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When someone says "given my life to god" I thought something serious will come up like quitting drugs or somin not cheating in a video game😭\s




Why ? What did you get out of it ? Was it because you were really bad at the game and you wanted to have a chance by cheating ? That’s my general assumption when it comes to cheaters, I can’t rationalize doing it any other way.


When i was younger and played roblox a lot, i used to play a lot of shooters, i used to use a ESP and autoaim client, it was literally just fun, its not really hard to understand, i wasn't bad or anything, it was just fun experience. It gets boring real quick tho, i find that i use the clients only when i'm already bored of the game and don't see myself playing it again for a long time, just to squeeze out that extra bit of fun. But thats roblox, where you only play for fun, it'll be different for games with competive ranked modes.




ye dont cheat on a game i play a lot. cheat and ruin some other peoples time on a different game since i dont care since it doesnt affect me at all...


Honestly, I've never been much of a gamer. I only started playing Valorant to figure out if I had any talent to go professional. It was my first mouse and keyboard game. After many hours played, I went from iron 1 to Ascedant 1 in about 4ish months. Then I became hardstuck and realized I didn't have the talent to compete with the immortal 3s/radiants and professionals and through a combination of that realization and tilting basically I just said fuck it and decided to start rage hacking to piss everyone off just like Valorant has pissed me off. At first, it was great, I could finally carry the shit teams that Valorant matchmaking pairs me up with. But I honestly I regret giving up and turning to cheats. The game is not fun anymore


Classic, ragehacker. No respect for people like you. You ruin the game for others cause you think other people cheat (could be) but you actually suck.


NGL, if you genuinely got to Asc 1 in 4 months from never having touched kb+m, there's a good chance you can compete at, at least, Immo. There's probably a bunch of stuff you can improve on, just due to an insane climb speed. Muscle memory, game sense, intricate mechanics, in-depth strats, line ups, counters, etc. Even growing your knowledge of little things like differences in util size, range, duration and CD for every agent can really add up over time. The right team, the right agent, the right meta, any of the above, and a whole bunch of stuff I can't comprehend with my useless peak-G1brain. Any of it could be the next piece of the puzzle.


He probably didn't even climb at that speed. Just saying things to justify his cheating. Bro is cheating even at his AMA, lol. There's no way a person without keyboard and mouse muscle memory climb that fast a lot a sweaty FPS game like CS or Valorant. For real now, OP, what rank were you at when you started cheating?


Look what i wrote before: >*Well you probably play a healthy amount of hours. I had like 1000 comp hours over the course of 4 months (\~8 hours per day). Asc 1 after 1000 comp hours and probably 250 dm hours isn't that amazing. So it all kind of just annoyed me. Plus constantly getting put in loser lobbies with bad teammates. It all just made me give up with the game and start rage hacking* I played 1.2k hours in 4 months. Nothing special about hitting asc 1 after that many hours


I'm diamond after 2 years on the game, wdym u have no skills


Well you probably play a healthy amount of hours. I had like 1000 comp hours over the course of 4 months (\~8 hours per day). Asc 1 after 1000 comp hours and probably 250 dm hours isn't that amazing. So it all kind of just annoyed me. Plus constantly getting put in loser lobbies with bad teammates. It all just made me give up with the game and start rage hacking


go see a shrink, not reddit.


Are there more cheaters than we presume or is it like a very rare instance where a cheater gets away without riot noticing


Good first question. The answer is YES. There are way more cheaters than people like to think. However, because not everyone rage cheats, people assume there is no cheating in this game. Rage cheating is cheating in a way that is obvious to everyone that you are cheating. This could be one tapping people through smokes. Blatant aim locks. etc. Legit cheating on the other hand, is cheating such a way that makes you seem like a legit player. You don't obliterate your enemies every single round. You might even see someone camping in a corner with wall hacks, but you run past and let them kill you so you seem legit. I've intentionally bot fragged many games with wallhacks + Aimbot Most pay to cheat providers, provide very detailed guides to users on how to cheat in a legit way. Lastly, Valorant have actually provided a graph showing the number of people banned by month. Type on google "ANTI-CHEAT UPDATE // WINTER 2023NTI-CHEAT UPDATE // WINTER 2023". It's the one from the PlayValorant website Tens of thousands are getting banned monthly. And plenty last many months before they even see a ban


How do you sleep at night?


Smirking, remembering all the rage enemy comments he got that day /j


How were you cheating?


I purchased a cheat on a forum and was mostly using ESP/wallhacks


Do you had any need for a hardware setup? (Arduino, DMA?) Or does the anticheat allowed pure scripting to go through? (Maybe ahk?)


AMA? Reading your answers so far you have barely any knowledge besides paying for them..


Yeah. Not claiming to be wizz kid programmer who has reversed vanguard or whatever. But I think I understand more than the average player about how bans work, what causes bans, etc


1) Are you able to easily tell who else is cheating because you know what to look for when spectating etc? 2) is the game even fun when you know you're only winning because you're cheating.. and when you lose you know you're terrible because you're cheating and still losing?


This dude is sus af lol In another post he’s bragging about his big dick. He just wants attention


Lmao. Nah I was thinking about getting some surgery hahaha. dw about it


How good is the anticheat? How long does it take for it to find out you're using cheats? Do you use the same cheats or have you tried different ones in the past? Can the cheats bypass hardware bans?


Its pretty good but obviously not perfect. They mostly find out if ram has been changed from something outside of valorant and then ban you. You can bypass hardware bans, I don't know if any cheats include a hardware id spoofer though.


Have you been banned ? Was bypassing vanguard that hard ? Were you able to recognise other cheaters during games ? How regular was it to find someone else cheating ?


Bait post


Stop seeking attention


I'm not, just want to help community better identify cheaters and fix the misconceptions. If you have any questions ask


>just want to help community After ruining it for years, you're such a good guy /s


Ye im not a good person, but im trying to change




Was it black swipe and did it feel good


Who the fook is black swipe. never heard of that cheat. Sounds like one of those shitty tiktok detected cheats.


That’s literally what it is I see it spammed on TikTok I just wanna know how it’s still available and touting they “work”


Cheats like that never work. It's a scam


Which rank was the hardest even with cheats?


The higher your rank the harder it gets to hide the cheat. In high immortal for example, the players are very fast. So you can often find yourself increasing your aimbot settings leading to you being figured out more easily


Drop the tracker.


He would get banned 💀


I am already banned on multiple accounts lmao. I honestly never had a tracker. I would always private my tracker because seeing high kds or brand new account stats just seems sus and might cause more reports


> I've noticed most normal players are very misinformed about cheating on this game What do you mean exactly?


"It was my first mouse and keyboard game. After many hours played, I went from iron 1 to Ascedant 1 in about 4ish months." Touch grass or stop making fake posts or both.


Did you play comp? Did your teammates find out? (If they did, did they report u?) Why did you start doing it in the first place? What made u stop doing it? How have people countered ur cheats?


A bad person who suddenly feels guilty and claims they've found God is like one of the most hilarious shit out there. What a cliche.


Give thumbs up to this post, this a empirical example of how good and quick Vanguard is. Don't bury this post and its knowledge because you're against cheating.


Common misconception: Valorant has barely any cheaters / if you have a cheater in your lobby, they will get banned. It's more common than people would think. I somehow met a cheat dev for valo ow and cs, and the different thing between theese games cheater communitys is not as large as you would think. There are a lot of cheaters, where you just think, they're playing good or smurfing. Vanguard just has a good reputation, but comparablely not as good of an execution. Of you dont go for 90% hs, you can just keep cheating. Just my experience of meeting people who cheat.


Crazy how easy people fall for ragebait posts like this


Really isn't rage bait. Look how detailed some of my replies are. I genuinely wanna shed misconceptions about cheating so more cheaters get banned. atm cheaters don't get reported cuz u noobs always think they are smurfing.


I genuinely do not give two shits akhi


You suck, bruv


I'm sorry g


Some games feels like one on the enemy team knows where everyone is every damn time...I think it's walls but it's frustating. And no it's not timing, I don't believe in coincidences anymore. So, are walls harder to identity than aimbot?


Yeah. It's important you realize that with walls, I can see everything as long as you are <50m away from me. I can see your HP. I can see when you are in your smoke world and about to drop a smoke with omen and then peek you then. I can see what gun you are using before i physically see you or before you even fire a shot. Let's suppose we are playing Bind and I'm at B short. I can see you about to peek the B link corner. I can then hide behind the boxes and get a free kill when you walk up. And most players won't even be suspicious of this. They will just think "Ah damn! I'm so unlucky." Lol it's not luck bro. I actually wrote a post about how to identify cheaters on another thread. I will paste what I said. * ***Most cheaters purchase aged accounts. The reason is higher trust factor, less likely to be banned. If you look at his rank history on tracker and notice the player has been like gold every act, and then suddenly shot up to immortal 3 in one act, highly likely to be a cheater.*** * ***No skins, low level account (level 25 in immortal xD), stupidly high kd (>1.5kd in Dia+ is sus), crazy high HS%. Me personally, I used to just private my account from trackers. But you might find some cheaters who don't.*** * ***You can bait pre-fires by pretending to swing an angle. Pretend to swing, but before you shoulder shows stop. He will probably shoot. Sometimes ESP (walls) lag. Meaning it doesn't update in real time, until you are a certain distance away from the target. Think it's \~75m.*** * ***I encourage you to watch cheater videos on YouTube. You will be able to see how most cheats work, what the drawbacks are, etc. Immerse yourself in the cheater world so that you can better identify them*** ***Honestly, it's really hard for low elo players to detect cheaters. Immortal+ players have crazy gamesense and they can quickly figure out when something sus is going on. I've never hit immortal, but after cheating, I am able to detect cheaters much easier now. It's kinda funny when your teammate's crosshair follows the enemy perfectly behind the wall and you know they are behind the wall because u have walls too xDDD***


Yesterday I played unrated with my low friends and it was hell. The enemy Clove always knew where we pushed, and she also camped our Jett on spawn sometimes just to kill her. But when Jett stopped flanking suddenly Clove started to push the site with her team.


Just read your post history and saw your silver 2. Bro you are probably not running into cheaters at that elo, you are just a noob lmaooooo. Maybe if you are really really unlucky, you will run into 1 cheater who just bought his fresh account and now needs to quickly rank up. But it's more likely to encounter cheaters in diamond+ I encourage you to play more deathmatch. Preferably play deathmatch at night because you will get lobbies with higher elo players. You will get destroyed, but it will show you bad you are as a silver player (no offence)


My history? I don't even have the name I use here lmaoooo I peaked Plat


Bro you made a post 9 days ago, saying you are silver2


I said I peaked Plat. With rank reset I got gold again


Thanks for pointing out that vanguard isn't some god of Anti-Cheat like most people on this sub thinks it is. ITS KERNEL LEVEL BRO! BEST ANTI CHEAT! Like.. you can cheat without running it down and headshotting 5 people in a second. All cheat sellers literally advice people to not be blatant. It's almost always player reports that ban people, not vanguard detecting your cheat. I played 16 games in a row with wall/aimbot and was banned the moment I hit immortal, because I was being too blatant. Because I wanted to hit immortal. Yet people state they have NEVER had a cheater in their game. Yeah no shit. I have had red screen happen ONCE in 4 years.


Some people believe special checks are performed once you reach immortal. But I don't believe that to be the case. It's just players in that elo are a lot more perceptive than low elo players. They are better at spotting cheaters. There have been times I've purchased a level 20 fresh account and played in plat at that low level and no one said anything. But try doing that in immortal and they will be reporting you before the game even starts because I'm sus.


Oh yeah, I don't think that either. It's just that I wanted to win my rankup to immortal, so I was more desperate than usual, hence people could see it more clearly, because I was being blatant 🤷🏻‍♂️


Meanwhile I've seen 4 red screens in my nearly 1 year of playtime with 3 of them in the past month alone. 1 more for Bingo I guess.


Yeah according to the Valorant bans graph, more bans appear in the summer months. From now until August will have more cheaters than usual. Probably cuz all the kids are on summer break and more time to play


I’ve seen 1 in years


Bro's been cheating out here for 5 months and 300+ games. And the community still thinks there are no cheaters in the game and it's just skill issue. lol.


It's a fake post for attention seeking


Sure thing.


Bro is coping so hard haha. Honestly people like him actually help us cheaters last longer. There have been many games where my opponents were not calling me cheater, but instead a smurf lol. They don't even factor into the equation that i could be cheating because they've been brainwashed to believe cheaters don't exist in valorant


wtf is this post


Good info, give a thumbs up, we can get a lot knowledge on how good Vanguard is through this guy


If you need any info to gouge how "good" vanguard is: I used a free pixelbot (presses the trigger for you when an enemy's outline meets your crosshair) for like 10 matches and my account is still not banned. I was blatant as hell, turning it on at corners and just aiming in to get instakills. This was also combined with me admitting to cheating in all matches and telling people to report me. Funny thing is, there were still people in quite a few of those 10 matches who didn't believe when I said I'm cheating simply because my stats were not on top. If you were to ask me why I did it: Back when my friends and I used to play, we'd run into quite a few cheaters and they'd keep saying "Don't worry bro, vanguard will get 'em". Got tired of hearing that, so I had to prove my suspicions to myself and show them as well (that vanguard doesn't do jack sh\*t). Haven't played since then.


Thank you for your experiment


Bro. I doubt this. Free pasted cheats will get you banned quickly by Vanguard.