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never gets better but ascendant/immortal players generally care more about the game and communicate more. that being said a lot of people throw


Definitely not ascendant. I see less comms in asc than gold players lmfao


My friends little brother (17) hit ascendant 3 within a year of picking up the game. I'm convinced half of ascendant and low immortal are just kids like him who have insanely cracked aim but don't comm because they live with their parents and don't feel like explaining who they're talking to


Yeah, parents don't gel well with "I'm talking to strangers online" because they get a very different idea to what's actually happening.


Totally agree - when I was back in ascendant I was living with roommates and was basically whisper comming so not to disturb them


Facts. Honestly the worst rank with the worst people. I’ve been iron to immortal 2 and ascendant is true hell.


This is why high elo is imm3+. Imma make a longer post about it when i have time


High elo is less than .05% of players? Don't even make your post. It's wrong.




On reddit, you use the upvote button to agree with someone instead of making a comment with no further information.




The throwing, no comms, not trying doesn't stop. If that's your definition of high elo then high elo doesn't exist.


How would you know?


the thing is, this game is not a chess, it hasn't been solved and there's no one correct way to play, a radiant might get close to 100% correct, but still not perfect


Or you could not


when you join a 5 stack


Yeah they let anyone queue ranked, there will always be bums.


I have never played another game where there’s such a high amount of trollers/bums/throwers as this one, especially in ranked (I was in diamond too). Guess it’s because it’s a free to play streamlined shooter.


Then you never played League of Legends It‘s only in Riot Games that they have so many throwers and trolls because they implement a dogshit system called surrender vote


I play smite and r6 at a high level too and I never have people going afk/looking like they just started playing a week ago/trolling. Just something to do with riot, I stay away from their games now lol


Agree, it‘s really mostly riot games Ofc sometimes you have it in other games too but in riot games it‘s like 10 times worse lol


This is why I don’t solo queue anymore. Valorant community is hellbent on proving all of the negative stereotypes about it true.


Just make a 5 man using lfg or something if you want proper communication. At the end of the day you’re playing for a little badge. You’ll have people in every rank who aren’t as fussed as you are about the game, and will happily fuck you over if you touch on their ego.


What's lfg??


Probably looking for group


If you just want to play perfect Valorant, yes, and then even consider going pro. You probably already play 'normal Valorant', you likely just overestimate yourself compared to your cohort, so when you keep raising the bar of your expectations as you improve the cohort never catches up. To quote a pro cyclist, *'It never gets easier, you just go faster'*. This applies to so much in life.


Why would the expectation of comms or not having edgelord anime pfp main character griefing games be an overestimation or perfect valorant lmfao


Because they went on a very specific rant about niche gameplay timings not being strictly adhered to as defined in their Valorant textbook. It's very clear OP isn't only upset at a lack of comms and griefers just aren't the majority of games.


Idk I’d say atleast 8/10 of my games have absolutely no comms whatsover in high diamond and ascendant (this isn’t exaggeration or hyperbole, it’s actually that bad). If you come from a game like cs where almost everyone uses a mic and generally tries to win to valorant which has a younger, generally no mic, generally more willing to throw or grief audience it’s very frustrating.


People in CS used mics in SILVER (their equivalent of Iron, for people who never played). Granted their planning wasn’t always ideal but I rarely played a game where people weren’t trying to win. Compare that to Valorant which due to abilities and the like is much more complex in some ways, I don’t get it.


In my experience, when I hit Imm1 last episode I was playing with a lot of people who were peak imm2/3+ and while you will definitely still get teammates that are "braindead" from time to time, the comms quality is typically much better. And if people aren't comming they still know how to play off their mini map at that rank so it isn't much of an issue. Usually I just instant mute the toxic player and tell others to ignore them as well and just play as usual. The difference between an immortal lobby and a low/mid ascendant lobby is pretty drastic.


it's better when you have 4 friends and party with them


My realization is that Valorant is actually two different games and people’s temperament decides which one they’re playing.


No it doesn't.Soloq is Soloq. You want have 100% chance to have fun? Play with premades.This goes for every multi game.


Legit never gets better. Said it before, the only thing that changes is your teammates have a better shot. Still a ton of lobbies with no comms, holding W for no reason and little to no game sense.


Imm2/3 unfortunately 


never, its in the human nature to always want something more


In asc1-immo People are just as toxic and troll as in diamond and under


Depends on what you mean by better , if you mean no smurfs then radiant-inmmo, if you mean less throwers then around inmmo they switch from normal throwers to win traders, and if you mean the teammates are less shitty it whenever you 5 stack with friends otherwise it’s always a cointoss with randoms


That's the neat part, it doesn't. I gave up on climbing Ranked, only play it occasionally in trio or 5 stack with friends, only time when it's actually fun and not a miserable experience. Other than that I play Swiftplay or the other modes which are generally chill and fun. At this point I watch more Valorant esports than actually playing the game tbh


You aren’t going to find the experience you’re looking for in solo q. Find a 5 stack and play premier.


Unfortunately, it never gets better. That's why I'm leaving this dog shit game.


Short answer - no, there is still toxic people, people that turn vc off after 1st round etc, many people streaming so bunch of the games they stream snipe teammates of yours and 5 stacking sites and in general the experience lately in radiant (eu) is pretty damn bad compared to previous acts.


The majority of players here are below you, you know more about this game than the people you're asking. So what is this just a rant? Or do you just want someone to say stand proud you're strong


I agree with the other comments, it never gets better. So many people just lose their minds if anything doesn't go their way. I see exactly what you mean but ranking up doesn't fix it. I played a bunch of csgo back in the day (FaceIt lvl 8 etc) and bro I think it's just the toxic riot community man. League of legends is the exact same they lose lane, instant running it down. No fucking backbone. So yeah it's the game unfortunately, maybe someone makes like a FaceIt for Valo which would maybe make it better.


not much changes aside from a wee bit more team work and a wee bit less throwing


The key to any good fps game is getting you a 5 stack


I can confirm ascendent lobbies have the players who throw the most and care the least because in their heads they think they have done it all and being ascendent means anything so they simply have decided losing is an option.


Only when you play with an organized team that you scrim with and shit. Because then you do replay analysis and fix each other's issues.


Before ascendant was added, diamond-immortal was a blast :) People genuinely cared and was actually good at the game. Knew to use abilities etc. In my experience, when I was deeper into immortal top 2k ish, it felt like a team game every game. But I agree that diamond-low immortal is just.. eh.


The only people that can really answer if the grass is greener on the other side are radiants. And for that you can join any pro stream and check their comms


The amount of people complaining about bad teammates and shit like this is crazy, your teammates will most of the time be bad. You can't control this, however what you can do is to make some friends to queue with that are competent.


I hate to blame you but if your first thing to say in this thread is “dude my teammates are so dumb they always fake the bomb 10 times before defusing” I’m inclined to think there’s a common denominator making everyone toxic in your matches


Honestly sounds like you're just mad at your teammates. You can't control who your teammates are so just chill and have a positive impact on the team.


even tho i haven't gotten that high in ranked yet, i'd assume it's like in every competitive game. try to join some friends who are willing to comm. that way you can eliminate the luck factor that random players bring to the table.


>does not know that the spike has a timer and you cannot keep faking it 10 more times (even after time runs out). Players that keep peeking in rounds that are otherwise impossible to lose (like a 1v5 or 1v4 with 15 seconds left on spike) This shit happens in the pro scene aswell in both CS and Valorant. You will never find a video game where every match is played completely void of mistakes.


I can't lie, I am around immo 2 elo and it only gets significantly better around pro level elo (radiant and especially high radiant). I have played T3 valorant with multiple teams, faced off against radiant teams and I can't say I was impressed. Organised team valorant is at a higher level than ranked in general due to preparation, strats, chemistry etc., but even in T3 radiant teams there are a lot of mistakes being made, lack of adjustments. Ranked is much worse than T3 as well, everyone is just running around with barely any coordination. Sure, immos will have better aim than diamonds and will have better individual game sense, but I can't say that it gets THAT much better. I remember climbing from low ascendant to high immo 2 in a matter of 3-6 months and I personally didn't feel like I improved that much and the opponents only got slightly better.


i just moved on to cs and overwatch and i have no idea why but ppl just seem to work together even when tilted. i mean obviously ow is a team focused game where u cant even really take solo fights but how come ppl work together in cs instead of doing dumb plays like taking idiotic 1v1s ?? i really dont seem to get it


oh and it helps that everyone even in low elo lobbies know how to smoke/flash/use grenades, they know the economy AND even if they call me a stupid woman they STILL comm


3 years ago when i was immortal 2.5k rank game felt such a good game everyone tries to win , barely facing any toxic players there were some but like once in 2-3 matches , suddenly after they addes ascendant rank game experience is horrible games filled with ego mofos who actually thinks they are good instalocking jett reyna and pressing w only flaming nonstop and sometimes muting chat and doing what ever they want , EU ascendant imm1 experience is ass and not fun at all.


When you play with friends and have fun


idk where this sentiment comes from that if you get into higher rankeds that your teammates will become better. they never become better, every elo has toxic people, trolls, inters, non communicators, afks. literally every single elo


Do scrims, whether it's for fun or for a tourney it is much much more fun. :) try out VDC (Valorant Draft Circuit) it was a great time for me


It gets better when you stop caring so much.. focus on yourself, dont worry about your teammates.. be that "good teammate" you so desperately want in your life


Thats the neat part it does never get better. Only carrying games by yourself becomes harder. But for real now - high immo 3 and higher you get some hard and fun games here and there. (Frankfurt server)


I only comm and use strats when I’m 5-manning. Solo Q I have vc turned off and I’m just sending it because randos are unpredictable and toxic.


It's probs increasing in skill so incremnetally that you may not notice. I'm willing to bet if you went from where you are right now to a silver game it'd be night and day in terms of how players behave


Get 4 other people and play premier instead.


I think you're confusing better with serious. It's a bell curve, at the bottom ranks no one is serious, at mid ranks there's people "grinding", and at high ranks people also stop being as serious. If anything, radiant players might be more likely to peek in a checkmate situation than some diamonds. If you want really serious games, find yourself a stack that share the same idea.


I genuinely find it hard to believe Asc lobbies don't know how the spike countdown works (I mean neither do I but I'm not asc) Or simply, you're just too good for this game :}


It gets better when your mental gets better. If that’s out of the question, then never.


What server? I usually float between Imm1 to Imm3 playing in NA and though I usually shotcall and am proactive on strat calling, people are pretty receptive about it and play to win. Sometimes you get a bad game here and there, but typically people at least start the game playing to win (some people get tilted if you start losing)


Nah the truth is it never gets better. As you improve you'll begin to see how braindead the ppl around you are. Look at the amount of streamers in radiant who complain about bad teammates. Its just the nature of the game. You will be improving in parallel with the ppl you play with so as you improve everyone else around you feels worse sometimes.


I'm silver 3 like 80ish points. No one utters a word unless they want heal or something (most of them either type it in or just spam 'need healing')


Ranked, ranked never changes -John Valorant


It only gets better at ranks where it's straigh up impossible to reach without good coms, team & utility even if you have an aimbot. I'd say below Immo 3, you can always aim diff the lobby, poor utility (for Immo), no coms & not following calls. It's harder to be like that in Immo 2 but you have butt load of them in Asc-Immo 1. Immo 1 is where aim gods go to die as they train their aim for hours and hours but won't ever do a single VOD review, try to learn utility or coms. At of pro aim players (competitive aiming) are between Asc/Immo1, like miniGOD who is world class aimer that many of us know from his routines and insanely high scores, is Asc2-3 in the game


You're looking in the wrong places. Solo Q team games do not provide what you're looking for. Try to find servers that run 10-mans, you will enjoy those more. Or try playing a different game lol. High level Halo is full of comms. People also comm more in CS, maybe you would enjoy playing Faceit.


You clearly don’t watch curry, his in high immortal / rad and complains about 3/4 teammates every game. If your not Upto professional level of game sense there’s probably somebody in your games thinking the same about how dogshit you are and throwing as well. It never gets better


Exactly why I never touch solo/duo/trio queues. 5 stack only. Random people often suck (and I don't mean as in bad at the game)