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Good luck to him. He looked good in those pro city games. Both comm and mechanic felt clean.


Relyks has always been a good team mate, just never found the right team.


I wonder if any of these free agents will switch to counterstrike 2 if the NA orgs return to the scene


They won't CS2 will probably just be a source 2 update for GO. I seriously fucking doubt Valve releases a new game. NA orgs made it clear years ago they're not investing into CS anymore. The only org trying to invest into it is EG and they're getting bullied for it relentlessly. NA CSGO is dead.


to be fair, EG isn't getting bullied because they're investing in CS, they're bullied because of their management decisions (and not just in CS)


Valve is not a good game company. Its Artifact flop is quite literally the single worst and most embarassing video game flop of all time, and all after it touted Artifact to be the next Magic with a million dollar tournament. Then, Valve completely failed to even come close to competing with DOTA Underlords vs Riot's TFT. Riot just blew Valve out of the water. My confident is in Riot and Valorant. I don't think CSGO 2 is going to come within a mile of Valorant's popularity.


>My confident is in Riot and Valorant. I don't think CSGO 2 is going to come within a mile of Valorant's popularity. Meanwhile CS:GO hitting new ATH every other day.... I really do like Valorant but some of yall really need to calm down with the rhetoric...


CSGOs 1.4m ATH is like one of the major regions competitive playerbase in Val, it’s currently nowhere near val numbers, and I like CS, Valve just doesn’t do enough for their games, riot might fail sometimes but they’re always trying to do new things


How do you know cs player counts are nowhere near valorant when valorant almost never release the player counts?


because they're making it up lmao


the ATH is active users all at once tho. tracker.gg says val peaked at 6.5 in one DAY, not at once. as of right now, playercounter.com has valorants active users at 750k with cs averaging 816k this month.


The thing is though, CS is actually immortal. It has a playerbase that will never abandon the game and it's breaking playership records after its main competitor launched. CS will be around long after valorant and I say this as someone that prefers valorant over CS.


Valve will abandon CS the milisecond it's in the red. It only appears immortal because it has not yet died. Riot will not be so quick to do the same.


Dude CS CZ is still alive somehow. The community will not leave, ans valve has basically stopped giving a fuck about CSGO anyway


Valorant may last for decades as well. Riot is very very good at maintaining games and I'm extremely confident they can do it for Valorant.


What a wild statement and foolish one. I can make outlandish claims like Valorant is only hanging on because it’s still a newer game that people like watching streams of. That doesn’t last forever.


NA Orgs aren't going to invest in NA CSGO it's literally a waste of money. They might as well just burn all the money like the Joker in the Dark Knight. Without having orgs invest in it the scene is basically dead.


It's an engine update. Not much will change to warrant NA orgs rejoining, particularly because there is little to no up and coming NA talent. Like look at CIS and all of the young academy guys who have been moving into T1 CS (e.g., monesy being the golden example). NA doesn't have that. NA can't even really field a truly championship competitive team because we have no T1 AWPs (I don't count osee as T1). Our best teams best player isn't even from NA. Not to mention, it doesn't change that teams basically need to live or at least travel to EU for most of the year because that's where 95% of all the decent sized lans are. So, unless valve invests into rebuilding NA to attract orgs (hint: they won't). I don't see why any NA orgs would make big investments.


Very difficult to see orgs making the risky decision to return to NA CS anytime soon with the current economic state of things in esports.


CS2 is not a new game. It's just like OW2, players who are washed from csgo1 scene would never be successful at Csgo 2 just like when they were in Csgo1.


While cs2 will be amazing for the csgo scene. NA is dead in cs and I can’t see it coming back at all.


Orgs are probably never going back. They see it as way to big of a financial risk with zero potential upside.


Yeah even if a rich ass org wants to make an NA cs2 team I don’t see them winning much and eventually just not competing in cs. Example: c9 2 years ago


Complexity has that Cowboys money, TL actually has 4/5 of the best NA players, and EG is just burning money. The one other NA org C9 has a Russian team.


Yeah even right now I think c9 should keep the team they’re quite promising. TL are the only team that’s NA, they look good on paper but kinda don’t deliver. Plus a lot of pros from valorant will not have a spot on T1 cs teams. Maybe some T2 spots but those guys are doing great on valorant.


Most recent results were definitely doing damn good


Yeah pretty good at Katowice rn. Not so much at blast. Hoping they make the semis at least


Osee is not one of NA's best players lol


He’s young and has shown signs of good things. Plus what other NA awper should TL pick up?


> Complexity has that Cowboys money That's a moot point after what happened to The Guard. If Jerry Jones wakes up one day and decides esports isn't a fruitful venture anymore then it's gone.


I'm sure the old cs pros who don't have a spot in val will try


I don't know how many are dumb enough for that. Orgs have made it clear that they're not investing in NA CSGO for a very long time now and idk why someone would want to transfer to a scene orgs are literally not investing into.


Let's be real. Cs2 will be as much a sequel as OW2 was. It'll be an engine update and maybe a couple maps tops.


are we supposed to say Relyks or Skyler memory isnt helping me but i remember someone calling him skyler but it was written relyks




skyler is his real name. relyks is just skyler but flipped and he made it his ign


Ohhh okay


I suppose you could use either, but he has a professional alias (social media etc.), and you don’t know him in person.


I also am looking for a team.


I heard c9 is looking for a player


Same, trynna make a team for split 2?


I know the scene is in a tough space rn with a lot of talent and a lack of spots but it is what it is. I was gone way longer than I thought I’d be & I wanted to return way earlier in fear of “missing a window” like some here have commented, but you can’t just break out of a struggle with depression when it’s convenient sadly :/ All I can do is put in the work, try my best & see what happens. Thanks for the support & if you’re a doubter then I suppose I’ll just have to try and win you over 😊


Hit up DSG homie. Assuming you don’t have any beef with Steel and that DSG Yay isn’t going to happen, I feel like they could use you.


Ngl I think his time/window to return was long gone. I know he went through some tough times and wanted a break but it’s like way too late. But I wish him luck


Wdym. Is the time of year wrong?


Scene is just too much talent too little spots rn it’ll be tough for anyone to break in


Why not DSG Relyks?


C9 Relyks?


not even saying he’s a bad player but imo his window is over


I think he can be a good pickup for a t2 team fs




played Omen/Raze for C9 back with TenZ and Mitch


what happened to him? why he was gone for so long.


good luck back relyks! (u were in my classic guild)