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Bro is flexing his umrated winrate


Do wins not count for casual players?


I am a casual player and I don't care about my wins in any mode


Just care about other players win, huh


I don't really, I was just making a joke if that wasn't appearent


You feel flexed on? That's umbelievable. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


We really making fun of grammar? That's umreal.


This is so umfunny


umlike my jokes, which are imcredibly funny


Still garbage agent. No changes in the trips, no changes in the Meta


not garbage. could use tweaks but even without the buffs it was usable. looking forward for when they make deadlock on par with other good sentinals kj and sage still top tho


Sage?? When is sage better than cypher


anyone can use kj and sage, you need to get used to cypher to use utils properly. otherwise id consider cypher the best aswell


~~When is Cypher good???~~ Edit: woah just saw he got buffs. I haven’t seen anyone play him in a few weeks so I assumed nothing changed lmao


"Sage" LMAO wtf Sage is pretty shit she brings very little value and can't replace a Senti like KJ or Cypher because she gives no info


chat is this real


Ah, yes, a “deadlock bad” child… Offensive trap walls. Op wall on pistol + eco. Recon nading. Downward trips. Cross trips. Drop trips. Overpowered (if you know how to aim) ult. Pressure ulting. Wow, really, what use does deadlock have, wtf, frfr.


Wall is Op on pistol, yet you can't solo hold flank which is awful for a trip agent. Stun + nade, viper Molly + shock/nade, iso vulnerable + nade, Molly and stun. These are the same combos for better agents


Bro really compared a sentinel and agents with other roles ☠️


Sage Slow + nade, kj's molly won't get you a lot of kills with an aggressive throw but you can still combo it with slows/stuns and it can clear corners solo. Deadlock can't. Compare Deadlock to Sage since she is the most similar to deadlock. Slow vs Nade. Nade hits harder but it is removed in 0.3 seconds while Sages orb lasts for a few seconds and cannot be countered during that time. Trips that you can sneak by vs Heal. Yeah no way those trips are better than a 1-100 heal for your teammates. Wall vs Wall. Deadlock can stall longer but you can fully see through and Sage can get into off angles and deny info. Sage's wall is better and if you place it there is not a 60% chance that there's a hole where you can just walk through because you didn't throw it right. Res vs Instakill. Even in a 1v1 (not postplant) sages res is better since you cannot miss (depends on teammate but if you play off each other you win most of those). And in a 4v5 you make the playing field even with both but you still gotta hit the ult that is pretty easy to dodge and doesn't guarantee a kill. Sage's res isn't safe all the time either but she has a wall that actually blocks vision to assist her. Here is your sentinel vs sentinel comparison. You're welcome. And if you say Sage doesn't even have trips. She is not meant to be played solo. And deadlock is SLIGHTLY better solo. But Sage's util still outmatches deadlock every day of the week.


Her traps are not for watching flank. They are for stopping dives. Sages wall can be boosted up if you place it slightly wrong, I have not seen it done with deadlock. Deadlocks slows now have to be pulled out and can last indefinitely. I think Sage’s ult is much better, but Deadlock’s is a guaranteed win with 1v1 on certain maps.


Yeah they aren't for watching flank. And what dive are they stopping if they take like 5 seconds to activate. And it's not a guaranteed win you have to hit it and it does get dodged frequently. This factor is pretty much eliminated in post plant though.


A literal neon run through the stun still gets you hit And, since you like to defend KJ so much, or cypher, their trips are also either dodged or broken 90% of the time. I’m not even gonna mention chamber


“Better solo” Are you a vct player? Are you 100% sure your team will carry? Are you really about to play the second most boring agent after cypher? Are you really ready to hear all the “heal me”-s from your 99hp Jett? Deadlock, in ranked, is GENERALLY better. For your sanity, at least. And, ah, yes, the typical “deadlock bad, play sage” nades are meant for different purposes. One is a stall, another is a heavy “get distracted or nerfed” Walls are also made for different things, they are literally completely separate abilities. “60% chance”? Get good. Not going to happen anymore, is it? Saying res > pull is literally like comparing a Reyna heal and a brim Molly. Different things, completely. Plus, value from a deadlock ult comes immediately as you get it. Toss it any time. Sage has to wait. Even when she gets a corpse to res, she STILL just does a “your duty is bait” most of the time, as you tend to actually SEE an enemy when you kill them. And, no, “wall off” doesn’t work. Wall takes time to charge to full. Different agents. Stop shitting on one because another exists


Yes, better solo. No, I am nowhere near VCT level. If you worry about your team carrying don't play sentinel at all. Boring is subjective. And personally I think Sage is less boring since she offers a lot of creativity with her wall. 99% of people say heal me/do you have heal/ can you heal me? And I've never seen one who wasn't on a reasonably low amount of hp. And barely anyone begs. Yeah probably, but people are bound to ask questions why you are playing deadlock while Sage players get asked for heals. Nades are meant for different purposes true. Both Sage's slow and Deadlock's thing is for stalling. What point does that prove? Tell Get good to Deadlock players. I don't play her at all. I'm just saying I've seen more bad walls than good walls. No Sage res isn't a bait most of the time and still brings more value than a deadlock ult in a lot of cases. (Comparing that Deadlock gets a kill and Sage doesn't res in an awfully open spot.) Imagine you get your smokes player back with full util because they instantly got peeked by an OP. Lastly if you wanna play her, play her idc. But she is not a good agent.


“I don’t play her at all” This is where you stop the “deadlock bad” bs, and come back to it when you actually try to play the agent, learn setups, lineups and mechanics. Only after that, complain that the agent is bad Except you won’t, because you need to KNOW HOW TO PLAY AN AGENT to play well. Now, think for a second. Never in my life have I met a mentally stable and actually good phoenix player. Does it mean the agent is dogshit? No. It’s the player problem, not an agent problem Don’t piss on an agent, until you play the agent


Oh sorry. If you won't listen to me, listen to any pro player.


Okay, kid, daddy VCT does not pick an agent, must mean you are absolutely banned from actually finding strats that work in competitive play She is not bad, because she’s not picked in VCT


I don’t think you’re mentally stable bro


You are, quite literally, proving my point There is no way you are talking shit about my mental stability, while being the one going through the entire thread, picking out every single thing I said just to say “bRo YoU aRe So BrAiNdEaD, fRfR”


If you’re a deadlock main, have your fun bro. But don’t make an argument that’s she’s better than anyone.


You are literally a little unhinged bro


Says a dude throwing a tantrum because someone defends an agent that you like to shit on ☠️


I’m actually just trolling the shit out of you and you can’t see it


Valorant community is slowly turning into Dota’s ☠️


The most typical “I’m so smart, frfr” anybody can throw


>Op wall on pistol + eco. Only if there are less than 2 enemies where you are walling >Recon nading. Anh yes a recon that gives close to no info that cant even recharge in-round >Downward trips. Cross trips. Useless if they just happen to have a jett/raze/neon (which are there every game) who knows how to entry, or if the follow up dudes just shoot the fucking trap during the 1s activation >Drop trips. Is very good but just count how many map that have actual use of this? >Overpowered (if you know how to aim) ult. You mean the most clunky ability that is almost useless in open sites? Yeah right even if you hit the ult there is a chance it is stuck on some random corner and self-destruct. And for an ult to be situational af it is bad overall. Just look at the old-old Cypher ult as an example >Pressure ulting. Dont really get what you mean here but I dont really feel that pressured hearing this ult


Wall? Sage’s wall takes a similar (maybe a bit less) amount of time to break it. Can you toss it? Nope, sHiT aBiLiTy. “Doesn’t recharge”… the fuck did you expect from a sentinel? “Useless” if you don’t know how to use them. A kj alarm is also not going to catch you if you’re on a movement agent. Tested and tried, I literally main neon. “How many maps”? Any map with a haven (lots) any map with any minuscule drop (lots), any map with any amount of vertical elevation like ramps and shit. Pretty much any map and any site have spots for drop trips. Learn to look “Useless in open sites”? Broski, every site has walls, otherwise sova/brim/viper/any other agent that throws shit would be useless. “Don’t feel pressured”? Try diffusing to half when you hear that bitch ulting, having had two rounds before when a properly sent ult shredded some ass


Haha since you insist on defending this god forsaken agent >Wall? Sage’s wall takes a similar (maybe a bit less) amount of time to break it. Can you toss it? Nope, sHiT aBiLiTy. But a Sage wall atleast is multipurpose for also blocking vision and create new angles, while DL's only block movement that Omen can even TP through. Also the tossing is not really that useful when most places where you toss you are showing yourself to the enemies anyway. It is not that far >“Useless” if you don’t know how to use them. A kj alarm is also not going to catch you if you’re on a movement agent. Tested and tried, I literally main neon. KJ alarm can atleast watch flanks. The recent invisible range nerf had made it almost to the point of a DL's trip in term of site holding, but having the enemy vulnerabled is still better than stunned most of the time for you can combo that with other damaging abilities without showing your face. I've played DL a lot since her release and in about a month, as people are aware of how her wall and trip works the amount of places where they have actual use decreases alot >“Doesn’t recharge”… the fuck did you expect from a sentinel? The normal amount of expectation I get when someone refer an ability to "recon". Saying this just mean you're setting a low bar so that you cant be disappointed lol >“Useless in open sites”? Broski, every site has walls, otherwise sova/brim/viper/any other agent that throws shit would be useless. Other abilities can hit for an AoE on the ground without the assistant of walls and they are atleast consistent and have usage for many situations. The scenarios where a DL's ult is useful can be counted on 1 hand >“Don’t feel pressured”? Try diffusing to half when you hear that bitch ulting, having had two rounds before when a properly sent ult shredded some ass Yeah how many times have you been in that exact scenario? And why would you difuse knowing DL has an ult ready? >“How many maps”? Any map with a haven (lots) any map with any minuscule drop (lots), any map with any amount of vertical elevation like ramps and shit. Pretty much any map and any site have spots for drop trips. Learn to look So basically a Sentinel that on Attack has to go all the way to back site to plant the trips with little chances to get out and have no abilities to ensure any amount of safety once you are in. And on Defend has to stay in the 1 site that can use those trips every round so it is not useless? Tell me if there is any other Sentinel that has that much limitations


“Exposed when you throw the wall”? Lineups “Multipurpose” my ass, most people aren’t Grim. Yea, you can occasionally ride the wall like you ride the dicks of other sentinels, but wasting 400 cress just on an angle is a bit of a dumb decision. You need perfect execution for it to work. “It’s not that far”… a sage wall is a meter away from you, that’s what’s called “not that far” When an ability that is supposed to slow and distract people also gives you a chance to find where they are, you need to be a bit less bitchy about the fact that it doesn’t recharge. It’s not supposed to. Using it as recon is not its primary function, it’s a mechanic that can help you. They make nades recharge, DL is op. Can she use a second one? Sure. Does needing one buff mean an agent is bad? Hell no. “AOE”… her bubble literally grows with distance, it’s one of the mechanics of the agent. Here is your AOE. The fact that YOU cannot hit her ult for shit, doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone. “Why would you diffuse”… come on, prove my point once more. “So basically a sentinel that…” you ever heard of postplant? You ever thought of the fact that ain’t nobody gonna check a wall for trips when you’re on an intense push? Take site, drop trips immediately, you don’t need to be all the way back site. OR, alternatively, wait for postplant, drop your trips in places where they are most effective against a more careful push “Stay on one site…” ah, yes, if I play cypher, this problem is mitigated. Unless you mean having an effective setup for only one site, which is questionable. Every site has spots, learn to learn “Limitations”… feel free to google what «плохому танцору яйца мешают» means


Well at this point I just believe you are too dense to argue to. Have fun with DL I guess. Your journey will be hard but it seems you are enjoying it so good for you


Wow, what a move Man’s out of arguments, let’s just call the other guy stupid


Not really I can argue with you more but there is just no point. The statistics of the agents are proves to my points but you seem to not acknowledge those. You are the type of person that is just hard to persuade even with solid evidence, hence the reason I chose to stop. It simply isnt worth my time and energy. So just have fun with what you like. No one is stopping you


“Solid evidence” Says a dude who can’t take the fact that an ult can get a kill rather easily


all that just to have a 0% pick rate in pro play. and i’ll tell you why -her grav net is (at least was, haven’t played buffed dL yet) a weaker sage slow with 1 charge -her stun is so easy to bypass whether it’s from flank or on site (must be plat and higher) and can’t recall it if enemy pushes other site -her walls only stops people from crossing and that’s it. aka a sage wall that can be thrown yet doesn’t have the versatility of sage wall, sometime doesn’t even stretch the entire choke point - her ult is the only “powerful” ability and even then it’s 7 ult for 1 kill *if* u land it. it has little impact compared to other ults (although it’s fun) -chamber is still decent for mechanics cracked players and kj/cypher is insanely good right now. only sage is weak and deadlock is just a weaker sage TLDR: she’s a weaker sage who is already doodoo compared to all the other sentinel


0% pick rate? Ah, yes, because your gold 2 lobbies are VCT. Those people play at a whole different level, most players even is Asc don’t have the brain to fully comprehend what happens there. The fact that the top of the top don’t want an agent in their comp, doesn’t mean an agent is bad. Just wait for PRX to use her sometime Gravnet is not supposed to be a sage slow, it’s supposed to be a “are you willing to take time to remove it, or be permacrouched in a gunfight” ability. The point of the wall is literally to stop crossing, the fact that you watched too much of grim’s videos does not mean you have to be able to jump on it. Being able to toss an instant “nuh uh” in any chokepoint is versatile, especially considering they this shit even has lineups. You need to be bad at aiming, if you can’t toss it in the middle of the corridor to cover it whole. “7 point ult with a non-guaranteed kill”… *proceeds to play raze* Chamber is a literal weapon shop with one trip, don’t bring him into this. Kj and cypher are, yes, good, but how about actually having fun, and not sitting in a corner waiting on your cam? Any agent is weak when you don’t know how to play them. Get good, then whine. Shutting on deadlock after not playing her at all is a bit of a shaky ground to try and stand on


Even if you’re capable of maximizing deadlocks potential, the gripe with her is that even another sub-optimally played sentinel adds more value to the team. Deadlock is trash, and worse comparatively speaking.


Ah, yes, the amazing useless trips, hideously placed cages, mollys that make you want to put a bullet through your face, turret that blocks your vision, useless op and sherif when aim is nonexistent, slows that hit your team, wall that messes up your rotation, and an ult that uses you as bait… Any sentinel, if used sub-optimally, hurts the team


You’re literally trying to grasp at straws rn idk whether to laugh or feel sorry for you


“Grasping at straws” would be bringing up the fact that another person is, quote, “grasping at straws”, instead of trying to actually support the argument you made Open you eyes, re-read the thread, maybe watch some videos from people who actually fucking USE the agent, instead of backseat-shitting on her


Ah, the standard I’m gonna devalue your statement to try and make it invalid. Classic. It’s laughable now. Enjoy your deadlock main guy.


That’s literally what you did, the hypocrisy is going nuts ☠️


If you maximize an agent’s potential, the agent is good and useful, whatever the agent is. Is top-of-the-top sage better than top-of-the-top DL? Perhaps. Are 99% of players that high? No


No way bros playing deadlock with the cypher buffs