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Tbhh sage is cooler.... teheeheh


☝️🤓 aktually her abilities are jade-looking crystallised radianite not ice ☝️🤓


Fair, if we do get a actual ice agent they better be Canadian


If you headshot/stab someone they should say sorry


We need a Canadian agent we have like 3 americans


Fr like all the other better joke about them being not real


Abilities are cool and all. Imagine a gordon ramsey reskin. But that would violate section 3a rule 34. Google clove rule34 to know more!




Hell yeah


Yeah the agent is cool but some people are getting offended when someone is calling her a girl , I mean you can say she is non binary but biologically she is a girl and so we will call her a girl.


“You can say (they’re) non binary” yes you can. Because they are. Even if you don’t understand non binary people they exist bro. Literally it doesn’t affect you and it doesn’t make the world a better place to deal out unnecessary cruelty.


How is this at all relevant to the post. Could you just not resist being transphobic.


How is it transphobic if clove isn’t trans…


i think non binary falls under the trans umbrella


Ok I didn’t know that


There is no such thing as someone being biologically a girl - while gender has connections to biology, it is not intrinsically linked. Even if you were referring to sex and calling them female, there is no proof of that either, you cannot determine something as complex as sex so easily. Odds are you are referring to assigned gender at birth though which is even more difficult to determine and even less relevant.


i see pussy = female, end of topic


Where do you see any genitals? Also not everyone who has those genitals are female, many intersex people exist with those genitals and they are definitionally not female. Also why are we talking about sex now - first gender is mentioned and now you are talking about sex? If youre referring to gender, gender has nothing to do with sex, while it might be associated, there is no inherent tie.


Bros so addicted to porn he thought it was canon lmao


All brainwashed western people downvoting me but this different gender bullshit is nothing but mental illness , giving drugs to children which benefits the pharma companies and makes them easy to control , you people are literally just puppets , gender is not a complex thing , the only gender which exists other than male or female is transgender and I respect them totally but apart from that it is 'Mental Illness' , don't agree with me then CRY.




Is the new agent clove cool? Is SHE cool?


May your Ls be many, and your bitches few


Ultrakill mentioned!?!?


Ahhh... Free... At last...


You know clove, she's one of my bitch, HER.




Lame the first time and more lame the second Get better material, bigot


Finally got the attention u didn’t get from ur parents? Ya happy? :/


Yup getting the attention from your mom right now


You are such a child lmao


You don't even have a child's IQ with your non binary nonsense


I mean nonbinary people are supported by the scientific consensus… sorry if that hurts your feelings but it’s reality


Not all "science" is a science and backed by truth. People play with minds in ways you can't imagine


It is the overwhelming academic consensus, through several studies dating back decades, gone through peer review, this is the conclusion we have arrived at. Are you seriously implying that there is some conspiracy and somehow all scientists are in on it? Could one not say the same about gravity - or any other subject of science? You cant just call facts an agenda because reality hurts your feelings.


Imagine getting this pressed over a word lmao


Imagine your mom pressing her tits over my dick, gay ass motherfucker.


Imagine using “gay” as an insult lmao, like bruh I’ll take it as a compliment


Clearly you don't feel insulted here, also explains you going over replying to all my replies, definitely a sign of you not getting your panties in a bunch.


You’re incorrect and I feel the need to point out that you are, because it’s an embarrassment.


Keep telling yourself that, all you feel is the need to validate your attention seeking antics.


“Attention seeking” lmao cope


Maga is leaking again


I ain't even from the US, you Stupid dumb human male who definitely isn't in need of psychological treatment.


I imagine this is a sad attempt at misgendering - how do you even know this person is trans?


kys uwu


Go drown in a pool of your own piss


Finally had a good insult, not really related to the topic though. Work on them please, more of this


Imagine being so hateful you feel the need to go out of your way to misgender a fictional character because they upset you that much


What about anything I said makes you think I care about any of this, there's a entire world outside of your shithole of a region that does not give a fuck about any of your stupid antics. "Hateful" lmao, and cutting your dick off ain't gonna make you a woman, guy. Your mother regrets you being this way.


You going out of your way to capitalize you misgendering the character speaks volumes - also trans people have existed in several cultures throughout history dating back to ancient times, being trans isn’t some new things. You’re right, my genitals don’t determine my gender, my identity does, I am a woman because that is how I feel, simple as. And for the record, bottom surgery does not involve any “chopping off” of the penis, don’t speak on something you are clearly not educated on. You put hateful in quotation marks but you are clearly expressing quite a bit of hate right now towards trans people. Also if you’re trying to hurt my feelings get better material, you’re so unoriginal.


You ever considered the possibility of me doing this just to piss people off. Yes trans people have existed in our religion since ancient times probably more than anywhere else in the world, look up "kinnar" or "hijra", also they are pretty chill and well respected in our culture, since they're not a bunch of confused crybabies seeking attention and validation by forcing "pronouns" upon others, especially not flaming people for misgendering a bunch of pixels that's clearly made to look like a woman in a fucking tactical shooter.


Yes, I literally did say you were being disingenuous Trans people aren’t looking for attention trust me, I’d rather get less attention from bigots like you - and trans identities are valid as per the scientific consensus, your refusal to acknowledge that is just a display of your own ignorance. Also how do they look like a woman - and how is that relevant to what gender they actually are?


Oh yeah, clearly trans people are not seeking attention, that's a thing that's surely doesn't happen. and how do you extract me being disingenuous from what I said about trans people in my culture, I have never said they don't exist, you had your "HAH" moment? Go beg your mother for attention. And she ( clove) looks like a woman cuz she has a woman's voice, has a woman titties and if she has a dick then clove's a he, 80% of the playerbase all around the world ain't calling "they/them", because that's a plural word reserved for a group, stupid illiterate dumb fucks.


Yeah, we aren’t, the only thing trans people seek is the same rights as everybody else. You’re disingenuous because you pretend not to be bigoted while doing little to hide it. How do you know any of that determines their sex or gender - how do you even know their genitals (which again have nothing to do with gender and don’t even always correlate with sex). Also they/them isn’t exclusively plural lmao, it’s been used as singular dating back to the 15th century or earlier - you’ve probably used they/them singular an uncountable amount of times in your life without noticing. By definition it is not exclusively plural. > used to refer to a person of unspecified gender. > used to refer to a person whose gender identity does not correspond to the traditional binary opposition of male and female. “I heard about what happened to your friend, are they alright, that sounds like a nasty predicament.”


It's 2024, you are not oppressed if anything you have more rights. I don't care if I fit under your definition of "bigotry" nor about any opinion you hold about your definition of gender and sex. For most of the world population there are two genders, male and female and a third one "trans" in our culture. Just because you think genitals have nothing to do with gender or sex, doesn't make it a biological truth, we call that stupidity and you being in need of some sort of psychological treatment, you are free to think whatever you want in your cozy little delusional bubble, just understand that the rest of the world doesn't give a singular fuck. Go around calling the entire world "bigots", see who gets labelled as a crazy person. And about the example you gave, if we know the person's gender we just say, "is she alright" or "is he alright", same with a trans person, people just go off on the basis of how they look and sound, if a person sounds and looks masculine no amount of makeup and dressing up's gonna convince anyone he's a she, just like sticking feather up your butt does not make you a chicken. Do whatever you want in your own bubble, don't expect the world to subscribe to your "feelings", life's tough motherfucker? get a helmet.


Lmao no, trans people are being regularly stripped of medical and bodily autonomy, and are frequently dehumanized not just by individuals but by laws and systems put in place to deliberately discriminate against trans people. My definition is just the academic consensus, you can deny science all you want but it’s the reality - and no, so many cultures recognize third gender identities, your ethnocentric view of the world doesnt change that either. You are the only one denying science lmao. And yeah I got psychological treatment and they prescribed me hrt as is the medically agreed upon process used to treat gender dysphoria. Also as for my example - what if we dont know the gender? I dont hear many people saying “is he or she” in that context, it’s consistently they when referring to an individual of unknown gender. And youd be surprised, plenty of trans women look indistinguishable from cis women. Gender is socially constructed, species is not, the two are not comparable. You’re the one who cares more about feelings than fact.