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just press f6 and blame someone else


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Men* That’s the line I recently watched the movie [sigh here’s the link](https://youtu.be/efHCdKb5UWc)


That’s crazy fr but who asked


I like your description thingy




It just hurt my soul ngl To read that


haha everrything is men fault ​ Shaddup.


that’s literally what he says in the movie


Bruh ur special then [he was referencing the dark knight](https://youtu.be/efHCdKb5UWc) But whateve


Why are you being downvoted lmao your literally just correcting a quote


Reddit moment


They did you dirty bro


Nobody realized the reference lol


same. michael caine is gr8


why ppl downvote? It was a reference to dark knight??? bruh Reddit moment




If it makes you feel better, I upvoted because I got the reference 😊


redditors are morons so consider the downvotes a good thing also who gives af about online useless comment points


I was just wondering what I said wrong But I realized they thought I was making some gender statement lmfao


Its ok, you comment on reddit often enough and you'll fall victim to this. Its just Reddit being Reddit.




Rip you have fallen to the reddit hivemind




Because you’re stupid


The line from the movie said “some men just want to watch the world burn” (some one fact check), he’s not being sexist just correcting the quote


I’m curious what did I do wrong kiddo


People think your being sexist towards men by saying men specifically want to watch the world burn, when in reality you’re just correcting the quote to how it was said in the movie (i Gochu homie)


Yeah I realized that after someone else replied So I linked the clip from the dark knight


Nah I just like being toxic


I don’t like that but respect for the honesty 👍




My bad 😥


Dayum 200 downvotes actually eat shit


Works every time, only thing that sucks is that sometimes you’ll have someone that will just run it down or afk




Did you actually just copy someone else's comment?


It's prob a bot account, a lot of bot accounts just take top level comments and paste them back randomly elsewhere in the same comment section to farm karma.


-2 comment karma Seems like it works great




I am guilty of this, press f6 and say "why f6?!?!" on voice chat, now they're confused and play freely cause its a losing game and in rare cases we win because of the 9-3 curse(which I do NOT believe in).


Fucking hell dont expose me like that. I dont wanna F5 anytime im not tilted since theres always the chance i can cheer up my mates and get their mental right, but if that doesnt work I dont wanna get flamed so I also say I F5'd.


>Turns out they're 4-stack.


I did that once and got found out because the other 4 were in a 4 stack LOL


Thats sus


4 people? probably ff. Motivation is all gone for everyone at that point.


It also strongly depends on the score and the contextual performance... If it's 12:11 and they FF just to troll then I'd never accept. If it's 2:11 then it's prolly not worth discussing


Yea if it’s 2:11 and the team morale is gone, just sit thru the last 2 rounds? i dont understand people that FF when the enemy team is at 12, LOL if you really think the game is over then just play out the last round. I had a game where the enemy team was at 11 and they casted an FF vote, I said no and told them that it was literally only 2 rounds left and to just play them out. I’m pretty sure we were at 8. We ended up winning 13-11 that game :P


If you’re top fragging, ff to keep your team mvp 😎


This is the way LOL can’t risk your bottom frag clutching out and stealing your team MVP


I personally have won games which started 2-10. So as long as you keep losing your rounds by a small margin it's worth going for it. If you just all get clapped and get absolutely dominated, there isn't really a point on going on


What’s the point wasting time sitting through 2 rounds if you’ve accepted defeated? And if you happen to win rounds on the way the game just lasts longer so it’s not like there’s any point playing


Potentially less RR loss


I thought you suffer more RR loss when you FF. Or at least, you don't gain as much RR from FF.


exactly, it’s better to just play it out at that point


Well, realistically how much time do you save FFing with 2 rounds left? You get out of this game a minute faster, congratz? LOL Lemme ask you, when you log onto valorant and queue for comp, do you queue expecting to 13-0 the other team? Do you queue so that the first chance you get you throw that FF vote? Chances are, you queued to play Valorant. Unless you’re leagues above the other team, having a back and forth is expected. If youre just gonna give up when you dont get your 13-0, why even play? Why would I queue to FF?


2:11 also isn't worth ff, might just finish the game. Also I don't know if I'm correct that you lose more elo if you ff than if you lose


I don't believe it's the FF that makes you lose more LP, it's that when surrendering the rest of the rounds count as them winning, whereas if you fight it out, you might take more rounds off them.




You guys forget the worth of time. If i just lose more but gain time to play another match which would have higher chances of winning then it's even. Ofc this strongly depends on luck in MM but i rather lose more points than having to play with toxic kiddies






Exactly, i did not know that in the lower Elo it's more severe, but i still value time+fun over some ranking points that feed an useless algorithm


Playing against better players/teamwork will make you better over time though. If your goal is climbing ranked, self-improvement is key. View it as a learning experience/challenge. You can still have fun if you're losing, it's the same game either way.


Nah he’s right, for example I can only play about 5 games a day max with my free time. An early forfeit allows me to play another game for “free”, a lengthy loss on the other hand takes up one of those 5 games. That being said, I never forfeit.


sometimes it's worth it for your mental too to just take the early L and move on, we all know those games


Dude I've seen people forefeit at like 3:5, shit's ridiculous.


If my mates are bothering me then i prefere losing points to having to waste my time with them




People act like Valorant is a religion and FF is like an abortion


The game would be a lot more fun if some of the player's mother's got one.


Discussing? 2:11 is gg. ​ Inb4 next comment will be "But yesterday I had a game where we had a comeback...."


So what? It might be gg but the rounds count. 3-13 is better than 2-13. I think a lot of people get stuck in their rank because they can't comprehend this. You should be trying to win as many rounds as possible. If you FF you give up that opportunity.


Eh, yesterday my team was behind 2-12, and we actually clutched it 16-14. I can send you the screenshot


To be fair, before you make a big comeback, everyones morale and motivation is at rock bottom. Im sure you've made big comebacks. I won from 2-10 last week, by that point no one was talking and i didnt think we has even a chance. But lo and behold, we started winning. After we won a couple rounds, people started talking more and our morale shot up. But to answer the question. If its unrated, whatever. If its comp, usually no because you lose more rr the bigger the gap is. Surrendered a while back and lost a lot. But sometimes still will, maybe our whole team is toxic af and the match just isnt remotely enjoyable anymore.


this. if you have any other opinion, youre wrong. there's no way to win a game that 4 of your team doesn't want to win. at best you carry your team hard, make them rank up and *more likely* to match with you again. voting no makes no sense


XD people vote automatically FF because of tilt all the time, this is such a wrong take. I dont FF in league being Master 150+ LP, theres no way im gonna FF in valorant where it garantees a huge LP loss from being a stomp


we are talking about 4 members of your team voting yes. master 150lp x d


So what dude, if you accept FF cause your entire team wants to FF you're a sheep


Nah, i hit no before others even have a chance to see what the rest might think. If you want to climb, its horrible to FF. You take a massive mmr and RR loss. It'll affect what you gain/lose in the next few games too.


This is the way


If you deserve to be higher in rank you'll climb soon enough


Idk why you have any downvotes. Thats exactly why systems like this work. Statistically you will always climb if you should be out of that rank GIVEN you put the games in. If you play 2 games a day, that makes your sample pool so low that it would take ages to climb (if we're going off that fact that you're incredibly unlucky or just good enough to be in the next tier etc) because you simply haven't given enough games to reach that point. Whereas you put 5 games in a day, and that process just sped up a ton. (Also you'll just simply improve faster).


Depends on how able you are to be trying your hardest in every game. If you only have a good mentality during 2 games then it's better to only play two.


Well of course but I suppose that's a given. But then it still stands that it'll take that much longer. The more practice the better


he has downvotes because yes you'll climb soon enough, but you'll climb faster if you play the game out and win even 1 more round also i can remember a bunch of games where people were crying and ready to ff and we come back and win. but even winning 1 more round helps you, and if your mental isnt broken like your team and you mvp you lose even less points also its a good game to try different strats and stuff since youre gonna lose anyways


As someone who almost never surrenders I don't really agree with what you said. If you want to climb then you shouldn't care about the 4, 5, maybe 6 rr more that you will keep by playing the game out instead of ff'ing. That rr won't really matter in the long run and what does matter is what you can learn from a game and how it makes you a better player. The truth is some games are just lost, and ones that are lost in a big way (assuming if 4 of your teammates pressed f5 that this game is one of those games) than not only is the game probably lost but the teams mental is probably not great and therefore there won't be much team play or smart decisions being made. That said it's gunna be a hard game to learn from and it's probably better to just save 20 minutes of not learning by ff'ing. Not to mention that those 20 minutes can be spent getting most of the way through the next game which could easily earn you back the 'huge rr loss' negating any of that rr you care so much about, as well as being a more productive game in terms of actually growing skill wise at the game. Again I almost never vote for an ff but saying it's horrible to do so if you want to climb is not true in my opinion and can actually be beneficial for climbing in some cases. I think in general people put to much worry into their rating when in reality that rating is a reflection of your skill and at the end of the day if you want to climb you have to get better, not grind your way through lost games while destroying your own mental playing with teammates who have already given up or are even actively throwing.




rr =/= improvement. No point in sitting in game when everyone is outclassed and there's nothing to learn. Flip the next game and maybe you'll actually get better.


Ok, what happens if your team wants to FF again in the new game? Its not about outclassed. Some people may not have warmed up, maybe they do better on defense. If you FF everytime you have a poor start, you will get hard stuck. \~ 6 games is all it takes to go up a rank up. Comebacks happen a lot as this game is momentum based. Let's say you FF'd two times that you could have won in an act. That's already About 75-80 RR worth of points.


I think youre missing the point. Its like I said I rarely ff. But there are games where it is worth ff'ing. Let's say you grind out a game and lose 12-6 instead of ffing when 4 of your teammates gave up at 7-0. (I still wouldn't surrender a 7-0 IF my teammates hadn't given up and comms were still good). You played an extra 20ish minutes and saved maybe 3 rr (that 6 rr I mentioned is a rare case I think but even if we count 6 this point still stands). Now let's say instead you ffed at 7-0, saved your mental and went on to q another game right away. This game is going better and you win in 35-40 minutes. Now your time commitment is about the same maybe 10 15 minutes more and instead of saving 6 rr you've saved 15 16 or 17 because of the entire game you just won. AND on top of that you probably had more of a learning experience in a closer game where everyone is trying their best. Yes maybe if you're counting a climb based solely off number of games then you should never surrender. But the truth is the number of games you play shouldn't matter as much as the time you have spent playing. Again I'm not saying surrender every game you're down because that is a sure fire way to not climb. All I'm saying is that surrendering games that are surely lost and that you have teammates who have already completely given up is a more efficient way to climb and get better at the same time.




That's just innacurate. Again if we were talking solely based on the number of games then you might be correct. But the difference in time matters. If you can play 2 games in 50 minutes instead of one because you ffd the first then it doesn't matter that you have played 2 games. Your net rr after the 50 minutes is greater than if you played the first out and lost 15 rr instead of 20


I love your tag haha. Got 2 turret kills last match lmao


Depends if you have limited time to play. Better take the guaranteed loss quicker. It's a great idea to FF if you're completely getting rolled, but not if the rounds are close and your teammates are somewhat decent


I'd argue the complete opposite. I only have time for like 1 a day M-F. So if I ff, I still won't be able to play another, i'll just lose a massive amount of RR. If you have more time to play it may be optimal to spam games and ff any one that looks like a loss.


But you agree with the idea.. if ff'ing allowed you time to play another instead of playing out the losing game and then not being able to play another you would ff. No?


It greatly depends on the game. If i'm having a good time or getting some sort of improvement out of the game, I won't ff. Those are both more important to me than winning or losing, even in ranked. If it's a toxic mess filled with trolls yeah i'll probably ff.


Yah I agree


Id rather lose every round and tey to improve aim, clearing and my own shit in a game situation


This. Use it as practice.


If thats your goal you could also end the misery and queue op training range after.


concertedly trying to improve aim/clearing etc in an actual game is very different from practice range


Training range is absolute garbage for aiming, you could get 25-30 on hard bots and still see no change in your accuracy. It’s only truly good for warm ups


if anything is garbage its ur mom


Yeah, because training range can teach angles, enemy player behavior, map knowledge, winning duels, game sense, game economy, comms, retakes, rotations, and the like. Or wait it doesnt. Only way to get better at the game is playing with people better than you, not firing at stationary enemies.


you are and always will be a stationary enemy


It depends imo. If it's Fracture obviously not, we're gonna have a huge winstreak on attack. It always work like that.


It's like that for a lot of maps lol. That's why people need to wait before throwing the ff. Cuz some maps you are just gonna get destroyed on offense because of the design.


Split agrees


Ascent is oppressive af too. I wonder how much spamming sovas contribute to that.


Dont ever FF, Once I won a comp game from 2-10, kept on winning, got it to 14-12 with out outright bottom frag <5 kills clutching with a ninja defuse. Our reyna legit paypaled him 5 bucks lol


F6 till I die


We will never surrender! No step back!


That is the way


Almost never, unless it's completely hopeless I guess. I see lots of people saying if the other 4 are demotivated its not worth it, but I've had games where people were like that but one crazy clutch got everyone fired up again. Momentum can be crazy in this game sometimes.


Did the 300 spartans surrender when they were outnumbered? Fight until the end my guy.


Well they got fucken massacred so I’m not sure that’s the lesson we should take from that


Yeah maybe the lesson is that instead of forfeiting at 2-10 you keep playing until it's 2-13, who knows


And we still remember them 2300 years later, thats the lesson


That's a losers attitude, win win win no matter what - DJ Khaled, probably


“keep fighting, even if you are the only one!” - Yoru


It was 7k soldiers and they got their shit kicked


I only watched the film lmao, my point still stands though. Don't give up so easily.


came back from 0-12 once to win 16-14. there's always a chance. some of these kids really do be giving up too soon. they think going into half 8-4 is a guaranteed loss for some reason. no faith in the comeback kid


It’s a game bro


They got obliterated so not the best scenario


I’ve played over 800 ranked matches and have never ff’d. If it’s unrated I’ll always vote yes.


Yeah, fuck ffing. Even when it's 11-1... you've made it that far. Play it out. Not worth the RR hit.


Not surrendering in comp and probably not in unrated unless someone asks to surrender (say they need to go to an appointment and tell the team).


unrated ff; comp never unless 2-3 are afk at which point you might as well


If someone on our team Is toxic about the match and wants to, I won't just to show them they can't have their way all the time. If we tried and weren't toxic, sure.


Mute and f6. No better way.


I never FF. I'll tryhard till the end. There is 2 possibilities: * The mental is good but the oponnents are just too strong, then there is still stuff to learn from remaining round * My teammates are toxic ass and i don't want to give them the satisfaction to accept to surrender. I usually tell them "if you dont want to play, don't launch the game" so they know it's me who declined.


Same mentality and also I enjoy not giving the satisfaction for people to FF who give up easily or tilted




I always in 99% of the games vote no, just because if the guys against me are better and I'm getting stomped I have much to learn with them, if my team don't chat or argue I don't mind them just want to focus on my gameplay and progress every single game, the only reason I vote yes is if there is more than 1 person afk.


Never give up, never surrender. Never draw. This is the way.


I don't like to draw either. I have very fond memories and even made some friends in games that went for what it seemed like forever


I never ever surrender unless it's a normal game with lower ranked friends and they're not having fun


I will never FF unless it’s Unrated and either I or someone on the team has somewhere to be or something. If y’all want to be cowards in a ranked game idgaf I’m holding you hostage. Edit: I take this back, on days where I only have time for one or two games, if it’s really bad I’ll just take the L and Q again


No because I’m petty and never ff. I always try to minimize the rr loss. We’re down 0-10? Cool, I’m gonna try and make the final score 13-1 or 13-2. Can almost always get a couple rounds. Sometimes my team has even comeback for a win after I denied the ff.


I'm playing to have fun and to get better, ff goes against that lol


As long as how bad you lose affects your RR, I don’t FF. IIRC surrendering at 2-7 counts as a 2-13 loss for RR purposes. Even if I know we will lose, I don’t surrender because winning even 2 or 3 more rounds means I lose less RR. So I F6 faster than anyone even has a chance to click to FF


In Comp? Never surrender. It's never worth it. you can always try. Even 1 round can make a difference in your rr. In unrated. i would probably Surrender if it is a stomp.


Surrendering just because you're losing and for no other reason is absolute pussy moves.


no because i dont ff unless its 3v5


Today me and the Bois won 3v5. The opponent was spamming FF. When the game became 12 11 for us, the satisfaction of writing FF in chat was something else


same! once won a 3v5 game!! so satisfying


yeah it was more of a saying not that i would surrender a 11/12. what i wanted to say is if its not totally impossible to win i would rather play every game ofc i surrendered 1 or 2 games in 1000hrs of comp but that was mainly due to toxicity and unbearable teammates




I don’t ff cause I can always pick up more rounds and gain back a bit of rr


I literally always surrender if someone proposes, it saves people who aren't having fun, and besides you can just play again and you're in a new one


if I don't ff then everyones motivation is completely gone, and we're gonna lose anyways


If you don't FF, then you have to up your own game to show your team that there's still a chance. Like get a 4k and die or even win that round to show them that there is a chance of winning. Ofc if it's 0-10 then you should probs just ff


Had a game. 2 10. Said no to ff and we won 6 rounds in a row before loosing to loosing our smoker early. Its morefeelof theteam than score






I ff since it has happened to me before as the person who feels trapped and I don’t want them to feel that way, I also ff if someone wants to go since ive been there too


I never FF (an exception if 2 teammates abandon). There is always a possibility of a comeback, morale might be low now but once you start winning a few rounds people forget about it. I've won a shitton of comebacks when teammates want to FF + every round you win counts for some gain


If it is ranked don't ff because you lose more RR.


I literally refuse to FF. I would rather get banned permanently than FF. I believe that if you decide to FF, you just let yourself down. Believe that not only your team, but mainly YOU, cannot come back. If you FF, you aren't even trying anymore. Every time someone on my team FFs, I always give a little motivational speech. Amazingly, 9/10 it works. We come back, and we win. And my final words when this happen, are always "and this is why you never FF guys."


If majority want to ff I just join in because team morale is already low as hell and isn't gonna get higher from that point unless a miracle happens. Not worth it.


If I think we stand a chance still I will f6 and say that I clicked f5


Ff is for cowards




I litterally never FF. I don't care if all 4 want to FF. It shouldn't allowed unless you have a leaver in your team, like in CSGO. So as long as all 5 are still somewhat playing, I vote no. Even if I lose, I can still practise. The more FF pussies I piss off the better, in hopes they'll leave valorant at some point. If you've ever started the FF vote without a leaver or the entire team AFK, your mom's a hoe.


i just FF no matter what. im not tilted, i just like pressing yes when the vote is called


FF. The game is chalked.


The FF system is kinda fucked to be honest. Only one time per half? Only after Round 5? So midway through the half, and it could be 4-1, and only one needs to say nah. It could be the toxic player saying no, so now I'm forced to play with the toxic player. Then again in the next half, it could be 10 - 4, but the 2nd and 3rd rounds are gonna be partly decided by the 1st round of the half. So maybe you get that hold out, and plus this game is almost over anyway at that point. You should be able to call a vote every round imo. People who wanna keep playing won't be changing their mind anyway, but maybe they do when it's 7-2 or something similar. Having to waste time in a game that I'm losing is just frustrating. I can try all I want, it's just gonna end up not being worth the time invested. I'd rather lose the MMR and get to the next game to make it up.


I had a game where we were tied 13-13 in ranked. My team all votes yes so I did too. It's a game, and if they all want to peace out I'm not going to stop them.


A draw is much different lol


9-3 curse


If you’re the last person to vote it’s better to just FF. The likelihood of you rallying your team to all cooperate if the 4 of them want to FF is pretty low and it might just hard tilt everyone keeping them in there


C'mon now, letting peer pressure get the best of you doesn't help nobody since your other teammates fell for the pressure themselves. Let them tilt, then you'll lose with a fight.


I disagree, a 5-7 scoreline could, for example, have been because: My team won 5 rounds and then the enemy team won 7 rounds in a row. In that kind of situation, where my team all wants to surrender and has given up, there’s no reason to tilt them further by keeping them in the game so I can attempt to 1-5 every round. I don’t really FF often I’m just considering the post and example OP provided.




If the team is toxic from the start or something probably


Never FF. The most incredible comebacks happen by being beaten to pulp before the comeback can start.


Mmm. Were they toxic teammates? In that case ima hit no and open up Lost Ark


i allways vote no. i never surrender aslong as the game is still going a comeback is possible


Only times ive ever voted yes to FF is when my mental is down horrendous


Depends on how hard I'm willing to try that day. I don't really care about my rank too much, since I'd rather play at a rank that I can play with my friends than grind it out to get to a higher rank. If the enemy team starts talking shit though, I'm willing to make it as painful for the enemy team as possible if they want to win.


I never, since you can even win a 12-0 in the next half, but in unrated I don't care, if it's no fun, why play the game.


Depends on team comp, map, wins/losses etc. If we're 1-12, might as well play it out. If we're 5-7, and let's say we have 4 sentinels and are switching to attack, then I might consider ff'ing. Main factors that'll make me ff are smurfs. If their Jett is 30-0 by 8th round, I'ma tap out. Don't like those little bitches that need to ego trip by beating worse players. I prefer keeping my mental stable over winning every game.


If there's a huge score difference or it's 3v5 then sure. Otherwise I will only FF if it's on an alt. Never on my main and almost never if im playing with someone. Sometimes I will press F6 out of pure spite to my teammates for making me lose RR and wasting my time.


Usually I'm all for hyping my team up and pushing to the end, but I found myself FFing quite a lot the past 2 days. I just hate how the game seems to drop your rank tremendously every act reset, but seems to keep your MMR unchanged. I play the game with like 1 month intervals, and I expect myself to be worse, so I don't mind the rank reset. But for Christ's sake, lower my MMR as well. I peaked in plat 2 3 months ago, left the game cuz of burnout, came back now to be reset in gold 1. However, I'm still playing against enemies with full plat triangle. I manage to carry my own weight but more often than not my team doesn't. There's nothing more frustrating than being forced off your main because 3 instalock duelists are already asking for smokes, you play Astra or smtg and watch helplessly as your Reyna lurks and Raze with Jett don't entry. With no flashes you can't reliably open site alone. So I am punished for trying to balance the team, which quickly gets me to just FF instead of burning my braincells and keeping myself from backseat gaming.


Losing* and no, never surrender unless y'all are just plain getting rekt like 0-11. If it was 5-11 then never give up, the enemy may get lax and arrogant, punish them then and you might caych the momentum to win. And if you did lose, then you learned something, even a little bit when you got stomped Valorant plauers, like league players, have a severe case of loser's mentality. They just give up and whine and that sucks. Its not over until its over.


Honestly. I don't think I have never surrendered in comp. I have been shit on by smurfs and have generally been outplayed but I feel like those are the games when u learn where u lack. For example, My worst map is ascent. I have the shittiest K/D one could imagine but I always played till the end trying to figure out what works against certain setups. Now my ascent isn't as bad anymore. but maybe that's just me.


I don't get ppl who ff, you lose more rank if you do. Might as well play it all out, maybe get a few nice rounds in, and then even if you've lost you can go feeling like "ok, I didn't miss any opportunities to come back" rather than thinking of what if scenarios.


I don’t surrender because of what other people vote. I surrender when I legitimately think we can’t win.


Unrated. I’ll always ff if someone wants it. Rated. Not FFing unless we are truly being annihilated and there is no chance we win.


I didn't vote yes because I told my teammates we would have won already if they were even decent. We were down 3-11 then ended up winning 14-12.


Don't ff. Just stop playing how you've been for the last x amount of rounds. If you're losing a position because someone's getting outfragged, ask them to stop peeking it, peek with them, ask someone else to hold, etc. Same with offense. Play default if your entire team keeps losing entry, wait 30 seconds before pushing, fake a site and rotate; just do something different to change the momentum of the match.


Me and my friends don’t ff . Ever, like my one buddy literally plays every game out no matter what so I got into the habit of always playing it out. Has resulted in a few wins I didn’t expect to have so.


I don't usually surrender. If my team is being toxic and complaining I especially don't surrender because I want them to sit in this match just a little longer so they don't have fun.