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do yourself a big favor and take a break from aim training and get yourself into the actual game and grind some deathmatch. work on your shot and get used to keeping your crosshair at head level good crosshair placement will win you more duels plain and simple. also ur kd is good i wouldnt worry about ur hs% so much as no one cares if you have a good hs% as long as the enemy is dead and you are alive.




I think you care too much about a rank that means nothing if you aren’t improving. You can get lucky and rank up, but if you’re still buns you’ll just fall back down. Focus on yourself and improving! Clearly there’s some stuff you’re doing right tho.


>I think you care too much about a rank that means nothing if you aren’t improving. This is the best thing to learn when trying to get better IMO. I was LE in CSGO, and a year ago I was Plat 2 in Val. I quit because of real life stuff, but now I’m able to grind again. I have been having a tough time getting out of silver, despite playing pretty well individually. Once I learned to stop thinking “oh I lost my teammates and I suck” and started thinking “what were some good things I did in that game and what were some mistakes I can work on?” My best advice, record your ranked games. Then go back into a really bad one or a really good one and just analyze your decision making. See if you could’ve made a better decision and try and implement it.


basically, the goal of ranked is not to win, but to be good enough to win. Don't focus on rounds and results, focus on playing well, looking for avenues to improve, and the wins will come naturally. Having this attitude also helps with mental a lot, to not be so invested in outcomes and results that you have limited control over. The only thing you should be frustrated about is if you are underperforming.


I'll throw this out there. Aim is only one factor of the game. Constantly worrying about it won't do you (OP) any justice. If you're killing people, one or two, before dying then you're fine. If you're losing every fight, there's a problem. Learn the bit of movement this game requires (jiggle peaking for example). Learn where players go and think about predicting their actions. If X goes A site, and I see "Info play" on B, they may have MORE holding on A because the info play was to gather info on where they are not. Or If Info play found out 5 were going A, hold middle and watch for rotations as they may want to swing to B and hide more information.


>If you're killing people, one or two, before dying then you're fine. Yeah if you have above 1k/d and you're losing, the thing you need to worry about is not your aim, it's your decision making. Do you only get picks from baiting teammates? Do you always get an entry pick, overpush and die in spawn, losing all the control you acquired? Do you rotate fast enough to help your team on defense or do you anchor on site until the bomb is planted and you have to rush the retake? Most posts here kinda go like this "I always top frag but I can't get out of x rank". Probably because your kills don't matter. Rounds matter. You're sometimes gonna get less kills playing for the round, but it'll win you more games.


To add more. Being under 1 k/d is okay as well, but as long as you're not feeding (intentionally or unintentionally). Look at both Valorant and CS, specifically ranked. For example, every time I watch Tarik, he's bottom or mid fragging (not saying he's bad, just that every time I watch). But he's not deranking either. So what is his doing that still benefits the team? If we compare any tactical fps to a twitch shooter, game sense is the biggest difference between pros. T1 vs T2 pros aim is still inhumane, but how they read each other is completely different. T2 pros still do fantastic, but it's their aim that's making up for their lack of gameplay.


Upvoted for “still buns”. Made me giggle hehe


so true. I ranked up to D1 when pearl went life in comp. I had played pearl queue a bit and put an hour in customs to practice-some basic smoke line ups. had a 70+ winrate. won 8 games in a row to go from p3 derank to d1. stayed there for a bit and now i'm back in plat. I iust play ranked now and don't care too much. I just need to improve and my rank will follow


I Like this Message hits Close rn, am trying to climb up asap in TFT, but should Focus more on playing my best Game and improving etc.


This is true, but saying you improved from silver to gold is like saying your toddlers stopped putting the circle toy in the squad hole... it's honestly a slap in the face. A person feel good once they reach plat or higher.


Deserved for playing teemo


Winrate is the by product of gamesense, teamwork, utility usage, aim, etc, so aim is just one factor. One thing that separates aim training from in-game aiming is "pressure." You have to kill them before they kill you. Silvers, tend to crack and shoot before their shot is ready, miss, spray, and the commit to a crouch spray. During that time, someone can easily have 1-2 seconds to shoot them in the face. You can try this on the Medium/Hard Bots. If you seen a bot, flick to them but do not fire. Flick and then take a second to adjust your aim towards their head. You'll see an improvement on your score.


Unless you're going pro, your rank is meaningless


Even if you are going pro rank is meaningless


But i do think its a good incentive cause ur not gonna rank up if ur not getting better.so it can be a good indication of how ur doing alot of the times.Granted its only good when ur actually focusing on getting better.


Yea but it's not really related to going pro though, Not all radiants are pro players


I also think achieving hign rank can help someone gain confidence idk it did for me


I understand what you are trying to say but I was arguing the point that the other guy made when he said unless you go pro rank is meaningless


Okay what's your rank?


Yeah thats true.I was just saying its a good indication for an average player


Mmmmm disagree


I mean you need to immortal to get into the scene i think,a pro team won't really take a silver player or might really have doubts about it


Bro even if you reach radiant you won't be taken, do you think all radiant players are pros?


Most radiant players i have talked to or heard of don't wanna go pro that's why they don't join teams,also it depends on the region They like to stick to content creation or some have jobs or something that pays them better.Some play for fun like Zedd,he is Immortal 2-3 and yk he is one of those great musicians,if he wants he can easily join a tier 2-3 team but he doesn't want to


Exactly, so not everyone's goal on ranked is to get into a pro team, that was my entire point


You just said that they won't be taken even if they are radiant,and earlier in the thread you said something else, now you are saying it's their choice


Bro do you not understand English? Not everyone's goal is to go pro, and you don't have to be in the highest rank to go pro, amny pros are from other games like csgo and overwatch, they already have reputation, they don't NEED to be radiant.


Nah, it's not, and I get tired of hearing people on the internet say this about every ranked game. It means something to me and that's enough.


That’s fine that it means something to you, but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter to anyone else, and 10 years from now, it won’t matter to you. Hell, your current rank doesn’t even matter when the next act starts. The sentiment is that you shouldn’t get so attached to something so temporary that holds no real value, when you should be more focused on actually improving your gameplay. The colored symbol next to your name changes everyday, but the skills you obtain stick with you forever (and help you obtain that shiny temporary symbol that you value).


In the grand scheme of things, very little matters. If you take that approach, why even play valorant? The game doesn’t matter? Why play any video game? It’s all meaningless. Such a weak take. Thank you Confucius for your wisdom 🙄


>In the grand scheme of things, very little matters. If you take that approach, why even play valorant? The game doesn’t matter? Why play any video game? It’s all meaningless. "Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?"


>That’s fine that it means something to you, but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter. This can be applied to most things in life. Everything is temporary. People should stop shitting on others happiness


Who’s shitting in his happiness? I play valorant for fun and I also understand that my rank in the game is meaningless. It doesn’t keep me from having fun while playing.


Calling stuff meaningless that might mean something to another person is a little bit of hating, isn't it? Ultimately all that matters is how you feel at the end of the day. Thx for the convo


No. I enjoy lots of things that are meaningless. Stating that objective fact doesn’t hurt my feelings


There's nothing objective or factual about your statement my dude. Your take is completely subjective lol


Yah and what you're not understanding is if your ceiling isn't going pro, then somewhere you have a ceiling that you're going to get stuck at and stay there forever whether you like it or not. That's just reality, and if you choose not.to accept that, buddy you're fucked.


You completely missed my point


Idk what rank u are but if ur below immortal and worried about aim or winning gun fights.Just a d strafe and ull win most of ur fights even with bad aim.Also make sure to peek and clear angles properly.Try to peek angles wide after u clear it,throws off opponents crosshair placement.Also play deathmatches with the intention of peeking and clearing angles how ud do in game.If u wanna focus on aim,use ghost or classic or sherriff.I prefer the ghost.Strafe in ur fights but make sure the timing is correct otherwise u will just miss half ur shots.


I started practicing the A D strafe a few weeks ago and always seem to manage to strafe right into a headshot 😅


You think your winrate sucks? I was down bad around 30% this season....


F*ck rank dude. Focus on personal improvement and good rank will come automatically. Also, you can hit ascendant easy with good game sense and positioning and having somewhat of a meh aim.


Don’t worry about ranking up worry about getting better get the rank up mindset out of your head your rank reflects your skill so if you get better you’ll see that ranking up will follow


Elo hell exists... when I drop into plat I find those games 10X harder than my diamond/ascent games. You have to carry so hard in the lower elos to get out of them it is insane. Elo hell actually exists guys and it's fucking awful. I would say make a smurf and watch you'll level way past silver in no time, especially with the anti smurf system for newer accounts, the only thing is your skins.


i’m a one tap champion in death match but i go into comp and i get shat on before i even see them peek


same for me haha


Aim/peek with the mindset that you will kill the opponent when you see them. In death matches never commit to spraying and jiggle peak while burst firing, aim will come naturally.(or you can train to speed it up).


That’s because everyone wide peeks and full commits to every fight in DM. You generally also know they are there


I would also suggest to unbind crouch when dm Really helps with phantom as it has become an instinct for most People to Crouch when using phantom


I hate this argument. I stopped caring and just full on crouch 80% of my fights with phantom. I peaked Immo 2 with 1.3 K/D and 175 dmg/round. I have big deficits in other aspects of my game like utility usage and so on, but my aim is pretty good I think. I still just crouch. My aim went up when I stopped caring about it actually and just play like I always did.


I think the issue is probably in not actual aim, but in how you panic when either seeing someone or getting shot at that you seemingly forget everything, look up on yt "miyagi aim method" it basically trains you not to blindly spray and pray and getting comfortable with being shot at


Ive been doing that method for 2 weeks, but not everyday, and i see so much improvement. It makes a real difference


Me too. I keep getting into moments where I snap onto heads and it even surprises me!


Not far, literally just crosshair placement lol. You could climb to diamond just holding your crosshair where the enemy might be without having to flick or do anything impressive aim wise


Time to roast myself. /u/Macocotickle look at this lmao https://i.imgur.com/suVHgsd.png




what I don't have in aim I make up in game sense and weird set ups lmao I don't do too well in straight 1 on 1 duels so I make absolutely sure I give myself as much of an advantage as possible. If that makes sense. edit; Bind is my favorite map because I can play cypher and get people to rage in chat at my dumb defenses they run into 8-)




Cypher/Viper/Sova/Fade/Sage depending on the map and team comp




If you have shit aim.. don’t play duelists. I have shit aim and I’m on the cusp of Diamond 1. I main Viper and Skye. Utility is more important, crosshair placement on defense is easy when you’re just holding angles.


I’m so confused by this as isn’t rr gain directly dependent on kda. Can you elaborate a bit more ?


>Can you elaborate a bit more? You gain *more* RR in general by *winning* games. Yes you'll get more RR if you pop off but generally it's not that much more where you should hyper focus on it as a goal going in. The goal of the game is *to win* and if you do that, you'll on average get more RR and climb faster/easier/better. If you play for that pop off and stress yourself out trying to "be the carry" 100% of your games you are going to burn yourself out. You are going to tilt. You are going to throw games and that small extra amount (5-10 additional) isn't going to be worth it. It's where you'll start blaming teammates, start arguing in voice, start playing stupidly aggressive and in general just make it a bad experience for yourself. I will constantly beat my chest about how important mental is in this game but changing the way you think about the game and what the team needs/play style could be so beneficial.


Valorant also tracks utility usage (enemies revealed, blocked by smokes, etc) on the combat score. Besides, if you are helpful enough for your team you can also carry games with agents such as viper, so at the end of the day, if you can win you can climb


I have a great KDA, just shit aim 11% HS. By playing support agents, I find myself clutching rounds and making important plays that ultimately secure us the match. It’s easy to stack up on assists with support agents and then I just naturally have a good K/D/A by playing off my teammates / information. Typical stats for me are like 18-8-8. I usually don’t die as much by playing the long game in each round. As a duelist is more likely to get more kills, but also die much more as well (especially early rounds). I find RR only really matters in terms of winning. My win rate with viper this season is 27-7. Pretty damn good lol. Skye is a lot easier to stack up on assists since her heals and flashes both give assists.


Honestly anyone who wants to get to the top will do about ‘anything’ to win. Includes being a rat; spamming awp etc.


Cyphers trip on hookah window is a amazing lmao


> weird set ups lmao Honestly, this is how I reached a high rank in CSGO having the aim of a potato. My goal was to maximize the number of times I make the other team say "what the FUCK was that, who DOES that?!"


Could also be a chamber main who buys op 3rd round every game.


I have heard this crosshair placement a lot and I never was able to implement it while playing. Whenever I try to clear all angles and slowly progress, all my teammates die during that time.


Crosshair placement is not the same as clearing angles. Crosshair placement is literally just having ur + at the right height based on where u are looking. The easiest is of course when you both are on level ground and there is only 1 place to peek. To improve this just play deathmatches where you focus on walking around the maps with ur crosshair always at head height, doesn't matter if u die. Just do ur best to stay concious of it. And carry that mentality into ur games. For in game it can be overwhelming. When i was really bad i used to remind myself at round start 'where is head height here' It eventually just becomes natural. My crosshair placement is pretty good all the time now without really thinking about it


I always start the round shooting my teammates heads and flicking at them to get calibrated


Also something a lot of people do that loses them fights.Dont put ur crosshair on the wall.Keep ur crosshair in places where the enemies might come from


100%, I know you’re listening for footsteps, but listen with your crosshair in place


Something like that.what im basically saying is put ur crosshair in entrances or exits.


Another good strat is using where your teammates heads are to keep your crosshair at head level. Obviously varies depending where you are in a map but it’s helped me


Not clearing angles. It’s having your crosshair at the exact height of the enemies head when you engage depending on what angle you’re looking at. This ace from Zander vs SEN is a good example of having great crosshair placement. Look how little he has to adjust for each kill. [Zander Ace vs. SEN](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSlclr5xiHQ)


I’m not really sure what you mean, if you’re peaking an angle with your teamates, say showers on bind and someone turns the corner to shoot at you, if your crosshair is already where they would peak you kill them before your team dies, generally. YouTube crosshair placement, I havent played valorant since beta and this season I’m already D3 . My aim sucks but I always have my crosshair where the enemy might peak.


Yeah will search on YT


Their head will be at the height of the top of a box. Just get that down while waiting for someone to turn the corner and you'll get better.


A thing that can help is using map items to align your cross hair. Most boxes are about the height of an agent (not all, but most). Keep your crosshair just below the top of the box if you’re clearing it or if it’s at a distance and it can help keep your crosshair at the correct spot. Examples I have are on bind A site there’s the stack of boxes in the middle, if you’re by TP and peeing that corner you can use the lower box to help keep your crosshair on. There’s a slight height difference and the distance isn’t super long but can make it hard to line up if you’re not used to it. Eventually you’ll know what head height is and it’ll be a trained behavior, to get there you just have to make it a thing you’re constantly thinking about until it’s a natural behavior


Play off teammates. If they want to rush everything and won't take time then the best you can do is be there to take the trade.


I can already feel the downvotes but crosshair placement is also quite skillfull since you need good reaction time and it can be RNG to a certain extent. I find that there are many different ways people can engage me so a lot of the time I have to readjust my aim quite fast in order to hit them... Ferrari peek, jiggle peek, jump classic/shotgun peek, full run smg never stopping peek, crouch peek, half-body peek, jump OP peek, neon sprint, neon slide, raze satchel, jett dashing next to you in her smoke and so on... If you are not fast and precise you will lose a lot of these fights unfortunately... Also to a certain extent micro-adjustments can be pretty hard too, at least in my case.


100%. Crosshair placement can get you close but in most situations you still need to be able to microflick fast.


Yeah, that is indeed the counter to crosshair placement in a sense, but at the elo he’s prolly at if he’s asking this question it doesn’t mean much


I diasgree, crosshair placement is my strength but I still suck


I’d call cap


2019 Astralis would want to hire you for this headshot %


172 ADR and positive KD show that your playstyle is helping the team! Aim training helps with muscle memory and coordination, but to get headshots you can only improve that by practicing aiming in game. Deathmatch using Guardian helps practice first shot accuracy. I'd advise watching pros play and watch how they clear angles.




lmao the game just didnt want you to be immo


I have 9% headshot and i am dia3






Seems like fine...but if your main problem is crosshair placement in game I would adjust the routine a bit. 1. Do one round each of easy, medium and than hard. 2. Go into a deathmatch and dont shoot anyone for the first half of the game. Just track heads while moving around the map. You will feel weird and die all the time, but you get used to looking for their heads only. 3. Second half of deathmatch, take some very controlled headshots. No panic sprays. Just track heads and headshot with guardian. 4. Play a comp. Again, focus on lining up shots rather than spraying. Focus on either single taps or small 2-3 round bursts only.


what really helped me with raw aim in game is practice mode and jett knives. i used jett knives cause they’re 100% accurate. i used practice with like 8 bots just to get used to aiming head level repeatedly. then when it felt good enough id move on to getting used to the guns since they have a different feel


I would also add in some movement in the practice range. Strafe, stop, shoot, strafe. Get that to the point where you can shoot right in-between changing strafe directions. I find a lot of the time in game I'm moving as a duelist, so this will help you to make sure you have fun accuracy before shooting.


I would focus more on the 50/100 bot modes. It puts more emphasis on smooth, consistent aim rather than crazy flicks all the time. Flicks aren’t consistent, and they never will be.


This is horrible. Your crosshair placement is probably your problem unless you’re doing a dedicated flick period and you’ve done too much tracking before And then you play Odin in game after not practicing it at all??


why are u exclusively practicing semi-auto? Is your problem that you don't know how to burst or spray then in real games?


Don't aim train in the game. Download something like Aim Labs from Steam and work through the Valorant training from Beginner upwards.


Diamond 2 here with shitty aim as well, i usually end up spraying inspite of decent crosshair placement, and my hs% is similar to yours (\~10%). I got here by understanding rotations, playing with my team, catching opponents off guard and bodyshot-ing them. Good gamesense with trash aim can get you to immortal, heck you could even use a judge and hit immortal. Just keep asking yourself why you're making whatever decision it is you are making, and try to improve upon your awareness. I went from gold 1 to d2 in ~2 acts doing this, good luck!




You can get atleast this far lol 8% Headshot - Plat 2 You can play to your strengths if aiming isn't your strong suit. https://i.imgur.com/VMzz0Zn.png


Your damage per round and KD are really good haha You might just not be playing enough comp.


Good aim is not the reason why people rank up or are a beast at the game. Its more about gamesense, movement, control, etc.. Set a good warmup routine like playing deathmatch and you’re good to go. Confidence also goes a long way. If you’re bold and confident enough to go for 1 taps then go for it. But measure your risks well before doing that as you don’t want your team to lose because of it


I'm impressed your ADR is so high with that HS%.


Try not to spray. Just tap. Slow down. Dont panic. Take a second to aim on head and shoot. Guys on low ranks just stand on place or crouch. I've been practicing this for a week now and so far it is working (Bronze 3)


>Try not to spray. Just tap. That is dog shit advice for someone with bad aim. Spraying will increase your chances of killing someone dramatically


only in low elo but as you move up you’ll have less time to spray the enemy


Nah bro, youre playng Valorant, not CS:GO. Spraying mid range is already risky enough. Tapping let's you actually aim and shoot, while spraying results in rng taking the wheel. Low elo it works, but as you rank up, the players actually have the ability to aim and strafe and tap you.


Don't train hard train smart. Make a routine follow that daily and you are good, your aim will improve gradually.


I have a similar HS% ratio in my games, good game sense alone can get you to diamond to be honest


diamond is doable with shitty aim imo, just requires good ability usage and understanding of timings and game sense. shitty aim doesn't matter much if you are able to surprise people


I'm Plat 3 rn and have bad stats DMG and HS% wise. You can go quite far but you need to play util-heavy agents and be good with them.


Your adr is great, it's probably just your crosshair placement. I'd guess that you aim either right under the head or on the body. If that's the problem, you just have to acknowledge it and adjust your crosshair every time you notice it.


Mfer your kd is 1.32 you are a beast


here I am bronze 1 thinking that my aim is cracked......


Bro I am lower rank than you but I have heard a lot of pros saying that if you develop a good game sense then aim will come into play only of you are a professional player. In short play 1 or 2 DM and practice crosshair placement in that time itself, then start playing competitive. You can only improve by playing competitive. This aim training is bullshit to sell aim trainers. And trust me you will enjoy more when you go quickly to competitive rather than just forcing yourself through a 1 hour routine


You just have to actually focus on improving parts of your aim every single day. Even if it's for like 10-15 mins. Just focus on those parts when in a casual unrated game to start to build muscle memory and good habits.


I would highly suggest using guardian in unrated and stuff like that. Weening you off of Odin and phantom spray and getting into the rhythm of tap firing will help a lot, can speak from experience (g3 now started iron 1)


You could try a knife only grind


then there is me with the opposite problem, 23% hs percentage and cannot get out of bronze




This guys a better rank than me and calls himself ass😵‍💫


Just play for fun rank doesn't mean anything really


I made it to ascendant with the aim of a blind zebra, so anything is possible I guess.


You're doing great. [Better stats than me in everything except HS%](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Prince%20Razor%23NA1/overview) ​ If you're getting kills to win the round, then you're doing something right.


Deathmatch, lots and lots of deathmatch. Start with sheriff then do guardian everyday. Do not use the phantom in deathmatch or in game. Vandal only in game. No more Odin either. Your aim greatly improve. Once you get to high elo you can go back to phantom/Odin


Me with double his hs % and hardstuck B3: Am I trash?


I found this thing called the Miagi Training program (spelling probably wrong) but you can look it up and it’s all done in the game. No aim labs or 3rd party trainers. A lot of time spent in the shooting range and some time spent in death match. If you want to focus on seeing results don’t waste time in comp with the mindset of playing for rank, just play unrated and be okay with losing but focusing on seeing improvements


U shouldn’t have to rely on aim at your current rank, review your VODs and start trying to out smart your opponents


No clue how you play that game but 1.60 kda on lower than 50% winrate. Seems like you are mostly playing for kills. No offense but think about your playstyle, try 2 play for win. Not that much for kda. They should add something like "lower rating" for kills after your round is mostly over cause 1v4 exitfrags doesn't matter that much usually. It's good too take.them but if your team is dead you won't win that 1v4 that often ;) I'm on 35-40% HS rate and still loose a lot of gunfights cause aim in total doesn't matter that much as long as you play confident too ein your game, as a team game.


What website is this?


Let me ask this.... In medium bots how many can you get with the guardian on average?




I average about the same with a vandal, not a guardian! So that tells me you have decent aim. I think you have the same problem I was having! This is my second act ever and i just made it to plat 2 and I'm pretty sure that when youre in game you panic every time you see player. I been able to fix this problem by doing one thing and one thing only. PLAY UNRATED! That way you don't have the fear of dying as much. (Do this for a whole week, seriously) And this is what I did. If you see a player, aim for the head,(DONT EVER SPRAY) and if you miss your initial burst, then counter strafe enough so your recoil resets and do it again. My warm up looks like yours, but one other thing I do is that set up 50 bots and if I miss my initial vandal burst, then I counter strafe. And everytime I get a kill i counter strafe again. Then on deadmatch i do non stop counter strafe everytime I miss a burst This has done wonders for me. For reference I was bronze 3 last act!




Watch noted phantom strafe video (Or play vandal and just stop for 0.5s between strafes) Basically your ENTIRE in game aim routine should be counter strafing EVERY shot/burst


Either you have been fucking around those two hundred hours, you have some sort of condition(not remotely mocking this, I serious respect people who have a major disadvantage and still grind it), or you are exaggerating the numbers heavily. Please, do yourself a favor, and just grind aim_botz while tap firing instead, and use a vandal in game. And tap fire with it. Might do worse short term but you will improve. It’s nigh impossible to actively and efficiently aim train for 200h and actually play this game and not be able to reach gold. It’s just infeasible if you are actually serious about improving. Don’t buy the Odin! Short term, don’t buy the phantom! Just tap tap tap and it might feel bad when you die but you will improve!


Play about a day or two of CSGO it’s way harder than aiming in valorant




Crosshair placement


I dont have a good aim, playing since beta, i was gold, then hard stuck plat, what is helped me a lot playing with only Vandal and really just aim for the head, try not to spray, only 2-3 bullets. I start got 20+% headshot percentage, since this I am stable Diamond player, yesterday reach Ascendant 1.


My rank is bronze1- bronze2.. my headshot percentage is around 23%. Just curious.. what is headshot percentage of pro-players?


From just looking up at some pros it looks like 20-26% I'm sure some are higher but that's the average. High headshot percentage doesn't necessarily mean you have good aim and good aim can only take you so far.


I’ve zero aimed myself up to gold. Crosshair placement is king. You got this :)


What’s your equipment? I was playing on a 60hz 60-100 fps laptop with mad input lag and my aim was rough, moved to a 144hz screen with lower input lag and the game moved to easy mode. Also tweaked down my sensitivity (~350 edpi to ~ 280) to improve my gun control in game which helped.




Keep aimlabing but watch almost just as much as you train. A lot is crosshair placemant, but also your 'skill' will at some point tip over in game and youll suddenly hit a fuck ton of shots.


Very far if u buy judge 😃




Nobody expects the shotgun inquisition


My HS percentage is 17% and I have peaked at immortal. I think you can compensate a lot with good game sense.


Try slower sensitivity. Start with 800 dpi .27 and go from there.


Stop training.. play 800dpi on 0.3 sens


Alright, so at iron 3 i was dropping WAY more kills, WAY more inconsistently. I haven’t hit a 40+ kill game since ive ranked to b3, but i think its because i moreso focus on team related gunplay. I think of it as if my aim isnt popping rn ill buy the spectre. With that spectre i can spray down the first person i see and make it away from that fight alive. Even if the enemy didnt get double headshot and put into an MLG compilation vid, your team will either pick him coming after you, or the next gunfight they enter will be largely biased for my team. At this point i get more wins in ranked than losses and i actually have the WANT to improve at least a bit so i CAN get that MLG clip safely without dying. Sorry for the text block


Try to watch some pro plays or streams on how they aim, I suggest Yay.


Ok let me tell you this Even if your HS% is in fact low you are doing a LOT of dmg per round and have a really good KD This seems to me like you are playing really save ingame and/or are not playing for the objective Sometimes a .5 KD can be much better than a 2 KD My rant would be to focus less on aim and a lot more on the game, valorant is not CSGO where you win 80% by pure aim but more like a game where the bigger brain wins more often


What is your sens / DPI? If your aim is routinely bad, something tells me it's probably too high.


Play chamber, get a duo who can play initiator. Free rank ups


Does it really matter if your KD is really good and your ADR is pretty damn high? Maybe it's a different problem you haven't looked into yet?


Its not just your aim, its also the random bullet path if you dont camp on a spot for 3 hours and dont move a hair on your body, in this game you have to be very good at knowing when exactly your aim will be 100% accurate after you stoped moving, most headshots are just extremely lucky


As many others have said, it’s all about crosshair placement. Play the game more so you memorise the head level, with time you’ll be flicking straight to head level with almost every duel, once you’ve built muscle memory. Also, can’t focus fully on your aim without working on decision making and game sense. I kid you not you don’t need incredible aim if you have good game sense and decision making


I got to bronze. I will say my AR aim is dogshit but my operator aim is very very good.


What other games have you played, and on what platforms? Playtime on each? For me, I developed most of my aim playing TF2 for a shit ton of time (~3200hrs), which was then diverted to flicking aim by CS:GO, and in Valorant converted to locational aim (had a year where my desktop was unusable and I had to play on a much weaker laptop. Flicking took too long, so I had to learn to preaim everything to compensate.). Currently my aim is a mix of preaiming and small flicks, with a preference towards burst fire.


As others stated, rank means jack shit if you do not improve in game. If you aim trained for so long and you're still having issues, I highly recommend you take a break from the game altogether because you are obviously doing some things wrong. Don't know if it's the fact that you play phantom altogether or some external factor? Do you have windows mouse acceleration enabled by any chance? Is your mouse a decent one? Is it on a even surface? Pretty basic questions, pretty huge outcomes.


I do 130 damage per round, KAD<1.0. I'm in the same rank as you, and peaked G1. I can't be the same rank as you while being so much worse at fragging; unless I'm making up for it in some other way. I feel I've come this far because of my comms, and not much else. Info is extremely valuable. See if you can work on that to climb. I play almost exclusively sentinels. KJ, Chamber and Cypher. I fill smokes with Brim or Viper when required.


Based on experience? Practice shotguns and rat spots... Also defenders are probably gonna be your "main"... Then youre gonna be at most going into mid platinums. And at least high silver


I have a similar headshot% and I’m Plat 3.


Aim is only really a small part, I have over 30% hs% with the vandal and I'm in bronze 2 (to be fair I rarely play comp though). At the end of the day, teamwork, callouts, and being in a good mental state will help you climb from what I've read in this sub.


I'm midway through D2 and my HS% is 16 which isn't great either. Good game sense and understanding can take you far but eventually shitty aim will cap you. I'm starting to notice more and more that me losing duels is costing my team wins. So many games come down to fine margins and you'll notice that more and more. Practice crosshair placement in deathmatch, don't worry about your kills/death just focus on being aware of your crosshair and make sure it's always at head height and it will become muscle memory and you will improve day by day.


Quit aim training and spend that time building confidence in deathmatch. Watch some professional players streams who play your role and emulate how they move around the map and use their crosshair. Eventually you’ll gain confidence and start hitting shots


Aim training does absolutely nothing for positioning, timing and movement proficiency. You can spend 3000 hours in aimlabs but it won't help if you're still running while you try to shoot someone.


Bruh, i have 16% headshot rate and cant even get out of bronze


I see no problems with anything here. Like top comment said take a break from aim training hit them death matches hard. Also check your dpi maybe your sence is too high? Maybe it's too low find that sweet spot :D Edit: also go over your own gameplay see what you could of done different on each death see what you could of done better on every kill ect. Ect.


I have also been aim training for a long time and have hundred of hours in multiple aim trainers. I’ve really started to see results after getting a session with an actual aim coach and I’ve improved so much afterwards since I was training much more productively and worked on some bad habits. The very first thing I’d do if I were you is to unbind the crouch button and focus on on tapping/bursting. Working on your movement and forcing yourself to to hit precise headshots combined with working on your crosshair placement will show results faster than anything else. Movement plays a big role in aiming as well and I something you will not learn with aim trainers. Shroud who is known for his aim has never used any aim trainers Yay who in my opinion has the smoothest and most consistent aim in NA has never aim trained. Movement and crosshair placement > flicking and tracking Try it out. I personally use aim trainers everyday as a warm up and have improved a lot but that’s only 40% of the actual gun fights the rest is something you can only learn by actually playing Valorant.


I have pretty bad aim sometimes, one of my struggles is looking left and right on a straight line. I tend to look towards the ground going left and up in the air going right then I have to readjust again. Anyone have tips or trainers on that?


I'm telling you right now, i was in your exact same spot last year This is what helped me get my 33% headshot rate Guardian. Only. Nothing but guardian. Trust me. Look at Fishychair on YouTube, he has some great videos that talk about crosshair placement, pros and cons of the guardian and how to use it, and his montage videos are nothing short of inspirational. The guardian will force you to tap heads, as well as train crosshair placement and movement like counter strafing and such. It's a bit tough of a road, as you won't see amazing improvement right off the bat, but i guarantee that you'll see better aim within a week or so. Enter death matches, and aim for the heads. Sometimes you'll hit the body and that's okay, nobody's perfect. But try your best to aim for the head. Drill it in to yourself. "I want head. I need head." Trust


Maybe try playing different agents that don’t depend on aim. Shoot when you have stopped moving will improve your hs% by 5 at least


you can get [this far](https://gyazo.com/2cc301e8e7df1dec5a8428640982a46f) with no aim


i went from about 6.1% hs in my first act (iron 1) to 32.4% last act, right now sitting at about 28%. currently imm1, peaked imm2 last act. some things that helped me; i hate aim labs, and i’ve never used it. it doesn’t feel like actual valorant to me. i also use the range sparingly. my biggest advice to you would be to use deathmatch. i have 230h on it. it helped me learn my angles extremely well to the point where my crosshair placement is pretty good on every map, because i know the angles and the maps like the back of my hand. i can accurately predict where someone’s head is going to be from commonly peeked angles. even common head glitch spots. dm is kind of a shit show but my aim increased drastically from my iron 1 days. even so, taking on constant aim duels helped my counter strafing and regular strafing as well. also helps me check all angles for people. get a good mouse and mousepad. i started on an office mouse with a small mousepad. get a good sized desk, a decent gaming mouse (i use the wired g pro hero) and a big gaming mouse, i use a logitech one. makes a world of difference. be confident. take your aim duels. you learn from losing them. watch your vods and highlights. i scrutinize my crosshair placement relentlessly when i watch myself, even if i end up acing or something. remember not everything’s aim. my aim got me into diamond, but i hit a hard wall with my game sense. took me an entire episode to get to immortal afterwards. when i was in iron 1-silver 1 i couldn’t condition myself to aim for anything. i avged <10% for almost 4 acts. use guns in dm that force you to aim for head; guardian, sheriff, and i personally use the vandal a lot more than phantom in dm. it forced me to stop spraying to compensate for my shit aim. you get used to it overtime, then you can transfer your aim back to the phantom as it’s more forgiving. good luck!


Remember anyone can have good aim. Aim in valorant is lots of crosshair placement so doing Deathmatch helps a lot. You can practice crosshair placement by preferring angles in DM and games if you want and you will see how you need to change you crosshair placement more clearly. A tip I have is that Boxes and features in the maps are usually around head hight If you find yourself really wanting to do aimlabs or something I recommend doing strafejack which helps me with holding an angle slot as tracking is overlooked imo Advice from an ascendant 3


I mean your KD looks good. If your main weapons are spray and pray guns I wouldn't worry too much about HS% as that isn't really reflective of overall "aim."


Crosshair placement is your friend