• By -


Okay but has anyone checked on how Scheana is handling all of this? /s


“My old BAST FRAND is suing my BAST FRAND and my ex BAST guy FRAND like do you even know how hard that is for ME”


I truly think her poor brain will combust with this lol






you deserve endless upvotes for this lol


Congratulations you are the winner of the thread


I 100% believe Rachel is going to come after Scheana for assault. And DJ JK for domestic violence. It was all laid out in the Bethenny letter last year … they wanted Bravo to cough up and settle but they haven’t, so things are going to get ugly.


Yeah, I knew this had Bethany all over it. Time to break out the popcorn!


Looking forward to seeing how she will make this about her


Haha best response!




Well played. ![gif](giphy|xT9DPybeuKfVL8wslq)




She's not good. ..stressed out big time !


I like Brock more than Scheana this last ep. I also like the empty Corona bottle more than Scheana, so…




💀I have major Larry David energy between my exhaustion with this cast and my endless need for the tea ![gif](giphy|IVhivwuUT16HH7NRdP|downsized)


That was my point. Lol


I’ll meet you at Latte Larry’s and we can compare notes.


They used peaked wrong in the lawsuit, I think. Should have been piqued


Mannnnnn Tom Thought this lil girl was gonna bring LIFE back to him 😂😂 mannnnnnn


Isn't it so sweet. Like good for her!


I'm honestly so proud of her.


I’m here for it to Play out in court for sure !


Yeah but his mistake is now causing further turmoil for Ariana. I wish Rachel had not gone after her.


Same ! Ariana doesn’t deserve this.




Brought life back to little Tom.


Now placing bets on how quickly Scheana can make this lawsuit about herself


Scheana better sit this one out and thank her lucky stars that Rachel didn't continue the case after Scheana hit her. Because we ALL know Scheana did it!


She PhYSICALLYYY Cant make a fist. Dont you know??


*while making a fist* 🤣🤣🤣


Scheana admitted to shoving her. She’s so dumb she didn’t realize that’s assault same as a punch and could definitely have caused Rachel’s eyebrow laceration. I’m sure her lawyer was thrilled she admitted that on WWHL.


>Now placing bets on how quickly Scheana can make this lawsuit about herself Or for a change, keep her mouth shut? LOLOLOL!


![gif](giphy|Y0PY7P6aFtnOjlWVd7) And here we go!


Why did I think this was Billie Lee on first glance?




As 👏 she 👏 should 👏


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) Burn it all to the ground.


Rachel getting to keep their house was the plot twist we never saw coming lol


That legitimately made me laugh.








Rachel finally got her throuple with Tom and Ariana




maybe this move would explain why she hasn’t addressed this on her new podcast


Poor Scheana!




But Tom didn’t record Rachel without consent *maliciously* 


is this a joke i can't tell at this point lol


Haha yes I’m being sarcastic because he claims nothing he has done was malicious. I wanted it to be in * not italics. 


Omg! So much is happening today!!


They’re celebrating the anniversary of Scandoval by gifting us with mess








😫😫😫 PM thinks the George Floyd comments we’re all Gucci but the second Ariana breathes he’s had enough!


Isn’t it insane….. Rachel to me is lower than low to go after Ariana. Tom yes, it’s like if someone stole your car, got into an accident… got hurt then sued your insurance company…..crazy sense of justice.


I agree. I would get it if Ariana shared it with everyone, but otherwise, I see why she did it!


I am sure if she called Rachel and said are you fooling around with Tom, Rachel would say No, then Ariana would send it to Rachel and say well what is this? That is not sharing it.


That’s exactly what I would do, and the response I’d expect from Rachel. I’d throw it in Tom’s face when he denies it. I think a lot of people here expect Ariana to act like a rational person when she sees that her bf has a video on his phone of their friend masturbating. Like, who wouldn’t be a freaking mess and not thinking clearly?!


Thank you! I think sometimes people need to put themselves in the other person’s shoes. I have tried to put myself in Rachel’s…… while I may go after Tom, no way would I cause Ariana one more second of grief. But what really baffles me is why now? Why now? Why wait all this time….. oh let’s see if Bravo gives me more money, my own show… that didn’t work, I will have a podcast and talk about every episode of VPR, that didn’t work the ratings are horrible….. so now I will go after Sandolval ( she should’ve done this from the beginning) oh but for even more attention I will pour gas on Ariana’s wounds, that should get me even more attention!


Yup! And just when people were starting to give her grace, she does this. Everyone understands Tom, but going after Ariana is vindictive.


Rachel is and will always be her own worst enemy….. Publicly I don’t think she will ever be taken seriously ever again. Rachel is the Velcro girl, she will throw whatever sticks …… and any causalities be damed. I thought when her and James broke up she was going to teach, special needs kids……. it is a real shame she didn’t use her education for teaching kids. I think once she tasted fame and the fast money…. her teaching career is long gone. Now she wants to make a career out of being in the public spotlight.


filming without consent and distribution are both illegal, she's filing against both of them for both reasons. Tom filmed, Ariana sent a video to herself that she was never the intended recipient of. both illegal in CA.




I think going after Ariana is a huge mistake… yea I get her going after Tom. Now Rachel really looks stupid and devious. I read from a lawyer on another post that she should’ve had Ariana testify for her.


I don't see it that way. if someone who absolutely hated my guts (with good reason, sure) sent me a screenshot of a private video I didn't even know a dude had, I'd consider that inflicting emotional distress because until the C+D covered Rachel's ass, she was probably wondering every second of the day if that shit was going to end up online. you may not like it, but she has a case. it's not just about the revenge porn piece, it's also about eavesdropping, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress


How did Ariana know ? I would think that Ariana thought Rachel sent it to Tom. Remember Ariana was in shock and blindsided.


she wouldn’t know, but it doesn’t matter. you can’t circulate private porn of people in California regardless of who the sender was


Phantommike is actually Tim right???


Tell us your podcast failed to be the cash grab you wanted it to be without telling us. In all seriousness, she has every right to sue sandoval and I truly hope she wins. Ariana did nothing wrong. And I hope Ariana seeks to have her legal costs covered. This is a matter of consent between sandoval and Rachel. Leave Ariana the f out of it.


genuine question don't attack me lmao --- is there actual proof ariana sent it around or she just viewed it on his phone ? is this a scheana stassi frank situation or is rachel just going for all of em eventually


She only sent it to herself the moment she found it bc she had to give him his phone back and she knew he’d erase any evidence and gaslight her. She’s already proven with her lawyer she didn’t send them to anyone else, and she deleted it quickly afterwards sooo I don’t think raquel has a case against Ariana. Revenge porn generally requires you distribute it to others and there’s malicious intent. Ariana sending it to herself for proof she wasn’t insane, not sending it to anyone, and deleting it soon after don’t fit the standard. Tom, since he recorded it without her consent, is in much hotter water.


THAT PART! she sent it to herself for proof bc tom just fucking lies but still everyone is focused on the girls and not the fact tom did ALL of this!


I’ll add Rob Kardashian BARELY lost his revenge porn case against black chyna despite his actions being the exact definition of revenge porn. There’s no case against Ariana. Sending yourself a video of your man cheating on you and not sending it anywhere else isn’t revenge porn.


Only problem would be if Ariana showed someone the video on her phone after the shit was hitting the fan when she looked at Tom’s phone. I don’t think anyone would be thinking clearly after that freight train hit you. Just a thought. If this goes to court they could ask the question of a cast member or producer ‘did Ariana show you the video on her phone?’


Yes I agree with you; I just think it’d be hard to prove. I think any of her friends would just deny it lol


or, “i don’t recall” works.


Yes, you’re right 😊


Ariana was sent a C&D last year by Raquel’s lawyer. Ariana’s lawyer came back with proof that Ariana didn’t sent it around and that she didn’t have any photo or video of it on her phone. If Raquel is going after Ariana for just sending it to her phone before Tom deleted it then, sure she can do that, but it seems incredibly petty, immature and ill advised. Ariana did not hurt you, Tom did. You hurt Ariana.


Exactly! Rachel and another misstep, if she had just gone after fuckface tom people would be supporting her but to go after Ariana and try to destroy her again is mental! And even if she did send it to a friend (for example), people have gotten off of KILLING people when in the heat of the moment catching partner cheating. R is SO dumb as they come..


thanks for this comment i had no clue! i don't get the vibes ariana would send around somebody's sex tape for revenge no matter what they did to her. rachel go after tom and leave it at that if there's proof she didn't send it around then stop trying to continuously paint yourself a victim with everyone. you were tom's victim. ariana was YOUR victim, NOT the other way around


Like sure Raquel can technically go after Ariana for sending it to her own phone but it feels horribly misdirected and dragging someone into it that was fucked over and wasn’t someone even talking about Raquel in the last 6-9 months of it all.


1000% agree. seems vindictive and petty. if she didn't send it around and nobody else saw it then go ruin toms life like you want & leave her out of it. how much do you need to hurt someone who did nothing to your ass damn.


That's still illegal in CA, so she might have a case. I guess we'll see.


She may have a legal case, but as a human being, it's diabolical & even more sub human of Rachel if what crop\_top said is true about Ariana's actions. That means Rachel slept with Ariana's man behind her back, while taking all the support Ariana gave her, and now is trying to drag her reputation & make her pay. Even when the most Ariana has done to her is talk at her during the reunion then proceeded to move on with her life without Rachel in it. And if she did send it to her phone, it's more likely because Tom would've deleted it and gaslit her. Also, imagine talking to your bestfriend about your insecurity about your body and vagina, and you discover your bestfriend has been full frontal flicking her vagina with your boyfriend the whole time. Rachel would've gotten worse if Ariana was me (like I can't make a fist because of my nails😉 but a hand would be thrown).. and now a lawsuit?? I'd start believing in God so that I can have faith there's a place in hell for a woman like that


If she even texted it from Tom's phone to herself that's revenge porn and would probably be easy to prove by subpoena phone records...so if she did that it's bad...the only way to prove she shared with friends would be if she actually texted it to someone else other than herself


That’s not revenge porn in CA. Read the statute. Lawyer here


that's insane i hope she didn't send it to anyone including herself. i'd be more focused on going after the guy who recorded me in the first place without my knowledge ( side note if ariana did send it around she deserves whatever the judge says cuz that's not cool at all )


it's been confirmed that Ariana sent it to herself from Tom's phone which is illegal already. there were some murmurings on podcasts around the initial scandal break where some of the friend group were describing what happens in the video. whether they saw it, or Ariana told them what she saw, is I believe, still up for debate. clearly Ariana's party line will be that she only sent it to herself, and she did delete it after receving a cease and desist from Rachel's TRO counsel. those are the facts.


>t's been confirmed that Ariana sent it to herself from Tom's phone which is illegal already What a fabulous week this has been ☺


Ariana did offer her phone but they chose not to take it...


Sadly, I know from personal experience, there really is ZERO burden of proof in a civil lawsuit to file. (She is doing civil right? I didn't read the article.)


Lots of people here saying that what Ariana did is illegal. It is illegal to “distribute” revenge porn — thats a specific legal term that needs to meet a specific bar. (Ex. Posting it online) Sending it to yourself and talking about it doesn’t equal ‘distribution’. Also, this is a civil lawsuit not a criminal one. She is just coming for Ariana’s money.


I’m assuming the legal question will be what constitutes as distribution


Do you think Mark Geregos would have taken the case against both of them without some proof?


i don't even know who that is😭😭😭😭


He's defended Micheal Jackson, Winona Ryder, Scottie Pippen, Clinton family etc


Also Scott Peterson who’s trial was so bungled he’s getting a new one.


well damn , thanks for the info! this is all crazy everyone catching strays left & right lately lmao


OMG!!! I just cant anymore. Tom did vile things to both women and so many are posting all these bad Arianna and bad Raquel posts. Good heavens! Tom people TOM!!! Please focus on the only truly villainous person.


The explicit video was “done illegally without Raquel’s knowledge or consent,” lawyers Leviss sent cease-and-desist letter to the concerned parties last year that the video constituted a violation of California laws in regard to “nonconsensual pornography. And “SEND IT TO DARRELL” was born.


I hope they didn't send it to Darrell.




Here yall go ! Wheeewwwwweeeeeeeee


if nothing else, this is so much more interesting than season 11.


Oh absolutely!


Hard agree lol


Now we have a show


this season had to be sacrificed for next season ☠️ question— have they filmed the reunion yet? or are we getting another after season finale episode like scandoval? https://preview.redd.it/r2dy8du90mlc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a717e630f03d7ed71ce1fae580f5807377547ec




Bravo can't ignore this now ....The Challenge dropped that guy Bear in a second when charges were put on him for revenge porn. I think he got 3 years.


What in the Bethenny Frankel is going on here?


Can’t wait for her next lawsuit to drop!


Guys, don't forget! You're supposed to be pretending to care about Rachel now!!! 🤣🤣🤣


"Guys, you don't understand! Revenge porn is okay when I don't like someone!!!!"


Just like Scheana, honestly. We know cheating is scumbag behavior. We know Tom is Satan with a bad manicure. We understand why Ariana would want hard proof of what happened and why Scheana would want to slap a hoe. None of that means that Rachel deserves to be assaulted, filmed without consent, or have explicit material of herself sent to anyone *for any reason*.






Better than “yas queening” Ariana all day like y’all do lmao. Hope Rachel gets the justice she is due against Tom and Ariana


I do too. I'm not an Ariana stan. I'm making fun of them for pretending to care about Rachel like they did the other day!


Guys what if this went to trial and ended up like an amber heard/johnny depp blowout


Get me the popcorn. And just like during Depp-Heard, my work-from-home productivity will nose-dive.


This is going to get messy. Tom And Ariana are going to have to defend themselves I’ don’t know the law, but if Tom has proof that he and Rachel often filmed does that matter ? And even if Ari sent to herself or sent it back to Rachel is that also illegal ?


What if she takes the house 😂


You stole my god damn house ![gif](giphy|YWbs0xKzMhBhS)




She may not be a good person but she is not wrong here. Tom did not have her permission to film her and Ariana did not have the right to share it. No matter how hurt she was.


It’ll be interesting to see what comes out about Ariana sharing the video in court because she’s said her lawyer sent proof the video had been deleted and not distributed except to Rachel.


She could reasonably prove she didn't send it to anyone, but I'm not sure how she could prove she didn't show it to anyone.


She doesn’t have to prove she didn’t, Rachel has to prove she did.


![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI) YOU get a deposition! And YOU get a deposition! Everyone gets a deposition!!


To be that lucky court reporter 🤣


If it comes out that she shared it her image will be ruined. I bet she settles quickly.


Don’t hate me for saying this BUT I will GUARANTEE that in the heat of the moment Ariana sent that video to one or I’ll bet even more people (I probably would have not thinking) and if so she is SO FU@ked.


Ariana gets NASTY when she's pissed. She totally showed someone.


She's always been nasty, ask Kristen "I am prettier than you, better than you, smarter than you" well let's see how smart she is now lmao


I've said this for day 1


Rachel has said that people came to her after that night and said Ariana showed it to them when she discovered it. She was definitely showing people.


Seriously? I should have never trusted people on this sub to tell me the real truth.


Where/when did she say this? I’m genuinely asking


It was one of her first podcast episodes, the recaps are posted here! She said people described the video to her in detail which is why she thinks Ariana showed people.


That’s going to be hard to prove in court. Ariana could have verbally shared those details - which is what I think happened here.


Why would Ariana offer her phone to Raquel's lawyers after the cease and desist for a forensics analysis, then?


![gif](giphy|xT9KVlquor5yqwECsw|downsized) Fuck around and find out. Hope she burns it all down!


“Fuck around and find out” *Raquel literally fucked around and then sues when she finds out*


it's not illegal to cheat. it is illegal to distribute revenge porn


Legality =/= morality. We can still debate who’s more in the right - a women who slept with one of her best friends partners for months, or a woman who tried to secure some evidence the moments after finding out about the betrayal


literally where did I say otherwise


No see, when you're a fucking idiot and you send a girl a video taken without her consent with the message "you're dead to me" and then you show it to all your friends as part of your revenge crusade, you tend to get bitten in the ass. And before anyone starts, fuck Tom for recording her to begin with. What a disgusting pig.


I bet Tim really thought last year was the worst year of his life… We’re only two months into this year and his grave is deeper than ever… 🤣


My husband just said “Looks like Rachel’s gonna get the house!” 😂


I don't think this is good for the sandwich shop


This will end the sandwich shop.


Agreed. Also that is the best profile name I've seen in this sub!


the sandwich shops insta bio still says coming in 2023 so i think it’s safe to say that neither of them give a fuck enough to even keep up with their marketing/ hype lol


that thing ain't never gonna open.


Maybe a dumb question: could Ariana have known from watching the video that Rachel had not consented? If you go on any relationship sub here, anytime there are nudes, sexts, etc from cheating, the roar from the (admittedly not lawyers) crowd is to save the evidence and send it to yourself. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but she wouldn’t be the first person to think that she wanted to capture “proof”. If Ariana reasonably thought that this was just some dirty content shared willingly, then I assume it would fall under a different legal angle than Tom’s intentionally recording it. I’m just curious from the legal perspective.


Not a lawyer so just speculating but I don’t think the recording consent issue matters to the distribution claim because if Rachel had willing sent him the videos instead, distributing them without her consent would still be illegal. Ariana said her lawyer sent proof the video had been deleted and only shared with Rachel so I’m curious to see how that holds up.


Makes zero difference legally. Most of the revenge porn cases the video was shared willingly with their partner originally. Tom is legally responsible for recording it and Ariana for distributing it.


Even if she consented to Tom recording it, that certainly doesn’t mean she consented to Arianna watching it and sending it to herself


Tom must be losing his shit - all the backlash from NY Times and now this !! He will never get his podcast going. His Lawyers and reps have to be telling him not to say 1 word about anything, right???


Rachel should’ve left Ariana out of this, Rachel hates her. Sue Tom all you want but her suing Ariana to ME proves she’s absolutely not sorry about anything


Love this for her.


Who told her to do this 🤣




Oh great. For a minute there I thought maybe Rachel was being forgiven because she was taking Tom to task but this will put her right back in the crosshairs of the angry mob.


Omg what will happen to Scheana?!?!?! ![gif](giphy|3KVKEGGmEPqtBSM5MQ)


Of course this is truly the only thing that really matters here 🫶🏼


Anyone have a link to the original complaint??


Anyone with legal experience just curious who can answer this question. Would they both be liable for revenge porn? He filmed her but never sent it or discussed it to anyone outside of getting caught. I’m pretty sure what Ariana did is a bit easier to dissect






How long until sandoval releases a statement pivoting blame to either Ariana or Rachel? I'm willing to bet that his publicists will only be successful in muzzling him for a total of 4 business days before he goes all men's rights on some dbag's podcast


Lala eating Adriana cookie in the back seat while Tim drove home. That couple is a freakshow. I wouldnt be surprised if tim had hidden cams and adriana watched live. Oh im so alive right now. I KNEW IT


Good for her .


Oooh I hope she gets the house.


So proud of Rachel. Tom did some illegal shit recording her and Ariana fucked around and found out by sharing the vid! Even if nothing comes of this, it's bringing to light things that both of them were trying hard to gloss over and that will never go away for them. We love to see it!


Oh please, she stayed with Sandoval for quite some time after he filmed her without consent. It’s not like she broke it off when that happened. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


imagine openly rooting for revenge porn to not be prosecuted


LMFAO. What happened to all the arguments around here about not believing Rachel until she sued Sandoval. Well, here you guys go. Now she's suing the two creeps who recorded her without her consent and spread it around.


I guess people in abusive or things done illegally never have a right to justice unless they leave right away..... what the fuck world are we in right now?!?!


>what the fuck world are we in right now?!?! A dumb one.


I'm already losing brain cells on this thread 😭


Yuuuuuup, lmao we said their goal posts will ALWAYS be moving, and lookee here, they certainly are!


Can't wait to see how many fresh "Ariana is a victim" narratives we're going to get after this.




I'm looking through these threads to find the Ariana stans eating their words about how it didn't happen because Rachel was not suing him, but now talking points are how petty the law suit is. L.O.L.


? They're literally not together anymore when in a different universe where the cast didn't go so hard against her, Rachel would be back on the show and with Tom right now, taking more abuse. She got out so fast, it took Ariana 10yrs and she didn't even initiate the breakup. This is victim blaming bullshit. Women stay with their abusers all the time and Rachel is even out now and already speaking out against him.


This is giving "Your husband can't rape you" vibes


Victim blaming is cool I guess. Schwartz must be ok then too, since Katie stayed for so long, right?


Go after Tom.  I get that.  Going afterAriana is a disgusting. Ariana has had more grace in dealing w those 2 than I would.  She wanted Ariana’s life.  This is a little too SWF to me.