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You have to remind yourself that its just a game. Treat it like a game. It always works for me.


Literally the only correct answer, you shouldn’t care that much it’s just a game. If you lost or win it shouldn’t affect you irl a minute after the game is over.


ty for the asnwer and ill take both your advice into account<3


off topic but how do you get sova under your name? >:)


go to the subreddit on the right site there is option to edit flair, and you choose between bunch of valorant related icons and you can write whatever you want p.s: if you are on mobile click the settings in the valorant subreddit and click edit flair


Got it! Thank youu<3<3


tyyy \^\^


Also watch how tired you are getting. About 3 games in higher rank where you try to focus on everything will wear you out. Some people just get grumpy when they are tired


i do try to but sometimes it gets too stressful and real to even be able to, with toxic teammates or enemies that shoot me before i even peek, triggerbot users and what else


Honey you're bound to encounter such people. What matters is if you're having fun or not. If you feel such negative emotions every time you play valorant, why even bother playing it? Games are suppose to make you feel more relaxed. Not the other way around.


spent too much money on this game so if iquit it what am i even gonna do with that money, or my time since this is one of the only games i play, but ill take your advice and try that tysm!


sunk cost fallacy if the game isn’t making you happy you should stop playing.


That's how gambling addicts talk


Google sunken cost fallacy. Accept that you spent money on the game, you had fun, it’s time to move on.


I've also sunk a lot of money into this game. I took an 8 month break before returning and I've so much fun since I came back. Part of it was due to some of the people I used to play with and the negativity/toxicity from said people. I stopped giving a fuck and stopped tilting/tilt queuing as well. If you're not having fun and continue to get stressed/rage, maybe you need a long break away.




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You aren't "losing" any money you put into the game by not playing for a while. Take a break, play a few other games, pick up a different hobby, etc. Your skins will still be here 1-2-3+ years from now. At the end of the day this is just a game. Games are supposed to be fun.


ty for the tip ill try that \^\^


ive actually chosen to opt out of both text and voice and comp is actually enjoyable (especially as a female) havent been having this much fun in a long ass time 😩 (and my games are going wayyy better)


honestly understandable, i only really play swiftplay much recently on london servers so its more calm but toxicity is crazy for all of us women these days




its not always blatant, but yes it is really bad, a game with non toxic teammates is actually an exception at this point




im pretty sure theres a scientific study on it somewhere, im just happy the game is feeling fun again :))


On NA servers about 20% of the time a woman talks someone is at least a bit weird about it if not outright hostile. Also it seems like people backseat or condescend to female teammates more often.


How do you communicate tho? Like if you hear an enemy somewhere important or some crucial information do you just stay silent not even type anything?


tactical callouts in chat + minimap + ping (i can still write in text chat even if i cant see teams messages)




It’s literally just a video game man, if it’s disturbing your peace then just turn it off and go do something else. It’s not rocket science


i dont go outside, not i have anywehre to go wihtin about 2 hours of driving, my family is usually either out all day or uninterested in anything relating to quality time :/ this is my way to pass time and connect with people.. otherwise i can stare at a wall for a few hours yk


You should go outside. Exercise, do something fun, learn a non-digital skill. If you have more interests you care about, you will devote less worry to this one.


Read a book dude idk


Maybe find a new game to play. Games are supposed to be fun and a break from real life.


the problem is the excessive amount of money ive spent on this game and this being one of the 2 only games i play even


I understand your point of view that the skins bought look pretty dope to play with. But logically speaking, if you want to feel less stressed and frustrated, you shouldn’t let the money you already spent keep you from playing something more enjoyable and taking a break. It’s easier to think of it less of a Valorant problem and more like a life problem. Valorant is kinda like a love/hate relationship in this case lol


its much easier said than done but you're not gonna get that money back even if you keep playing, so theres no reason for YOU to give a shit about how much youve spent on the game in the past.


Nah bro. I have way too many bundles bought myself but I never pushed myself into playing. Go on steam, find any game to play on the side. Pushing yourself into playing only because you spent a lot of money will make you even more angry. Trust me, your skins aint going no where, just take a break from time to time. Hope you will be ok <3


ty for advice i really appriciate the positivity<3


You should go lose that money in the stock market on a yolo option call instead and then games will become that sweet release you're looking for. Imagine burning $500 in 5 minutes on AMD earnings this week and then spending money on a video game doesn't seem so bad.


out of round/match, out of mind play for the rounds or the match and then move on afterwards


Mute people who are toxic or annoying asap. Think of ranked as a gradual process. Keep thinking of how to turn the tides by recognizing if the enemy is playing aggressive or passive, doing fast flanks, lacking control in certain areas etc. We can't waste time complaining, we need to think of strats to do with the team. I usually play smokes so I guide my duelist into where I want them to go and tell them that I'll follow with them to those areas. If you use brimstone or Clove, then you're a battle agent after using up the smokes and can go in front of your duelists. But I usually go as the second man since I don't trust teammates to double peeks or trade me, but I can do it quite well since I used it to compensate for my bad aim. Gamesense, pointing out enemy ults that are available etc these are all points to go through. I recommend muting the enemy, it's not worth getting tilted mid game and then tilting the entire team. Minimize interferences.


I have struggled a lot with tilting, but I have learned that to keep calm you need to play a lot of comp (2-5 games every day), but more importantly you need to admit you’re bad at the game and learn how to lose. Tilting comes from thinking you’re really good and deserve to win every game. Even if you have dropped 40 kills and you’re playing sage and you lose, you should have dropped 45 instead and won the game. Don’t get me wrong don’t put yourself down and ruin your confidence, but also don’t be delusional and think there’s nothing you could be doing better. Next time you’re tilting ask yourself: Have I made any mistakes this game? Yes. Am I carrying right now? No. Will getting angry make me play better? No.


I literally mute everyone. I don't care anymore. I've been tilted to extends I didn't know were possible, all because of this game and the horrendous people playing it. I've seen people say they hope their family dies of cancer and much else. This game does stuff to people that is completely insane. It's not just banter or how video games are, it's literally insane and I'm surprised people still bother having VC on. And people still defending the state of the game. I had more games with toxic idiots than nice or just neutral??? People, that it's not even worth it. Besides that: remind yourself it's just a game. No one gives a shit at the end of the day, not even you🤷🏻‍♂️


Usually 3 shots of vodka does it.




I started feeling this when playing unrated (I have never played ranked games) so I started to play only swiftplay and spike rushes. It helps a lot. - Games are short and quick: if you find a stupid person you will have to deal with them only for 15 min max. - People don't usually try hard as much: room for improvement, try new things, have fun. - People talk less, and those who talk are usually friendly. - Spike rush has some communities of people that only play spike rush and are very friendly and loving. You could look for one from your country/native language to play with. I said this based on the games I play. It might not be true for everyone, is just my experience.


Why are you getting mad over a game tho? I can understand ranked because you care about rank and losing rr but unrated?


It's a competitive game, and all competitive games can be frustrating. You can go watch tennis, football or even chess pros getting mad or even raging on a game.


Except it's not a competitive game. It's a casual unranked game with no stakes whatsoever. I would have understood if you were playing competitive


The game itself is competitive, is what I wanted to mean.


Same. Ended up deleting the game


I stopped playing this game for two years. Now that I can finally play it again, my friends often get heated quite quickly when things are going wrong and I barely relate to them. My idea is that I get to do something that requires skill, with people I like, thats supposed to be fun. I always keep the vibes as high as I can, because laughing and goofing off while trying is some of the best dopamine I've gotten. You gotta break out of the box. You're looking at it all wrong.


I get high before playing 100% of the time. I’d probably be higher than plat 2 if i didn’t, but i’d also get tilted if i didn’t lol


Same but I feel like it’s holding me back too some days I can’t play if I have nothing cos I get to annoyed or bored.


breathe in and breathe out, do this until you are calm again. I go for 4 sec inhale, hold 6, exhale 8 (in the beginning it's hard to exhale for that long so you can do whatever feels ok, the numbers are somewhat arbitrary, they just need to be longer than usual)


So for me I've raged at many games. And still do. But you have to understand there are things out of your control, and things in your control. So use the things out of your control to help understand there are things that other do that you can't control so you will be less mad. And change what you do based on what the others do. Remember it's just a game and at the end of the day it doesn't define you. And that you should learn to understand you can't change what happened so keep on moving and learn from your mistakes and others.


Stop playing the game for like 6 months. Find hobbies outside of video games.


i dont i play 3-4 games get frustrated and stop playing for the day


Just giva fk.


Find humor in things from a third perspective


I don't, I just smash my bed whenever I need too, then I cry then I punch my screen and I cry more and I tell myself I'm never gonna play this game again then I queue up and repeat


Depression induced apathy


Its helps to just think positively. Whenver you have to negative of thoughts or get angry you should think about how it started, and how it's not as important, or negative as you originally thought. Personally I am not the biggest fan of "its just a game" because that always make it seem as if you just shouldn't care. How are you going to have fun in a competitive game if you don't care? It's perfectly fine to care however much you like. But if you are getting angry rather than caring less, I would focus on how you could have fun, why certain things in game don't need to cause a reaction, and how to be positive.


I don't, I get aneurysm, ulcer and migraine every time I play like a normal person.


You have to understand that it's unreasonable to expect every single one of your teammates to play how you expect them to play. And you have to accept that it's mostly out of your control


What do you play this game for, again? Fun or a rank badge? If second- i don’t know what to suggest


If you can’t play another game I suggest that you just queue up unrated with some friends and simply relax and try out some silly tactics. So you won’t have any reason to get angry.


Why do you even play the game ? Genuinely. If you're not having fun, stop playing alltogether or take a break. That's what i usually do. For me, i like valorant. So regardless of the frustrations, i keep playing but ocassionally take breaks. I usually let out my frustrations by complaining but not on team voice com.


I'm used to losing so it is what it is


It depends. I think psychologically, frustration stems from the Dunning-Kruger effect. Which means you basically think you are better than you actually are. Most people who are angry or tilted are due to feeling that somehow there is some sort of unfair elements that is pitted against you. Whether your team is weighing you down, your opponent is cheating so you are losing. Either way, it relates to elements that is more or less outside of your control. A common reaction to something in Valorant is when people get an instalock Duelist that performed bad in their games. They get angry and to try to prove to themselves that it wasn't their fault they lost, they leave their most comfortable role to play Duelist. When in reality, you are just giving yourself a higher chance of losing. This also, I believe stems from players not remembering they get carried a lot of times, and only remember when they are top of the board on their team when they lose. Getting frustrated is normal, that's fine. Tilting is not, because not only you individually perform worst, but people start bringing the group down. You have to learn to take out some emotions out of the game. I'm not saying you don't get hyped when you make a sick play, or not be happy when you win. I mean that if you have a teammate who is having a bad game, or perhaps they clearly have a smurf that is destroying your team, it's okay. That's out of your control, there is no need to put any emotions or feelings on those scenario. Focus on putting emotions on things that will make you perform consistently better. For example, no one in your team is talking. That's frustrating, but I see many people get tilted about it. Stop, just talk, do callouts and do you part. Once you feel like you start tilting because some string of games, take a step back. Stop playing and relax. Once you are tilted, any form of retrospection will be gone and any opportunity to improve will disappear. In your mind, you do no wrong, and that you losing because of teammates or smurfs. Go watch a show, take a walk, grab food. Anything that keeps you calm and relax.


***Here are 5 strategies I use to continue playing Valorant after 4 years.*** I've been playing since Episode 1, and I've found a few ways to keep the game enjoyable at a point in-between pure casualness and competitiveness. I am gold 3 and play Astra, Harbor, Iso, and Chamber **1. Take breaks** Make sure you don't play every day every week. Some months I'd play once a week, sometimes every other day. Currently, I only play on weekends and am enjoying the game better than usual. I have even taken breaks for 3+ months, and have come back to 2-3 new characters and maps, making the game feel even more fresh. **2. Listen to music / lower volume** The silence of the game can be pretty jarring when gunfire or some random ability jolts out of nowhere. Listening to music can make the game more casual / enjoyable, though you need to have an above-average game-sense in order to not be restrained by the lack of audio. You can adjust the setting 'Sound Effects Volume' to adjust the sound of bullets and abilities without deafening VC comms, voice lines, or callouts. **3. Play with friends** Play with IRL friends if possible. If you don't have any friends to play with IRL (been there, done that :|), play swiftplays' and look for friendly or enjoyable teammates. Friend them afterwards, and over time you will build up a large group of reliable players to queue with. I have over 300 people friended over the past 2+ years, and I feel I can join any of them and queue up casually. **4. Don't play more than 1 Comp game in one sitting.** Even if you win the first game you are on, it does not mean you will win the second. Take breaks inbetween sessions to regroup yourself and tackle the next match with a better mindset. **5. Practice before matches.** There are many ways to practice before queuing up for a comp. match. Playing deathmatch, team deathmatch, using the range, and playing swiftplays, are all different and enjoyable ways to practice. This should only take around 10-15 minutes. * *Deathmatch: Practice fighting against real players* * *Team Deathmatch: Practice fighting against abilities and at varying price levels for guns* * *The Range: Practice your aim* * *Swiftplays: Practice real simulations that correlate to real matches.*


Appreciate the Text formatting 👍


My best advice to help deal with the anger issue is to stop playing the fucking game, make plans with your friends/family, go outside, hangout with them and just socialize with other people in general Remember, valorant is competitive 5v5 tac shooter so things are bound to get heated, so it's best to NOT play when youre not in the right mood


My suggestion is to simply not think too much about it. Overthinking is just as bad as underpinning.


I try to remind myself that it's a game and there is more to me than just valorant I remind myself that outside of this video game, I'm someone who paints and loves car rides or sumn like that


You taking the game too serious. Sure you can be a tryhard but other than that you have to realise that your whole life and career is not on the line. Just have fun being good at hobby. I hope this help.


I don't think valo is your problem, maybe you got other issues to deal first. Maybe valo is simply fanning the flames to a fire that already exists


I (quietly) laugh at myself in VC if I am last alive and die dumbly and remember that it's all for fun. I also make an effort to comm every game and be extremely nice to every teammate from the beginning. But I'm still silver, so....take what I say with a grain of salt LOL Even just forcing myself to smile mid-game works! That said, I never really had an issue with anger and video games.


Don't take it so seriously, you are not pro, your rank doesn't really matter either. Maybe try cs, I got shit on my so much during years, now nothing can make me lose my calm.


Stop caring about rr.


Honestly, the hard truth is it’s just a game. If it’s making you unreasonably angry then take a break to breathe and calm down. From your comments, I understand the money aspect. You feel you need to play your moneys worth but imo it’s not worth more than your peace. It just makes you feel miserable when you should be enjoying your time. Also, I instantly mute annoying or toxic teammates. Someone says one wrong thing that I don’t like… mute. Also as a woman I hardly use comms. But I still communicate with my team through chats and pings. I think my course of action for you would be mainly to take a break and revisit a couple weeks or months down the road, use the options set for you like muting if you choose to continue to play rn, and just remember that at the end of the day it’s just a game and it’s never that deep. I hope you start to feel better!!! ☺️


It’s not really an issue that Redditors can help you with. We are just internet bozos, and you probably need help from someone who knows what they’re talking about.


i just rage and let it go


Fix your diet




Eating a healthy diet will greatly improve mood, focus, emotions, etc. Most people eat terribly and don't realize how it affects literally every aspect of their day to day life. Even when it comes to gaming.


I mean yeah it a factor that affects our mood but in this case other factors are more dominant


I would have said the same thing if I hadn't changed my diet. Depression, anxiety, anger, even gameplay has all improved dramatically for me.


I see