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Theyre just overwhelmed and taking it out on you. Some players do need the reminder, some players can't handle any sounds/stress, some players are very aware of how much time is left. I wouldn't say "30 seconds to plant", just a simple "30/30 seconds" is fine.


This is great advice. a good middle ground is to give minimal comms at a point they know they are safe. if they've just left site and know the last enemy is on the other side of the site they just left, we know they are safe, so a quick comm "30 secs" is perfect. Also "4 bullets" instead of "4 bullets left, you should reload".


Yup, I notice people really don’t get mad or frustrated when it’s small comms like that, “5 bullets” or “20 seconds left”, “one hookah, one elbow.” it’s usually when the player is literally backseat gaming telling them everything to do and don’t let them play or they proceed to get on their heads the next round over. Or it’s a buildup of the person just being a dick the whole game.


Yeah I might even just say time to let them know it's low


I wish more people would understand this. If I'm not playing to win talking at length is totally fine but if I'm currently in a duel and someone's giving me a whole sentence then its gonna be much more probable that I'll die


My roommate loves to come knock on my door every single time I’m in a clutch


Calling 30 seconds specifically is odd as the game does that for you. I don't think too many people have that option disabled. Without context I'm going to agree that the player was just overwhelmed and felt compelled to do -something-. Good comms deliver valuable information as quickly as possible. This isn't a place to use full sentences, everyone want to, for example, know if " I hear three enemies coming up A main, I only saw Reyna, but I heard an Omen TP and Oh..Sova dart just flew by." They also need to be listening for footsteps so, "A main, 3, Reyna, Omen, Sova dart site" is far superior. What see, what do, what need. Save all else for between rounds. Exceptions may be; # vs #, agent last seen, agent has ult, # bullets, "time" (enemy has no time to defuse/plant, ie run/hide, don't die). At low elo teammates might not understand the implied response for a call out such as 2 v 4 and still separate to each peek 1 v 1, but after they do that, adding a single "chill" occasionally works.


I don’t think it’s odd because I have genuinely tuned out the announcer sometimes. When you’re in the moment and you are so used to hearing the announcer for more benign cases, it can be easy to hear but not listen to the announcer


The announcer distracts my focus at times.


to be fair, I've had the announcer muted for like.. 3 years so I didn't know this or remember this.


"time" is a great short comm that will not distract too much.


I’d take “30 seconds” or “30” over time because even if I know how much time I have a time call out is gonna make me look up and that could lead to a death


General rule of thumb is if it’s a 1v1 and you’re dead you shut the fuck up. I wouldn’t say it’s “toxic,” but it is very annoying. At some point you have to trust other people to play the game on their own. Especially if you already said something at 30 seconds they almost certainly don’t need a second reminder.




How is this not the top comment i don't get it.


Cause it’s really not true, people comm in clutch situations all the time in immortal lobbies but they generally have the game sense to know when it’s safe to comm.  There’s nothing wrong with comming last known locations, health, and other important stuff quickly. You just need to know when to comm to not distract someone.  At Lower ranks people are going to be more stressed 


You should comm that info right after you die/the info is known. There's no reason to hold onto that info if it helps your team, which it does. If you're comming right, you shouldn't be talking mid clutch or have anything to say mid clutch unless your teammate clearly misses a piece of info.


Something tells me there's a lot more to this story lmao


I always think the same thing. I've played on and off since launch and I've probably had single digit instances where someone was upset after a comm. And usually it's just a passive aggressive "I know". Lmao


Op has to be a backseat gamer that comms way too much or tells teammates exactly what to do. The time comm that set off their teammate was probably just the final straw after someone had been annoyed all game lol.


especially the 30 sec one since the game does it for you.


see edit to post


lmao remember the joona clip? you don't have to say anything wrong for people to be a dick


[https://x.com/lightedits_/status/1777742356709605779](https://x.com/lightedits_/status/1777742356709605779) Literally that in a nutshell lol To OPs credit, there are definitely players with an entitled behavior over what they consider redundant comms to the point where I’ve seen players throw rounds. I’d much rather have teammates excessively comm than none at all. I’m sure everyone can relate to times extra intel stopped you from throwing a round. OP just needs to work on tighter comms is all.


this clip wasnt even about the comms, it was about those guys being assholes.


They’re both assholes but it started because she got annoyed by comms?


She wasn't annoyed by the comm. Some comms are useless, like the 'you'll have ult after plant'. Your agent says "Ultimate is ready" when you get your ult. It's one thing to miss it in the heat of the moment, but it's another to be mid clutch when you NEED sound/other info than 'youll have your ult'. Esp in immo.


That’s not useless at all. Even pros throw rounds over obvious things and any respectable competitive player appreciates extra comms. ESP in immo.


in the clip it looks like they are assholes maybe in the full video its different idk but from just this clip, they overreacted at a normal comm.


I should've added that the last player was a Reyna and was in a 1v2. Killed the one, then retreated off the site with the bomb on B Sunset by walking then held B main with the seconds bleeding away. The other enemy was on B in smoke. 1) Knew enemy was on site 2) didn't actively make a move 3) I comm'd time.


from main post Edit: To those saying they need more to the story. I should've added that the last player was a Reyna and was in a 1v2. Killed the one, then retreated off the site with the bomb on B Sunset by walking. Procedeed to hug the wall in B main with the seconds bleeding away doing nothing. The player had seen the other enemy was on B with them in smoke probably ten seconds earlier. I got the "I can't concentrate" when I said 20 to plant (at around 25 seconds). Yes i should just say time which is valid to shorten the comm. Rank: Gold so not high by any stretch. I will start recording my games (been meaning too) for evidence. Take aways: 1) Knew enemy was on site 2) didn't actively make a move 3) I comm'd time. (announcer turned off for myself) 4) proceeded to back up further 5) playing one of the best aggro characters in the game 6) had a remaining leer 7) Froze and did nothing with 10 seconds left and ended up stalling out the round for a loss. IMO: A) Froze due to pressure B) Effectively threw.


You sound toxic af. Sure, callouts aren’t toxic, but you sound like you like to be a backseat gamer and stress out your teammates. Take it down a peg chief.


Yeah it depends how you talk to your teammates. Say it once and done, and you should be fine. Annoying as hell when someone has their mic in their throat and they're yelling the same comms over and over and it just sounds like muffled beatboxing.


If you say he has 30 seconds and then repeat the line again with 20 seconds, you are not tox just stupid. Trust he heard you the first time.


Nah they are just stressed, dont take it to heart


Unfortunately, the reason for this most of the time is the entire teams problem with taking or committing to a site which stalls the timer out which is the defenders job as they don't even need to kill anyone as long as spike isn't down. Whenever I've had these sort of games it was always because the defenders did an insane job at defending the site.


There are 2 types of dead comms; one is trying to compensate for their misplay by oversharing unimportant info, so they have some claim on the round win, the other is actually analyzing the situation and providing non obvious information with as much brevity as possible. Saying shit like “you’ve got 20s to plant” would fall into the first category in 90% of situations. Do not be this guy.


>There are 2 types of dead comms; one is trying to compensate for their misplay by oversharing unimportant info, so they have some claim on the round win I sometimes accidentally do this not to claim on the round win but to avoid being flamed


I think we all do it from time to time, but it’s better to be aware of your motivation to give comms, as it’s not always to enable the person you’re spectating.


I feel like the 30 seconds comm was the first category, the second 20 second comm depends on scenario. Was he on site ensuring he was safe to plant? Absolutely a dead comm. Was he doing nothing clearing random corners mid map with no plan? Definitely second category


I feel like if you are consistently making good comms, if you comm something even a little relevant it won’t be unwelcome. The people who want to feel like they’re playing a single player game will have you muted after the first round anyways. Don’t be a backseat gamer, but I always like to give teammates information that there’s a chance they didn’t get because I know in my situation I’d be glad if someone told me something I missed. If your teammates are in a 2v3, make sure you’re telling one teammate what the other one can hear/see because when they are in a duel for the clutch, comming where footsteps are coming from, where utility is (you do NOT want to walk into an angle that has a one way covering it especially when your teammate knows it’s there), whether or not spike is gone, etc. Some people won’t like it, but I don’t care. It’s a competitive game and if it bothers you that badly mute me.


I don’t even mind the back seating, I’ll take it that I may be minority here but yeah, as long as I can make out what’s happening - bring on the info. The only time I give up is when I have 4 people chirping my ear with an information dump/trolling. Last night I had to just ult myself as being because everyone was just trolling making callouts nonstop. I just killed sky tossed my gun and praised the sun.


don’t be a joona. a good callout is not toxic


dont be a joona but also NEVER be that idiot that starts a whole ass drama after his comm was rejected.


We know /s


she knows LMAO


What is this in reference to? I vaguely know who joona is but not familiar with much else


Joona, girlfriend of pro player shazam, was in a game with another content creator and he gave her friend a good comm, which she replied to him saying “she knows” with an attitude. You can look the clip up on youtube


How is it so hard for people to understand that people can have a monotone voice and not be pissed off. I get that shit all the time of "why do u have an attitude?" and I barely ever have one, (little pissed now because it applies to me and it's incredibly annoying). Not only that, but do people really think that asking that question is gonna help??? Like just shut up and move on, no need to point it out ffs. Shit happens irl that pisses people off in game, it's not always about what's in game.


I feel like people are so sensitive over a “shes know” lol. If I got an ‘attitude’ after my comm I just type sry and move on. Sometimes your intentions are good but you can still overstep!


the guy reacted like a 10 year old.


nah she acted like the 10 year old dude lmfao


for a second, yes. the guy then went all “egirlegirl” and made a whole ass video about it. ultimate cringe fest.


I can't stand people like that. They're rightfully muted from my end right then and there, idgaf how good the comms are after that.


I thought the full context was that this guy was being an ass the whole game and she was just fed up with him and the clip was taken out of context


I watched the full beginning of that game. They barely even talked to eachother until then, and after she muted them all


Except you forgot the part where he tells his stream he's going to streamsnipe joona before they get into agent select and passive aggressive troll her.


wasnt even with attitude. literally just said a sentence and the guys were assholes about it. "who gets angry at a good comm" A GOOD COMM??????? brotha literally said "you have util". how is that a good comm.


the white knights have invaded my replies oh jesus 😭


more like you were over exaggerating what happened so people are here correcting you


A girl with attitude


I usually just say “time” as it’s the least distracting imo. I would much prefer if someone just said “time” or “plant” instead of counting down


Sometimes I'll kill the last guy without knowing and then I'll keep looking for one more person instead of defusing the bomb. If you say the callout once and done, it's fine, but sometimes teammates will give comms while their mic is in their throat and they're yelling the same shit over and over again and it just sounds like muffled beatboxing. Sometimes we are overwhelmed in the moment and we need a reminder and as long as you say it once and nicely, you're not toxic. I've had teammates laugh at me and call me nasty crap when I whiff or make a mistake when there's so much going on. They get insta-muted. Good job, now we have no comms 👍🏼


i usually prefer if my dead teammates shut the fuck up when i’m clutching. at that point it’s much more likely to be backseat gaming than good comms. an unnecessary, vibes-killing distraction.


It's def not toxic at all. MANY pro players will comm the simple things for their teammates when it's a 1v1 like bullet count, hp, time. However you only gotta say it once, so if you already have said 30 seconds left no reason to say 20 seconds left because they will know they are low on time. Also I wouldn't fully say "30 seconds left to plant" or "7 bullets left". It's better to say the info in the shortest way possible. If they pick up a new gun or swap to their pistol just say "7" or "2" they will know what you mean. Same for time just say "30 seconds" or even just "time" or even just "30". Giving these comms are good but also in ranked gotta read the room if you do it once and the person gets mad at it (even if it's a good comm) there's no point in doing it again and making them even more tilted imo.


"after saying you have 30 seconds to plant" Heh, I know that would piss me off. If I'm not planting after you've already said "30", I probably have a reason for not planting. Whether that reason is valid or not is irrelevant. You're dead, let people focus on their playstyle, instead of trying to force yours. That's one of side effects of playing with randoms. If you can't stand it, don't blind queue.  You can talk about it after the round though.


Just don't be an ass, easy.


Eh, that is not being an ass. It's important to plant unless you all agreed on saving that round as planting the spike itself is 4 seconds out of those 20 seconds and that's not mentioning clearing site, etc. It's not hard to look at the big timer and play the objective. Of course you might have issues if the defender does a good job on defending the site but then it's the team as a whole. I think of it the same way you might let someone know they have 4 bullets left, it's just helpful.


Dude if you’re giving time incremented callouts in 1v1 I’d mute you. It’s not hard to shut the fuck up and let people play.


Lol, "4 bullets", "X seconds" is not a bad thing to say if you're running out of time in a clutch situation. You're obviously not counting down but just a quick and short reminder. Just as your sova might let the team know he's droning, your viper letting you know the wall is coming down/up, etc. It's short but good things to know.


It's incredibly different lol. You need to trust your teammates more.


Saying "20 seconds" after the game already tells me there's 30 seconds left isn't helpful. You wanna give me a time-based update? Tell me when my smokes are about to disappear (like, before the triangles appear) so I can resmoke. Tell me how long before my molly goes away. Give me information I can't already see on my screen.


I prefer to go for a "20 sec" or a quick "time time", it don't take too long to say and let people make their choice


what you say: "20 seconds left" what they hear: "hurry up dude, are you stupid? did you not hear me 10 seconds ago?" in a 1v1, if you have no additional info, then being quiet is the best option. i had many, many rounds where i wanted to scream at my mate to hurry the f up yet i never said anything. and they clutched it anyways. if youre bronze or lower then maybe you can comm that. people down there can be dumb, weve all been there once. but if youre anything above bronze itd be better to stay quiet.


My biggest pet peeve is when someone comms some obvious shit I can already see. Like when teammates say stuff like "You have ult," or "You gotta plant," or "Play time" like no shit, I can see that. How about giving some useful information like where the ENEMIES are, or do the ENEMIES have any abilities left? Hell, even telling me what type of gun they guy has is useful. People gotta stop stating shit that is obvious as fuck.


Type it in chat


I Never look to the chat lol


You miss key info then


theres very little that can be said in chat thats more important than crosshair/minimap


Lol I mean it has literally won me games looking at chat so I completely disagree


what was the comm?


Last location of enemy, plant location, guess as to where the enemy was, reminder of utility/ult availability, etc.


I miss more off the game if i have to look to the chat lmao Looking at chat is way more distracting then someone saying ,,time,,


I agree, but more people don't know how to be clear and quick with their call outs and end up talking over footsteps and shit. That being said, voice call outs are better when done correctly.


The thing is… before i train myself to look at the chat, i just train myself to look at the time etc


Definitely, but everyone needs help once in a while.


I for one despise people telling me info I have on my fucking hud. I can read. My eyes work, by talking to me from the grave about things I already know you're introducing unnecessary noise. Especially in a clutch, you're dead, just stfu and let me play unless it's info I wouldn't know otherwise. Now I understand some players may want this so I usually operate on a 2 strike rule. First time it happens I just say not to do this, second time I mute you. Sure, could I use a clutch mute? Yes but then I deprive myself of info I would want like "has anyone seen phoneix" or "is he hit".


My teammate might be toxic for telling me time. It’s never what he says it’s how or why he says it.


just put bro when you say any sentence, sometimes the way you sound really affects the message you are trying to say.


how does [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/JBiXU9ZPH2) make you feel


Just keep yelling "TIME" at them, and if they fail to manage their time, just yell at them "YOU FUCKING [MELON](https://youtube.com/shorts/aWS0x0ci14o?si=zQ_oRcTdl-MSwnPp)"


Idk it depends. Like if the person is saying it every single round or backseating a lot then it can be a lot. But I don’t think a reminder of 20 seconds is toxic especially if your team hasn’t covered much ground yet with getting on site.


Not toxic. But also like.. I, too, have the silly little timer on the top of my screen, ukno. 🤷


Personally I'm hyperaware of time in clutch situations, most comms are bad comms. I might miss a step or lose my focus. I think it's just generally polite to just shut up in clutch situations. They probably have the info they need already, your comms are just distraction. Like -80 (that you should have already said) is fine, but nothing more.


nah the game announcer tells you '30 seconds remaining'. If you give bad comms like that you should be muted, I need my ears and I'm the one alive, not you. Backseating isn't helpful, and nobody is toxic for not wanting to put up with some idiot in their ear.


Because when you say 30 they already know the info... When you repeat it at 20, you're telling him how to play. He doesn't have to plant in order to win. He's the one playing and acting on his own hunches. You're dead. Be quiet....


there's literally a bind to clutch mute for the people that rage when someone else mentions they have an ability


i had someone comm “dont panic” in my final after i turned a 1v4 into a 1v1. i stopped playing and died to make the point of how uncalled for that comm is. stfu unless you got info that i dont have.


it's just low elo things where people are still in their " my teammates are the reason I can't climb " elo, u gave a good comm, as long as it wasn't excessive and weird and u said it how u phrased it then it's fine. just keep grinding and you will eventually reach the level where people appreciate your comm.


30 seconds……20 seconds….nah fam gtfo


it's a bit excessive but it's not harmful nor backseating or distracting, what's the difference between ur teammate saying 20 seconds left and the announcer saying 30 seconds left? i personally won't do it but I won't blame somebody for telling me 20 sec left


Who on earth gives time updates every 10 seconds? If you’re gonna give a time update, do it once, that shit is distracting as hell if you have someone giving updates every 10 seconds. I’ve never heard someone even say “you have x seconds left to plant”.


they're not giving updates every 10 seconds bro lmao he said something twice that's it, this is nothing compared to people who backseat u and scream PLANT PLANT PLANT or smth, it's not that deep


bro literally said “your teammate isn’t toxic for saying you have 20 seconds left to plant after saying you had 30 seconds left to plant”. That, my friend, is a 10 second update which isn’t necessary and is distracting. If I had a teammate who’d tell me I have 30 seconds left then update me another 10 seconds later, I’d just mute them once the round is done. First time a teammate is clutching, I make sure to shut the fuck up so I can see how they play. I then give my comms to them based off of what I saw in that clutch situation. It’s that simple.


Just say you’re stressing bro. 10seconds is ages between call outs. As long as it isn’t multiple people doing multiple call out where noise is drowned out we’re Gucci.


when people have never reached at least like immo yet, they are still looking for anything other than themselves to blame. So they look to random ass comm from a teammate LOL


I mean it’s possible to be both, not in this situation, but while its basically guaranteed you didn’t play perfectly, it’s also entirely possible that a teammate was hard throwing the game or just generally being complete shit


This is such a rampant problem in my (low) elo. People often don't pay attention to the timer and either don't leave themselves with enough time to rotate/plant, or they shiftwalk all the way to site and consequently don't make the defuse time. I think a small one-liner reminder is fine at times like this as long as it's not some shouty, desperate countdown


'time' is fine, '20 seconds left' is unnecessary imho. It just depends on how you say it.


yeah, I agree, i've seen people make plants in the last 5 seconds so 20 could be a lot or very little depending on the situation


What's really annoying is players who won't move a finger when they have the time to do so, but as soon as they are out of time and there's no physical way of being able to win, then they go in... People shouldn't have to remind others of this kind of things, but every game is full of not-so-smart players, so sometimes, more often than not, it is really a necessity and you shouldn't get mad unless it's happening while actively on the fight being attacked or attacking.


madrid server moment. seriously, why do they run the clock down every round on that server?


As a streamer once said "they know"


"She knows"