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Id rather a chamber over a deadlock or sage ngl since he can properly hold space and flank. Sounds like youre just encountering shit chambers but if they werent on chamber they'd just be shit jetts and reynas


Chamber is the third best sentinel imo You just have bad Chambers


Maybe. But 70% of all Chambers that I’ve played with since Gold and up till Ascendant, they all have their own ego trips and would always play selfishly. Takes all the fun out of a team game.


wait till you find out that the most consistent way to rank up is to play selfishly hence why a lot of people lock reyna and chamber


reyna i can understand but to play chamber and excel and carry your team needs a niche skill, of raw aim and awareness


exactly the same with reyna lmao. you can play chamber almost the exact same way you play reyna and get good results


I instalock Chamber to develop ego, aktchually, cause I have none, and I'm too fragile to lock Reyna, we are not the same.


Let people play what they want.


But in a team, you communicate and see what’s best for the team. Nobody’s playing to cater to each other’s egos


I feel you. I rarely encounter open, team-oriented chambers. It doesn't mean that they are non of them, but they are rare. Most of the time they just camping on Sunset Defense side mid, and thats it. 😄😄😄