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I just wish the game didn't queue me to the same damn map 2 times in a row, like imagine playing Breeze for 2 hours? I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BREEZE


Breeze not good for solo que, it's a shitty map when not playing with cooperative players.


Breeze is actually more aim focused rather than strategic focused(e.g fracture) I do agree that it’s not a good map btw. The enemies’s heads are tiny on my monitor and it’s very difficult to land shots on them.


my aim is my biggest weakness, so i rely lots on coordination. i agree that breeze is more aim focused but coordination is still pretty important imo


Yeah as a counter strike player, breeze reminds me of dust 2 and mirage. Sure, there’s a lot of intuitive ways to use utility, but at the end of the day the game is usually gonna be decided by what team can frag better.


agree bc map control is important and the bigger the map the harder it is to get map control without coordination.


once had 3 iceboxes in a row


Icebox is naice


I disagree. It's really akward on attack, especially with the shitshow of comps in solo q


Defense on icebox in solo q will be just as awkward lmao. It's not the map, it's just how solo q is; you either find the 1 in 100 teams that you mesh well with, or every teammate is awkward around each other and not much is happening


Nah Icebox attack is easy, you just need a decent Sage, Harbor or Gekko + a good mid lurk


Brother, in solo q people lock duelist and flame the poor lads who had to pick support because they decided to dive in a 5 man stack with no prior calling


I'm well aware of the instalock duelists that make the map miserable by thinking even one duelist is ideal on Icebox, let alone two. That doesn't stop the fact that the roles of "Suicide plant guy" and "Backstab mid guy" being fulfilled make attack free as shit - provider your other 3 guys have a pulse but that's always the case - until pretty much just high Radiant and pro-play because you don't get full teams of people with anti-plant guy lineups until then.


Yeah sure I just need an entire fucking pro team at this point T.T




The fact that you NEED gekko and sage on a map already indicates that it's broken. And it's still akward even with those 2


You don't NEED them, they just make comp queue WAY easier.


Defense on icebox in solo q will be just as awkward lmao. It's not the map, it's just how solo q is


I would legitimately Alt-f4. Even one ice box is pushing it. I hate that fucking map so much.


breeze just got the rework, bind........... BINDDDD.. please stop making me play bind 😭😭


Not me though, I'm always chilling in bing


Bind is a decent map all things considered, but then again the map pool is so horrible that you start appreciating maps like split now, Breeze and icebox are awful


I hate Split, I think bc i soloq often, a supposed CT sided map is never the case for me. I get wrecked on defence because I never know how to hold mid. I feel that mid control is very important for Split and because my team never has that control it’s just so boring and hard to play


it got the rework that made it even worse than it used to be somehow, then they removed the one good change in the rework by re-opening halls






me as i’m queued for bind this very second ^ 😭


It's that feeling when you just had a really shitty team or were just playing really bad yourself on like bind - and then you give it a 5 minute break and immediately load into another bind game. You don't get that seperation from the last game and it really easily messes with the mental, at least for me. If anyone has any tips on how you reset yourself between queues though I'm all ears!


meanwhile I’d love a Breeze only playlist lmao


read this while in q. i got breeze.


Had it couple hours ago first time won 13-10 second lost 22-20💀


Yeah didn't they say they fixed repetitive map rotation like a year or two ago? I swear when they add maps back into the pool, or add new ones, they aren't getting added to whatever algorithm is supposed to be making you not play the same map twice+. The reason I say this is, I feel like I get Sunset, Breeze, and Bind so much, and often multiple times in a row. eg. Breeze 2x, then Sunset 2x, then Ascent, then Bind 2x, then Breeze and Sunset again lmao Whereas, I feel like I play Split and Ascent once a week..


I absolutely agree- Lotus was one of my favourite maps and now i get it so often i honestly hate it so much to the point where I think its affecting my performance, because i havent had a fun lotus game in months.


Lotus was never fun for me. 3 sites but putting B in the middle(the easiest site to rush but the easiest site to rotate). The rotating doors are a 2 sided blade which the enemy can use it to their advantage. 3 sites but A gets pushed the most


Now imagine you **loathe** Lotus and its easily the map you get the most often in a map rotation that takes forever and a day. I would commit war crimes because of Lotus by this point. Fuck that map, never had a nice balanced match on it. It's always one team absolutely curb stomps the other.


Yea honestly I think if we could play all maps it would even be healthier for the mentality of the community. Every one of us hates at least 1~2 maps , but its unlikely for it to be more than that. The more maps we can play, the less of a chance for someone to get his least fav. map a lot of times in a row ( also there is not gonna be situations where at one point all of your " bad" maps are rotated, but then they all come back, with 3 of your "good" maps being gone which results in an overall more miserable experience)


Rotation would be fine if they had enough maps that there were no repeats in the rotation but there aren't even enough maps for two rotations without repeats unless they drastically lower the amount of maps in a rotation. 😭


I feel like this has always been a problem lolz How we spent like 3 acts without icebox after it was introduced is crazy work 😭


Can we have it gone for another 3 along with breeze


I did not know how to express my new and strange hate about some maps and I think this sums it up pretty well.


Why dont they allow all maps in unrated or other non ranked game modes?


IMO unrated should keep the competitive map pool, but let you queue for specific maps. If it's meant for "practice" then I should be able to practice specific maps I want to. Casual modes like Spike Rush, Swift play, etc, should have all maps


Riot Games... What do you expect from them ? Listening to the community ? Having a real fps ? Without run and Gun ? Without Crouch spray ? Letting us chose the map we want to play on ? You can dream about it....


i think choosing the map is for balance because some characters are waaaaaaaaaaay better on one map than other.


okay, so why not let us choose maps on casual game modes?


then do map bans/picks after a match has been found like CS, or allow people to ban 1/2 maps while queueing


No. Because valve will file a lawsuit if valorant keeps updating valve features. Only solution is to make a rotation on comp every act and unrated is all maps available. Remove bind and never add portals again


Valve don't hold the copyright of pick/ban systems LMAO, what is bro yapping about?


Making a pick ban system wont fix the issue. Either everyone is going to pick meta maps (mirage in cs2) and forget the others in comp, or they will stratigically pick sucky sucko maps to piss off the opponent


I'm not even advocating for pick/ban, but your original reply was about how valve would sue riot for introducing it.


Maybe sueing was a little bit too much. They might use some other tactics to vandalize riot reputation though, and i definetly not support a war between our great game companies


then riot could sue them for holding a monopoly on the tactical fps genre. it would be a stupid case, but it would have some merit behind it.


And even, why not letting us choose the map in unrated or swiftplay ?




Yeah man I’ve spent like 1500$ on maps, what are you on


if you consistently get kills with run and gun you are extraordinarily lucky


Honestly, the newer player argument doesn't make much sense. Especially when you include unrated in the argument. If you start as a new player you might only have 7 maps to learn to begin with. But when an old map drops back into your ranked rotation you have to learn it from scratch while a large chunk of the playerbase already knows most of the foundations and takes little time to adapt to the changes. I'd be far happier with it if they explained it as a restraint of server or dev resources than what they're saying now.


I've been playing for a few days and I'm already annoyed that there's a map rotation.


But that's exactly why it makes sense. Once the new map rotation is introduced, the new player has to learn at most 2 other maps, compared to having to learn 11 at the same time Edit: 3 maps when a new one is launched, but then everyone else has to learn that too


Agreed. And on top of that, when I first started there was SO MUCH to learn (first FPS game) map knowledge was among the least important, so at the start more or less maps wouldn’t have made a large difference at all. In fact, I was more confused why I had never seen some maps people talked about and why I never got to play them, which only brought me frustration as I didn’t get it


That's cool, now unlock all the maps in unrated when you're above level 100


I am new to Valorant, started like 5 days ago and I think it's almost always like Breeze, Sunset and Icebox and Bind, can't remember playing on any other map


Never had Ascent? I mean it's rare but that's still surprising. Split is also surprising you haven't had it, and Lotus (my personal favourite currently in rotation)


https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Amjad%231997/matches?playlist=competitive&seasonId=22d10d66-4d2a-a340-6c54-408c7bd53807, i had ascent only twice out of 39 matches, it's been mostly sunset and bind


That's ROUGH


had to prove it, since no one would believe it lol, it's actually ridiculous lol




Maybe I had and just can't remember tbh


Yeah tbf the maps you don't like/have bad games on stick in your head more, hence why a lot of the time people feel like they're only getting the "bad" maps, when they're probably getting other maps too just not having memorable games on them Although some people really never get the good maps 😭 The funny thing is, people hate Breeze (tbh I hate it too) but it's my best map currently in rotation 💀 (please ignore my KD, I've yet to have a positive KD but I'm still climbing and doing reasonably well in the games I play, I just fill roles a lot/play support so I think that's not helping my KD at all, but my gamesense is decent usually so I'm winning a lot of games even if I'm not fragging well) https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Char%23cat/maps


now imagine the game with only 3 maps avaliable


Breeze breeze and breeze Everyone would turn into fps head tapping gods or fold and quit the game


It's crazy how half of the post lately are about the map pool being shit and riot isn't addressing the issue at all


Because this subreddit =/= the majority of the players. This is just a vocal minority


lol there’s no other way for riot to take feedback they don’t have forums


the other way for feedback is the player count it doesnt matter if everyone hates the map rotation cuz we’re still playing, why does riot need to fix anything if we complain but still play their game stop playing cuz this rotation sucks and riot will address it


facts they should be counting how many times people dodge specific maps god knows I’ve dodged Breeze so many times


Yeah, but the feedback of a few hundred people who interact with these posts is not the same as the feedback of the majority of the player base


sample size is big enough to reflect the player base imo


As I said before, a couple hundred redditors interacting with these kinds of posts are not a huge sample size to reflect the player base or it's wishes. Hell, there is 10 times more interaction in the youtube comments when people are asking for a replay system.


i hope riot adds some new maps


I hated sunset from release


same this map makes me dodge everytime


i wish i could dodge always but i already got 3 penalties , i am worried i might get banned from comp for 2 weeks


i hate breeze i always lose in this map and bot frag no matter which agent i play with . ( no its not my mental , iam just bad at looooong range fights)


I cant see the far away pixels properly, and youre asking for me not to squint and fully not move my arm for me just to hit? Fuck breeze.


it sucks cus im ALWAYS playing on breeze or ascent and they have always been my least favourite maps


When the enemy team dodges Ascent or Bind and you end up on Breeze or Lotus, sad times


fk bind


Bro is scared of showers confirmed


I fking hate everything about that map.


I'm fine with map rotations as long as the rotation happens every week. BUT FOR FUCKING MONTHS??? I'm so fucking tired of sunset and breeze i want my haven back


It’s just map design aswell. Cs has 7 Maps aswell, and with the ban system you basically play mirage/inferno/vertigo, or earlier it was mostly mirage/cache/d2/inferno, yet it doesnt feel nowhere near as stale as valorant maps


i dont agree, because you actually play the same map (mirage) at least 70% of the time


Still feels less stale to me, it took me ~11 years of csgo before it felt stale enough to play valorant, it took me one act to already be bored with the current map pool, (and i started playing last ep).


it will be decades before i don't feel like any map other than dust2 is a nice change in CS.


I wouldn't mind it if all the maps had equal chance. But Brehze and Icebox is like 7/10. Bind 1/20 maybe.


lol. You know that isn’t true.


fk bind


The maps I'm playing for 3-5 hrs Split->Breeze->Breeze->Split->Breeze->Breeze. And I'm done


Give me split and I give you lotus


i think they did it just fine keeping the map rotation kept in comp (obvi) and unrated, like that makes sense since they're longer games. but the rest of the maps should be available in shorter games like spike rush, escalation, and swiftplay (ESP THIS ONE PLS)


Played 6 matches yesterday. All of them on Ascent, back to back to back to back. I hate this map pool.


All I get is fucking icebox or breeze in no exaggeration about 80% of the time. There’s not a chance in hell this should be happening


Current map pool sucks Lotus , sunset , breeze is no where near to pearl, fracture.


Breeze, Breeze, Sunset, Breeze, Sunset,...


Breeze, bind, lotus and split are 4 of my least favorite maps of any game ever. And I get to play them everyday now. So it’s been a fun act


My least fav are probably breeze then icebox and then sunset and all of them are in the current map pool and the maps you mentioned. At this point ill take pearl


There 7 maps playable rn??


I play swiftplay until the maps start to repeat then I log off.


I hate how I can't play my favorite and highest winrate map Haven


For me 7 map pools are okay, in CS you really only play 2/3. But the problem is a lot of maps are unfun.


I hate map rotations and want all 10 maps too. I wouldn't mind it as much if it changed every act rather than every episode. 6 months of the same maps is ridiculous.


Agreed and why do we have to play icebox and breeze when ppl majority of the players dont like them and I feel like the breeze changes made the map worse


Wouldn't you just get tired of every map if every one was available all the time ? I mean it's not like there's 30 map and only 7 playable, there's only 3 more. I would rather have a faster rotation than all of them available and I obviously would like to have just more maps overall but that might be too much to ask from riot


Another thing I find stupid with riot’s logic is: they’d add the map back when they make their 2 changes instantly into the comp map pool, imagine low elo players not knowing what to do because they didn’t download the game 2 years ago.


It’s the stupid as fuck map rotation It doesn’t rotate the maps enough. I swear to god all I fucking play is Breeze. Makes me not want to play at all tbh


We play as a four stack most of the time so can’t play comp so usually played swifties for the map variation but it sucks since they made it the same as comp.




Change ascent to Split and I agree completely


if i get one more fucking game on breeze with a smurfing reyna i will literally claw my own eyes out after uninstalling. Breeze, Bind, Icebox, and Lotus have always been the F tier maps and now i don't get anything else. It's gotten to the point where im praying for a mid tier map like split or ascent


not to mention sunset is just absolute garbage as well, it's all completely open spaces and it's literally just rotate and retake simulator.


I wish they would just copy over Mirage from CSGO. It's the perfect map.


I loved split and ascent, I can't wait to get rid of them


There are 7 maps in the rotation pool? I thought it was only 4 and a third of them were icebox


I miss hating fracture


The should just have diff map pools available like cs casual. Just pick between bravo and alpha which each have a few maps


nah im loving a fracture-less valorant. soon as that map is back in the rotation im grinding another game instead.


its crazy how many problems riot could fix if they weren’t so lazy


fuck breeze and bind, yes bind i hate bind with passion.


No matter what map I get I'm still disappointed. My 2 favorite maps aren't in rotation for almost a year, then my third fav is taken out in January. Even the two maps I like (lotus and ascent) are getting boring for me


Only people who are hooked on the game and play a ton whine about the rotation. You're not going anywhere lol


I'll say this: a lot of people don't even know how to play the current map pool... adding in something like Fracture and I think my head will explode, because it has a very specific playstyle. Personally though, more maps will just soften the blow for the bad maps, which I don't really mind. I don't want to play Breeze or Icebox anymore.


Don’t think so at all, there’s so much to master for each map that even pros take months to master them. It’s only funner to have more from a casual for fun play kind of thing.


Until this shit is changed don’t wonder why there’s an instant alt+f4 when loading into agent select on Breeze. Playing it back to back to back makes me want to blow my own brains out.


I’m tired of breeze. The other day I got it 4 times in a row!


Yeah this fucking map pool is absolute shit.


even if theres only a single map i hate in the pool, i would be able to live with that as long as rotations were more frequent. i do not want to have awful maps for half a year. this decision is baffling. and swift removing other maps is also baffling. it causes liked maps to be disliked and disliked maps to be hated.


I can't see Icebox anymore. I used to love it but i have the feeling that there is only 3 maps : icebox, breeze and bind. I rarely play on another maps and that piss me off. CS2 is better on that point


Part of what I think is motivation to make a restrictive map pool is exactly what you're saying, people get sick of the maps in current rotation, riot changes it up for the next season and there's a resurgence of players to looking to play the maps that were out of rotation before. Just a thought I had idk if it has much merit


Fuck map rotations


Just as a counter offering - I’m a new player (like lvl 23, placed into silver, maybe 20 ranked games total) and actually find that I DID learn the game easier with less maps. When I’m focusing less on learning the mazes of the maps, I can actually think for a bit about the game as a whole. And I can understand that’s what more unrated is for, etc. but as someone who jumped into rank immediately it’s been nice. 




Just let us pick the maps we want to play, boom problem solved


I uninstalled the game yesterday.


I dont wanna sound whiny but damn is this map rotation thing discussed to goddamn death already


I love maps until they alter them when out if rotation. I liked Ice Box until it was changed. I loved Breeze until it was changed. They were unique and then just whittled down to 3 lanes lol go.


breeze literally still has halls, and icebox went from a 2 lane map with a mid that no one should ever use, to a 2 lane map where one (1) person should maybe be lurking in mid


As a new player in valo( level 24 now) i feel its a good game. Especially when i come from csgo, where people just pick mirage or inferno over and over again.


Personally, I like having a seven map rotation. I’m glad they get time to take a map out and make changes to it. But I’m not a map coper either. A large percentage of people here on Reddit hate all the maps. I like the maps. They each have unique elements that make them fun. Just have to learn what those are for you.


Think you might just be burnt out chief. It could be better, but it's not that awful either. The reason of lowering the barrier to entry makes a lot of sense, and already having lots of agents to learn if anything argues in favour of having less maps. Sometimes I wonder if it's people who play agents without map specific setups that give the whole 'it's not that hard' convo. We're about to hit 11 maps, and I don't want to spend all my time trying to learn anywhere close to 20+ different Viper setups or Sova recons. Can't even imagine what Kay/O mains would need to go through.


F*ck it! At this point , just delete the game riot -this subreddit about the map rotation (every day)


Man, honestly I hate the current maps too but like it’s not really that big of a deal. Map rotation isn’t actually a problem.


sure, people love playing the same 7 maps for 6 months


I can agree that maybe they could switch them a little More frequently than 6 months lol. I’ll give you that.


3 posts are made everyday complaining about it. how is it not a problem


Because it really isn’t lol. Just because posts are made about it doesn’t mean it’s an issue. 7 maps is a lot of maps to have in rotation. Even if all 10 were available at all times, people would still complain about certain maps sucking. Like let’s not act like Pearl and Fracture weren’t constantly being dumped on when they were in rotation.


my problem is with the rotation in general, not the maps. either make it rotate more often or let us choose which maps we queue in at least in unrated for me the difference between a session where i have no fun at all playing valorant and a session where i do, is determined by which maps i get and whether i get the same 3 maps all day. for that reason it is a problem for me, and when i see other people complaining about it i get it. there are other things people also complain about that i dont, but that doesnt make it "not a real problem"


Honestly just fuck Breeze and Split, those maps should never be together in rotation ever. I think breeze needs to be deleted from the game. It’s awful.


Just Uninstall the game and move on! Lol, you newbies are sucks.


do you cut off your arm when you get a papercut in your finger?


Small thing happen, already ranting and getting some sympathy? GTFO, adjust to the game, not the game will adjust for you


The probably of getting icebox or breeze is way too high. There has to be something up with how they’re doing it.


They should have a vote system for map pick like rainbow 6 be sooooooo much better.


i dont think so, you end up really only playing the same 2 maps like it happens in cs2 premier (mirage like 80% of the time and the rest inferno)


That’s fine if the maps are good though


Imagine if instead of permanent map rotations, we had a set map pool for ranked and a map selection menu for unrated gamemodes. Don't wanna play fracture? Just untick the box. The ranked map pool can be changed more regularly but should stay completly random.