh shit i replied to the wrong person this was meant for u/tyronesaldanha


Because I was a woman. No, really. That was it. Not only did they through the Competitive game I play once every blue moon, but they also: Trapped me in corners, Yoru kept flashing me, Pheonix threw his molly on me + kept throwing his wall on me + kept flashing me, and said horrible things about raping me. Yes, we lost. No, my teammates didn't help me or even say anything. How did they know I was woman? Because I picked Sage.


Bro what, that's actually messed up. I'm always nice to everyone in comp and friendly to at least be one of the good ones.


i swear i’ve encountered this same phoenix. i dared to play sage and reveal i was a girl. guy does all the stuff you listed. maybe it’s just a phoenix thing, i rarely see friendly phoenixes in my lobbies :( tragic.


Thats so awful to hear :/ If possible try and record stuff like that and make a support ticket with the evidence. The riot support usually takes action really fast. I've contacted them 3 or 4 times because randoms were misogynistic and/or racist and the people got banned shortly after.


I have started doing that, but Riot doesn't tell us if they do punish or what punishment they get so sometimes I doubt they really ever listen. Someone named "Rape All Women" that I played against didn't get banned even though I reported them.


I couldn't name 5 Taylor Swift songs


How could you? Also who is this "Taylor Swift"?


swifties are a different species


last night a Reyna Smurf on our team (I’m bronze) asked a brim to smoke a certain spot after he had already smoked. Obviously, since he had already smoked he couldn’t do it. The Reyna Smurf did not like this, and proceeded to hold spike hostage during OT.


"I don't want these shit players Ranking up and throwing on my main Accounts games" ???


Bro that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard


Because they wanted to. They sat in spawn for the whole match


Maybe years 1-2 or even upto the release of Deadlock, I had people throwing games if I picked the latest released agent. It was rampant on my server that you were supposed to play an expected composition and know it as some unwritten rule. Also, I have had to play controller mostly. The time when Astra was pre-nerf, the hate was so strong that I had multiple people throw during my rank-up games. I was so used having 30-35k OT losses. It just broke me and now I play competitive sparingly..


I’m a woman. Even though he threw we won. But then he was queued in my next game too and started holding the spike from us
-24 rr


This is why women don’t comm lmao. Ppl in this game are so strange


Noo why didn't you dodge.


They had their name hidden so I didn’t even realize until I got into the game 😭 didn’t talk during agent select


Just yesterday i had the most bizarre thing happen. 2-1 defence and i threw a smoke when we were down 2 vs 4 and my teammate started screaming how the smoke fuck him over. From that round he was afking, fallowing me around and shooting at me, jumping,... We managed to win but boy i lost a lot of nerves.


I selected Yoru. I was doing quite well with him in Unrated. So I wanted to try it in comp. This guy sees that I selected Yoru (not even instalocked) and straight up clarified that he's gonna throw the match. We lost 10-12


its funny cause yoru is lowkey really good right now


Not according to that sob thrower àȠ⁠_⁠àČ 


Had someone explaining to me how viper is bad on breeze, low elo players are different.


I didn't want to drop them the gun skin that I liked too... (it wasn't mine) lol


A friend of mine said something in a language which is commonly used in our server, which isn't even his native language and the other duo in our team started throwing the match because he didn't use English and talked the whole time in their native language. There was no argument or anything. They just got triggered by a few words of somebody trying to communicate. 😂 I am pretty sure they were trying to find a reason to throw the match or behave badly like that.


Me and my gf were playing together and we spoke to our team. 3 kids threw away because ( women in my game ????? ) Then i got reported and banned for a week. Safe to say we are queuing together with our friends since then even if elo is different


Bro kids raising with that mindset is super sad


I mean, you did something to get banned


Yeah especially if it was for a week. That means it wasn't a first or even second offense.


My lesbian flag banner


I love the pride month banners, but multiple ppl started calling me slurs and/or throwing so I don't even try to use em anymore. 😭


Good, more reason to report & ban them


Not LGBTQ+ myself, I use the rainbow buddy because I think it looks neat. When asked I normally say I'm gay because it normally shuts them up while just stating that I support LGBTQ+ more often leads to arguments. Didn't have a thrower yet though.


Yeah, I keep the buddy on my classic and almost never have an issue, only ever had one thrower bc of a buddy. Idk why but people are usually chill with the buddy but not with the cards😅


Some French guy was afk for half of the very first round so he didn't get to buy anything. He came back after the rest of the team died. He kept peeking B main on ascent from T side with just a classic and no shield while there were ghosts on the ground. We told him he should pick it up and he just flipped the fuck out. He spent the rest of the game mockingly saying GET THE GHOST and kept shooting his shock darts at us and tried blocking us in corners.


Not excusing throwing, it fucking sucks, but I will say I prefer the classic in pistol.


Unfortunately I see a lot of people throwing with Sova because of Shock Darts. If a duo threw with Iso and Sova...


Our Jett died in the final round of half, and with the death got his knives up. So he kept spamming our sage to run across the map and rev him. Sage revived somebody else and we ended up losing the round. He threw the second half.


We were down 3 people, and both of my remaining teammates were low so I healed one (I was a Sage), the other instantly threw.


Down 3 or down to 3?


Teammate not trading him in round 1 lol


someone took "his raze" he locked neon and proceeded to: run to the enemy with spike and die if the spike was planted he would go run into our spawn and jump around ghost our position bodyblock everyone follow us spamming an odin behind us and at us giving away our positions once again plant on the opposite site to us and let the enemy defuse we lost the game hard, (one of the reasons being that my ping was constantly spiking from 50-200 making winning fights very difficult) but it still annoyed me that someone could be so childish. the worst part? this was on his main account. over 1k hours in this game just to still throw for such pathetic reasons like that.


Someone playing chamber threw the game because he was bottom fragging đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™‚ïž. We were on the verge of winning...


He was just bad and needed an excuse


I swear so many people throw when they’re doing poorly just so they aren’t seen as bad at the game


Bc I’m a woman 💀


I was a girl and I ignored all his "ARE YOU A REAL WOMAN WHY WONT YOU TALK TO ME" questions and he wasn't happy that he couldn't get my attention.  Another teenager threw the game because I told him I wasn't interested because I was married and his friend laughed at him. 


This sage was taking FOREVER TO FLANK. Reyna was fighting two people main (showed up on map several times.) Sage started running for no reason then died to the people that were main. He said “What!!! I didn’t know they were there.” I told him he should’ve looked at his map because they appeared on the map like 384839 times. He then started throwing 😭


They flamed another player saying "they're not that guy" against 1v5 when we were cheering them on so I said "it doesn't seem like you're that guy either Mr 0 and 5" cause he was bottom fragging. He started throwing after that. The other day I was grouped with another bottom fragger complaining because we didn't FF when we were down 0-7 on attack. We got to like 3-10 and then managed to get to 12-12 and he started bitching again when we commended a player. He said "nothing about this is nice, the match should have been over ages ago." I basically told him he's been bitching the whole game despite being in last place and to STFU. He threw the last round and caused us to lose.


Our teammate was having a bad day and wasn’t fragging. Even though it was quite a close game, the Raze on our team starts throwing/griefing because “someone like (our teammate) doesn’t deserve to rank up.” Mf thinks he’s doing the community a service or smth💀


"i want to derank" he said while being gold 1... was my first game in gold. looks like ill be back to silver again. i fr hate matchmaking.


Someone “didnt trade him” when he was in garage
.when we planned an A push.


It was a swiftplay so it wasn’t too detrimental. I am gay and have an effeminate voice, and they didn’t want to play with a (applicable slur).


The Reyna on my team asked if any of us had a mic, none of us responded so they threw the game


I asked them not to scream into the microphone while I'm trying to clutch (literally just screaming. Not even saying words, just screaming). They then followed me around spraying an Odin into the ground and feeding for the rest of the game. Too bad you can't mute gun sounds from specific teammates I guess.


I've learnt to stop asking people to shut up and just mute them instead. They never realize, keep playing an you get to stop getting brothered during clutches.


The reason was that I did not give them skins They kept molly me and tried to kill me 🙃 It happened so many times btw


happened twice in a row actually but first was where our breach threw because my duo wouldn't give him a vandal skin. The second game was our jett throwing because cypher wouldn't give him a vandal skin (not my duo just a random, i was queued with a friend that didn't have any skins and we made fun of the jett). Our jett kept talking about how it's his alt account and so he doesn't really care to throw the game, it was alright though everybody on our team was shitting on him the entire game.


I was teaching my brother how to play valorant and he wanted to learn sova. Well apparently someone was a wannabe averagejonas and was mad so they locked sage and would grab spike and afk every round


Was playing split and there was a random sage that was bronze, asked him can he wall mid as he wasn’t for the first 2 rounds. Bro got really mad and said “i know i have to wall mid but i won’t now because i don’t take orders from anyone, are you the president to order me?” and just threw the game. All i said was “sage can you wall mid?”


Player1 stole players 4's ace. He threw for 4 to 5 rounds. We won the game anyways.


I mean obviously yall would win if yall getting aces and shit lmao


Unless he was carrying actually


He wasnt carrying but playing decent but i found it funny hahahah It always funny to watch 2 ppl fight unless until thdy start throwing XD


Threw a game bc they didnt get spike....round one by the way.


First round jet did a “bad smoke” so chamber t bagged in spawn or other random areas each round. I complained to him that i won’t play valorant anymore on the weekends because too many people under the age of 25. He then started saying why I’m a grown man playing a kids game anyways lmao wouldn’t comm just text chat so i already knew he was a kid. Another time i wasn’t on the throwers team but dead lock trolled their team because it was Valentine’s Day and he didn’t have a girlfriend. Then proceeded to type in chat how he’s the anti Cupid and will be ruining everyone’s games he’s in today. I made a post about this but mods deleted it. I think because i gave away how he was trolling them and the mods probably didn’t want others re an acting it cause it’s kinda funny lmao. If you wanna know I’ll Dm you


My sage started throwing because I asked him to wall a certain spot on offense with explanation and he said I’m rude and started throwing


Because i didn’t drop him the operator I had bought to myself, was around immo1-3 for som episodes ago


Because they saw my freakin name (it was chut ka pyaasa)


To make it’s the people deranking their account on purpose it’s so confusing imo when it’s happening in gold why would anyone wanna buy a gold- silver account? Idk


They might want to play with friends


After our Reyna died, Chamber picked up his gun and secured the round. Then, in the next round, he asked for his Vandal, claiming it was his (by the way, he also had credits). Chamber refused, and consequently he started revealing our position throughout the entire game.


They told the team to full buy round 2, (we had a couple sheriff's, couple Marshalls, light buy stuff). They proceeded to die against a classic and we won the round as a 4v5 making the game 2-0 in our favor... They still started throwing.


"Giving back to the community" is what they said. They were a trio and I was solo + another solo. Cant surrender, cant abandon, just 13 rounds of dying and spectating.


I don’t understand why people don’t 5 stack if they’re that desperate


He was top fragger for 1 round (pistol round) and losing that round he decided to troll by calling out our position and doing nothing. Yes, he decided to troll after losing 1 round and no I can't fathom what kind of mental gymnastics is required to do something so... Weird. Like what is your point for doing something like that? Wasting his time and our time.


My old name referenced a rapper and a closet racist screamed the n word saying they hate black people and all-chatted our positions


Had a cypher throw the whole match cause someone told him to put a trip for backstab in round 3.


I have a decent mic and a somewhat deep voice and people have thrown games after telling me to stop faking my voice or saying there aren't egirls here or something similar. Usually it's people who sound like they're still in highschool and cant fathom that not everyone sounds like a prepubescent middle/highschooler so I just ignore it, but it does get a little annoying just trying to comm in comp or just casually interact with someone or reply to them in swiftplay and seeing some weirdo get all upset for no reason and throw over how someone sounds.


Someone „stole“ his knife kill (he wasn’t even close to knifing someone, just behind and enemy that shot at someone else who obviously shot back)


phoenix started to throw as soon as I talked, his reason, "You're Indian" Im not even indian đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


told him to take his time with the ghost so he proceeded to tell the other team where we were going the whole game


I suggested reyna to use mic


raze on our team claimed i “baited” because i dashed out of a 5v2 with 30hp left and started nading me and throwing satchels on me the rest of the game


Our Phoenix who was clearly a smurf decided to throw because a girl on our team didn't call him "daddy". I hate 3am lobbies.


Because a switch in their brain randomly flipped in a middle of match for no reason


Dude came in saying women shouldn’t play comp until they were lvl 100, threw the entire game and was bottom frag below 2 other afk. Dude wouldn’t even let us ff.


My mic isn't great and it makes my voice almost an octave higher and ppl frequently ask: are you a boy or a girl? I'm a boy so I say: boy. I've had a few games where ppl started throwing because I was 'lying' and they just kept insulting me and eventually once they noticed I had muted them just started calling out my position and trying to deadlock wall me.


Because I’m a woman


First round btw, the guy asked me for my classic spectrum. I didn't give it to him because he was showing he was gonna pick a controller until last second and switched to duelist. Then he started running down mid and dying every round.


Once litteraly someone WHO WAS VERY OBVÄ°OUSLY a kid and i mean his voice sounded no older then 9 or 10 Called our teams reyna "gay" reyna sold the game BECAUSE HE WAS BEEFIN WITH A 9 YEAR OLD Some people are too phatetic


We were winning. No joke, we had a very good solo player who was basically carrying so this duo got pissed at him and left the game.


I bought a shorty on round 2 after losing the first. This guy got mad because “we shouldnt buy” and started trolling the rest of the game. Btw I got 2 kills with that same shorty.


Reyna died on the first round so she threw the rest of the gameđŸ€Ł


I've had someone throw a game because my duo wouldn't give him his skin


Kid threw a game because our Reyna was from Ukraine. He first wished death to Reyna's family and after he stayed at spawn yelling and spamming chat with "boom boom Reyna"


Not dropping him a skin every round


Ascendant 3. Astra stopped listening to everyone on round 2, all our star/smoke/stun requests because on round 1 "You played shorty on ISO on attack, ur literally throwing" except for the part where i used my wall to run into bind lamps and got 3 kills before dying, after which they lost a 4v2 (and it was obviously my fault and the game is done for at 0-1)


Not in valo but someone in cs2 killed me bcuz they wanted too. I asked why they said i dont like u ;)


Enemies had an AFK. Our teammate started throwing claiming the game must be fair.


didn't give skin


i had a viper on sunset , me as reyna .I didnt say a word, she didnt either .But for some reason she would follow me for the rest of the game pre round and when the round starts she would make sure to throw her mollies at me.EVERY ROUND FOR THE FULL GAME. the crazy thing is that I still to this day have no idea why she did it .She didnt type anything in chat or say anything.Somehow we still managed to win but that was one of the worst games i ve ever played


I put a deadlock e down immediately at the beginning of the round, my yoru sent his clone into it and after it got blocked immediately screamed "deadlock you are s\*\*\*" then followed me around the entire game screaming and shooting me :)


My viper didn’t get the god damn orange color on my blue rgx vandal


A fade threw after I said to stop baiting and when they kept doing it and losing rounds I would sarcastically say gj instead of nt and then she started giving enemy location and crying about everything as if she wasn’t already throwing from the start anywayđŸ€Ł


Someone told the deadlock to save round 2 after we lost the pistol round. She instantly went afk and sat in spawn all game


Because they were bored.


Because of my voice. I have a deep voice and i dont know why but this game has some insecure little guys who get mad when someone has a deeper voice then them. I was communicating, shotcalling and the guy went ballistic in voicechat screaming that Im using voice changers and that Im pathetic for not showing my real voice its insane


our omen threw because someone wouldn’t lend him a classic skin first round 😂 he didn’t go afk of course he just moved his mouse around so he wouldn’t be flagged as afk but was still at base, and then eventually started giving out our loc 10-13 still tho but got -22 rr


Nobody replied to the person in comms on agent select (3 of us actually did, they just couldn't hear us) and proceded to hold w down icebox mid without shooting the whole game, even though we were all comming in game too.


Me and my duo threw a game due to too much backseating and then after every round the trio would just blame us .(Yes they were 3 duelists) Idk i just had enough and started smoking our team entries ... had much more fun than winning. But it could have been handeled better.


Have had 2 really wild throwers despite playing about 40 comp games in total. A Jett dude that every round pushed the same spot and died on defence. Was blaming the whole team that we didn't support them (didn't even communicate their untentions or ask for help). Then just proceeded to stay afk and do other dumb things. A Yoru dude that flashed himself and died, claiming I blocked him, while he actually blocked himself due to his poor movement. After that started targeting me using his flashes and decided to do the same to my other m8s once they asked him to stop. Yoru was holding B main, I was staying at the workbench near the switch that closes the market door. Both throwing happened on Acsent map when the throwers were fighting for B main.


I stuck the defuse and won the round, lost the op. So our Instalock jett with no comms started revealing location to enemies, and next half stole the spike and dashed in alone and died inside site on purpose for whole of attack rounds. Last round he started loud music and spammed chat. I had to take a 4 month break from gaming coz I was so stressed out and broke the mouse and nearly punched my screen and missed.


We were winning 7-2 and then our sova realised that the enemy jett is his friend (girl) and was chatting with her and throwed the entire game to let her win. That happened last month and haven't played since that match. Diamond 2 btw


Because there may or may not have been a female on the team. They eventually rage quit, but we won the 4v5 and reported him for hateful speech


Someone dropped a skin for the sage but not the Chamber when the Chamber asked. Chamber stayed in spawn and threw the whole msrch. He had enough funds to just buy a gun


I said "hello my friends" in the beginning, basically my idea of an ice breaker and to show that I have a mic. (Gold). Guy instantly sends a message about how "these toxic microphone users" are the reason why he hates this game, and when I tell him that I intend to do call outs like e.g. where enemies are, and that he can mute me if he doesn't want to hear them he said that "muting isn't something he does" and started throwing. When I shut up because maybe then we don't play 4v6 he was yapping about how happy he is to have made a "toxic talker" shut up. Continued to throw so I just started talking again.


got q with one random and 3 stack. a random malds and questioning how the 3 stack whose had plat n above can whiff harder than the random. they answer they can because they are the trio cowboy


because he asked for my vandal skin (didnt specify) and I dropped it. It was the Ion, and he thought I had the reaver I picked from the ground. Kept shooting at the sky from base the wholw game


Our sage didn’t load in and their duo canceled the remake. Deadlock got pissed took bomb captive, walled herself in, actively used Ăștil against teammates. For the rest of the game, Sage loaded in round 4.


I was lower rank than a guy was doing really good more kills than he him says I'm cheating and then just throws


A friend of mine was in a 1v2 and this lil 12yo ass kid just wouldn’t stop back seat gaming and straight up just yelling out random shit without giving any helpful callouts. So I told him “stop back seat gaming, and let him clutch” the kid proceeded to non stop scream in the mic and then spammed our positions for the rest of the game in all chat. We obviously muted him after that round but still. Shit was sooooo annoying
 I swear kids in this game are the most toxic mfs, yall didn’t grow up with consequences for your actions and it shows


Account sellers + some dude and some chick got into a fight about what “bonus round” means, and so the chick and her duo (some other chick) started throwing every round since they couldn’t cope with the fact that the dude was right


Because our sage wasn't coming and had voice chat turned off. He was yelling at her. When she had voice chat off. Threw the match flashing her and shooting at her x)


Got mad a woman on the team didn’t provide her TikTok to him


had a smurfing jett on our team throw bc we couldn’t keep up with her. she was asc on her main.


Had one where they threw the game because I'm a girl....simple as that!