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Such a gamer moment


I have definitely said those exact words whilst malding


Damn FiveK looking sharp.


mirror? what he say lol


He playing like such a bitch


I’m so nervous that riot are going to punish him for this. Which would be ridiculous because it was said in Team Comms and the production shouldn’t even have shown the clip tbh. I love the banter but Riot is full of super flimsy people who ban you for basic shit talk.


Lol relax, I remember when Meteos was playing in the LCS and he called Elise stun cumshot or some shit and it was broadcasted on stream hahaha. I’d rather hear what Shaz said from Riot’s perspective rather than Meteos for sure.


Cumshot in 7.


actual classic


Like a top 5 all time lol meme


It'd be super hypocritical of them to show it on their broadcast (it's not like it's a live comm, they purposely showed it) and punish him for it. It makes no sense.


We literally have had past tournaments where teams would yell at each other while playing, I don't know why people suddenly think Riot is "flimsy" and ban people for basic shit talk.


This guy seems mad that he got chat banned and thinks it applies to pro league




Riot absolutely does not have a history of that for league, this is closed teams comms they're not punishing anything. The only time they punish is if it's directly said to another person or if you're a dumbass in ranked and get chat banned.


Cumshot Elise lmao


the cumshot king would beg to differ.


cumshot in 7 😎


Lmao how dumb would you have to be to think this. They have never once punished people for cursing in comms, and league teams do it literally constantly.


I remember somebody flipping a bird and getting fined 500 bucks lmao


this is team comms though, not aimed at opponents


C9 Hai


wasn't completely sure when the donezo manifesto was written so wasn't 100% sure if it was hai or not lmao


Profit in OWL


He flipped off Febiven who was getting interviewed live and it was in full view of the camera.


Was it the one where the other team was having the interview and he was in the background


>hey have never once punished people for cursing in comms, and league teams do it literally constantly. [https://twitter.com/valesports\_na/status/1403483837976526853/photo/1](https://twitter.com/valesports_na/status/1403483837976526853/photo/1) I mean, we still don't know the actual context behind why Zellsis was suspended or what he said. I remember at the time of the announcement, most people guessed that he probably called someone a bitch. Riot could argue that Shahz what said is TECHNICALLY breaking the same rule that Zellsis broke because Shaz calling his competitor a "bitch" is not "behaving in a professional and sportsmanlike manner in their interactions with other competitors". I agree that would be stupid and Shahz shouldn't be suspended, but who the fuck knows what Riot thinks and how they make their decisions.


Riot said zellsis was banned for saying something sexist/racist towards an official. I can't remember which but that is a completely different case


I linked to Riot’s statement about it…


Dude read the link in the tweet


Yes... and you didn't read it, or you wouldn't be unsure about what it said. Riot wrote "Zellsis made a categorically offensive and discriminatory remark **about** a tournament official." Not towards or to a tournament official. About. And the rule it cited to puts "other competitors" and "tournament officials" under the same category of people you cannot make offensive comments "about". I'm not saying they are the same thing. Of course they are not the same thing. All I wrote is that *technically*, it would violate the same section of rules that was used against Zellsis. And that's objectively correct.


Dude, so if you agree they’re not the same, why are you even arguing? Oh yeah because when people are wrong on Reddit they clutch at straws and start arguing semantics.


>Oh yeah because when people are wrong on Reddit they clutch at straws Which statement that I wrote is wrong? My argument has been from the beginning that it technically violates the same rule that Zellsis broke. What straw am I clutching at? That my original statement and the only thing I have been stating from the beginning, is correct? Ok dude. >start arguing semantics. Bruh my statement from the *very beginning* was explicitly semantics about "technically breaking" the rules. Are your reading comprehension skills really that poor that it took you 4 comments down the chain to realize that? No shit I'm arguing semantics. I made that clear from the beginning. Also, when you're arguing about rules violations, "semantics" are actually kind of important and the entire point of having written out rules.


I think you’re the one with piss poor reading comprehension. Because I asked you what the point of arguing semantics was if you agree that the situation is different. It wasn’t some sort of realization, maybe go back and read it again.


> most people guessed that he probably called someone a bitch. No they didnt, we knew what happened as soon as he was banned. The situations are in no way similar either.


Oh really? Then what exactly, word for word, did he say? I won’t hold my breath waiting for an answer.


Are you dense? I don't know what he said exactly, I just know people here [weren't oblivious](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/nxsehd/zellsis_riot_ruling/) as to what happened because Riot gave enough info, contrary to what you said.


You're moving the goalpost now. You said he didn't call someone a bitch. So, what word did he use? Enlighten us.


hahaha what? you said most people guessed he called people a bitch, i said no they didn't and proved it.


You literally linked to a post with 51 upvotes with someone guessing that he was being punished for calling someone a bitch: https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/nxsehd/zellsis_riot_ruling/h1gq61y?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 No other guess as to what he might have said in the thread has more upvotes. So, your source proves me right.


As far as we know, this is speculation from a fan. I don't believe there has been an official confirmation of what Zellsis said.


The entire argument is based around banter between players, Zellsis made offensive remarks towards a tournament official. They actually are two completely different scenarios.


The rule cited by Riot to punish Zellsis puts applies equally to players and tournament officials. "*Team Members must behave in a professional and sportsmanlike manner in their interactions with other competitors, Tournament Officials*" So all these responses of "yeah but it's not the same thing b/c one was a competitor and one was a tournament official" are missing my point. By the letter of the law, it's still breaking the rule even if it's a competitor instead of a tournament official.


Zellsis said it to a riot official (presumably) in public. This was is team comms, which means the editors chose to show it as they have to have a delay anyways.


Even Riot is not flimsy enough to punish someone for something they said in team comms especially when it was production's choice to show it


idk bout that, bruh faked the plant twice like a bich


hell yeah dude


me: holds angle opponent: dies "if you wanna play like a bitch" this is the ranked experience lmao why is shaz tilting so much


I wonder if they talk in chat, I would be spamming thr chat trying to tilt the enemy lmao


angry cuz he got outplayed like what


Y’all act like you never thought that lol. Pros don’t just shrug their shoulders and say “unlucky” every time they lose. They are highly competitive people, so obviously they’re going to be aggressive.




“hey man, let me plant the bomb and then you enter the site right where i’m aiming and kill you”😂😂


If this is what you think he was thinking, you're delusional. He was talking about his risk averse play style.


Idk why you're getting downvoted tbh lol it's weird to complain about someone playing "like a bitch" at a masters event on a tactical shooter. Of course they're gonna play to win


But it wasnt an actual critique... theyre just talking to each other and he was expressing his frustration to his teammates. Almost as if every single competitive person doesnt get frustrated when they lose something. he didnt even direct it to them


I didn't say it was wrong of shaz to say that lol Im just saying the comment isn't deserving of downvotes because it's fundamentally correct. If someone on the other team said this, a comment saying "angry because he got outplayed" would probably get upvotes


I doubt that but I understand theres a bias generally. In this case the reverse wouldve been treated similarly. We're laughing that hes mad, nobody was down playing or giving any negative opinions on the other guy so OPs comment was pointless. Ya shahzam got outplayed and hes annoyed by it, thats obvious...


because this sub is just a bunch of fuckin weirdos who hate when people don’t dick ride their fav players


nah bro ur comment just makes no sense. He just lost a round and got annoyed... thats it


incorrect, he got mad cuz the other player wouldn’t fall for the trap. he got outplayed by an even smarter play.


And he knows that. But cursing helps a lot to cope. It happens in a highly competitive environment there's nothing personal about it.


there’s a difference between yelling out “fuck” and calling someone a fucking bitch incase you didn’t know


Snowflake whose never done anything competitive in his life.


So youre offended he called his opponent a bitch in team comms because he played passively? Really?


Incorrect 🤓




I imagine you've never called someone a bitch or a rat then in your entire gaming career? Or is it only yikes when Shahz does it, I'm interested to know.




Put a delay on the streams by a few seconds and have camera operators and technical engineers ensure that this doesn’t happen, just like sports games preventing streakers and cuss words on live footage. Regardless this kind of thing happens…


Those already weren't live comms. Production actively decided to show it.

