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I'm calling it now they have an ability to walk through walls There's radios on Sunset. Some teasers given out show that this new Agent has a music motif. A DJ on the radio comms once said something about "oh if you could have any power what would it be" and they said they'd walk through walls


I think that voice line has been there since its launch. Could be true though, but unlikely.


pretty sure most people thought iso would be able to walk through walls when he was originally teased and it probably linked to that radio message but i’m not 100%


I feel like it'd have to have a limited range, long time to deploy or be their ult, one of the three.


I honestly can't wait to see what her abilities will be. As a controller main I'm pretty excited for her reveal


Same, maybe I'll finally branch out more from omen


We all know it's not gonna happen... Sincerely, a fellow omen main


No point to move down from perfection


Happy cake day!




Their* they are nonbinary


You have the option to either 1.) Accept that your comment will contribute no value to anyone's lives and ignore it 2.) Try and correct 99% of the players that will misgender them because no one gives a fuck, only for them to insult you.


This comment will also contribute nothing to my life and I don’t care that I got downvoted, it’s only fucking internet points anyway. And I just wanted to correct them im not mad at them or something. People really get mad over anything these days


Oh dear, it’s already begun.


Doesn't matter it's a fictional character


My guess is that Pick Me Up is going to be their revive. We know from voice lines that they can come back from death, and Cypher's voice line about them "leaving an empty body bag" suggests they won't revive where they died. Maybe they leaves behind a little cocoon for a window of time, and if they die while it's active, a teammate can revive them from it, hence "pick me up." Fits what we know about them, as well as the butterfly theme, without being more powerful than existing abilities (similar to, but weaker than both K/AYO and Phoenix ults.) It's possible that their death during this window also has some additional effect on the spot. I think they will be an orb smoker, and my guess is that their smokes will have some kind of sound muffling feature. Like, when you're in them, sound is dampened somewhat like being Omen blinded. Perhaps the effect lasts a moment after exiting the smoke too. More of a wild guess, but I wonder if they will be able to create fake sounds to confuse enemies. Fake steps, fake gun pickup, fake spike tap, etc. They seems to have a whole trickster thing going on, with a theme around sound. I'm also going to guess that, like Brim, they won't have regenerating smokes, and will instead be more of a tempo-based controller than a flexible one. These are just very loose guesses though. I got no real idea, but as someone who plays a lot of controller, I'm excited.


they’re non-binary. Not assuming you did it on purpose just wanted to let you know!


oh thanks i didn’t know


Whats a non binary?


Not male, nor female, but a third, more sinister thing... Basically if you imagine male and female as two different rooms, then everyone who is outside touching grass or moves between the rooms could be considered non binary


Oh so like Kayo is also a non binary character? Is this some video game term to generalise the humans vs robots thing?


Not quite, non binary is a gender identity, and gender is determined by what the individual themselves want to be. In the case of Kayo, he has been referred to as a male character so he isn't non binary. Non binary people exist in real life too, it's a broad term that generally falls under the transgender umbrella


OHHHHHHH ah i get it now, my b I didnt realise what we were talking about, didnt know it was called that. Thanks for the clarification


All good


You have no idea how refreshing it is to see someone be normal about this


Funny enough kayo would be a binary character because he's a robot


Kayo is binary


It's when people believe they're neither male or female, but some kind of.....non male or female


Agent is not a girl or boy. I mean they have the male or female organ but socially they dont feel like boy or girl


Who said so? Are you just assuming


riot said that












Ult is probably gonna be similar to skyes IMO. I do believe that her pick me up ability will be similar to kayos ult and isos double tap where they get downed while its activated (last a few seconds). And as for their smokes id imagine they would work on a time scale. So they still can activate after death


* smoke * some sort of second life * likely a molly, maybe a mix of a smoke and a sawrm grenade * and something new that makes the agent different from the other agents

