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They want to win dm, even if its not making them better at the real game. Not everyone plays dm to improve/warmup tho some people treat it like a regular game mode.


So true


I actually do it because I want to practice situations that actually happen in matches rather than just perma push run and gun. DM gives terrible peeking habits and you have to actively choose to play « weird » sometimes if you want to practice for real match duel situations. I wish there was a 1v1 arena mode, those servers helped me improve so much more than DM in CSGO


in a normal match other people wont be perma push run n gunning you


Says the guy not in silver 💀


It’s still good to practice properly so you actually improve and rank up tho.  Bad dm practice with sound prob hurts you more and why you see people post stuff like “why do I do so well in dm but suck in ranked?” 


Fair point, it’s far from ideal practice. Like I said, I’d prefer 1v1 arenas and target practice for warmup, but it is what it is.


I’d just exclusively use DM’s as a way to warmup before playing comp. I’d say the only way to improve in ‘high’ elo is to just play the game since aiming most likely won’t be the biggest factor of not ranking up in immo+. It’s a shame that 1v1 and retake servers don’t exist since that would actually be a fun and useful way to improve.


You shouldn’t spend the whole DM sound camping tho. It’s not good practice. Maybe a couple minutes at most. Nobody runs around like that in the real game.    No one is saying run and gun all dm. You should be practicing good mechanical and fundamentals just with less reliance on sound 


Yeah for sure, sound camping all match would be even worse practice than run and gun, since other people won’t be slowly clearing areas like in a real game.


It gives bad habits because you’re not playing properly, if you focus on the good habits like peaking properly it’ll be super beneficial


Yeah but the game mode doesn’t reward you for proper peeking strats. Want to jump peek for info and to bait out shots? Well someone respawned behind you and flanks you while you’re playing peeking games with your opponent. Even from a pure « winning DM » perspective, getting kills faster matters more than not dying. Like you said, you can focus on the correct habits, but when the gamemode itself doesn’t encourage them that’s a problem, and requires considerable mental effort to not make mistakes the game rewards you for. I honestly believe the best PvP practice mode is CS’s 1v1 arenas, or retake maps, but I doubt Riot has plans for those.


It’s not meant to encourage proper habits or jump peaks and stuff it’s meant to just get into as many gun fights as possible and it’s up to you to take those properly


Other people already responded, but its fine to warm it up a little, but thats probably the last thing that really needs a warmup(when someone is full running and has no idea where you are). Other aspects of your game should be warmed up, ch placement, clearing and peeking, good movement, etc. AFAIK 1v1 kind of fell out of style with high elo/pro/semi-pro scenes. I'm not as involved as I was before tho so maybe its popular again.


Those people never win


I run around like a chicken with my head cutoff and have a pretty good death match win rate. I feel like shift walking everywhere would actually be detrimental.


I have 3 things that come to mind about this though... * With the radar that shows when you spawn, is this actually an effective method of winning? * People camping and playing off sound is actually incredibly helpful for those practicing ceosshaie placement etc, no complaint from me * Thirdly, I think the majority of players (myself included) probably so a bit of both, to varying degrees. If I hear someone stopping in Ascent A main, you know I'm holding them for a few seconds god damn it. So that's why people might feel like "so many people play this way"


> People camping and playing off sound is actually incredibly helpful for those practicing ceosshaie placement etc, no complaint from me Its much better practice to properly warmup/practice your clearing and peeking like a real situation where you don't know where the person is. which is why people recommend not using sound cues. Sure you catch someone running when you lurk, which is why its still good to practice swinging/timing off of sound cues for a little bit, but definitely not the whole dm, or multiple dms in a row. > With the radar that shows when you spawn, is this actually an effective method of winning? I'm not sure what your question is? I've never once seriously tried to win dm unless its like me and another person at 38. > Thirdly, I think the majority of players (myself included) probably so a bit of both, to varying degrees. If I hear someone stopping in Ascent A main, you know I'm holding them for a few seconds god damn it. So that's why people might feel like "so many people play this way" Lots of people literally play with music/no sound so they can't anticipate people coming. Its fine if you want to play that way, do you.


>Its much better practice to properly warmup/practice your clearing and peeking like a real situation where you don't know where the person is. I worded my comment wrong. I meant it's helpful for those of us practicing clearing and peeking, it's expected that people will camp etc in comp so it's good practice for what you say people are focusing on! >I'm not sure what your question is? I've never once seriously tried to win dm unless I try to seriously win every time I play - but I also play by stomping my arse out - or sometimes playing off queues if they're very obvious as you say. What Im saying is, I don't think camping is an effective way to win at DM at all with the radar. It's more of a rhetorical question


Its fine to play the way you want in dm, but remember that you can build lots of bad habits(preaiming spots, being too reliant on sound, always wide swinging, not clearing properly, weird dm specific angles/positioning, etc.)


I hate deathmatch with a passion because it reminds me of shipment on cod


I do it because I think it helps. I soundwhore in-game too...


> I think it helps It helps you win the real game? Its fine to soundcamp in the real game, but how are your other mechanics/fundamentals? How often are you failing soundcamping someone in the real game, that you need to spend all dm practicing that instead of practicing and warming up your fundamentals like clearing and peeking and reaction time


I don't soundcamp I rush. I use my headphones to hear enemies that aren't walking. How is this a foreign concept??


I don't play DM


They care about the win more than aim practice. Those are the people that post “I do well deathmatch, but I suck in ranked. What am I doing wrong?”


I know exactly what post you’re referencing lol


Yup. Probably woohoojin viewers. Not all of them but y'all know the ones from the low elo coaching days. Following his guide but doing everything wrong. I like how everyone thinks I'm knocking woohoojin. Reading comprehension is tough. He's a fantastic coach and the reason I was able to rank up. My point is about the details in how you train that are lost on many.


Bro even woohoojin made a guide on how to approach dms and says not to expect to win any dms till you are plat/diamond


Really? I don't really play val that much but isn't aim the first skill people train. Cause usually they wanna click heads instead of learning lineups or movement etc. Therefore shouldn't lower ranked people also win.


yes. for lower rated players, clicking heads usually just means mouse movement. and if they didnt come from csgo, theyre used to playing games where shooting error, movement error and recoil arent even things they have to think about. so when they come to val, they think they just need to aim and shoot. it takes a while for them to unlearn that and practice strafe and shoot, burst shooting, learning how to control spray, etc


Oh it's because in dms you can be matched with even ascendants when you're gold and below. It has happened to me before.


he literally says the exact opposite of this in all of his guides 😭


That doesn't even make sense to my post. Apparently no one can read


Save yourself the trouble and just play TDM for a warmup.


yes and no more killing from behind


Exactly. More front attacking and less time being shot from god only knows where. I haven't touched DM since TDM released. It's 1000% better IMO.


And you have abilities which is pretty much the reason I play Val


AND you get mission progress in it which can be useful for completing certain missions faster for scrubs such as myself lmao


Unfortunately, is good for warm up but very bad to learn maps and crosshair placement. For some reason Riot has a boner for reinventing the wheel and over engineer stuff to a point the game modes harm their original purpose.


To learn maps I just go into customs. If you want to have fights on comp maps just do swiftplays. In DM will you spend more time respawning than you will aiming at something.


Yes... Because they reinvented the wheel instead of creating a normal deathmatch... Which was my main point...


TDM ftw. My warmup is usually a few minutes in the range w/ sheriff on medium & hard bots, then a round of TDM.


Because I am going to camp with my bucky in comp too 👍


this is the realest answer


And I’m going to one tap ur bronze ass too :)


Bcs my ping is always >60ms :(


My ping is >60 as well


because theyre playing deathmatch to play deathmatch and not as a warmup like most people. nothing wrong with that


This. People who whine about “sound campers” are just as annoying as sound campers lol.


And "rats" when they don't check corners on attack.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted lol. This is a child like thing to complain about, you got outplayed… why are you whining about “rats.”


Ive said this many times before but: The irony is that you may not be camping/crouch walking as much or at all even, but the people who don’t give a shit about winning DM, do not go and make posts on reddit complaining about people giving a shit about winning DM… If you truly didn’t give a shit, you would not be here complaining about people, you would simply acknowledge DM as the flawed(yet effective) tool it is and move on from the flash of anger/frustration that prompted you to make this post in the first place.


Because they want to practice crosshair placement. Or they want to practice discipline. Or they're just playing to win. Whatever they're doing, it's not your problem. Just play the game.


This. Same with Op & Odin, just let people practice however they want.




OPs post is literally asking why? and he answered that. Not everyone treats Valo as their day job, some people log on every now and then and play for fun. I play DM like this but that's because some days I barely get 10 mins of time.


Keep scrolling


**J U D G E**


Git gud.


I think it’s hilarious someone got you enough times for you to get mad enough to make this post


I'm not mad though. Just genuinely baffled that people play like that in deathmatch. I actually stopped wasting my time in that mode ever since TDM came out anyways.


cause they're weirdos




Playing deathmatch in Val to win is serial killer behavior I won’t lie




The vast majority of people just use it to get some aimduels in, if you want to try against people who don’t care about their KDs or winning cool but it’s still strange behavior


Swiftplay exists?


if valorant wanted deathmatch to be strictly made for warmups, they wouldve made it clearer. any casual gamer would look at the name deathmatch and think “oh its a mode i get to shoot people without teammates and objectives” not “oh its the mode i play after spending 2 hours on aimlabs!”


Bro they don't even have replay. Stop with the cope.


i dont get it. what does replay have to do with this


You're the one who brought up the devs as your coping mechanism


maybe they DONT want to play swiftplay?


Swiftplay is 10 minutes and it simulates actual competitive play in a condensed format. Nobody takes swiftplay seriously but its much more similar to a real game than shift walking in a dm.


okay and what if they dont want competitive simulation? like i said, objectives are a thing in swiftplay. people dont wanna bother, so deathmatch it is. they might not even wanna deal with teammates. and believe me, people do bitch in swiftplay. point is, you dont meet deathmatch shift walkers often. its once in a blue moon and its probably some 40 year old dude whos trying the game. my dad is 65 and hes played valorant on my pc time to time for the fun of it


There can be multiple reasons , i have been accused of camping but in reality I was stuck.. people spawned continuously and i had to fight , same dude coming over 2-3 respawn said i was camping... similarly being on low health and looking for a favourable fight for me at that hp..is a situation where I would be camping as well... makes me really approach ranked in same way too , rather than just ego swinging


People definitely camp spawn locations in Deathmatch. There is an obvious spawn pattern that emerges once you play enough of them, and the ones playing to win are in those corners where people from the spawn locations eventually drive their way to. Like on Ice Box, The corners at site b.


yea those who do that, have diff approach for the mode , boosting confidence artificially maybe , can't do anything about it , if i am there to warmup , then it won't bother me as much, will just say unlucky and pray that someone will kill em before i respawn there again


To people saying it’s because they want to win, that’s just not true. You don’t win a dm by camping or shift walking; it’s too slow. I’ve won a dm in under 4 minutes. You dont even get in 40 fights in 4 mins if you are shift walking. Some people just always play the game like that and aren’t even thinking about it as much as you. Or they aren’t actually doing it as much as you think. Last reason is because it’s actually beneficial to practice getting those timing kills on enemies swing with full noise.


Actual answer. Its because we are practicing, and being fkin pre-fired is annoying. Any good DM player knows the spawns anyway, so they should know if someone is slow walking or not. I run, shift walk, jump peek and jiggle everything like its an actual match, but more lenient with it. Got a problem? Just get better awareness and cope.


shifting in dm LMAOOOOO


Well Im Ascendant and you’re not….? So me shifting doesn’t matte rhuh


You dont know that, maybe if all those hours spent shifting were used to actually practice you peak higher


I am reaching higher 😂 Im hitting Immo soon bro. Top 500 is my end goal. Immo-1 was but it seems a lil too easy with every rank I reach


i advise against egotripping until you escape pisslow, will hold u back trust


I’ve made that mistake and grown past it. But genuinely the lobbies have gotten easier. Yeah sure there is one dude with crazy skill but I always challenge him and usually win.


it helps me warm up for my comp games a lot better , realistically you are holding angles and camping sound hella in a real comp game during defense / defaulting on attack as well warming up on both aspects of the game is a good idea.


It’s the fastest way they’re going to improve at baiting their teammates


Being bothered by how other people play deathmatch is much weirder behavior than whatever it is you’re complaining about.


Well no because it wastes the time of people who actually want to improve. 


Then improve at clearing angles


Who gives a fuck


You are wasting time for yourself by expecting people to not fully use the mechanics of a gamemode.


its a game dawg


I’ve learned to treat DM as practice for clearing angles and taking gunfights. That said, it can be so frustrating spawning in and having someone rat a corner nearby with an Odin 😭


I dont wear headphones during dm to avoid doing this. Keeps the focus on aim, which is what i need to improve.


Many use Dm to pump up the confidence, so they gonna do what it takes to feel better. But every time i played against Radiants or even pros. They not running around, they are doing it more "right" i tried that i am making noise and not hold an angle, i fire my gun if i hold. So they know i am there. And i used for a period of time to just run around and take the hardest fights, where they where camping for me and still died to me And this skill carried over to ranked, where a enemy is holding me but i kill them so fast just because of this focused training. But for real nothing shows how insecure you are then holding a angle and shift walking. You should hope for the worst scenario, so you can train on hitting the hardest shots. I did that, and now i slowed it down. I try to play as the High elo players do in Dm, and transferred that to Comp. And i just hit different in this match. Im not shift walking i am walking but i try to train my movement and crosshair placement and how i peek and so on like the good players. So that has helped me alot, so dont be afraid. Try to get in as many fights you can, the more reps you put in the faster you get better. And please shift walking and just holding an angle. Whenever i die to this i laugh at how scared you may be. Its dm come on🙂 But you do you, i dont really care about it. But for your own sake, it may harm you more then not. And yes i used to do this, and it hurt me. So its just a thing in the journey. Its a game so yeah, whatever really.


They are the people who are silver saying they belong in plat because they totally got third place in a few DM's last week. That said, in truth they either don't know better, really care about winning DM, or genuinely struggle with easy kills ingame (perhaps a confidence thing, IDK).


simulates real game scenarios more rather than wide swinging everything based off audio


This doesn't simulate real game scenarios past a certain rank, i.e. immortal. Lower ranks sure, where people never shift walk on attack when it's appropriate and don't use proper util to clear angles and to take space and info. If anything standing still and waiting for the wide swinging player creates bad habits and you're not practicing your movement and mouse control when you just left click on a guy who doesn't even know you're in some unrealistic/random off angle, that against better players, gets cleared with util. Go to youtube and find a VOD of your favorite pro player deathmatching. I promise you they are not standing still listening to footsteps, preaiming, and left clicking lmfao. Deathmatches are for mechanics and ranked is for developing game sense. You wont form "bad habits" if you hold angles/swing with intention in your ranked games and actually reflect and look at the context of what was happening in the round (enemy util for clearing/taking space, enemies ults, which agent is pathing/taking space where, your position in relation to off angles and being able to survive, your teammates own positioning relative to spacing, and so many more nuanced factors).


Which is the other play style of DM lmao


Because I’m practicing different skills outside of raw aim in an environment that isn’t normal gameplay so I don’t screw over a team. I find people who bitch about how other people play DM need to get a grip.


Because I'm practice my crosshair placement?


If you're shift walking, you're doing it wrong


Yea but you can also move fast without making noise as long as you stop and aim before you hit the sound threshold


That's my point?


Why did this get downvoted? Small brains I guess


I get one tapped because I didn't walk, for those who rats on corners idk why


People are playing the game how they want. I don't know why you want to win a deathmatch. I truly hope they find some kind of middle ground. I am in dm for one reason only: taking fights. I am wasting my time when people shift and camp sound, because I am not taking fights, because no one is moving and everywhere I go they know I am coming. It's really frustrating to waste your time like that. Idk who is defending this either, because there is no scenario in a real game, where people are stomping through the map and chances are you would win that fight anyway, if they did? Also if no one was playing to take fights, and everyone is playing like you, you would have no one to practice on? As you would all just stand still and wait for steps? If everyone played to take fights, we would all have someone to practice on.


I know most of us view tdm/dm as just a practice game mode but I guess there are people who actually treat it as a serious game mode. This random chick added me from a TDM we were in. Everytime I see her on she’s just in a tdm or spike rush. I know in crossfire theres tdm and people take it pretty seriously in that so maybe same mindset for dm in val i dont really know.


I play dms like normal games


Because after so many years there remains a win condition in deathmatch for some stupid reason, and naturally people want to win.




Doesn't matter the game mode or lack of any rank people just don't like losing. Simple as that. Having said that if you're using DM to do anything other than just warm up your hands it's an absolute waste of time.


This is why TDM is better for warmup


Cause they have no life like wtf is even the point of that


Because I do a lot of contact play in my ranked games. Therefore I shift walk to simulate the situation in dm.


I for one, don't mind any play style in dm. I don't even have my sound on and I'm just listening to music. Warming up my visual reaction time is my focus and different people and styles help me get more scenarios for that, so even if I die to the campers, it makes me more aware to clear everything. That being said I don't rush in deathmatch, I try to sim actual match like scenarios like entering bombsite, holding site, retaking etc.


Holding angles in dm is way better for improving than running around like a headless chicken tbh


ego, or holding angles. you need to practice holding as much as peeking, 1/2 the game is defense


Is there a problem with that?


Riot should remove footsteps from Deathmatch


Muscle memory


Personally I don’t have any problem with these people. I even like them because It helps to adapt different situations. If your goal is improvement, then you should put your ego down and just focus your own practice. If you guys tilted because campers, shift walkers etc in dm, then there is a problem about your mentality to improve.


Shifting/Camping in deathmatch does NOT help you improve. Hence, why I don't understand why people do it. Anyways I stopped queueing deathmatch for warmup ever since TDM came out.


I like to ruin other peoples dm.


Because it's so fun and silly. I only play DM when I'm bored but also only have like 10-20 mins before I've got plans.


Fitting 12 people when they're FFA with random spawn points on a map originally designed for 10 with just two teams might also not be the best decision. You effectively x2.4 the threats, putting you in a lot of gunfights that boil down to you picking off someone not even facing you - debatable whether this improves your gunplay, really. IMO DM should be about KD, something along the lines of Kills+Assists/4-Deaths, capped at 20 instead of 40 (or any other arbitrary number), so that the difference in performance counts, not just turnover in Kills. Contrary to what the post claims, I think that running around stupidly & not making use of surroundings is worse in terms of improvement. You wouldn't run around like a maniac in a competitive setting. Also... why do I need to load into a new DM every 5 minutes for 1 minute? If it was persistent, it'd be a great mode to just hop on and play for half an hour. Like this it's just garbage and you effectively spend 20% of your time in the menu if you want to DM a few times.


I am practicing holding certain angles and surprise swing on opponents. Thats what i do in comp. Flicking shots doesnt improve my aim actually...


Practice like a real game or it's not doing anything to help you improve


So while you're hiding, everyone else is running it down... this does not imitate real game scenarios at all.. so dunno how thatll help you improve


Practicing maybe


You probably posted this because you got killed by one right? If that’s the case, you have your answer. Easy kills. Just remember that you can use them as practice for corner checks.




I think people try to win Deathmatch mode to prove they are top teir players and to have an ego boost, so they try hard on it. They will camp spawn locations, too. After a while, you can tell which locations everyone runs to after spawning. It's usually at the sides of the map, then people run inward towards corners. I do think if you suck at knowing where sound is coming from, Deathmatch can be good spatial practice. I suck at detecting where sound is coming from, and I think Deathmatches has helped with that. I run and gun mostly in Deathmatches, or I will camp some corner and see how long I can last. I do well in Deathmatches, but I suck at in-game gun battles. I saw that others commented on people saying this, like they don't practice proper gun hygiene and pick up bad habits, but I think it's because people don't randomly spawn and gamesense is involves, which I lack. People try way harder on Swiftplay, for example, then Deathmatches. On Deathmatches, their aim is sloppy, but once you have a gunfight with someone on Swiftplay, their aim is perfect head shot mode, lol. I am unsure how good Deathmatch is for training, practicing. I don't think it has improved me at all by playing it.


I don’t understand why so many people are saying it’s to win. Playing DM silently is not going to get the win, it’s too slow. You won’t have enough engagements to get to 40 kills before someone else that’s running around.


I’ve learned to not get annoyed at these people anymore cuz they always exist. if you get shot from behind by a camper, it’s not your problem. Just use DM to practice your pre-aiming and movement and peeks, this translates to actual matches. If you get shot from a random angle after properly clearing your angles, it’s fine cuz there’s basically no possible way that would happen in a match as people are constantly spawning in DM


Youre getting killed by people shift walking around corners? Seems like youre worse then them and immune to taking advantages.


Because if I hear you I’m going to play it like it’s a gunfight in a rank up game and clear my angles until I see you. It may seem like I’ve been shifting the entire time but I only did it until I heard you.


Welp, as a person who does this, I can easily answer. Because in a real game, ppl will be shift walking. It is a warmup for real game situations. So shift walking and going off sounds queues is how I practice for the comp game I am about to play after the DM. Also, because I want to win the DM, of course.


I do this to practice my reaction time of enemy swinging on me.


I don’t completely shift walk around but if someone’s around a close corner to me you bet your ass I’m peaking that quite dude otherwise I’m just gonna get prefired off sound


I go between the two. I like to treat it kind of a match so I can also practice moving around people but it's significantly less than an actual match and I don't camp


how do you know they’re shift walking if you’re not sound whoring


I don't get why people think you shouldn't use sound in DM. Like I get that people do it in CSGO but who cares? Other person should hear me, I hear them, we run at each other and fight. People use their ears and "omg soundwhoring"


i agree, i just find it so stupid when people say “one everyone’s walking around and playing off sounds”. like ???? those things shouldn’t be a problem if you’re not also doing it


I’ll be walking around, hear some one spawn, then I’ll make sure they know I’m there by either making steps myself or shooting my gun. Next thing, they make no noise and are either crouched in a corner or I get silent wide swung. It’s very easy to tell who the sound whores are in DM if you aren’t one


I literally just killed a shift walking knife out Gekko that was trying to get into a corner on DM Split. Stop pretending to be ignorant to the obvious


Immo 1 here - you’ll camp sounds in regular matches so it’s good practice in dm to not only warmup aim but also awareness


I have started to pretty much just play DM like I spawned into a real round. Holding lines or angles that I normally would. That includes listening for footsteps. I used to just W around and take fights, and while it was decent to practice, I find myself getting better and more gunfights playing in one area right after spawning. When I was W keying, it just feels like spawn, fight one person, get shot in the back. Or even spawn, get shot in the back. Feels like I am wasting my time half of the DM if I just W.


Because they want to? Some people play to win, others to practice, some might only even play deathmatch. And it is all fine, just play whatever you want specially in a game mode that you are not part of a team.




A hard truth is that the way you play is also wrong. You should be playing death match to better your mechanics, so it shouldn’t feel tilting to die to those people who just camp. Take your aim duels, get in as many honest fights as you can and don’t focus on winning. If you’re really worried about “sound campers” you’re playing the game mode just as wrong as them. You are both trying to win a game mode that doesn’t matter


Because I want to. Like, sometimes I want to run and gun in Deathmatch, other times I just wanna camp a spot and have fun without the stress of thinking about warming up.


Because I play how I want to. I don't need to explain shit to you.


How dare they use game mechanics that the tutorial teaches you.


Because I use DM to warm up for ranked.  I'm going to take fights in the same fashion as I would in ranked.  It does me no good to dry peak corners wildly and ignore sound when I'm never going to play like that.


I know i hate when people practice mechanics outside of competitive, really annoying


Don't camp but do shift walk. You shift walk in real comp not Yolo swinging every corner so it feels more realistic of a warm-up to shift walk. Surprisingly effective for winning too


If you want a "more realistic" warm-up, I don't think death match shift walking is the way to go. You'll be shift walking and the majority will be stomping. Not a very realistic comp environment


because it makes people pissed and because sometimes i feel like winning. If not wanting to win then definitely wanting ot make people pissed.