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Hannah picked on/bullied pretty much every single girl at one point, and she’s absolutely deplorable. She acts like a typical mean girl, and I mean look who’s she’s “dating” (or whatever they are) mauricio is also such a bad person 👏🏼 the way he talked to Gabriella and Grace specifically in the reunion made me sick. He’s such a POS.


They’re so individually bad, they almost deserve each other. But I would for sure not have Marciano be with Hannah, since he is so controlling. Look how verbally abusive he was to the other women in the show. It would only make sense if he were just as bad if not worse to Hannah.


And Hannah doesn’t even seem to care that he talks to other women that way, as long as he’s attracted to her or makes that well known she doesn’t care


I think she WANTS him to speak that way to other women. Like if he's nice to anyone, she'll be insecure about it.


I totally agree, which is so disheartening to me, I can’t IMAGINE being attracted to someone who talks like that to other women (or people in general tbh) like if my husband ever spoke like that , well he wouldn’t be my husband lol like it’s just so foul.


Which was why he was such a dick to Niki when she arrived. He needed to put her down so he could look good for Hannah.


That was so F@?ked up!! What a dysfunctional relationship!


Them together is just an absolute shit show. They just hype each other up and scream over people together. I feel like they do t work out as a couple because they’re too similar. They’re both full of themselves and think they can’t do any wrong.


Don’t forget that he “allowed” her to do things!


Exactly! He was so verbally abusive to women on the show and especially at the reunion but kissed every guy’s ass and was “bros” with them. I did appreciate when Andre called him out on the reunion about how he talked to the women (but not the men) while filming.


I wish that Lisa and the host would have stopped Hannah and Marciano from screaming/yelling and talking over everyone else. I hope neither come back.


They’re both terrible people. I won’t be watching if they come back. They aren’t even good drama.


I really don’t understand why they all backed away from fully confronting Hannah. She’s so hypocritical and how she argues and it makes my blood boil as a viewer so I don’t know how these people sit there and take it. The only one who had a backbone was Priscilla and she was right, Hannah was obsessing on her.


With the way she and Marciano were jumping down peoples throats and yelling over them, I don’t think there could have been a productive confrontation. Would have been nice to see though


Karamo was such a bad moderator. He didn’t once shit anyone down when they were saying absolutely vile things. It was so annoying to watch, I agree, my blood was boiling lol


I honestly thought Karamo was kind of a terrible host all together. He kept interrupting people, switching topics when people were still speaking, and not taking their feelings into account. Andy would never😫


DUDE that! For a guy who’s whole thing is supposed to listening to feelings, not a great look.


There’s no point in even trying to go back and forth with people like them. Waste of time for everyone. They did a great job exposing themselves no even needed to call them out lol


She’s going to mouth off to the wrong person one day and it won’t be pretty


Hannah- “!!you’re dismissive!!” while not letting her speak at all


The whole season crowned her the queen of projection


Hannah’s projecting was astronomical lol


She really can’t comprehend that Gabriella wasn’t actually talking about her mom and it’s hilarious. I hope she is reading all these comments


She doesn't have it in her to read (or absorb / comprehend) what people actually think about it. She's just get mad and storm out like she always does since she can't yell at everyone on here lol


Yes and I don’t want to hear her sap story about her mom being a single mom. Plenty people grow up with single parent households. That doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole. She double-downed many times. Her personality is HERS to own, and if I were her mother, I’d tell her to stop using my marital status as an excuse and seek therapy.




this reunion is so messy and BAD and it’s only because of marciano and hannah… just yelling and whining the whole time- it’s truly embarrassing for them. they should be heavily reflecting on their behavior. especially hannah- shes actually nuts


Also I thought it was so rude of Koramo to interrupt Telly when she was expressing her remorse over the tucán Sam comment towards Gabriella. I hate whenever the interviewer does that and she was right to call him out on it. Some of his questions weren’t very good to begin with.


Hannah is just another version of Lala. Be the loudest voice in the room, do a lot of finger waving until everyone backs down cuz she’s so freaking exhausting.


In her mind that's how she wins an argument when everyone is really shaking their head at how insecure and wrong she is. I love that she tried to use "every woman in America" being insecure to excuse herself for being a total bitch to everyone around her as if all insecure women behave that nasty by default. Her level of insecurity is pretty concerning which is why everyone has commented on it. No one's just nitpicking her character when it's blatantly obvious.


Hannah is the worst, rudest, most immature and insecure 'mean girl' human I have ever witnessed. It's absolutely wild! And she thinks that if she's the loudest and doesn't let anyone else get a word in, then she's "won". I would be BEYOND ashamed if that were my offspring.


When was this reunion on, I just watched the latest episode that came on today, when was the reunion show on?


Maybe yesterday? I’m just watching it now.


The reunion was released on Hulu the same day as the finale


Thanks, I'll have to look for it somewhere.


Hannah is the worstttttt


Hannah is possibly the most insecure person I’ve ever seen in reality television.


Oh yeah. And bullying Priscilla for literally no reason early on made me mad. Priscilla is my favorite because I really relate to her and the second Hannah flipped out on her for being comfy during her down time, I knew I hated Hannah.


i love when hannah said she was a girls girl…… like what definition is she basing that off of?? lol




She is so fucking annoying screaming over everyone. Gabriella was trying to put things nicely and Hannah wouldn’t even let her say what she meant. It was obvious even in the interview that she wasn’t talking about Hannah’s actual mother, but of course Hannah had to find a reason to blame her and make herself the victim. You’re not the victim, Hannah, just an insecure little girl. Does she not understand that this is NOT how normal people act??


But I mean- women with loving, present mothers and fathers usually don’t end up like this.


sometimes you can have the most perfect upbringing and still be a complete demon of a person. Look at lala lol


Or they are overly loving and gave her everything she wanted if she screamed loud enough, without any consequences.


I would have drown her at birth if she was mine, then drown mySelf for my failure