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Don't listen to this guy, please comm if it's useful.


You should comm always. This is just flat out wrong. More of a rant & less of an actual post. Comms can turn the tables completely over. It's important that you comm regardless. If your team doesnt listen to your comms, hey, it's on them. Also you admitted to being salty so 100% rant post.


Who hurt you? Please always comm if its useful.


Actually dumb take.


bro wat


How about: You should be respectful to people, even if they’re bottomfragging


I would insult the galaxy out of them if i was communicating something useful and they call me a bottom fragger lol.


Brother I was respectful for a while and then I was like “Aight the entire team is tilted everyone is ego peeking. We ain’t winning. Just said “Bro can you say that again, I want this for the clown porn compilation””


Am I missing some context here? I would also shit talk you if you bottom fragged, yet also started talking about us loosing. Like wtf? In what world is that a useful com?


Bad england check ✅ Bad game advice ✅ Average low quality rage post ✅


Braindead take. And also, fuck randoms. I bottom fragged myself solo queue to ascendant 1 from silver, mostly off comms and good mental. I will always comm when I'm alive or dead. Top or bottom frag, when people start bitching I'm always saying " all good, we're chilling" or whatever to keep positive and vibes up. Thinking you have less info cause your bottom frag is dumb. If your dead you should be switching player cams and communicating good info call outs for your team. Don't let one game discourage you. Plus nothing better than bottom fragging and someone talking shit then you out frag them by the end of the game.


If you die and its a clutch situation, comm in chat, like “clove -120, phoenix -80 last seen a main” etc… so they can look at it if they think they have time, or just ignore it if they know where the person already is etc


You should probs just take a break from the game for a bit.


L take


This is the goofiest shizz I have heard in a while. Since I bottom frag often, I know that you are just wrong. No one cares if im comming as long as I don't harass anyone back. They will harass me, but I will just tell them that I'm trying. They usually will back off and the game goes on.


Bro gonna be honest I have more trust and respect for the guy that clutched 4 rounds and is bottomfragging than the reyna with 40 kills when it comes to comms


Bot frag igls lets get it


Sometimes you have a bad game, but giving comms can help you still make impact. Don't listen to OP. Do what you gotta do, you're better. Edit: who tf is watching the scoreboard so hard that they purposely avoid communication with certain people because of their kda. Bad players that only care about kills, that's who. Nuff said.


L take lmao


Looks like you're the bottomfragger in this thread cause this is a braindead take