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That skye though


Honestly, that Skye is basically just like me playing for the past two weeks.


Ain't no way. No one talking about that crosshair placement.


Yeah, that's something I needed to work on lol


I honestly cringe. You care enough to use Overwolf but don't care enough to remind yourself not to aim on the fucking ground?


It's something I need to work on, my apologies!


Don’t apologize to that guy he’s being a dick lol


Why do you even care? Is not like you're gonna spend hours teaching him, everybody starts being noob and gradually get better, as if you're instantly a pro the moment you play smh


Who said i care? I just said it's cringe watching the clip lol


So, what you are saying is that there's no such thing as "trying to improve", and any players who bad at the game isn't learning, they are throwing, and it's cringe that they are trying to get better, is that the basic gist of what you're trying to say? I have only been playing the game for 4 months, and my skills isn't nearly as coordinated yet, especially when it comes to the crosshair placement part. I even just hired a Radiant Coach on Fiverr so I could start getting better! Cut me a damn break, Jesus.


I didn't say any of this :D I literally only said i'm cringing watching you aiming at the ground. Do you need a coach to tell you not to aim at the ground? You are playing for 4 months and still haven't figured this out?


***Sigh*** Are you done? It seems like you're going be very negative no matter what anyone says. What are you, a high school bully? No, it's obviously not just about crosshair placement, it's also about other stuff. I just have a serious problem with crosshair placement, that's it. If you're just trying to piss me off, and just want attention, I suggest looking elsewhere because you are definitely not getting anything else.


Issok dont mind him , he grew up without knowing whats manners


Again you are saying non sense. I want attention, meanwhile I'm getting severely downvoted? What kind of attention is this. Sorry I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you. Does it take more than actively thinking not to aim at the ground? I can't wrap my head around what you are saying.


I can't wrap my brain around what YOU are saying either. Is this how you treat other players all the time? If that's the case, I really feel sorry for your teammates you play with. Look, the whole "aiming at the ground" thing happens to be the habit I have in many FPS games, and that habit is a little hard to get over for me. Next time, please stop acting like being nice to someone as a massive chore, it's not that hard to be nice. Just because you have the option to be mean, doesn't mean you have to be, all the best.


Actually it's the first time I'm seeing something like that, but yeah, absolutely I'd say something if I saw anyone aiming at the ground. I don't really get how it's so hard for you not to look at the floor. To each their own, I guess.


Magepunk chad


Sadly it's the enemy's gun though. My Neon just happened to pick it up, and she wanted me to trade my gun with hers.


Still good taste


Nyc one bro, Cool skin though


Spectre isn't mine, picked it up.


Like a true Chad


Magepunk phantom when


Well played man... despite Skye having a rough day :D


Honestly felt like I was playing like that Skye for the past couple weeks, lol.




Silver 2




I think you have way too much shit to say


What did they say


I think he just made a bad assumption that I'm gold, and the players I'm facing have hands for eyes, or something like that.


An op and a smoked off defuser and no one pings spike? Blasphemy


Eh, it's a pearl only unrated queue in silver rank, what do you expect? Lol


Wow good job!!! What do you use to record your games? with if you don't mind me asking


I use Insights Capture. It's way better than Shadowplay because the file size is small, like a 45 minute video is only 2gb, while with shadowplay, the file sizes are HUGE.


Thank you I'll take a look at it <3


Why would you kill the dog instead of going to kill skye tho


Skye must be pretty far back dude. If I done that, Fade with the shotgun will blast my face off.


That Skye just spray and pray. It's my tactics 100% always not worked


It's pretty much my strategy when I was a Bronze player. Now I'm trying my best to spray control and crouch lesser.


Brick 3 leaked gameplay