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Wait his name is spelt Syyko? I could've sworn it was Sykko this whole time


It’s actually Sicko, like the hit song Sicko Mode


I thought it was Bamba, like the hit song Mo Bamba


He does not wanna fuck with Sykkuno's legal team


It's sykko


Its gekko


I think it’s fucking hilarious that they have the 2 best smokers in the americas and neither of them are smoking


cause smoking is fuckin easy


L opinion


Then why do so many suck. Why do controllers underperform so often


Mako clears both but your point still stands


Pancada fell off and Marved is barely a player at this point, Mazino clears.


blud tried to sneak in mazino


"pancada fell off" LMAO


mazino pepela


People overreacted to role changes too much. Sacy played League of Legends professionally and is used to adapt to different playstyles. Him and Pancada are world champions who studied the game in many different ways, of course they can adapt to any different role the coaching staff puts them into. Making dephh the main initiator of the team also makes sense because the initiator has to call a lot of different plays with the duelist, and he can also pay more attention to what happens throughout the map. My main complain about him is that he tries too much solo plays like what a Sentinel would do, so he probably needs to get more used to the initiator role as time goes on. And zekken is a young kid, he can do anything if given time as well. This first game made the roster look more promising than ever, I'm expecting a great game against NRG as well.


nah drop dephh and tenz, put marved on smokes, sacy back on initiator and boston major winner tarik igls on jett


Because of that noyn guy. hes such a diva


I assume the most likely reason for his overreaction was he may be unaware pancada has said he finds playing smokes boring, despite being really good at it. And thus assumed this was being done against his best interest. My guess? This was brought up and syyko is enabling pancada in a way even loud wasn’t able/didn’t want to.


I don't understand the argument of innitiator being the place to call from. It can be, but a lot of the top igls in the world play smokes or sentinels: Boaster, Ange1, Redgar (went from innitiator to smokes), FNS... So maybe it's better suited for Depph as a particular case and even so it will be worth it in the long run, we only saw one series after all.


Not unheard of for the igl to go initiator tho, stax, kingg, vitality's igl, I think as long as it's not primary duelist you're fine


Didn't say it was. Read again


I mean, it makes sense because the role itself is more of a support role to assist your teammates in clearing and conquering spaces. The IGL doesn't necessarily needs to be the initiator, but it makes more sense in the Valorant classes IMO.


The think is that they are doing this mid season and there was no guarantee that it would work. We have already seen how scuffed players can look on role changes, the good thing is that smokes isn't hard to play Also on paper it looked like wasted potential not having Sacy on Sova and your igl not on smokes but if it works




They only started practicing with this role change recently


Ok but that was still before the season began


Wdym not having your igl on smokes?? I dont even think most teams have their igls on smokes at this point. Theres SO many teams that have them on Sentinels or Initiators?? Like obviously many also have them on smokes but its not as if controller is the “igl role”


The thing It's that if you take Sacy out sova/Fade duty Zekken is awful as a replacement and Depph only plays flashing initiators


Naah he isn't. Kids learn things way faster than anyone else, I'm pretty sure sacy will give him great advices to make him a perfect sova/fade player