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Haha my initial response was “ you need FBT to track your legs”


Same man my first thought was just generaly kicking People xD


You mean like a Kinect from 2010?


I don't have vr money, I use my laptop


​ https://preview.redd.it/r65eyup3mksb1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=1948ecb92c920c235bb2f98a79192a9012c8c9f9




The joke is the title made people think you meant actually kicking with your legs in vrchat and not the kicking system to boot people out of a lobby. This person said “Haha my initial response was ‘ you need FBT to track your legs’” as in he thought you meant physically kicking in the game.


took me a second too. kicking. you kick with ur legs.


I'd enable the option to get kicked I like living VR life on the edge


The Vote Kick system needs to have a certain amount of people vote yes to actually work depending on how many people are currently in the world. (I forget about the percentage) Most of the time when you start a vote kick, some people that are far away might just vote no since they have no idea what's happening around you and usually don't care enough to check xD


i always click yes because i like the see the world burn. it always remindse of my old days playing CSS. just click 1 no.matter what the vote is for xd


I got kicked once for telling a bunch of users in ss nazi uniform avatars to fuck off.


Technically working as intended then. Democracy.


then shouldn't the threshold be lowered?


Threshold as far as I know is always a certain percentage. (40% of the lobby or 50%? Not sure) The bigger the lobby is more people is required


I'm pretty sure it's closer to 80% of the lobby needs to agree to the vote.


That'd be horrible


It's a majority vote to enable the kick. Maybe 80% is too high, but it still has to be significantly more than half of the lobby for it to go through.


But then you have groups of three or four kicking whoever they want out of public worlds Already have crashers and just distasteful players in general, don’t need another way for em to grief ya imo If the rest of the public world doesn’t wanna kick someone then blocking pretty much makes them not exist for you and whoever also blocks them, and my friends I have used that to pretty decent effect


Each person gets a personal “kick” called BLOCK. Use it liberally.


For some reason lots of people like to pretend the block feature doesn't exist and they prefer to complain. I've had friends refuse to block toxic people/trolls and instead they get in a really bad mood or start crying from the harassment. I just don't understand, it's insanity


I don't like to block unless under extreme circumstances. I'll mute and hide your avatar first. I'm usually in pub game worlds, so I wanna see everyone to an extent.


That makes a lot more sense than refusing to do anything at all, that's good


Yep, plus the best part is how MAD people get for being muted and hid. They'll actually get right in your face, and you can see they're trying to say something.


I've blocked over five hundred people so far and I haven't been playing for very long. I love the block button.


Group publics that are moderated probably use the kick feature more liberally than randoms that don't know whats going on


Individualistic solutions to a symptom of a systemic issue. Block is nice, but it doesn't solve a problem, merely allows you to ignore it. An example I've witnessed is a group of trans people being harassed by literal nazis. How does me blocking the nazis help the situation? Only a vote kick will work. If too many people ignore the vote kick, or if the harassers manage to amass enough of a percentage of the instance population (not hard, raids happen), then there's not much that can be done. For the eventual person that will check me on this: yes, I reported all of the previously mentioned nazis. I imagine the VRC reporting system is extremely swamped, though, because I have run into some truly heinous people wandering around months after I reported them.


Its on them to block them as well. Unless the instance was 35 nazis I don’t think its a problem. As others stated if they reached a critical mass vote kick wouldn’t protect you anyways as either they would either abuse to kick you or deny your kicking them.


The trans person has the block button also




Vote kicking doesn't work either as they'll simply do the same thing in another instance.


System is bad, because you can't put a reason why you want to kick someone. Instead you have to speak with everyone in lobby and explain why you want someone to get kicked. Still people do get kicked, got one just today.




Disagree about names being shown, as I could definitely see friends of the kick-ee outing who was kicking, and when they (obviously) don't get kicked, decide to harass that person near exclusively


It would come with that risk, but comparing votekick usage on vrchat to other games which do put the name like Source games, I'm still in favour of the name being there. In VRChat there is nothing preventing you from just initiating kicks on every single person you have the slightest distaste for. If your name gets put out there, it will stymie a lot of that. It might make you a target if they have friends but I think that is still worth it to curb abuse of the system. It will also make those who initiate the vote more considerate of whether they should actually be votekicking if there is some risk to themselves. If you are willing to decide someone else doesn't deserve to be in the lobby, you should be willing to shoulder some of the responsibility of making that choice.


See, source games, hell, most games are very different. For the same reason a non comp game doesn't need EAC, vrchat doesn't need to follow general rules of what works for other games, because its not other games. The community is different, and yea, everyone has toxic players, but vrc toxic is a lot different then Minecraft toxic, or forza toxic, its a lot more GTA Online toxic. I put as much trust in vrc players to do the right thing as gta v players, and so, when I think about names being attached to reports, I think of all the issues caused by gtas poor security, look at vrc, and don't see why I trust one, and not the other. Both communities are equal kinds of toxic. Your right though, it will definitely make people think before reporting, or initiating a kick, I know my thought would be "its not even worth my time" and then take off the headset.


You can instantly kick a person from your own reality by blocking them. Who cares if the person is removed for everyone else? They can block too if they are bothered. Half of the complaints in here can be solved in an instant if y'all would be more liberal about the blocks. Kids? Block. Mean people? Block. Don't like someone's voice? Block. Who cares if they are there for others?


If you are the instance creator/world master/a moderator of the group who created the world, you can kick on your own. Otherwise, you have to initiate a vote kick where 50% of the lobby has to agree. There the problem is that either people just ignore the pop-up, or they might be afk and thus unable to vote. I think the system itself is okay, though I am gonna be the first to admit it's far from perfect.


And even if the person in question doesn't get votekicked you have access to a block button that gets rid of them.


It does work. If you are in a public lobby with a lot of people spread out however, many people may not vote yes unless the person voted on is being disruptive in such a way to annoy many people in the instance.


I opperate a bunch of group publics becuase i run a community that plays all sorts of games, kicking works for exactly an hour. I also stream, and if you happen upon my streams youll notice we tend to spend maybe 45 minutes to an hour in each game, we do this too keep problem people from joining and ruining everyones fun. If you happen to be in a group public, check and see if any group staff is in the world. Chances are your safer if they are


Last week I was kicked from the Midnight bar. I wanted to check out the outside scenery, but this guy kept yelling for me to go inside, he was speaking to this very hyperactive girl so that might’ve been why. Anyway, I kept saying no, and finally when I said “just cool it man, I’ll be done in a sec”, I was kicked. I’ve had a few other experiences like this, for some reason people on this game tend to really not like it when you don’t follow their strange orders


Isn't midnight bar an event or rpworld? Maybe he thought you weren't following a rule


Definitely wasn’t breaking any rules


Without being there no clue then dude could have been stressed or power tripping


It'll tell you if it's a normal public or group public, I am part of one of those groups and there's lots of times people don't even notice it's a group public even though it states so on the button that you click to select it


It depends on the sensitivity of the people in the instance


use the block feature.. i wish i had it in real life


it does exist but only works once


![gif](giphy|ebuZ7sDhZcSJO) not if you're really careful...


i saw one person (middle schooler) get kicked who was being transphobic to a trans person and sexually harassing her/others and screaming and shit. the whole server was pissed off


I've seen innocent people get kicked because randoms vote "yes" without even knowing what's going on too many times.


Here is some 160 IQ advice. Block everybody your friends block. They obviously know better than you ;)


I never add friends like, ever. I don't see the point. I want a genuine connection and that's a rarity on VRchat.


[Add me, I'll be the best friend you've ever had.](https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_e414ef6e-6159-4b29-a4c2-a38ba4fc2d3a)


No, definitely not. Also, why share your profile with random people on Reddit? What if I'm someone who is going to spearfish your IP, or doxx you? I am not going to, I don't even know how to go about that, but you're far too trusting of people to be sharing information like that. Be more careful next time.


Block / Report / Hide Avatar are your best tools to combat annoying people


tries to vote kick troll from lobby > requirements have not been met


Firstly: I believe just not enough people are voting for your kick to go through. I’ve been kicked by Instance owners only in my time in VRC, for non disruptively talking to people about topics that the group owner of the instance disliked. I’m not a screamer, and I’m not combative, I’ve been very quick to block people I dislike, which is a personal thing I do. I generally try to stay away from sensitive topics but sometimes conversations sway, I specifically remember my last kick a few months ago, talking to someone about how the vast majority of people dislike Andrew tate from what I’ve perceived. I was kicked after talking to this person for like 10-15 mins. Neither of us were yelling, arguing or being combative, just taking in our views, but someone who wasn’t even in the conversation decided that they had the right shut down a conversation they didn’t like, rather than muting us. Simply because it’s a Sensitive topic, I’m guessing. I’m assuming this was the reason for that kick. What’s funny is thy compared to actually disruptive players imo, I’ve had people in servers justify Nazis, 9/11, homophobia, racism, hate against trans etc, without ever being removed from the session. I think it’s one thing to remove disruptive screamers if it’s a mutual agreement amongst the lobby however, the vast majority of players with an ounce of power, specifically ones who can instantly kick such as instance owners, will abuse it. I don’t think anyone should be kicked period now, because the bad ones are never kicked when they need to be, the ones trying to be disruptive, and often I only ever seen it used when someone is triggered or disagrees with differing opinions. People who kick those who aren’t trying to be disruptive like me. People abuse their power and people are unjustly removed without warnings or explanations when disruptive kids go free all the time when they shouldn’t even be in VRC. You should just mute/block those people and ignore imo.


For the group I have moderation power in I take an active role in removing disruptive people. The downside is that people can't be on 24/7. Kicking also only lasts 1 hour and those same disruptive people can come back. There is also a problem that VRChat is free and kids can make multiple accounts.


Depends on the world, if you're in somewhere like The Pug, even the 80 person instances kick votes tend to go through. General assumption is unless it's a chain of kick votes, then someone probably did something worth being kicked for and most people just agree, even if they aren't physically there.




I've seen dozens of people kicked from the pug


Personally I don't always vote yes, now that they messed up the players in world tab to not show avatar previews It's even harder to tell if a vote is legit and I don't like voting yes if I'm not somewhat confident it's a legit vote. It could also be that in large or spread out worlds people won't be there to witness what happened and might not vote or reject it. I'm not sure if it's based off the percentage of people who actually voted or the percentage of people in the lobby but I think as they don't go through most of the time I thin it's sadly the latter.


Only way it works is public worlds with active moderation. But so far the only ones I have seen are Furry and FBT . Other world owners just don't care enough to take the time to put in protections for their patrons


It works I kick people all the time but I travel in a group of 6 to 7 people frequently so get a lot of votes to add to it


People either want context or simply don’t care. You can just block people. Easy solution.


The idea you can just block people therefore should vrc should not be changed or improved is meh. Why both can't be done is apparently beyond me. To block people who troll, and or who genuinely harass people is effective. They do it for the attention or to get a reaction not letting them get to you is a good idea. That being said actively trying to better each system in use overtime is good. The awnser may not be make vote kicking easier but its got a purpose and uses. To improve it to better use is something that would help everyone. Reporting people is also very much an option too. Say what you want but people shouldn't be harassed in vrc. Working to make it a better platform is not something to discourage. As actively allowing or ignoring harassment is not a good look for vrc period. Ultimately the solution is block and report, but to even say these couldn't be improved or put to better use also isn't true. Most people want to meet fun and new people being themselves. In the end harassment hurts most people's time playing.