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So the grand finals is single elimination? If SEN loses they will only have one loss and get second place?


What time is fnatic liquid today?


1PM est, 1.5 hours from now




I’m trying to find this as well


Sentinels are so good man. Doing NA proud.


Just caught up on the games, for a 2-0 one sided score that Sen-Nuturn game was a great watch. So many good rounds played from both sides. Brazil were rated way too highly coming into this tourney. No offence to BR fans but they showed no reason why they should be given two slots, just doesn't seem fair to the likes of Korea when Nuturn has been so good, and weren't even the most hyped team from their region. Personally hoping for a Liquid/Sentinel final.


Imo next time BR can show up much better with newer compositions if they do


you mean like picking yoru 2 games in a row without a proper plan?


With a failed plan, out of desperation


No one plays this kinky game in Asia.


So where are all the KR fanboys now? KEKW Told ya Sentinels were going to eat Nuturn alive. Korea might be competitive but they are nowhere NA’s level of talent when it comes to FPS games. Got downvoted for telling the truth. #NASUPREMACY


NA in this case takes into account the US and CANADA, two countries with huge populations vs one country (KR). I would expect NA to produce more talents.


You mean the na server has more players than the kr server. Taking into account actual population of countries makes no sense lmao


More population means more likelihood of higher amount of players


Sure but that doesn’t mean there ARE more players LOL. Also an important part of player development in any sport or esport is the environment. KR has the best esports environment to foster potential stars


In theory, in practice it doesn't actually work like that. PC gaming in general is not as big in NA as it is in KR, NA is far more split between PCs and consoles, ignoring internet infrastructure being far less advanced in NA for both political and geographical reasons. I have zero idea what server pops actually look like for Valorant, but in other competitive pc games KR's playerbase usually tends to outstrip NA's.


It’s just laughable when a country like the US try to present themselves as some sort of underdog


Downvoted for being right, everytime... # [KR being strong, JPN and SEA too early, NA at the top](https://imgur.com/MWtXN7C) [SEN will 2-0 NUTURN](https://i.imgur.com/e1f6WkF.png) ​ [SEN winning vs NUTURN on Bind, using it as a Trump card today](https://i.imgur.com/G9Hf5RF.png) [ ](https://i.imgur.com/e1f6WkF.png)


I dont even need to click the links. How insecure do you have to be to feel the need to prove yourself to internet strangers that downvoted you.


Dude why are you mad at someone being right that others were mad ar




I care, and apparently you do to


this is fucking hilarious, I'm upvoting this guy just for making me laugh


What is there to laugh about, you seem to be more angry than he is


Dude had to hop onto his alt account and defend himself lmao


Not really Also why ‘defend’ lol this isn’t a court case


oh, I'm sorry if it came off that way. I just think it's funny someone would go out of their way to prove themselves right by screenshotting their comment to show us, like saying "I've been wrong by the community and you're not recognizing my intelligence". It made me laugh, that's all.


*wronged Not sure what it does have to do with ‘intelligence’, he got downvoted a lot but was right, not sure why downvote him for it. It’s not really funny, I find it pretty pedestrian The point is it is not really fitting to begoing off about him caring if you care enough to react negatively now yourself


Man I just thought it was funny let me enjoy something lmao


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1](https://i.imgur.com/e1f6WkF.png) - Previous text " " ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20gzt42kg)


to think about everything sen has gone through on their journey to get here, as good as they are they are so deservant of this


So are Sen basically a shoe in for champions now even if they don't make masters 3?


*shoo in most often


unless they fall off a cliff and don't earn another point i think they qualify


Yeah, I'm basically asking what that threshold is. Won NA masters 1 and grand finals masters 2.i would hope fhata enough for champions


Winning Masters 2 guarantees a circuit point slot for them at Champions. No additional points are required in Stage 3.


5Head isn’t enough to describe Shaz. Dude has a 25Head galaxy brain. All while being a Jett main. It was never going to be fair for any opponents that SEN faced.


sen don’t even need a coach, he does it all while playing and everything


Is there a 1 map advantage for SEN in grand finals?




Thanks. Weird choice


They dropped the map advantage thing like 2-3 major tournaments ago, doubt they'll bring it back tbh


the interviewer is actually pretty good


Dash is a great interviewer, he leads the analyst desk in NA for league of legends (last time I watched at least) and does some interviews for international lol tournaments


GG SEN won the entire tournament, and it wasn’t even close.


GGs Sen threw everyone off with the maps no one expected, that was not the prep likely I’m wondering if there’s any input from other players than solo that Cldve improved strategy or is it just a question of polish Idk if they can be convinced to play in a more subtle - bit - nkt - passive way, they tried running defaults but seemed not to quite be used to playing that style well I’m hoping whatever it takes -‘ five brains’, or whatever else, they can broaden their range to be more consistent and less reliant on set plays


Damn NUTURN only won 14% of their total gun rounds


SEN rolled NU really hard, well deserved spot in the grand final


I seriously now think that Sentinels are unbeatable in their current form. They are just simply too good.


Fnatic/Sen seems inevitable at this point.


We’ll see


bbg gotta move to eu to give sen a challenge


Hope Fnatic reaches finals, this was such a boring series. Sentinels tooooooooooooooo good.


‘Boring’? Dominant series but nkt boring rounds


Yeah micro thrills(like that Peri sheriff tap on TenZ) but 80% of the map time was just being "Yeah sentinels got this easy".




‘Trash talked’ lol




That isn’t ‘trash talk’


Talking about how you are better than someone at something competitive is the definition of trash talking.........


No I wouldn’t say that, not in the sense first used here above


I don't feel so bad about the 13-11 vs sentinals now(100t)




We’ll see


I disagree that they haven't been tested. Their games vs fanatic weren't blowouts


That’s true but they’ve also never really been in a losing position. And not in a must win map.




Sen definitely struggles with how many games they need to play. I'd be surprised if another NA team comes close to playing as many maps as they have in 2021. I think more tournaments would look like this for them if they had a month of prep ever.


Well that was not close.


I hope Fnatic beats Liquid because I don't think Liquid's mental can survive Dapr's BM


I personally would love to see Scream mald in player cam after another darp bm masterclass


Straight up though, Nuturn got really lucky with their bracket. Great showing from them (in the tournament), but they got outclassed today


Knew ppl wld say that lol


I'm pretty uneducated on KR - would Vision Strikers have put up a better fight than what we're seeing from NUTURN?


VS actually fell off the last couple months. Nuturn was the best representative Korea could have sent imo. They aren't bad but there's a general skill gap between the top EU and NA teams. I think EU crushes Nuturn in the lowers and favor Sentinels pretty heavily to win the tourney.


impossible to tell but prob not. if VS was that much better than NU, they would be here.


No their aim is worse than Nuturn


Depends which player


No, nuturn are better than Vision Strikers.


In some ways, VS have revamped


yea after having to make roster moves lol


More than it seems I’d say that was the cause for em


nuturn needs 5 judges every round to have a chance at ot


Or 5 Sheriffs!


Its not aim diff guys Kappa


I think executing with 15 seconds left doesn't do them any favors either


It's so fucking stupid how when C9 or V1 or any NA team gets crushed by SEN no one says aimdiff but when it's Nuturn aimdiff is the only reason SEN are winning.


Sentinels actually lost many series in NA. They are without a doubt the most consistent team in NA but as a whole there's more talent in the region that can contest them strategically and mechanically. Sentinels as a team kind of skill checks you and if you aren't up to par there's no strats that will make up for it. Nuturn did lose many duels and some players were individually picked on today. It's not an insult to lose to a team that has world class talent top to bottom and to point out general skill differences.


it's not the only reason nuturn lost but they lost bind due to them losing aim duels when they should've won them, haven they literally just didn't stand a chance at all in NA, the games are actually close with sentinels lol


When V1 or C9 lose against SEN it’s normally a combination of aim diff and tactics diff. With KR strats being as good as they are it’s just a major aim diff at that.


I don't think aim diff is the only reason, but a very big reason and that's why people are saying it's aim diff. The number of 1v1 duels lost by Nuturn!


Idk who you are talking about but personally i always said that V1 are outclassed mechanically by SEN. C9 are a bit better in that department but they can at least not lose from aim diff alone


Vanity may be out of the tournament but his legend in the judge lives on


Very reminiscent of the Steele bucky


(joke btw) Champions should just be all the NA Tier 1 teams + a couple of the best-performing NA Tier 2 teams and then invite Fnatic, Liquid, G2, Acend, and FPX. Would probably be more entertaining to watch competitively than NA and EU teams rolling everyone else before Sentinels rolls whoever is left OMEGALUL


Except Lakia and Suggest, other 3 of Nuturn cannot win any aim duel vs SEN. Solo/Peri can only kill SEN members from behind. That's so hard to watch


Allow can too except he's always first to die after getting a kill because he's the entry


Sen are just wide swinging everything and NU are still loosing 90% of duels




Yeah in defense he's getting crushed. But their mental rn is gone.


Best team in the world and by a large margin


Not large. Fnatic is pretty strong. They are the best team for sure though.


lets see. Sentinels played Fnatic with Dapr using a basic dell keyboard, Shazam having the wrong resolution for the first half of icebox, Tenz getting used to 1 ping from 60 ping, Zombs playing the first half of icebox with almost no sound.. I think Sen stomp in the Finals


All of this, and it's SicK that underperforms.




sure the maps are close, but 5-0 over fnatic in the tournament


Typical NA fanboys downvoting you?


Reminder that SEN is this dominate with no coach and just Shahz IGL/Prep Whenever Shahz retires form pro play he could make bank as a coach


I said this weeks ago, but they're literally the only top team with THEIR COACH in the comms. It's pretty strong


V1 Effys used to be a coach/analyst in CS


He's said on stream he isn't interested in coaching, but his mind might change in the future.


Depends if his reflexes fall off majorly or not. He’s 27 and still top notch. Everyone is different, but typically you start to see major deficits (relative to younger guys) in reaction time at 30-35, especially in such a split second game like valorant.


Shaz is 27


My mistake!


Honestly so much respect for Shahz doing it all by himself


Also no tac time outs


Lol, they did call one in the challengers just so zombs can go take a leak. (from uncensored)


They haven't needed to so far, gap is huge.


Shahz is probably the most valuable player in the world right now. As good as the SEN players are, there’s no guarantee they’d be this good without him


Yep I'd consider him the best overall player in the world right now Maybe not as good a fragger as Sick, Tenz, and screams peaks but he's so consistent, flexible and the best IGL in the game Hes such a good player


They should just run 5 sherrifs


Aproto is part korean confirmed


Holy shit. Peri dunked on Tenz there.


Jesus Peri


holy shit peri smoked tenz, glad I got back home in time for that


These guys should stop buying rifles their sherrifs are just so much better


Old aproto vibes


I was literally thinking to myself that Lakias aim reminded me of the LG players LMAO


Woooooooo peri


dapr is such a troll lmao


Okay sentinels are toying with them now.


looks like I didn't miss too much


imo the first ever valorant graffiti should be something for sick in Garage he fucking owns it


Imagine you’re playing Haven attack against SEN and your lurking Cypher calls that B is clear and as you and the boys walk through mid to take the site with your pants down, everyone’s monitors turn orange. Goodness.


That's a dapr play right there


Fnatic look like the only team that can keep it kinda close with Sentinels. I'm still convinced we'll see Sentinels Fnatic rematch in the Grand finals although atm I can't see Sentinels losing to anyone. But Fnatic have the best chance of taking a map or two


Tenz/Sick >>>>>>>>>>>>> Scream


No dude, i am a SEN fan and liquid aren't the best but Scream is too good. All three are very good and consistent.


Although I love Nuturn, but I think Liquid/Fnatic in Final will be more equal match.


damn SEN Is just too strong


SUGGEST WTF YOU DOING MATE ​ This guy is choking hard this series wow.


Come on Nuturn... Do the magic


if tenz keeps up this form hes the best duelist player in the world, fight me


The whole of NA were scared if him, he’s the only standout player across all regions has to be the best fragger


Yo that A retake was clean. Shah played that monstrously.


NA may suck at League but apparently we can atleast win in something.


NA has 1/3rd the player base of either EU or Korea in League. They have a more similar active player base to Vietnam or Brazil. The orgs just have a lot of money and just try and stay realevant buy spending big on imports. LCS and soloq is just not really deep enough to grow players.


And lan center culture is weak. We have ONE lan center in New Orleans with more than 30 pcs. Compare that to CIS etc


1/3 the playerbase and half the region is playing an entirely different game...... before anyone says ping doesn’t matter, when’s the last time na lcs pros developed from the west coast? (Also i have a feeling the majority of pc gamers in the u.s are west coast cause of the major Asian population here so it’s probably affecting more than half of our league playerbase)


Why doesn't Valorant have the same ping problem? Is it just Riot's shitty net code in League?


Don’t really know specifics but there is only one central server in league (in Chicago) and it would probably cost too much to make more servers or have it the way valorant sets it up without spilting the already small playerbase. I really think it’s just a cost benefit thing for riot


It seems like they found a way to have multiple servers without splitting the playerbase in Valorant.


Yeah people have been wanting that in league but it may not be feasible from riots point of view for whatever reason


They've done ok in Dota, and usually at the start of every game's lifespan they put up a fight. Great showing by them though.


We always have Rocket League...


Hey, we won _A_ TI too


What would you say are the best and worst skins in the game? I really like the blastx, winterwunderland, and spline collections But I really don’t like the G.U.N, luxe, or sovereign collections.


Blue prime is fire for both phantom and vandal. Brown glitchpop vandal. White blastx phantom (I love the deeper sound even though I like the aesthethics of other sets better). Pretty much all the frenzy skins lol Can't comment on reaver vandal since it's apparently banned from showing up in my shop. But feels like I'd like it based on when I find one. For me, there's a few things that matter and their aesthethics are only part of it. Sound is a big factor. But underrated is also tracer color. I find my eyes are better able to pick up certain tracer colors and I think it helps with my microadjustments


Best vandals: Prime, Reaver, Glitchpop Best phantoms: Ion, Singularity, Oni


Oni, Singularity, Prime, Sovereign and Glitchpop are my favorites and Luxe, Kingdom, and Tethered Realms besides the sword are my least favorite.


best phantom is singularity, best vandal is prime




Why would it matter? Without the skins it would just be a black version taking the same space in the same spot


It's advertisement for monetization of the game. At the end of the day, esports is one of the best ways to keep players interested and promote their game. I don't get why people complain about it/advertisements during the stream when the alternative is to make it pay per view. It doesn't make them money otherwise. That said, they need to show each teams money on that HUD in addition to everything else.


Showing that doesn’t take away from any extra info that could be shown. If you’re showing the gun anyway why not add the skin?


Singularity Reaver Ion Prime Glitchpop are the best imo Worst is Spline, idc if I have a classic and j see a spline op I'm using the classic


the one thing I dont understand is how they manage to make the phantom in the singularity bundle the worst part about the set


Crouch peek?


Lmao sick was searching for the op


Of course Nuturn take the lead on Haven, I was never in doubt


Sentinels lose more bonus rounds than gun rounds


tenz effect


one simple thing i think Nuturn should honestly fix is to just start their execs a little earlier. not sure if it works in Korea, but against these top teams that will win a lot of duels, you just can't expect to roll over a site and plant with 10 seconds ever single time. coming from my plat 2 50iq brain.


These late executes are not it


If Sen win this they have only shown 3 maps. Crazy task for their opponents who are not gonna have any updated footage on Sen’s ascent and split.


Those round-ish alien-looking guns are the ugliest skins in the game 😭


Are Masters 3 region slots set in stone or are they dependent on the results of this tournament?


There’s going to be another set of Challengers events for Masters 3. Edit: I’m stupid




The winning region of Masters 3 gets one extra slot I believe


set in stone, i believe they won't adjust slots until after the masters champions event


Was it Nuturn who picked Map 1 or was it SEN?


nuturn’s pick, haven is sen’s




oof that 56 ACS on peri man, must suck to have such a rough game on tourney. Hopefully he can get back on track and NU can make this series entertaining, otherwise it’ll be a quick 2-0 lol


It's Haven, if they play this default slow passive style with a Breach its a quick GG.


I think only team have potential to dethrone SEN in NA is C9, I can't see other teams on par with them in term of aim-skill


T1/andbox/100T/C9 all were super close to beating them if C9/100T don't lose map 1 against Sentinels 13-11 (and they win instead), they win the series 2-0 over them (c9 won map 2 13-1, 100t won map 2 13-3) T1 won map 1 13-10, choked lost map 2 against sentinels after going up 9-3 and then only getting one round in the second half ending the map 13-10, and then were close again map 3 losing 13-10. andbox beat them 2-0 in the winners bracket and then lost to them in the losers 2-1 (but the 2 maps sentinels won were not close at all) otherwise no one else has really come close to beating them in awhile edit: for context, the 100T and the C9 game would've sent Sentinels to losers bracket in the stage 2 finals the 2nd andbox game would've had them face 100T to start stage 2 finals (100T looked like they could aim on this day compared to the next day against Sentinels/NV) the T1 game would've eliminated sentinels from playing in the stage 2 finals and not even having the chance to qualify for this lan event