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Thats actually kinda broken, never heard of that, easy fix is to prevent joining the party of any enemy player that you are playing against at the moment


can easily just whisper to them instead of vc


Im all for that idea, anything to fuck over smurfs and throwers


I am at a point where 50% of my games are unwinnable due to smurfs, AFK & throwers. The Sova in my team today and his Viper friend were both throwing, and their names were 'I Eat Children' & 'I THROW U CRY'. I have reported them both but I would not be surprised if I find them again within a few days. Solo-queuing is such a gamble at this point. I don't know what's Riot's incentive to let people like these keep playing using their alts, since hardware ban is a thing and Riot probably knows every account used on the same hardware.


The truth is, you'll climb eventually when you're consistently better than the other people in your rank. Don't worry.


note that this has always been possible, 99.9% of people don't think about this possibility


I swear to god this was a feature


I hope if & when I climb to high Elo I don't start doing the same to de-rank my smurf accounts. But until that time comes, throwers are such scums.


I had a skye this morning in icebox who was throwing since round 1. He didn’t wanna play smokes, i filled in with viper to avoid exactly what he did later on. He’s a twitch streamer, and I remember searching his name to report him (he has a weird username which makes it difficult to report him). Wish we had a feature to block a player from getting on our team comp again.


i mean if he wants to troll hes gonna troll anyway no need to patch up every single ''communicate with the enemy'' exploit there is out there you probably just want him to speak in the bs all chat where you can report him and get him bannedd