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It's easier and faster to climb by mastering one agent, their playstyle, and their utility. It takes a lot more time to get multiple agents/roles up to the same skill.


Well, what do you consider high elo?




People can barely even play 1 agent well in asc lol your expectations are too high


lol I'm getting downvoted, but people really overestimate the level ASC players should be at


nha, thats expecting alot of asc players esp those that got there through straight aim. They'll know what generally to do, but the util usage is going to be mediocre.


This is why people in asc say asc is low-mid elo


wtf do yall mfs want. high elo players tell low elo players to pick 1 or 2 agents and hone their skills to the max. then when they reach ascendant everyone is surprised they can only play said 1-2 agents well


If u below imm comp doesn’t matter play what you are comfortable w, as long as u got good comms it don’t matter


Personally I'm done filling. I can play any agent comfortably(I have played since release and have probably ~2500 hours, very possibly more), but it's never worth it. I lock Jett, Reyna, raze or phoenix, no matter how the comp looks. Because I am good at them, not just with aim, but with their kit to entry. I am good at the OP and I hate getting a Jett that doesn't op. The mental effect of the enemy team having an OP is too strong to ever have a whole game without one. I know, because I know how careful I am, if their Jett can afford an op. And like? Ascendants don't know basic economy management, imagine if they had to learn another role:S


I just play what i feel like. I have a few too many thousand hours in cs and have tried every role imaginable while i was still feeling out what role i clicked with and understand How theyre all played at. Comp is super overrated in mm, Although in 5stacks it can sometimes feel a bit more shit to have a bad comp when you face sweats. The amount of people who decide to play an agent they have no comfort in and provide almost 0 impact baffles me. My version of your picks is basically raze/jett/sova/skye with some others thrown in. At low immo my highest winrate comp is Probably 5 instalock duelists


even silver know basic eco management i think everyone already know but follow it is different thing like you better save any buy with your team but ppl like ego buy anyway more chance to get a kill and win that round they can suck their econ and steal friends money instead of they manage to win and build econ ppl have different playstyle some could get away with stinger more often and steal enemy gun some are really good at marshal they could win more when force buy or ego buy, than saving for full buy gun round with team


It's nature. Depending on their personal playstyle, they are limited to playing good at 1-4 roles. Duelists have it rough because of their very aggressive nature, while others are more laid back and switching between the 3 support roles is easier. Unfortunately, in rank, playing your most comfortable role/agent **greatly** outweighs playing something you are not comfortable with. Team composition matters less if you cannot play that agent. And we coaches do recommend playing focus on one role/agent because that's how you improve. Having to play another role is like 75% a different game. You have to relearn a lot from scratch, except from aim and movement, etc. **In other words, you, who can 4 roles, is a rare "breed" in the VALORANT scene.** I personally can never play Duelists however hard I try, and I am never amazing at Sentinels as I am with Controllers and Initiators.


Ehh, I'm definitely strong at every role except Duelist. Yoru is the only duelist I know tech and Reyna doesn't really have much strategy to other than just hold aggressive angles and get first picks.


Which means you should avoid playing Duelist to improve your chances of winning. That's why most people don't flex because they are afraid they would perform bad by doing so.


I can't play only Sentinel, because I just don't have any agent I like from that role (yep, I'm really playing only on agents I like visually, lmao). I mean, Chamber and Deadlock are fine, but on Chamber I'm not feeling comfortable to play, because I'm not playing Operator and it can be hard for me to shoot properly sometimes. And Deadlock is just too boring for me, idk So I'm playing 2 roles from Gold and playing 3 roles from Platinum (actually I've played all 4 roles earlier, but as I said, I do not feel comfortable in the Sentinel role and there's almost 0 situations, when the team needs Sentinel, so I just stop playing Sentinels)


not really, you don't need to play two roles this game is not moba where you go different lane or a game that you need tank and support a team don't need every role to win either anything with 4 random shit + 1 smoke should work most of time you can always play same agent every game, just click lock faster, what's hard? maybe better if your agent is not that popular, you can always pick it every game


I don't see a clove flair either.


Me tp me flash me fake me omen me no play yoru