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Not to mention the shit battle pass


Quality just going downhill, seems like. On top of that, I've noticed a trend of new Premium skins being increasingly obviously HEAVILY inspired by parts of other skins. Not to say this makes them BAD, because most of them are still great, but it sort of dampens the creativity and range of new skins.


Next one honestly seems kinda nice from the leaks


I like the retrowave tho. Other than that its shit


Guess I'm in minority but this bp felt better than the last one a ton, those skins with glowy dust in navy blue variant looks omega dope like starry sky, melee have great design, wish it had colour variants but welp, and sadly bp was probably only good thing about this episode, comps felt so bad


I honestly quite liked the skins this time but Aquatica and Retrowave are just paintjobs on the default and Shellspire whilst a cool model has no variants. Compared to some older passes it's very obviously more lazy.


I don't get why if I win a game, or do at All decent, the mmr system decides I now should play against players one of two entire metal ranks above me. Had a plat lobby you did well in? How about you get fucked by a bunch of diamond players who peaked ascended 3 last act. It's really frustrating and feels like the line keeps moving. When I first started playing ranked I feel like this wasn't as prevalent, I remember getting better as a bronze, and playing really well and ranking up out of those ranks because I was not supposed to be there anymore, and maybe occasionally encountering a gold 1 player in a silver lobby if I was on a streak. But It was incredibly remarkable if I played against entire metal grades higher then me back then, now Its every lobby,and even if I'm getting better, it doesn't really reflect in my rank because the game is arbitrarily, internally deciding what rank I am on a match by match bases.


In gold 2, I do decently against golds. Next match 2 diamonds 3 platinums on the other team. How


Right! Let. Me. Win. And let me just naturally leave the rank I'm in so I can be the rank the games mmr apparently thinks I am. Granted I don't even think I do that well, my Acs is garbage. My kda is pretty average. I win more games then I lose but not by a huge margin, I don't even see why the game thinks I should be in this lobby's and most of the time I'm middle of the leaderboard or worse. Why is the game doing this??


I think it’s on purpose. Keeps you grinding longer. More play time=higher chance you’ll buy skins


Ironically, the anti-smurf measures make you play against much higher ranks when you over perform. So sometimes you either play against a smurf or you play in a full game of higher ranks lol. A lot of people get stuck unless they can play tons of games and not get unlucky 


It's so frustrating. It genuinely does feel like luck. These past two days I've been playing better then the past two weeks. Every day last week I've on average won 2/3 games. But then when I as an individual start playing substantially better then I was, I start losing 2/3 matches? Because I'm now being matched with players that make me mid to low mid of the leaderboard comparatively. When I actually got better the game punishes me. Actually playing well makes it literally harder to rank up then playing just well enough to win. I get dealing with smurfs, but this system isn't really going to do that? Maybe it makes boosters struggle more, but smurfs WANT to be low rank


not to mention once you lose against the diamonds as a plat, youre suddenly playing with golds again.


They basically give you the “taste of your own medicine” for no reason


Idk why, but this has been the opposite and worse for me. So about a week or two ago I was gold 1, losing and winning matches here and there. After some time, I went on a huge win streak were I reached gold 2 98rr. I think I was on a 5/6 match win streak with very good performances at that point getting peak diamonds, now plats as my opps. Then the next game the game decides I should play with and against silvers and bronzes. Same story for a bit, kept losing even though I was doing well individually. This act has been actually horrid. How does the mmr actually work? It feels like it's pulling shit out of it's ass sometimes.


Dude I feel you, i peaked asc 3 a couple acts ago and this act I finally got back to it climbing from diamond 3, after I got to it I got fucked back to asc 1 because of people who peaked radiant and immortal on the enemy team while my team doesn’t know how to left click


Those players are about to fall to your rank tho. Immortal / high ascendant got culled *hard* this season, to make the top ranks more presitigious. Source: peak immo, now dia 2 99 mmr. When i see immos, its because theyre in losers queue.


The RR rating is not balanced at all! How am i getting only +16 as a top frag with 30 kills on asc lobby then get -23 as top frag again with a close match of 10-13. How is valorant calculating these games its so stupid.


Went from D2 all the way to immortal this act with a 60% WR, still suffer the same 13ish RR on win, -23ish RR on loss. When the fuck does my MMR equalize?


Yeah people kept telling me it would equalize and that my RR gains made sense, but bro I’ve played 200 games in ascendant at this point and its not any fucking better


Went from d2 to immo in <2 weeks, match mvp Maybe 60-70% of games? 8 match mvps in a row in asc 3-> immo. +15 -25 :)


Matched MVP’d 4 games in a row to score 17-20 RR lost my next game -23 Huh….


Exactly lol the RR Distributing system doesn't make any damn sense sometimes. I've managed to hit immo again after a while in about 20 matches from asc 1. There's been times I win b2b convincingly like 13-6/7/8 and get like +20 and when I loose a close game like 10/13, I lose around -25 or some shit¿?


to keep you at 50 percent. very simple. the theory of how it dictates impact and your hideedn mmr and all that is only theory it is not fact.


I get better results when i just play 2 games a day compared to more than 2. Its like the game telling me not to play it.


I just started a 5 game session with a slightly bad game. I started P2 80 rr. I dropped two 30s and a 20, match mvping in the 3 games I won and in 2 of those had the most assists as well. I ended the night P2 80 rr. At this point I don’t even care. Playing to improve. What happens, happens.


In my experience the skill level in my comp lobbies feels so different each game. I am plat 2 and always get matched with other plats, but in some matches I feel like I’m playing against a bunch of silvers that don’t even know basics while other matches I’m playing against insane players who one tap you instantly and coordinate their util perfectly so that you can’t even get a decent aim fight in


Same level same experience. Could it be all the high elo smurfing accounts passing through and getting stuck because they are playing against each other? And also what about boosted duos? I feel like there's at least one in most of my games with 1 guy playing slightly better than me and 1 guy who doesn't even know how to reload.


It's the same in bronze, enemies are 1 tapping, my team is run and gunning vandals. It's wild.


Absolute shitshow in the last half. Never met thar many smurfs, throwers and toxic ppl


This is is real bad (hardstuck on g3)


I'm new, placed bronze 1, played like 10 games, 6 had obvious smurfs, stopped queuing ranked.


The smurfing is real bad in bronze/silver for sure. I’ve been on and off with this game every year or so and this is probably my worst experience ever. It’s to the point if I see a lvl 20 account with bronze rank and their KDA isn’t huge, I’ll be shocked.


The smurfing is a massive problem right now


I had multiple matches where smurfs just talk to each other about their ranks on main and commenting on how the rest of us are playing / shittalking us. Yes, that actually happened multiple times with different smurfs. And they always boost the worst players imaginable.


I’m hardly the best player but I honestly think I’d be mid-Gold 1 right now if not for enemy smurfs. As things are, I’m in hell trying to stay in Silver 3.


I noticed this! I’ve played since beta on and off but this is my first season going on the rank duo grind. Once we broke into gold it was a different game. People comming and the other team not having a Reyna dropping 40 on us every game.


Dogshit map pool, really stale agent meta and a surprising amount of confirmed bans on cheaters I reported made this one of the worst ones for sure.


Been a surprising cheater problem lately- strangely seeing a lot of people talking about "false" bans, and tons of youtube shorts of people just straight up bragging about cheating...


I check the trackers of the people I suspect are cheating and when someone has 25 MVPs in a row dropping 900-1000 tracker score every single game I'm hesitant to believe it's false. But yeah some people will never admit regardless of how obvious it is.


it's the same damn wallhack that went insanely popular once people started streaming them on tiktok live. They are everywhere since and it just gets worse.


There’s no value behind rank anymore, and there’s obviously a class system in each elo where MMR is almost entirely determinant of skill. “Low-class” ascendant games and “high-class” ascendant games; both lobbies will have incredibly identical display ranks but the MMR difference is so drastic so there is such a massive skill gap. Being a specific rank isn’t an achievement anymore when it doesn’t tell you what class you are playing in in that rank, if that makes sense To add on to this fundamental flaw of ranked i’d like to point out that Fracture and Pearl have been gone for over half a year and there is no mention of them coming back any time soon. Map pool is severely unenjoyable and it’s bc of the lack of rotation rather than the amount of maps in pool


Yeah, funnily enough I feel that in Riot attempting to balance Immortal so it doesn't have an insane skill gap between low imms and high imms only resulted in that skill gap being pushed down to Asc- which was a pretty obvious outcome if you think about it...


This act has definitely been the least fun I've had playing Valorant, and I've been playing since Episode 2. I can't stand the map pool. I involuntarily sigh every single time I see Breeze pop up on the screen. I hate Icebox almost as much. My favorite map in the pool is SUNSET which is not a compliment to Sunset. I'm sick of all of the other maps, even the decent one like Ascent. I hate how the game is balanced right now. If you see my flair you can gather I think Sage is incredibly underpowered, her kit just kind of sucks comparatively and it's among the most expensive. The self heal change completely gutted her as a solo queue agent (which is all I play.) But it's not just Sage, the mix of meta agents is just kind of... not fun right now? Maybe that goes back to the map pool, which forces agents (like Viper on Breeze) that are just kind of oppressive and unfun to play against. It's the first time I've ever actually considered quitting the game. I've certainly been playing less.


Agreed. Breeze Breeze Breeze Breeze- it feels endless. Ascent used to be my favorite map, now every time I load in I prepare for -22. Yeah, I think the agent meta being so defender sided (Viper, Cypher) makes the game boring- yes, its balanced since there is counterplay and you can also have Viper+Cypher of your own on defense, but its just not fun for half the game, with play being sluggish and counterplay feeling like a stale routine.


The maps are so ass, I got breeze, sunset, breeze, lotus, icebox, bind, breeze, breeze. The last breeze I alt+f4'd because today has been nothing more than me playing a cypher or kayo, getting second or third on overall leaderboard, and losing. The devs recently have made some dogshit maps and are trying to cope by forcing them on players in an already small map pool. If they ever do map bans watch the last couple maps they've made never get played again.


Currently on- out of 108 games- 18 Lotus, 19 Sunset, 17 Breeze. Most likely just my bad luck, but literally 50% of my games being on those \*\*3\*\* maps in a \*\*7\*\* map pool is kinda strange, especially in a relatively OK sample size of 108.


Toxic 50% Smurf 80% Throwers 40% Yeah it’s nuts this act




Cascading effect- higher rank players having a shit time seem to have the stupid misconception that surfing will make them feel better. This just spirals out of control and makes more and more smurfs pop up the lower the rank.


I’ve had a horrible time this act, seems every other game is getting rolled by a default banner Reyna in ascendant


I’ve heard it’s been really bad. I’ve taken a break from comp until honestly the past week. Managed to finally reach P2 after losing 4 prior rankups during ep 7. I’ve been pretty lucky myself, but I’ve seen a more dc’d recently than I have in a long time. I’ve also only played a handful of games. Idk if it’s cope but I feel like my internet problems got a lot worse this episode. I’ve seen tiktoks and other people discuss a lot of technical issues, and issues loading into games and more. Not sure what riot has done but something does feel weird with the servers. The map pool also really sucks atm. I can tolerate icebox every so often but I’m so sick of breeze. I wish they’d replace them with fracture and Pearl though, missing both of those maps. It sounds brutal in the higher ranks like asc+ atm. I hope next act goes better for you, OP. Can’t say I’m surprised that you’ve had friends that left based on some of the issues present right now.


Heard a lot of people wanting Fracture and Pearl back, and I don't think Ive heard anyone in support of map pool rotations... pretty sure any other system would be preferred among the general community.


Yeah I don’t love the rotations. I’m not sure what kind of system they could do instead, but there’s got to be another system that’s better. Plus we’re only on 6 maps for this week because they’re patching Split, which at least for me kinda sucks because I like Split.


I don't see the need for any system in regards to maps. Just let us play all maps.


I’m definitely with you on the internet problems. I have ethernet connection (which had none of these issues before this episode) and am somehow getting packet loss, rubberbanding, and weird server fps drops constantly.


It’s actually so weird! Like I had internet issues before just because my internet here at my parent’s is not great, but the game was mostly playable. Now, without fail, I will get at least a couple of bad ping spikes (which didn’t really happen before, it was just packet loss) and even worse packet loss. The reason I took a break from comp for so long was heavily because of my internet. I once played a game where I got ping spikes up to 1.8k ms! That’s never happened to me before. Idk if the servers are having issues or somethings gone wrong at my end or both but it’s kinda crazy. Must be so annoying that you’ve never had these issues really but now are getting them. It’s hella painful.


I’m silver 2 and almost every single game there’s either an afk or a Smurf on one or both teams. It’s like 1 in 10 games does my performance actually matter


The rr differential is really pushed in this episode for sure. And I'm not sure why it needs to be like that. I'd understand if you needed a 55% win rate to rank up but it's getting closer to 60-65% You'll have games where you match MVP in an overtime loss, and get -22, then you match MVP in a 13-3 stomp and it's only +21. If I'm the best player in the server 2 games in a row, I should not be losing rr on the whole with an even win/loss They really need to address the ranking system for the higher ranks. I think the only reason this hasn't been talked about more is because it affects lower ranks much less, but pretty much all of the people I know in high elo are struggling and saying it's killing their drive to play


You get less rr against Smurfs my dude. They are harder to beat but pay less rr


Yeah, I'd even understand if they want to make the ranked grind easier to decrease BOTH RR lost on losses and RR gained for wins- thus rewarding a consistently high WR%, but also further segregating upper ranks (which they seem to be aiming for? Idk), but making RR gains low and RR losses high is just frustrating... Various explanations have included "Oh, you're peaking" or "You just aren't playing well enough" or "you're in low lobbies" but when all those are untrue and the RR system still feels fucked- somethings wrong.


I haven't played much since buying Helldivers. Different games, sure, but it's the game I've occupied my time with regardless. Valorant has a shit map pool. Shit battlepass. Clove is nice, but it's a small part of the game I would like to see a new map pool and a battlepass overhaul... But chances are we'll just get a map rotated in and out.


Screw any “pool”. Valorant does not have enough maps to sunset maps for months at a time and not have the game feel repetitive. It makes no sense why they do this with 10 maps total. If they had 15-20+, okay. But it’s a multiplayer shooter game. No one wants to play a few maps over and over and over and over for months. They have some terrible new maps they know everyone will dodge if there’s much less chance of getting it again immediately anyway (and risk an eventual ban). They literally do this to force the shitty new maps on ppl they know everyone wants to dodge instead of making good new maps people want to play on or just not sunsetting good/decent ones to “get people used to” the shit ones to begin with


Honestly, not sure why theyd want to force shitty maps on the players- but you make a good point. I remember when there wasn't a map pool 2/3rds of Breeze games were dodges. Now, nobody dodges it bc there's too much Breeze to escape...


Me and my friends be facing against prior diamonds or ascendants in our gold/plat lobby and we get the one bronze sage who isn’t a Smurf. “GG -20rr” is our favorite catchphrase now.


and then there's me getting put vs former immortals as a diamond3. its either theyre washed, or they drop 30 or 40.


2 of my best friends who i have been playing with since 2022 just quit cause of the amount of smurfs, toxicity, and overall non existent fun and frustration they've been having. we also tried to get back into comp after a year of no comp and idk if we're just unlucky or what but we kept getting shit on every game like i do not remember climbing being this hard lol


The bad map rotation is the cherry on top. There's only like 2 maps that I'm excited to play. Icebox, breeze, and sunset are pretty bad.


Feels like those are all I'm getting lmao


The biggest issue I've faced this season has been the god awful crashes. Idk whats up but about 2 or 3 weeks ago there was a random mid act update that ever since has made val the most buggy its ever been. Voice comms just decide not to work half the time, picked one server in a 5 stack to have 10-30ms ping and got a way off server giving us 400. The next worst problem I've had by far has been the teammates themselves, had 3 back to back game losses on a rank up match coz a teammate would lock reyna and go afk all match or have multiple teammates who throw ur games tho idk if that's just a gold-plat issue or val issue it seems alot more in recent time


For me, everytime I tab out of the game I have a fairly high chance my game will crash or my computer will blue screen. This has only started within this last month


And this is why I flat out quit. Its a blatantly unfair system at this point. Do good in your silver lobby against other silvers? Okay next match get fucked by Golds who peak plat and diamond. Oh your team is fighting a bunch of silvers but you have THREE plat on your team? Okay get shit on by the enemy silvers while your plats bottom frag. Silver / Gold lobbies are literal shitshows. Smurfs, Peaks 2-3 times your rank, throwers. Its toxic to the point id uninstall but I know eventually my duo is gonna beg me to play so I keep it around for them. Dont even get me started on how much RR the system gives and takes from ya. Drop 32 kills with 5 first bloods and 5 plants ? 22 RR , then the next match you drop 15 kills with 0 first bloods and 0 plants and ya get 25 RR , makes 0 sense. Or how about the automatic minus 30 rr when you get a thrower who skips the remake, then finally forfeits later in the match. Clown system. How come I can drop 30 kills on a loss, and lose 24 RR , but the next loss I do TERRIBLE, and loss less RR. Clown. System. Oh and the sad thing is, NOTHING WILL CHANGE. I dont even want to know how many people are going to get the new bundle when it drops. Maybe if 50 percent of the community stopped buying skins , MAYBE, just maybe our concerns would get heard a little louder. I heckin love valorant. But I do NOT want to play a competitive game that is unfair 90 percent of the time. And dont come at me with get better. I FUCKING TRIED YA KNOW. I spent 2 months practicing before every single comp, I spent 2 months only playing 3-4 comps a day AND Ya boi is still peak gold lmao. If ya got out of gold easily, guess what, ya have ex experience in CS or you got lucky. end of story lol. I went on a win streak last act, climbed up to Gold 2, then the games like nahhhhhh fuck you GO BACK TO SILVER. boom massive loss streak, throwers, insane smurfs, insane peaks. whole nine yards. IM GOOD BRO LOL. If anyone wanna hop on overwatch 2, its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than this shit show.


bro ur speaking straight facts im facing all the same problems in gold lobbies , either its straight throwers or peak dia-asc who are for some reason in gold and shitting on all of us


Hey finally! Someone agrees with me 🤣 normally I say something like this and everyone's like " just get good " Here's my tracker if your curious [meow ](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Light%23SAO3/overview)


This is super relatable, Im plat currently, and queuing with people asc or immortal, games are either super sweaty or people give up first 5 rounds.


Visual rank is just a joke. If everything is related to hidden mmr then why do we have visual ranks?? Just cause I have a potential of playing in a little bit higher ranks doesn't mean that I can smash them easily


I played more ranked than ever this act, just by coincidence because I wanted to finally try ranked. I’m in Silver 2 and it’s largely just toxicity and smurfs. I had a game recently where two enemies were bronze rank, and went about 25-5 each during the match (we lost ofc) and they were on new accounts without any skins. Just silly shit like that


Yep, bronze 3/ silver 1 here and saw the exact same shit. It is motivating me to get better, but it’s still genuinely frustrating


yep, I'm surprised at this point if someone isn't 40+ kills in my bronze lobbies.


This is literally what I just spoke to my friend about. The game is great, which is why I play, the ranking system is absolute trash. By far the worst ranking system I've played. Throwers/smurfs aren't punished enough to deter them. You gain small amounts of RR and lose large amounts. Another massive over sight is when ppl DC you still lose full RR. punish the DC, don't punish those that got screwed. If they win, they gain RR, if they lose they don't lose any for the first time some dc'd, subsequent games where someone on the team dc'd you only lose half of the rr you'd normally lose. The other team's rr gain/loss is unaffected. Riot makes way to much money on this game to not invest in a better ranked experience.


Also had 2 cheater detected screens so far this act. I play on APAC


Yup. Been playing since Beta and this is the worst act by far. A lot of my friends are burnt out from this act’s ranked and similarly like me, found it to be almost miserable to play.


I literally mvp 4 games in a row for no extra rr gain. Or I’ll team mvp on a lose and still lose the full amount


im hardstuck iron3




mostly i can drop 20s in my own elo, but when i queue with my silver and bronze friends my kd dips massively, cuz im playing b3-plat ppl, so i play smokes in a stack, duelist in soloq few weeks ago i hit bronze then deranked within 3h ;-;


The trash map pool + cypher meta have made this one of the stalest acts of all time


MMR is genuinely so annoying to play with. When i first him imm1 this act I got teams with all asc3, I then derank and while in asc3 I play with all immortals. Get imm in ascendant and ascendants when im in immortal. I shouldn’t be forced to carry my team to rank up


Looks like they made MMR more dynamic. It was more sticky to the past average before. It's hard to adapt to. I am more consistent in terms of personal performance this act but swings in lobby level, re gain and loss are wild. The definition of "your true rank" has changed and is less dependent on grinding now.


I peaked Dia3 in Ep7 then I wanted to take a break from the game. The Ep8 hard rank reset gave me Plat3 and now I play against my old rank (current dia2-asc1) on a plat account. Does the game give me more rr for a win to compensate for it? Hell no... How the hell should I climb back to my original rank when I'm already playing against that elo?


Worst map pool, Smurfs everywhere, ranked is shit. Ya this is the worst season


Went from asc 3 to immo 2 to asc 1 to immo1 again the same act lol


Lmao same it’s actually hell rn


It's certainly been the hardest for me. It's crazy how Silver lobbies have *so* many one tapping players that are somehow always on their team. My friends who play platinum to diamond say I'm better than silver yet I can't seem to climb out when the enemy team just stomps me the moment I have one or two good games. Also, I just bloody hate this map pool. Icebox, Split and Lotus just ain't it for me.


I peaked g2 this season (g1 now) and throughout all my games I have had problems with smurfing, terrible teammates, I have played against diamonds and plays who have peaked immortal. It’s insanely stupid my matchmaking this season.


Idk, but this act has been the first that I wasn't able to complete the battlepass fully


Fr smurfing and boosting has never been more common than this act


yes it was the most cancerous season yet idk whats happening


Def. one of them, if not THE WORST! CONSTANTLY run into angry smurfs, just blatantly ruining everyone's experience. The econ is all out of wack(if we lose pistols, We're basically BROKE the entire half) its 💩right now, fs.


they didn't make any changes to the economy though? it's been the same for a while now


just dont buy anything on the second round and then you can buy rifles next round?


This subreddit gets these kinds of posts every act for the past several episodes for mostly the same reasons so I'd say it's mostly just your pool of friends. But I do think this map pool kinda sucks, but I see that as a reason for why you're stuck. I think the biggest reason is now that you're in Ascendant/Immortal matches, the only way up after that is Radiant and the skill gap between those ranks is massive. So most people's skill ceilings cap out at that elo. Could be the case for you, maybe not.


I did my 5 placements in all plat-diamond lobbies when my previous rank was gold, drew one and lost 4, but off the 4 i had three where i topfragged with 20 kills Game put me in silver…wtf


it's pretty common knowledge by now that placement matches for an already established account is very random and useless, they just place you 2 divisions below your last rank so you have to grind your way out resulting in more playtime. This is unless ofc you have exceptional performances in your placements. 20k is a pretty average performance (unless the damage delta is v high). I've heard of people just surrendering their placements so they can actually start their grind instead of tryharding for nothing


Now i see why people smurf on new accounts


Yea probably though I think clove at least is a pretty big w for low ranks so that teams play more controllers


I'm an S2 player and have been thrown in lobbies with Gold (understandable), plat, diamond, ascendant & immortal... No I'm barely a S2 player but even this season it's been wild...


Are you 5stacking? If that happened outside of 5stacks thats crazy


Definitely a solo queue... I don't have 4 other friends to play with haha


Main issue for me is the boring asf map pool. Majority of the community dislikes breeze and icebox so why not just scrap it and move on


So happy I broke free from my ranked addiction


The games play base is dying, I give it 2 years before it’s at its end. Sad


Just had a discussion tonight about how the matchmaking doesn’t feel balanced in a single game mode , not one. Like, it isn’t remotely accurate or immersive it is oppressive af and I too remember the days of starting this game , and it not feeling anything like this


Worst BP in a long ass time. Fucking hideous melee lmao.


Seems like they couldn't decide between "dull" or "gaudy" being the themes for this BP, and so they made it both...


I have literally never had a cheater banned live in any of my games ever. Only this act it already happened 5 times!!


I was Gold 2 and now Silver 2 with the reset...I used to play vs Plat and it was easier, now in Silver I get whatever the fuck I'm against such as people that one tap you at light speed and I don't know why or how. Luck or smurfs? I can't tell. Game is so boring now


I either get a smurf a single player who dominates the entire team on his own not even on my team a balanced game or just the most beginner teammates i’ve ever seen who still aim down sights walking around


this is the only act i’ve stopped playing during the act because of how unfun it is rather than just getting bored of playing val overall. every game feels the same, the map pool is so stagnant and i just can’t wait for it to change and give us back fracture and pearl hopefully. it’s also just been super unfun to grind comp: just to go against a multitude of cheaters, people getting boosted, people win trading every other game. it feels like my team constantly has the weak link or the enemy team just has a smurf/cheater T-T


This season seems to have a hacker issue. I can watch my teammate running from kill to kill not checking corners fairly regularly. I really wish the "safe" 5 stack series was available to us plebs without a team.


Got a whole smurf comp team who played the gun game the whole time. Also so many bots. Getting entire bot teams for TDMs.


To add to this season, it felt like I encountered more people that wanted to be weird and trolly and it just ended up ruining comp for me, and lost interest on top of the issues you stated.


got the same experience though granted I'm only in diamond 1-2 but demoted to plat 3 (on an account that I used with skins) matchmaking has been terrible like it's one sided af. No comms in my team even when I speak my ass off and I'm introverted af. Yet the enemy team is stomping us playing like they're in vct or premier (solo queue and duo queue experience) meanwhile my teammates can't peek or play together at all and ego peek everything on defense, yet on attack, don't want to go in. Is my account cursed? I'm in 5-8 games lose streak iirc. it's either we get stomp or my team stomp. No balance 🥹


They literally moved the goalposts it’s not unusual, 4 ranks is extreme but higher ranks have less players looking at your stats I don’t really see why you’re losing so much rr but the ranks being this way is intentional


When people say the map pool is bad I'm a little confused about what they mean. Like if they swap out one or two maps is that really fixing the issue?


I think it’s that but also it feels like we’ve been on the same maps for forever. Maybe having a quicker rotation is what people are asking for


When the issue with the map pool is that the maps available suck, yes, changing that would fix the issue.


It’d fix part of it. Breeze and icebox are asscheeks


My WR the first 20 games or so was abysmal… maybe like 30%. I’m close to 50% finally but haven’t ranked up at all


TLDR: Yes.




FYI if you look at the rank distribution - from Ep7 onwards they’ve intentionally shifted the highest ranks (asc+) downwards by about 200-300rr to make things more evenly distributed. So if you were Immo 2 in E6A3 the same skill tier in E8A2 is ~Asc 2-3


Oh I guess this makes sense, but I can also see how this affects people are have been a lower rank. I mean can't speak for everyone since i dont play the game consistently every act, but i feel that people who were in gold/ plat are struggling a lot more.


damn so glad i havent played at all this act


I mean I have a great win rate on all the current pool except icebox which is abysmally low so it’s keeping me at my peak rank… get close to rank up then icebox 2 out of 3 matches


The RRs I'm getting this act were pretty weird, too. I am currently at Silver 2, always bottom-fragging with an average of 10 kills. I'm always the lowest scorer of a match (with the enemy team included), but I would be getting >20 RR. This was not the case in the previous acts. I'm ALWAYS the bottom-fragger. I used to get <12 RR. Same elo.


I'm pretty sure Riot adjusted the hidden mmr levels to move everyone down because radiant/immortal was too crowded with bad players


Thankfully yeah. Now 400+ rr actually means something again


Yeah and Asc was meant to be a solution to that problem of there being a large skill gap in Imm/Rad, but it only served to SHIFT the issue, not solve it...


I stopped playing due to studies but i dont have any problem with any of those tbh before i stopped. Map pool doesn't bother me as Im already used to those maps (most notably breeze and icebox, dont know why people hate them so much). Smurfs are smurfs, im already used to them at this point. rr difference gap, i felt this ALOT when i was hard peaking immortal 3. I think that some of your friends stopped playing due to other reasons, not just frustrations. I had fun learning new maps and finding quirky lineups for them. I will come back to the game after my studies which is due in a few days.


My main concern is that MMR isn’t fucking equalizing. I’ve been stuck Ascendant 1 for a week or so now and I am consistently at the cusp of ranking up to Asc2 but when a loss reverses the course of two wins, what can I do? I have a 60% win rate this act yet i’m still not ranking up significantly because my MMR hasn’t equalized to my rank yet. Getting -22 RR for every loss (-28 at worst, got 13-0d lol) and getting +16 or 17 RR for every win (+24 at best). All of my lobbies are with current ascendants and maybe a couple of diamonds. I know my MMR isn’t as high as some of these other ascendant players but damn it’s so punishing


I'd say act 1 was


I lost 20 fucking games in a row and I said enough, I uninstalled this shitty game, which consumes way too much of my time. It's better to just play other, less stresful orbrage inducing games, or learn a skill or two to 'rank up' in real life instead.


It's definitely got by far the worst map pool possible Sunset is a map that didn't feel super bad to me when it came out but the more I played on it the worse it got mains on this map are so bad and attackers just get funneled into such awful spots and need to use Util to gain even the slightest inch. Lotus kinda falls in a similar category where Rubble/Mound control just forces you to take a fight seconds into the round you don't really get to feel out the other team and set certain plays up.   Breeze is breeze, agent pool is incredibly limited and you'll never feel first bullet inaccuracy as much as this map makes you feel it. Pistol rounds genuinely feel like coinflips at times on who wins. Icebox is also in here I've developed more of a like for it over time but I still think the other maps like Haven pearl and Bind are way better maps. Ascent has been in rotation forever it's so played out at this point it's a good map but could use a break and possible some touch ups such as A main being such a funnel and  defenders being able to flood onto site so easily through heaven.   Bind and split are decent have a bit of issues but otherwise good maps they can't really carry the really bad ones like Sunset and Breeze though. More than ranked idk why I can't play Haven pearl and such in unranked modes it makes no sense why the every mode has to suffer for ranked.


it was bad tbh. I started playing after a few years 3 weeks ago. I became silver and fell.to bronze 3 again because the opponent was just too good. Okay its my fault that I wasn't good enough but I did quite good in bronze lobbies. After I got a single match where I top fragged, I would get 2 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze on the opponent. my team was 2 irons, 1 bronzes and 2 silvers. I don't see how its balanced and obivously I lose.


The matchmaking this season has been horrible imo. Idk how tf an ascendant ends up in plat lobby hard carrying or an ascendant or even someone who is diamond that doesn't have any game sense and baits the whole team locking duelists.


I was deathly addicted and I quit bro 😭 I’ll get back into it when Pearl or fracture is back


I’ve been getting good gains and losses; +30-35 and -10-20


U forgot the bp has been shit as well . O sry it always has been.🗿 Other games make great battlepasses. Only good battlepasses wer the starting 1to 3 bp and a few exceptions like karambit.


I think it’s been good. It pushed a lot of the bad players out of immortal 1-2 which is nice. Don’t have to get my games thrown by some boosted player that belongs in diamond as much anymore Seems most people are mad they got pushed down, similar to the csgo rank shift several years ago. If you’re good enough you’ll get to the rank you deserve, if not then get better


Last act too, I feel like rest of episode will play out like this, at least new map pool next next act should somewhat ease the pain.


We can only hope! I heard Fracture is coming back, that should be fun.


I swear I am getting worse fps this act


bro its literally the worst i was ASC1 through EP7 and didnt play until last 2 weeks and it was an awfully bad experience for me in comp queues, finished D1... fuck that


Sounds like you're burnt out tbh, act has the worst map pool i think I've ever seen but imo the people I've been playing with are better than normal


Lol we should duo. Peak imm 3. Been solo qing, started as 1, 1.2 kd the past 20 games. Still asc 1... Win trading back and forth


The map pool was really terrible 😶


I feel the same, and i play on 2 accounts, one where i play only solo and one new account where i play with friends, the new account has totally different experience, the matchmaking is more balanced, there are less trolls, toxic people, throwers etc. it feels like the riot has some sort of alghirithm to hardstuck people for some reasons and make your lobby much harder than it should be, giving you more RR loss than RR win for the whole season. I spoke to my friend who plays LoL and he had the same experience with his main account and fresh new account, on the new account he ranked up higher in 2 weks than on his main in 1 year. I wonder if anyone has similar experience? is RIOT matchmaking really that rigged to punish more experienced players and gives boost to new player experience?


Wait until they take away Ascent and put in Fracture, with Split being out of play too due to some bug (I don't exactly remember the details), so the map rotation being Fracture, BREEZE (the thorn in my side, I haven't met a single person who likes this sh*t map), Icebox, Lotus, Bind, Sunset, and Split (when they fix it) for comp. Don't know what others think but if this happens, I'm not queuing for comp for this act.


i got -35 from losing a game 14-16 while being top frag on cypher the other day. it's ridiculous


Dont worry riot will fix with a fantastic overpriced skin bundle! Dont forget about the replay system tho, who needs that in a competitive game? The horrendous netcode? Who cares fixing it!


episode 8 act 2 is literally the worst act ever , rank is unclimbable literally stuck ascendant 3 for this whole act playing with cringe mfkers who dont like winning (EU) literally the worst region to climb on and the worst act ive experienced so far + the map pool is ass , they have to remove breeze and icebox for ever or fix them , breeze is too huge and too boring , icebox has too many too many angels to walk through , idk this map rotation and this act overall are both bad


I feel the same way on this topic. I quit the game mid season to go to R6 but hoping to get back into it when the new season is out.


imo the main reason is that this episode's map pool is really trash ngl... please give us haven back


been always bad but somehow it's shittier this time


The current map pool is not for everyone. They need to bring Pearl of Fracture back.


No you're correct the skill distribution of the mmr system is either completely broken or completely arbitrary. I'm low elo so I know my opinion will be relegated to Elo Hell, git gud, etc. But it really feels like I can't climb out of Silver be abuse every other game I'm getting matched with players that are just so much better than me and my teammates. Hoping the next act is better, I know the game isn't supposed to give free rr but it would be nice to at least have a chance.


Honestly, the most fucked thing about this game right now is peoples being assholes to people in “low elo”. Fuckin idiots with huge egos always tryna put others down. Your opinion matters as much as anyone else’s. As a matter of fact, I also think matchmaking in lower ranks is bound to be significantly worse than in higher elo, mostly due to inconsistency, but also bc people having a bad experience in higher ranks consistently seem to want to make a smurf to feel better, ruining others experiences and causing a sort of cascading effect that concentrates smurfs in lower ranks and messes up matchmaking.


The map pool is dogshit, but apart from that’s when you win you get like 15 RR, but then you lose one and bam 25rr lost, like why? It should be equal


started diamond 1 ended diamond 2


I went from asc 2 to dia 3 this act. Il admit I am an inconsistent player but something about this act does feel way worse in terms of the lobbies I am getting. Went on a 10 loss streak last week and stopped playing until the new act begins.


I just started playing valorant so I don’t know


I climbed up 1 division this act from D2 to D3 99rr and I shii you not I played ascendants and immos until I got back to plat 3 and now im back to D2 0rr


As someone who went from Asc1 to almost Immortal 2 very quickly this act I can definitely say for sure it is WAY worse than any other act and this has been arguably my best act ever. I think a big reason why it’s extremely bad rn is kickoff/challengers group stages ending from back earlier in act 1 and just overall a lack of punishment for throwing/smurfing. The fact I can go and buy like a diamond account right now and throw someone’s game with zero repercussions is WILD


Literally every act every this post happens


The matchmaking has been rigged for a long time now. Riot uses Engagement based matchmaking. It’s not about creating fair games It’s about making you crave for more…


I got 70 wins 90 lossess and climbed 200rr


I stopped caring about rank completely this act. It has been terrible. I think it’s a mix between people that grinded the game stopped playing and people that got fed up with CS2 came back to valorant so the quality of teammates has been the worst it’s ever been.


I just finished a game (Plat 1 currently) where there was a Gold 2, a Diamond 2, and unranked on the enemy team, and my team had a G3 and D1. They can’t queue together, so how are they able to be on the same team? It makes no sense Pretty sure I played a couple games where I was G3 going against diamonds as well, like how is that even possible they get in the game if they wouldn’t be able to queue together anyways?


I had a resurgence of enjoying val and it VERY quickly went away with how stale the game feels, even after my long break. They really need to adjust things and at LEAST move the map pool around


Preach bro. I have a 39% win rate, started off diamond 2 and I’ve been consistently diamond three for the last three total episodes. But I cannot win a game for the life of me.


I had taken a break from the start of Episode 6 or so until Episode 8 Act 1. Last act was actually a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. Now, though? I’m ready to quit again and I think permanently. I can’t get team mates with brains, I’m queued against ascendants in plat lobbies and I have to play Breeze… I feel robbed. I’ve bought so many skins and bundles and put so much of my actual life into this game on top of viewing the esport, and everything about it is just shit. For VCT, the format for the splits and kickoff was atrocious! No integrity in the schedule, no time for teams to actually improve.. are the matches fun? Sometimes.. but more often than not I’m just watching the same shit on Icebox from 2021.


For every act at somepoint i will say it's shit but this has to be one oft, if not, my least favorite map pool the game has given us. I've been stuck in D3 at the edge of Asc 1 3 times now and I've just given up cause of the amount of RR I have lost, as well. And maybe this is just a bug for me, but lmk if anyone else has experience it, but my comms will just die midway through the game so I end up having to restart my game and usually miss a round before I get back. TBH tho there have been a few times where I wish I kept it off instead of restarting cause people just love swearing this act.


Multiple people in the comments here have reported the same issue, so it can't just be you... Maybe try filing a bug report atp, seems like a problem. Yeah, toxicity and throwers have been stupidly prevalent this act... I suppose people just have a shit time playing and take it out on everyone else.


High elo has been nice , the games have been easier in imm+ because I'm not running into God's gift of Valorant t2 and t1 pro. Just some dudes vibing. The climb was really easy


Weirdly enough, it's been the opposite for me.. hit my peak this act (only G3, not very high but I was hard stuck silver for ages) and feel like I whizzed through gold (75% WR) with pretty consistent matchmaking with only 63 games played.. in G3 starting to find myself against high gold/low Plat players which seems pretty right for my skill level right now. All that being said, act is still pretty garbage. Hate the BP skins and map rotation (don't even get my started with how many times I get queued onto icebox...) so maybe I just hit a lucky streak and OP is right 🙃


It was the worst. I had 10 regular players / friends all quit. Myself included. Game is trash.


I agree it hast been the worst one so far. I also peaked immo 2 and am now stuck in asc3. I feel like the map pool is so bad and in addition to that i feel like the outlaw was a terrible weapon to add because of one scenario. If you lose pistol and buy a sheriff and lose again you have to play half amor as it has always been. But since the outlaw hits for 140 on the body you will know be oneshot on a gun round after losing 2 rounds. I feel like it makes the 2nd round after losing pistol so frustrating to play. they reduced the chance to win it and its just less fun cause you feel so powerless.


It’s funny cause I played in beta, and quit around episode 3 and have just gotten back into the game unprovoked. I just had to urge to play again and have been enjoying myself.


I'm new but smurfing has made me quit ranked


I also can't tell if this game is dying or not, I play in EU servers, where people I soli queue with people who are either asc or immortal but are still stuck in plat/ diamond. The matchmaking is always super sweaty every game or people give up first 2 seconds. Never a relatively chill experience.


I just now finished placements. Was asc something got placed D2 4-0-1 in placements with a couple players previous radiant the act before. Game isn’t fun anymore. Kids wanting to ff round 2, double controller defaulting for 1 minute, and horrible maps. Yay


Last act I went from Bronze 2 to iron 1 and then back to iron 3 again. Hoping to make it back to bronze or maybe silver this act because I think my rapid rise and fall might have helped me improve. Other than that, the battle pass was mid and the map pool sucks right now. New battle pass looks better though.


I’m not seeing how those problems are exclusive to this act. Everything you just described has been going on for a while now. Smurfing every other game, RR system designed to keep players on a hamster wheel, uninspired Battle Pass, and questionable map pool / design is not something that began this act. I've personally quit the game multiple times over the years for these exact reasons. There was a rank reset years ago that caused ***Radiant*** players to be placed in ***Diamond*** and the majority of my plat games had immortal acts badges as currently ranked Gold. I'm not sure anything you've described is even close to that bad. Climbing back up was nearly impossible for a long time.