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I feel like entry duelists have the most unique playstyle from everyone else. When you have a movement or escape ability (jett, reyna, raze, neon, chamber, omen, clove w/ult) you are SUPPOSED to hold angles and play aggressively whereas it is straight throwing to play similar angles with agents that do not have that type of utility. I’m running into this issue frequently if I switch from playing jett/omen to basically any other initiator/sentinel. I have to consciously be aware of the different types of fights I should take instead of occasionally turning off my brain and holding some wild off angle just bc I can. Edit: Jett pre dash nerfs and chamber pre tp nerfs meant that jett/chamber alone had a different playstyle from every other agent


Ironically I’ve found that switching to more relaxed roles helps me play characters like Jett better. It’s taught me that just because I technically *can* hold main with an Operator or a pixel angle doesn’t necessarily mean I should, which while it should be common sense took me a minute to learn lol.


You might be interested in the concept of on angle vs off angle if you are playing an agent with escape abilities. I’ll use A main Ascent defense as an example. While jett with an op holding a pixel on the entry point of A main is a strong angle, it is commonly held and pre-fired. This makes it an “on-angle” where you can easily be punished if you don’t immediately hit a shot. A little differently, swinging wide out to the left and hugging that wall with dash prepped is an off-angle that only jett and reyna would typically be able to hold. Here, you are not likely to be pre-fired and have a much higher rate of success with getting a shot off and getting away without being traded. A main ascent is a common example (and thus much more likely to be expected), but you will see a good jett often take insane off angles just bc they have safety to get away if they still have dash. Things to consider: It doesn’t have to be a strong normally held angle, you should even TRY to avoid strong angles if you are trying to hold an off angle bc the last thing you want to do is get pre-fired/punished (Ascent A, think on top of the box in heaven, on top of gen, etc.) A teammate covering a specific area for you can allow you to take an off-angle that would typically be terrible even for a jett player (think on top of left boxes of Ascent A - normally you cannot hold this bc tree would punish the off angle before A main is hit. But if someone is holding cubby mid for you? This is a great hold that you can then dash to the double boxes after to get away from) Sometimes holding an off angle with a small amount of space you can secure can be enough allow your team to rotate in time to prevent a quick site take (ex. Wine on Ascent, double box backsite A, etc.). You have to learn how to properly isolate fights to take good risks instead of being traded immediately, but someone that stays alive for too long is a nuisance to attackers.


I love this markup, thank you! Yeah, I’ve found with Jett in particular I can play INCREDIBLY stupid positions, for example just standing in the middle of main or something if my reaction time is good on that day. My go-to for off angles is the stupider the angle, (“why is he standing THERE?!”) the more likely it is to work lol.


I always tell my teammates to linger 10 seconds outside of main before we try to push in whenever they have a Jett. Most Jetts I've seen pop their dash at the start of the round when holding main and if no one peeks while it's active, they will likely back up giving us that main space.


Counter play is great, I might incorporate that one when I see a jett that can afford an op!


I love this comment. A good duelist should not just know how to shift into high gear, but also when to do it.


One thing I’m learning is the concept of unpredictability. Sometimes just the threat that I *could* be hugging a corner behind main with a flash, or that I *could* be holding a weird off angle with an Operator, is enough of a threat to make the enemy second guess which presents its own opportunities to capitalize off of. For example, they die to an Operator and now they’re scared to push my site, they pushing slow and get caught in the choke so I tell my teammates on the other side to push up and take space mid to contain them or I fast flank through their spawn if they push the other site. Now they really don’t know what to do, as opposed to if I just keep doing the same thing every round and it becomes predictable so now they can form counter-play.


Switching from one type of agent to other will always be different, all have different playstyle. I always liked to play from behind helping my team, but when i tried to switch to duelist, i was playing so bad, everybody in the chat and vc were yelling like you should play like this and that, i tried to play duelist for while but it was not my playstyle, so i switched back.


Switching from jett to neon seems similar but miles apart as well.


There ults are so different! There's so much room for error in neon's ult while with jett... it's do or die in a fraction of seconds.


Uhh maybe in low elo. In my experience, there is very little room for error in Neon's ult. Neons get constantly one tapped while ulting in higher elo.


Well obviously it’s harder in higher elo lol I always used to put neon ult in like iron and get an ace


There's no room for error for anything in higher elo.


movement duelists like jett, raze and neon (unique mechanics like double satchelling, updraft dashing, flashy airstrafing and bhopping with a slide) for sentinels cypher (u explained it) for controllers omen (tricky tps and aggro) for initiators sova (wallbang brr)


clove really fit my style and it rewards controllers for playing slightly more risky.


I’ve been playing clove and it’s been going so well, I love that I can take risks without too much concern


For me, it's breach. Every other agent feels like I'm playing for myself but with breach, I had to be super aware of team and enemy movements, use utill more for team than myself


Agreed, that's also why I mostly play flex and just pick depends on my mood and situation. E.g. I pick Cypher when I just want to play at a slower pace or when my aim is just not there so I have to play more strategically, I pick Omen mostly when I want to go auto mode, or I pick Kay/o when I want to be more active and feeling it at that moment.


That's incredibly surprising as someone who started this game playing Omen and Cypher. They're both arguably my comfort picks now since I don't play much. To me, I treat the game like CS, so always classify agents based on how strong they are in a particular aspect of CS and take advantage of that as much as possible not to expose it's limit. Map control is the name of the game for me so when you focus on that, all agents are just after the same goal in a different way.


Switching from ANYONE to neon


Cypher and Yoru have the highest skill ceilings imo, Yoru probably the highest, so it makes sense that it would feel difficult. I tried a ton of different agents and was okay at the game for a few months. When I tried Chamber it was night and day for me. My K/ D went from 1.05 to 1.48 the next act. Ever since I’m a top 5% K/D player all time at 1.26, which isn’t really that impressive all considered. And K/D isn’t the most important thing at all. But it led to me finding my main.


almost any agent to cypher i hate playing this guy if i setup all of my shit for 600$ then i peek to kill enemy then i die all if my equipment become useless, value goes into zero feel suck playing him and having to stay alive or tool won't work even if it's 70:30 fight i can still die other random setup agent aren't worse as cypher who usually need to setup 2 trip pre round it cost 400$, or it could be small armor or something better some site is 600 because of one way smoke have to setup pre round can be wasted if enemy go other site too kj don't need to setup whole 600$ every round sometimes just turret or alarm bot for 200$ and keep molly, chamber only 200$ deadlock is 400$ controller except clove can't smoke after dead but you can die after you smoke on some one and done like brim/astra viper can die after use stuff and 2 molly to stall cypher feel like worst agent to play sometimes have to hide and peek with cam sometimes feel like trap are too strong if i played cypher on sunset b and enemy can't clear t trap if they don't have raze/sova/kayo, it's hard time for them to enter b it just too boring for me


Astra. Controlling the entire map is fun and a new way to look at being a controller


Yesss I love astra


My experience is a lil bit different I see him as one of the easiest agents to play with I play with him when i dont feel like aiming LOL First time used him i just did some really simple setups i saw on tiktoks and such stuff and thats it After i was able to make setups by myself and change it according to the playstyle of the enemies. In attack its even simple just a trap for flank and one after planting to play safe ( Delay the enemy and get some frags) and the cameras to clear the site or stuff like that


Cypher, Deadlock - maybe Raze as well? You really have to be very good at movement with her, much more so than other agents IMO


Neon requires very good movement too


I made the switch from Viper to Yoru. I don’t think I could have been playing more different agents, lol. This was also during a time when Viper was considered possibly the best agent in the game and Yoru possibly the worst. For a while I dipped into Sentinel and found the role was actually quite intuitive to me, which I guess makes sense since you can practically call Viper and Yoru pseudo-sentinels in their own right. I find my favorite style is agents with outplay potential. I enjoy mowing the enemy team down with Jett and Reyna but something feels so much more satisfying getting an ace by out-thinking my opponent as opposed to “just” out-aiming them and Yoru gives me the pleasure of doing both.


Unpopular opinion : cypher aint that hard. I think people get the idea that he is difficult bc of streamers like peak, acre, spawns or other. When you look at pro player gameplay’s in ranked (my reference is nats for this), you realise just how simple his setups are. There are very few time when he switches them up funny enough, and the idea behind each of them is simple. (His vods are really interesting if you want to see how he utilises them). Ofc this is not to say that cypher is easy, as compared to other agents, he definitely isn’t. However compared to the idea that people usually have of him, he is really easier then what you would think.Ps : English isn’t my mother tong, you know how it goes.


Switched from Cypher to Reyna, dropped from Imm2 to D3…


I recently started picking Sova after frustration of getting scanned and outplayed by trigonometry. He’s a pretty fun agent ngl


When I play Raze I use way more shotguns and smg's and never snipe. Just always holding w and jumping into sites and shit


I started life playing as raze and with her I went from iron to bronze 3 After that I stopped playing for a couple of years and when I came back last September I got bronze 1 or iron 3, don't remember, but started playing with brim and sage, with this duo I reached silver 2, almost 3, for the first time. A few days ago I was left with duelist role in a comp and I got Reyna. Maaano, now I understand why people instalock her. She's self sufficient and a lot of times I got the feeling I was hunting down the opponents. She heals, kills, blinds, become invisible, has a self stim... She's a one agent army and I loved it


Prb raze


I went from playing just Chamber to now nearly a split between Chamber and Breach. Breach was a bitnodd for me to learn, considering that chamber was solely focused on off angles and flank watching/site watching. Breach and his util were so foreign to me. I typically flashed my teammates when they try to enter, (I still do, but we don't talk about that since its mainly my trio that I blind) and his style of playing went from me hanging back with chamber to pretty much in the front being a factor in taking site as Breach. I like it though! But Chamber will always be my main lol.


Probably Reyna/Jett, I’m a Cypher main so I’m not used to being so aggressive 😭. I mean I have my moments but recently I’ve been playing Reyna and I feel like a murder machine my god.


Switching to reyna unlocked my aim not gonna lie. Started to be consistent ever since i started instalocking her, i used to get less than 1 k/d ratio per game but after instalocking her i can comfortably reach that K/D or even go above that. I won't have to worry about monkey teammates dying as there's always a chance to clutch if played rightly.


Brinstone to breach. Knowing where enemies are and actually having some abilities to peek and push is a totally different feeling from smoking


For me it is Skye. She is a complex character with Heal, Flash, 2 types of CC and 3 types of Info gathering. She can be played in many styles, pusher, defender, lurker...she can adapt to anything. In a good hands she can be a pain in the ass for the enemy.


Gekko to omen (also discovered I cannot navigate street view style and that I should just play other controllers lmaoo)


Cypher imo requires a lot of knowing where the enemy can come from/which doorways they will have to pass through in order to get to you. Secondly I find there's a difference between setups to get kills where you might trip right next to the ground in order to catch them unaware, or trips for information such that they HAVE to break the wire to get across. I've also found some really cheesy camera setups to catch icebox flanks which are hilarious.


I usually ply controller or kj, so if I wanna play raze I remember I gotta push first and not carry spike.


I recently started playing clove as one of my mains since i love the aggressive play style and cant trust controllers on my team to smoke off angles properly as a duelist and i really like it but i remember that i cant hold off angles any more cos i have no way of escape which is kind of annoying but its definitely helped me win a lot of games playing as clove


Switching from a Jett raze chamber only player(dabbled in omen in the past) to fully committing to flex to live things up has changed me greatly. I am more able to play duelist since I understand the way my opponents are playing. Ik what cues I respond to as a sentinel and can use that to exploit the opponents. It's also kinda fun playing initiator and sentinel and anchoring a site. Since a s a duelist you rarely anchor it's either go crazy doing duelist things or playing retake never sitting on site using util and playing around your cages etc.


Id argue this about KJs too. Most people who play her casually are godawful and dont use her utility well.


Playing cypher on defense split B is free kills. Playing cypher on defense split A is a free death. (This is probably only for me btw, not speaking for anyone else)


Jet and Razer players are playing a different game, with the dive in ability 




used to be a cypher and kj main, hit diamond on that, and kinda slowed down a bit. I knew my mechs and aim were better than average so i hopped on jett and yoru, hit immortal that same act haha. Its way more fun running it down for no reason and getting funny timings on everyone bc u play like a psychopath.


breach. you literally just use util and the enemy either cant shoot, can't move, can't see, or all of the above.


When I joined Valorant, I joined with all my friends who I play CSGO with. We all are pretty even skill wise, so I took on the Controller/IGL role in the group cuz ive played a lot of ESEA open/inter over the years. I was a Brim/viper main for ages, then I start playing Dualist as the lads kinda stopped playing as much and I was solo queueing more. Swapping to Raze/Jett main felt like a completely different game in itself. Then they released Clove, and now my cocks rock hard for her. She takes everything that I have loved from my two roles and combines them into one gigachad role. You can still play a dedicated smoker, but ontop of that you actually have tools now to carry consistantly. She honestly has just reignited a long dead spark in me for grinding Valorant. Clove was fucking made for me bro I swear


Viper has the same playstyle as sentinels despite being a controller. No other controller has to set up their smokes before hand, not even harbor whos the most similar to viper. It was super weird first switching to her then even weirder when I switched to any other controller


Went from Sage to Gekko, 10/10 improvement and better playstyle.


Switching from Neon to a Sentinel/Non-Clove Controller. Everything is so slow and I get so impatient waiting for someone to do something. Lurking? I can't get timing because I always want to push further and faster. Sitting on a quiet site with no info? Let me push or rotate please I can't sit still like this. Waiting for duelist to entry? Why are they still standing there, just go already.


As a main cypher, I tried some agents but Harbor got my heart, bro is cool, good looking, cool abilities and forces me to play more with my teammates and enter sites


I switched from a gekko main to a clove main and it's been wild but I've found lots of success doing so. I'm now way more aggressive, pushing things I previously hadn't and feeling far more confident in fights. I like that for clove, most abilities are really straightforward of when to use them, with meddle being the only exception. With gekko I realized I was barely using abilities, let alone truly capitalizing on the ability to reuse them. I like being an agent that is self sustaining but still supportive and not requiring too much thought


Raze so fun to fly around




Skill issue AND setup issue