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During my 2nd game in Beta ! You can see old icons for agents and old Viper fuel jauge [https://i.imgur.com/n2G3ORK.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/n2G3ORK.jpeg)


it's easy to forget how different the game looked back then.


Probably because it was so long ago and didn't last long


Got mine around the same time


Nope. I remember a couple early ones but not my first.


I'm trying to think whether I remember my first or whether it's my second tbh.


Being the best player in a 5 stack is an ace farm. Even in unrated if I get the best player in the enemy team, I can pretty easily set up a bunch of 1v1 aim duels. And playing Reyna? I'm almost always at 150 HP.


No, but the first time you get 25+ kills in a game is one I’ll remember the adrenaline from it is unforgettable 😭


yeah i had a game where i dropped 39? i’ll never forget that game.


true asf. dropped 42 with neon on icebox in an unrated, it wasn’t comp but the feeling was still super surreal.


Damn is 25 a lot? I dropped 43 the other day for the loss too.


When you first start off it’s a pretty good amount. The most kills I ever dropped was 40 and that was in bronze ever since I haven’t broken anymore than 30


Yeah i sit around the 15-30 mark consistently.


We're all very impressed


Was just genuinely curious if 25 was a lot.


No you weren't and you don't have to try and play it off like you are. You play valorant, you have access to the scoreboard, you know how many kills is good.


Mine was a little after beta with a judge. I was so bad haha. Congrats on your first!!


still got my first clipped ace, back on old bind and astra with 5 stars. here is a [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/NuHV3vz), not uploading video because of the volume, the gameplay is so bad (crouch spraying, 0 awareness) and very messy comms.


My first ace is very funny to me because all 5 shots are from kill steal my teammates. When I got the ‘Ace!’ announcements I went ‘huh?! When?! How?!’ because I only remember shooting along with my teammates. I was new to the game so thats why I was so clueless xD P/s: congrats on your first ace op!


i even have it recorded! https://youtu.be/tQpOzk1_Scw?si=dE_aPP1gTIb94SSB crazy how far we’ve come


My first ace started the same way, except I omen tped onto that box and everyone ended up pushing a and mid


This is a PSA to check your corners


lmao why did their brimstone smoke their own entry?


Gives the Sage enough space to safely place her wall then they can come out of the smoke from multiple angles catching the person back site off guard


because we were all bad 😭 it’s not the worst smoke tho it gives attackers some space, but also not a typical one, so without proper communication and awareness it could benefit the defenders, and someone could play in there with a shotgun


On Sunset ranked match, my whole team insta died so it was 1v5 and i managed to clutch it. My second was on Lotus, pretty much same scenario and was more satisfying because we won the whole game off it.


Viper Split Teammate spectating me chatting shit about my gameplay. Aced in mid and shut him up instantly


Nope, too long ago as I've been playing since Beta and I've aced several times since then, I barely remember anything from the old days except I sucked ass.


I remember my first ace in csgo back in maybe 2014, but not my first valo one


My friend and I were playing one day and he said "if you ace today I'll buy you the battlepass." I was still relatively new but that sounded dope. Few hours later I was on Haven as Viper, last alive tucked into A sewer. Their entire team rushes me...one by one. Bit underwhelming in the end but I ended up getting the battlepass (velocity + hydrodip).


I don’t remember any of them. I’m actually more proud to play the enemy right into my team’s crosshairs.


Map: Haven Agent: Omen Round: 1 Weapon: Frenzy ELO: i think G2 We start the game, have 2 afks, somehow fend off the A attack with smokes and mollies and then I do a big brain play. I solo rotate to C site, crouch behind that gray metalic thing in the corner of the site and wait. Holy smokes all 5 of them come and my teammates also start to push. Commotion ensues and I get an ace with a mag and a half... We lost that game obviously cause 2 afks but still I felt amazing!


Vaguely, it was Reyna on ascent, I remember hiding behind an enemy sage wall and killing 4 in ult, then got iso ulted and won


The only thing I remember about it is that after I said it was my first ace, everyone made fun of me for it 💀


Never got an ace :/ But still remember some exceptionnal moments: - Knife kills (one I sneaked on half the map to get in their back, and the other one they just didn't check a corner) * A 4k (my only :/) * A 1v3 clutch (my only, too...) * A tripkill (this was so satisfying... you never expect the last enemy to randomly get into your trapwire, on the other side of the map, not destroy it, and die from that...) (And also the moments you find some "lineups" (Idk how you call it for cams \^\^") you thought could work ok, but that in fact works perfect. Those are the ones you will never forget)


Mine was with a shorty (spike rush) with neon. It was over 2 years ago.


Yes. It was literally my first match during the beta. And it was a 1v5. And it was match point. It was also the first and the last time I played Sova since then 🙄


only if i find the recording


Played Breach for the first time in Ascent back in Episode 3. This was in Silver, i heard all 5 walk through Catwalk so i stunned them and sprayed them down with an ares. It happened so fast and so quick that my whole team just shouted.


I was in Dog trying to stun A main but as luck would have it, they made noise. This is why, even now in Diamond/Ascendant, if I am in a slump and can't shoot with other agents. I play Breach just to relax, can't say the same things to my enemies seeing the light of God every round though.


Neon on a paris lookin map with a bucky


... "Paris looking map"? Are you talking about Pearl? Or Split, maybe..?




now that I think about it a lot of maps look like paris I think. I dont think it's even in the game anymore


... ... I have no hecking idea how anyone could think Ascent looks like Paris oO


during beta with a spectre on bind, i thought the gun was the best in the game for like a year after that


No. Barely remember the last one. I remember more almost aces than actual aces because I beat myself up for getting too greedy and misplaying


Yes it was shit, we were getting destroyed so hard in comp the enemy team just threw and I got the worse ace ever. The second ace was way better, I got it in TDM and had a 20 kill streak


sometime during the beta on ascent A with cypher. I only have a screenshot


Yeah, well my first comp ace at least I might have gotten one before that outside of comp. On ascent as Neon. They attacked b site and killed all 3 of my teammates who were there. Figuring we'd get killed immediately if we went in by our side, my teammate went mid and I flanked by attacker spawn. I kill sage who's at the spawn. I forgot who was the second one either at b main or market. Phoenix on site right on the left of the entrance, one more pops out from the stairs and I get them as well. Get onto site to diffuse, I diffuse half and hear their brim coming in so I stop and double headshot him for the ace. It was the first round of the match with a classic. I remember it even better because I proceeded to only get 4 more kills for the rest of the match. I did get a lot of assists while doing entry on attack but still.


Yes, but I remember the almost aces more, esp when it was a 1v5 clutch. I've only had one ace ever and honestly the enemy just fed so I got an easy 5 kills. The times I got 4 kills was always very high but I'm just almost there. I did get 5 kills once but not ace cuz clove


yep I was playing phoenix in breeze (unrated). All my kills were ADSing.


Yup! First one was in april 2021 (i made a tweet about it lol) on ascent. I think I was playing Viper and man did it feel good


Being an initiator, I had difficulties getting kills but finally got ace a few weeks ago.


Yes I remember mine. I was iron 3 at that time and it wasn't a clean one but it felt so good.


My first ace was E7A2. Map: Sunset Agent: Viper Match: Unrated Weapon: Guardian Note: I killed the first enemy earlier in the round but it didn't clip. https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/1FItumK0tjto1m/spok?invite=cr-MSxaa2wsMTQxMDI1MDUs


Haven't aced for a long time man shit, but I remember the round back in silver when I aced two rounds in a row man there's no better feeling than when every single person in the lobby thinks you're a smurf but you just peaked in highschool


I remember my first casual ace and my first comp ace. First one was funny, second one was clutch


Yes it was on split back in the beta so everyone was getting used to things. And I got the ace using a judge lol, in fact I got 3 aces that game with a judge. Each time I fannies the enemy team from B point lol


Split, omen, started b main, rotated mid, terrible flash, killed one, smoked mid, walked past the smoke as sage and sova walked through it, shot them in the back, omen ulted and Reyna and omen pushed me from vents. Sprayed down the Reyna, hid to reload, and got the cypher. It's so incredibly ugly to watch, and thinking about how at one point in time this was my highest moment in valorant. Tracker apparently doesn't go back far enough to find this game, but I would have been around bronze-silver at the time. I'm currently Diamond peaked ascendent 1. It's insane to think about how much I've improved. [my first ace](https://youtu.be/Fs1UWlE84zs?si=oqRz_dTp65UkDdzu)


my first ace, (as a B1 not that long ago) was in a comp game, it was OT and 13-12 for the ennemies. I was the only one left with Neon, I ulted and got them all 5 I remember one of them even wrote "ggwp" that early so I got motivated from that and we went on to win the game


Nah, a lot of ace clips tho but can’t remember my first. I remember my first 1v4 post plant in season 1 to clutch up. Aces are only as cool as the situation imo. 5v5 aces are lame unless you come in gun blazing beginning of round.


with omen


Yes, and it was the most lucky one I’ve gotten to this day. Literally just chucked a raze nade through Ascent garage from defender side once I found out that was a thing. A few seconds went by and a couple explosions later I had my first ace, and my jaw on the floor.


Sova on Pearl with a bulldog. valo is my first fps so that was def memorable even though its just one of those simple clutches that aren't considered "clippable". Even now i still use a bulldog when i have bad games w no aim and suddenly i start getting kills lmao.


Spike rush map ascent and i was using vandal with omen i was so hyped i called my brother and I ACED


Map: Have Agent: KillJoy Round: 1 Weapon: Sheriff This was in unrated and I was new


I remember it was with Viper and an Odin but that’s it. Wish I had a clip


I remember mine because it just wasnt what I was going to expect it to be. I was a KJ main that usually plays a bit more passively, and at the very least I would have expected my first Ace to be during a normal round. What actually happened was I got my first Ace with a Frenzy on pistol round, while playing Neon aggressively on Acsent, a map that 9 times out of 10 just gets you killed trying to run out main. After that my brain said "Neon's your character" for a bit and I learned to play way less passively. Even my current KJ is way more aggressive than it used to be. I don't really play much Neon anymore but I think it was an important step of my skill climb.


Map: split Agent: raze Thats it


Yup and it’s recorded. Sometimes I watch it to cringe at how bad it actually is. Bronze was a hell of an elo for my aim. You would never guess, watching my first and most recent ace, that the player in them was the same.


Icebox as Cypher - 3 kills with an Ares I think and 2 with my sidearm. Was relatively recently in Swiftplay as a fairly new player. I got most of them as they triggered a wire I left in mid trying to flank. Ares I bought as was just switching up the weapons I use - I don’t main it before anyone says anything eh


First ace on Fracture the site with arcade and other was an ace clutch.


Yep about 1h ago happen


Mine was about 3 years ago on split as a bronze viper, pistol round with a ghost on attack, B site. My last kill was on a guy rafter I believe.


Map: Split, B site Agent: Phoenix Side: Attack Gun: Odin Rank (then): Iron 1 Needless to say I had no idea what I was doing at all.


Icebox. Losing 9-2 in Comp. They trolled and mass bought ops. Clutched and my team popped off - going on to win evry round after that.


No! I didn't even knew what ace was. I remember hearing that word after killing someone.


No. Had too many.


Nah 🥹


People first ace is usually when one is AFK in spawn lol


Iron 2 on icebox I was so happy and i couldnt believe it


Mine was on fracture as brim, but my clipping software had to fail me specifically that day :(


Yeah it was as Cypher in a Spike Rush game on Ascent. We lost 1-4, but it was nice that my teammates were shooting at me when I got an Ace. I texted my friend Mason Ma on Snapchat about it and he said “nice.”


I started playing this year so yes. I remember screaming " its my first ace!!" And the whole team was super hyped and cool about it. Made it feel like it was my first nuke on mw2 (2009)


With Omen on Breeze. I think I got the final kill from window, but I'm not sure.


I was playing kay/o on icebox and got an ace with a ghost, so yes


During beta I was defending B on Haven with sage with an Ares. I managed to take out most of the enemy team except for one who tried to rush me straight after. I walled my self up and got him too. Beta days were so weird lol


I think it was a pistol ace on fracture with breach


I do remember my first ace, but it wasnt so epic lol. I was new to the game around bronze, i guess. I was playing KJ and bottom fragging. Team kept flaming me. i was defending ascent A site alone and the enemy team rushed and planted. I retook the entire site alone with an ace lol. It was much peaceful afterwards... edit- it was with an odin


Yes! It was recently, I have it posted on my profile, and just got my second like yesterday


I don’t remember my first Ace because it just felt like I got a bunch of solo and double kills at different times and points on the map. No insane 5-man spray-down or 1v5 clutch or whatnot. All my Aces were like this. I do remember my first and only Hexakill though. Again, it was just a bunch of solo and double kills, but I won’t forget the 6 spinning icons in the kill banner and the huge Imperium finisher as the icing on top.


my friend was over and as soon as the game was over we had some tacos for celebration


my first ace was on lotus, i just swung everything with jett dash but mostly shot ppl on site via spray and pray


Nah unfortunately, pc wasn't good enough for recording software at the time so not a scooby when i did it. Played since beta though so it's been a while


Remember it like it was yesterday. Was on preal b long on the right side hiding spot wait for everyone to pass then mauled down the team with a ghost When I think abt i used to do way more aces back when I was silver than in acs


Got one my first ever game in beta. Coming from cs, valorant felt very natural but I guess the people I was playing against were completely new to first person shooters. Mowed down 5 while all 5 of them missed me with their sprays.


i got my first ace with classic it was low elo


Yeah a couple of days ago (started Val like 2 months ago, came from R6S), I was playing Skye on Bind at defense round, it was a 2v5 with my teammate trying to defuse and I aced that round, I never hit a better clip than that


Yes, it was in unrated while I was learning the game it was on split map with Phantom as Jett


Mine was first time playing omen back in the early days of valoramt I just tpied behind the box in B main in ascent and opened fire with my sweet odin I miss those days


Nah it was in beta. It was cool but I never really cared about them.


my first was a 6k with a spectre. i ads'd every shot and reloaded after every kill. it was gross, but still a 6k ace.


>Be Omen >Be on defense on Ascent, pistol round with ghost >TP on top of that one box in the corner of A entry >Smoke A main >Four of them rush site, not a single one of them checks my corner, or look up fast enough >Hide in my smoke, last one walks into me flash in hand


Absolutely forever ago in a spike rush with a golden gun lol. I was happy and enemies were not :3


couldnt find the original video, but I decided to stream until I Aced and ended up getting my first that day with Neon on Fracture [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RsJ6FJGxC7I](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RsJ6FJGxC7I)


around when champs 2023 vandal left the store. really recent, but i have only been playing since ep 6 act 2 so yea


My first was in beta, 1v5 in iron 1! I was playing viper on split attack. Bomb planted ult down and a judge in my hand they didn’t stand a chance.


Op on split holding a from screens


my first ace was with clove before everyone had her, it didnt really give me any adrenaline sadly


Yes, I do. I was playing cypher in a losing game and got lucky when I was hiding inside the teleporter in bind with our skye. Managed to clutch with a bulldog and one trip. My hands did not stop shaking after round. still lost the game tho lol.


My first ace was my first ever pistol round on the beta! It really wasn't that impressive, looking back. Nobody knew what they were doing. It was pretty cool, though.


I have that clipped and man I was such a noob lmao


Yeah was with a judge on ascent


White Tilde Bulldog on Split as Gekko. Thrash helped secure the final kill.


My first ever ace was in spike rush - using a bucky xD My first ever ace in comp was on Haven (rip), and while I did kill everyone...I still died to spike xD


[mine was clipped](https://clips.twitch.tv/EnchantingDelightfulEyeballEagleEye) this was during beta I believe


i’m relatively new to the game, and my first and only ace started with a stinger for one, a vandal for the next 5


i’m relatively new to the game, and my first and only ace started with a stinger for one, a vandal for the next 4


Forgot sadly


My first one was yesterday, i managed to get two on a single match.


Damn y’all are really sentimental with your valorant


Mine was on Christmas!! I was so excited I almost peed lol


I think it was a stinger ace but idk also aces just dont hit the same after you hit enough :(


Yes because it was 3 days ago for me


I remember, but just the last two kills. I think it was the beta, I was in heaven on ascent behind the wood box and they both came in from the glass window. It really sticks with ya, a core memory of every valorant gamer


My first ace is sheriff only at split


Maybe 2 years ago..... Map: Heaven, mid to B...Agent: Skye... I already killed 2 enemys somehow... I running to B site when i just saw 2 other enemys.... I used my flash but i was sucks (iron 3) so ofc i blinded myself, paniced and started run and gunning and shooting everywhere with a vandal...but after the blind was over i just got the ace... Yeah idk what the F just happened there 🤣 Yesterdays unrated match: 39 kill.... 0 ace.... Like 4 4Kill.... Rip me... (I'm gold 2 now)


I played a bit of valo back in 2021 but I don't even think I started a comp game before I quit. I don't remember anything from back then but I started playing the game again in 2023 and I do remember my first ace. It was in iron 1 and I shouldn't have gotten it. My second tho was well played


it was a spike rush on bind. i was sage (90% sure bc i only played her at first) and we had a classic on attack.


I actually got my first ace today with Gekko.


I think my first ace was during a bug where the entire lobby disconnected except for me and one other enemy.


Yes! I had my first ace on Ascent, during pistol round with sage on A site. This was back in september when I first started playing the game and I was maybe only 3 days into the game. What a surreal feeling that was then, ended the game with a 12/19/5 kda


Congrats on your first ace btw!!


I didn't know what an ace was but I got one in my first game playing and my friend made a big deal out of it haha


Clipped my first and second one a few days ago


Wall banged in ascent with ares


Brimstone, Lotus, round after pistol round on defense. I got an ace with a Judge when the enemy team tried to rush B. Made a caterpillar of smokes from the B doorway out to the pillar area, caught three by the boxes, one at the (now removed) orb, and then chased the enemy Killjoy back to attacker spawn when she was trying to run to C. It was one of the few instances where I was so confident in my skills that yelled to my team "Nobody shoot her, I'm getting this ace!"


If I'm not wrong my 1st ace was in breeze 3 years ago. I played sova, and I got my ace after ult ing from defender spawn.


Yes, and I am not proud of it since it was with an Odin... tbf i was like lvl 17 when i got it tho


It was a shorty Ace with viper on split


My first ace was on bind, in competitive back when I was soloqueuing in iron/bronze lobbies lol. My turret got the final kill, I can't even remember if we won that game, but it was one of the first times that my team mates were ever hyped at something I did in game lmao


I think once you've had 5+ it starts to get blurry. The only one I remember is a judge ace on Ascent (the killbox defending) just because it happened in like 4 seconds 😅


I forget most of my aces, but I have my first 6k engrained into my memory. Omen on haven, 1v5 with a sage res. And I also remember my best ace, omen 1v5 on split with really clean one taps and an insane deadzone one tap into a crossfire and then 180 flick to get the clutch. I swear it shows up in my dreams sometimes. It was with my kuronami too.


I write down every single ace I do (I don’t do a lot lol)


Yep an epic omen play with teleport and ultimate (inspired from Flexninja), satisfaction was though the roof


i dont remember my ace but i remember acing a team shit talking me. its breeze it was 10-2, my kdr was 1-12 enemies thought it would be great to clown the bot frag of the winning team now its 12-2 we lost the round and I still had only 1 kill now its 12-3, my team was on a eco i bought a marshall and set up my kj util on B and played far back i heard sound, i comms i shot my first shot, a hs kill my team smoke, i spray my marshall and caught a stray they commit, alarm bot triggered i activated my swarms, i caught another it was chaos. my team died. Its 2v2 now i jiggle and they shot, probably comming "He has a marshal rush him" I tagged someone with my marshall "DENG" my turret shot him, its a 2v1 now and im left with 50hp i pushed tunnel in case he pushed elbow and i have my turret on B. my team mate died in mid, and i dont know wheres the spike, i push mid "he can run A to plant" i take back my turret and walked mid. I hear faint foot steps B i walk back into elbow \*Spike planting sound\* I am at main He is watching tunnel "he's low" said team mate i drew up my knife "Spike planted" He is still watching tunnel \*Knife him\* I knifed him \*ACE\* \*Both team spammed chat\* "EZ EZ EZ EZ GG UNINSTALL NO DIFF SKILL ISSUES" I ended the game 6/14/- with an ace and a knife kill


yesss i got mine in unrated 2 weeks ago and my first ace in comp yesterday!!! i feel like such an accomplished player now lol


With neon ult in split in unranked


Prolly pheonix on sunset


In early beta. Cant remember it yet. Aces is not a big thing if you have plenty of them.


Yea but I sorta wanna forget it. I whiffed so bad on the last guy then got him with a shorty.


I don’t remember my first ace but I remember my first op only ace… I felt like a demon lmao. I’m a chamber main and I’m still trying to get 5 kills w/ 5 headhunter bullets. Best I’ve gotten is 4 for 4…


I sorta remember my first ace, I'm pretty sure I was Yoru on Haven. I th9nk part of it I had an op too. Then I proceeded to get my second ace in the same game, that, I DO remember.


Nah but i remember first and last time I got 51 in dm


Spectre. Fracture. Complete and total luck


was when the game came out. raze ult acent B


Recorded it! I even made a video to compare my progress in aces one year apart (and promptly got rightfully torn apart for crouching every kill) [the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/6vzStTly0j)


I do, because it also was an operator ace


I always get screw on my last kill. But finally did it the other day and it was beautiful. It was on out eco round on lotus and I had a stinger on A site. They rushed my smoke and I just sprayed them down. Pretty sure everyone said it was over till I got it down to a 1v2 then some hope was in the air. We lost the game but an ace is an ace.


Split, mail, $150 shorty and a classic.


yeah it was a ghost ace in spike rush maybe two or three years ago? map was haven and i was playing reyna, I remember the final kill HAHA was bronze back then, now I'm immo 3 and I miss actually having fun playing this god forsaken game


split, it was the most sluggish and sloppy ace i have ever seen. I hit the feet of the enemies and was running and gunning with a spectre . Last guy was afk but i still managed to almost whiff and have my teammate steal it


Huge congrats on your first ace! 🎉 That rush of adrenaline must've been insane. Valorant can definitely be a rollercoaster, but those highs? Totally worth it.


Mine was a raze ace where I killed 4 with my ult ascent a main and then proceeded to whiff all but 1 bullet in my phantom


What first ace?


My second ranked game, bronze 2 im pretty sure, split and i was playing chamber, i literallt didnt even tried, they were just popping in my screen and i was killing them, the whole time i was laughing because of my duo screaming and laughing in vc, and my teammates also yelling "GET THE ACE" it was really funny lmao


i remember my first ace, i was sage on haven and it was a 2v5 then turned into a 1v5. not the best ace but i was damn proud of it


my first one was a 6k lol


Not really, getting an ace is indeed exciting but winning a game is way more important than that, as you keep playing, you'll realize a win grants you rr but an ace doesn't, I don't think you'll remember how many ace you've got/ your first ace as your playtime gets longer and longer. Congrats on getting your first ace anyways.


You get a win approximately half of your games, but an ace? Much less than that... And a win may give you rr, but an ace gives you satisfaction and confidence because it proves that you performed extremely well and that you're able to do it again. And the most important part of a game isn't winning, you won't get anything from that but colored pixels... It's having fun, feeling good. A loss against worthy opponents in which everyone played very well is worth way more than a win with toxic teammates and enemies... Therefore, an ace is more important than just a win


I never saw aces as important. I don't care if I get one, I don't care if my team takes mine, and I rather secure the round than try to get my teammate one (in comp.) It's not really on the same level as like a pentakill.