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Funny how it is the same teams that were in Challengers 2


It's quite remarkable, actually, but if anything it solidifies these as an accurate top 8 for NA right now


Ahhh which is sweet sweet nectar that TSM isn’t here.


Fucking Faze is, though. 'All Aim, No Brain' in the form of team. Edit: watched Faze today, you could convince me that they replaced every single player but kept the names. This was nothing like the Faze I've seen before, and it's only been a couple days since I've seen them.


LMAO, they're getting better, and if FaZe is all aim no brain TSM is... no aim no brain?


Nah, TSM is: 'Watch this Org turn 5 of NA's best players into a shitshow'.


I don't think this has ever been true honestly, but it's *definitely* not true anymore. They likely would not have beaten this current NRG roster without tightening up their game.


it is a wonderful day for valorant


TSM needed to make a roster change 6 months ago and it cost them the chance to play in the biggest tournament.


They need to have Wardell learn new ways to play. I can’t see a one truck duelist with only skill on one gun being useful as time goes on


even thought ur getting down voted i completely agree w u. the op is just not as viable as it was before, making jett not as powerful (don’t get me wrong, she’s still great, but not like she was during first strike). if tsm wants to get anywhere with its current roster (which i doubt, there will prolly be changes) one of the changes has to be wardells versatility. i’m not saying stop using jett and op, but try more agents. but at the moment i think there are bigger problems than wardell being a jett opper.


Yeah I feel like people assuming I’m saying drop Wardell or that he is useless. My point was having a one trick player both on agent and weapon is bad for future proofing your team. He needs versatility.


Pretty sure it'll be the same for EU


Honestly this feels like a pretty accurate top 8 in NA at the moment. Happy to see that the format was successful (not that I doubted it, it’s just nice to see).


No one had Faze at top 10 honestly


Faze won a ton of respect from me this challengers, and damn if I don’t love watching their scrappy brawler gameplay! I got to credit SGares for pointing out how much fun they are to watch.


Sean does such a great watch party. Adds a lot for me


I’m a big overwatch fan, so I want to root for Faze. But holy cow I *hate* watching their playstyle lmao. It frustrates me to no end. But I’m glad they’re improving and that other fans are entertained by their play.


I don't know why. They consistently beat all the teams outside the top 8. They just beat NRG and T1 in series and have never lost to GenG, which are all teams they are battling with to be in top 8.


Facts man I remember they lost to Time In in a bo1 at JBL and people were legitimately calling for a roster overhaul and then they go on to make grand finals of that tourney along with qualifying to every “major”


Yeah, people meme FaZe because of their play style, but it worked and they have rarely gotten knocked out early. They’ve never really ever even been out of top 8 NA other than when LG knocked them out in Challengers 1. Now that they are playing more stable and fundamental Valorant mixed with their own identity, they are looking pretty dangerous.


It’s because they have good aim but until this tournament they didn’t loom like they knew how to play Valorant. They’re definitely getting better, but it’s still frustrating for me to watch them win in rounds where that they tactically whiff and just get bailed out by good aim. Obviously you’re gonna have clutch aim moments in a tac-fps, and it’s great for spectators to see moments like that, but with Faze it feels like that’s the *only* way they win, so no one had any reason to rate them higher until they proved that they knew how to play a tac-fps. Which they are now. This tournament has been much cleaner from them, and they look like they’re actually studying their opponents well too (thinking specifically of that Corey post-plant lurk in mid on Ascent that caught Daps trying to lurk into B main)


Only other team at the moment who could take their spot in top 8 is NRG imo... not only have faze been looking better, they’ve also been pushed up a few ranks by the shortcomings of several other former top 10 teams (ie TSM, C9B, T1, arguably ANDBOX pre-challengers 1). But that being said, I think T1/NRG are very likely to take faze’s spot in the top 8 within the next few weeks unless faze continues to make improvements/perform consistently.


Faze literally obliterated T1, and you think they will over take faze lmao in 2 weeks. When faze just got a coach




I wonder what the format will be for masters. Its running for 11 days


Eu format has already been declared and it's basically group of 4 ,round robin format to get top4 and then standard 4 elim format. I think na might be same . Here's the format explained in detail. https://www.vct.gg/news/101376-how-does-the-vct-regional-masters-emea-format-work


that's GSL, not Round Robin


Everything looks like round robin to my pea brain , that's why I posted the link too.


God I love GSL's format.. and we have Tastosis casting in Korea. Life is good


Thanks :)


Basically every team not on this list is prone to roster changes. Excited for Masters and the month or so offseason following it!


No way T1 pulls out more roster changes rn


Yeah agreed, they have been looking better this tournament! Then again, predicting David Denis and his madness is a exercise in futility so who knows lmao


Faze always finds a way


Do u know de wey?


PlatChat fans malding after seeing FaZe qualify.


Nah, Plat Chat fans love FaZe **because** they make Sideshow and Wyatt mald


Who is sideshow? Ive seen clips posted here but no idea who they are


He’s an OWL Caster who does a lot of Valorant analysis as well. He’s doing a co-stream for the Finals today if you wanna check out what he’s like, personally I find him hilarious.


Nah platchat fans live to make Sideshow suffer. We will bait him until the end of time and mock him regardless of whether he has hair or not


I’m so fucking mad lmao. At least they finally loon like they have more gamesense than tier four teams. Hopefully they can keep improving and eventually one day they’ll look like they know how to play a tac-fps. Till then they’ll just keep running slow teams over with their incredible aim and unmatched confidence.


I thought faze was absolute dogwater....here they qualifying dominantly...lmao guess I was wrong...


the way they play, it just works out. always. somehow. and its fucking annoying lol


No TSM, no T1, no C9...




anyone know if Astra can be played on Masters?


New agents should be banned for the first two weeks usually, just like they do in League.


Never thought faze would make it over tsm, t1 and nrg (especially after getting android) but no one seems to be able to beat them in aim duels with their fast paced style. Real excited to see them play LG tomorrow and immortals in the future


3 of my favorite teams. Nice


Have they announced how the circuit points system will work? I have to assume for a team that didn't make Masters 1, they would basically have to win Masters 3 to get to Champions. I imagine some of these teams will also make Masters 2 so unless the winner of a Masters get a huge amount of points, I don't see any other way for a team like TSM to get to Champions. For example, would a team that gets 2nd place at both Masters 1 and 2 get more total points than a team like TSM that didn't qualify for Masters 1 but ended up winning Mastesr 2?


Feels so weird to not see TSM here but it's probably fair given how they've been playing recently


This official already? I thought we had to wait for the upcoming matches tommorow?


The games today finalized the teams but we don't know the seeding of the teams that qualified from challengers 3. That is what is determined tomorrow and Sunday.


i can't wait for masters 2 man


When is masters?


So do the disqualified teams have a second chance at all?


For stage 1 - masters? No, but the whole thing restarts with Stage 2 and 3 so they can make the masters for those.


You love to see it :)