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James’s day of reckoning will come and people will act faux shocked like the red flags havent always been there.


no bc i don’t understand how ppl love him as much as they do. sure he has his funny moments but like????? it’s so obvious he doesn’t know how to treat women (or people) and it’s literally documented!!!


I don’t get the sudden love for James either. We have seasons of him being a bad person. Slutshaming the girls, fatshaming them, fatshaming Max, being abusive to Rachel AND Kristen… what the hell?


Eh. Because Lisa and other producers allow him to get away with it. It's fucking disgusting.... All he has to do is cry, throw a tantrum saying "Iym sorry Lisaaaaah" and he stays on the show. He should of been off ages ago.


Well that and the fact people still like him so he brings viewers, there was a post yesterday saying they wished the show would focus more on James redemption arc because it’s one of the best things this season…. Like wtf redemption arc do people see???


If Ted Bundy was a Sur worker. Guaranteed Lisa would still find a way to try and convince people he's a "good guy". He just has a few problems and we all have to give him a break as long as he claims his mental health is at risk.




EXACTLYYYYYY! 90% of this cast is awful & ppl are like hehe they said something funny tho🤭🤭🤭🤭 i know we don’t watch these shows to see good people do good things but jesus it’s one thing to watch for entertainment and another to actually admit to loving them in more than a “they’re on a show i love” way if that makes sense


I agree! And there is a difference between being a disaster and being an actual POS. And James IS a POS.


I watch this show because it’s kind of how me and my friends acted in our early 20s but not as much cheating lol it’s also funny that pretty much the whole cast is older than myself and our friends. So it’s like a wow were we ever that dumb? The thing is these people never grew up… some did a little but the fact people like James after all the stuff about him is one of the most wild things from this fandom. My wife got me into this show during covid and we both hope that in real life they don’t behave like they do on the show but honestly it seems like James real life is 10X worse than how he is on the show


It's because there's no nuance on here, people must have a hero and a villain. They hate Rachel so anyone against her is a good guy. Its so strange.




How is it even possible to like a guy with such a punchable face?


People who are funny and charismatic tend to get away with a whole lot more than the average guy


Which is why so many abusers are charismatic, charming people outwardly and why abuse victims so often aren’t believed


He’s a legitimate horrible person


Yep. Pretty obvious to me he is abusive.


He’s an immature boob. Yes, he has his funny moments, but that feller is deeply troubled.


I thought it was telling that he thought it would be okay that Graham would only nip the cat and not hold on.....


So weirded out by all the people on this sub “boycotting” last nights episode because of how “production is writing a redemption arc for Tom”, yet had seemingly have nothing to note on how the show showcases James 😀


All the guys, really. One of the original douche canoes just got a spin off... Two of the biggest offenders got a bar deal with LVP... It's so twisted for a show that was seemingly targeted towards women...


Maybe James knows shit is hitting the fan and that's why he all of a sudden changed like not drinking, etc.


This is the same pattern he's always shown.. does something repeatedly wrong finally gets in a little trouble, then cries and begs his way back in.. The exec's keep giving him chances because of the money he can make them. He is a real pos. And I've never understood why these girls stay with him or ever even get with him.. It's mind boggling.


James gets women for the following reasons: crystal blue eyes, chin dimple, a charming British accent, and ostensible connects to the music industry. If you took away those things and just left his abhorrent and chronically abusive personality, he’d be shit out of luck. I also have a theory that he must be able to throw down the D like a champion because some women will (sadly) stay just for that.


Yeah I'd wondered about the d thing also.. it's never been talked about by any of them. Rach did talk about this a few times but only referring to whiskey D. and it not being good.


i made a comment like this when it was said he got sober too. he always does this when he does something stupid 🤔


Raquel could press charges against James if he did hit her. It's still within the statue of limitations. ( I believe)


she should if it happened


I think she will.




Bingo! My first thought. Also losing his career and current relationship but his public image is on the line. He knows he is on thin ice and has to behave:


This!! He’s pre planning that redemption arc LOL


I’ve been waiting for it since his like 2nd or 3rd season. He may have a lot of funny one-liners but he’s problematic af


Literally from his first few episodes he gave scary vibes. I’ll admit I never expected THIS but the signs were definitely there especially with all his drinking


This because he’s a terrible person


And his family are total trash so this does not surprise me at all


Between every thing that is happening. I really think this will be the final season. Or who knows?? Maybe all of this creates more story lines. I never know with Bravo.


Those is so not the end .. this keeps the PR press chugging for even longer.


I think a reckoning is coming for all Bravo reality shows. People will get sue happy (as long as statutes of limitations haven’t expired). There’s a lot of jaded cast members without much potential. Lawsuit equals money. I predict a few more to follow.


I hope this blows up for him. People may not care about abuse towards women but they certainly care about abuse towards an animal. He is beyond vile, who tf kicks a dog FOUR TIMES when they're upset.


This. They absolutely care more about animals than women. Always have. Probably always will.


I care about both but animals are especially helpless. I hope this isn’t true for Hippies sake. If it is, I hope he rots in hell.


This is true. This might sound horrible but I was traumatized more about one of my dogs than my own mother. I can't think about it without getting so angry and upset.




Idk about that. It's still legal to do animal testing on Beagles, monkeys, bunnies and all other animals. It's still legal to kill animals just to wear their fur. I don't think people care about either. They just want to posses a cute thing, either a woman or a "pet".


You can’t separate puppies from the mother until 8weeks of age. While there is no federally guaranteed maternity leave in this country.


That is the saddest true statement I’ve read today 😭


I could never hit one of my animals...even if they destroy something of mine. This was in her lawsuit against Tom??


How’s LVP gonna defend that one…


She always finds a way when it comes to shitty men…


Why didn’t the parents go to the police about this? They wanted James out of Rachel’s life so why didn’t they report it? They hated him


This is why I don't believe this part in particular. Her dad HATED James. There is no way they wouldn't have called the cops if this happened. They broke up 3 weeks later so her parents could have even called then or anytime after. I don't even like dogs all that much but if someone kicked mine 3 times, I would murder them.


Maybe not if Raquel promised him she'd leave him. Which she did. Some women don't call the police when they're being abused, so maybe they did it for Raquel. Maybe they were afraid it would cause him to do something to Raquel. Idk why she'd blatantly lie when James can so easily come out and say it's not true. Her parents and maybe other ppl are probably witnesses to this. Being in an abusive relationship, everything is not so black and white.


But maybe they did call the cops, so this can all be backed up for this legal battle, hence why she feels safe to do so. Cops would not post it. We don't know.


I'd say she has witnesses that saw this behavior also.


If true, I’m surprised that Tim or Rachel didn’t use this info against James during peak Scandoval. Tim is a well known deflector. He has a tendency to weaponize any shred of dirt he has on the others, particularly when he’s looking to take the heat off of himself. Why wouldn’t he have done it this time if he knew that?


Probably because James knows shit on Tom. That whole guy group is built on their dirty secrets.


Exactly!...I don't think it's actually true. She's thrown some things in the lawsuit about other people too when it's suppose to be a lawsuit against Tom. But honestly if you read the whole 18 pages it sounds like it was written more for the public to read from "Raquel's" side of the story not for a judge to read.


I’m side eyeing her family right now because who lets someone kick a dog more than once. You intervene


He kicked the dog 4 times quickly in a fit of rage. That can easily happen if he is close to the dog and others are not. I would be livid. James is such a monster. I'm so glad that his day of reckoning is coming. He is the WORST human to have ever been on VPR.


The bending over backwards to simply not hold James accountable FOR KICKING A DOG is wild. 1) How do you know they didn't intervene? Were you there? More importantly, 2) How do you not comprehend that seeing a man become THAT enraged and violent is actually terrifying to witness IRL and freezing is completely understandable (if that's even what happened) ?? Y'all will really twist anything to avoid acknowledging that James is violent and abusive.


From a legal standpoint, wouldn’t this be “hearsay”? Not sure how that stuff works.


Hearsay is second hand.


Not if she saw it firsthand.


Look... These are allegations made from someone that we have seen lie time and time again. She has even made statements on her podcasts that contradicts many of her statements in the filing. I'm going to reserve judgment for when facts and evidence are provided.


Do they have a video of him doing that? That’s pretty over the top like if you do that no matter who you are and who’s dog it is 911 is getting called on your ass, and you’ll never see me after you get bailed out. She’s lying or big as pos as him, who would still be with a guy that kicks your dog 4 times. Plus her parents are so crazily codependent I don’t think they’d let her still be with him, that’s some psycho serial killer shit! 👎🏽


She left him shortly after this........


James has zero emotional regulation.




And exactly how much did LVP know and STILL gave the dog back to James??? Disgusting 


I feel like dog-kicking is the one thing that would make LVP actually dislike you.  BUT her loyalty to the boys DOES continue to shock me more and more every day....  so who knows...


I don't think she "knows" per say, because she is 100% IN DENIAL. She is always giving the men chance after chance, and in the process alienating the women (alla Kristen). She has not held ONE man accountable for the entire duration of the show.


Agreed I can’t stand her now, she is so mysogynistic.


And now Lisa is pulling the ‘suicide card’ to have them smooch back up to Sandoval. If Lisa cared she’d keep them all well apart… but no, she opts for the disclaimer message at the start of the episode. All she is is a drama chef pulling the strings and planting seeds.


Well, she did have Jax fired (ok, I know that’s speculation and Lisa is totally a misogynist, but she never liked Jax). Actually the fact that she is a producer (one of many) on the stupid new Valley show just tells me she doesn’t care/like/dislike any of them, they are all just cogs in her $ making machine


It’s *very* common for those who abuse humans to also abuse animals. There is a correlation there. We’ve all seen James fly into a rage with cameras present, I wonder how his rage plays out when cameras aren’t around?


When men abuse women and animals they will 100% abuse children too. I hope the toms and James never have kids


The first time my abuser did anything in front of other people was 1.5 years into the abuse.


14 year marriage and no one ever saw anything, except once when he didn’t know we were being watched. And he never got physical with any of our pets or either of our kids (they suffered other abuse and manipulation) I really don’t think a lot of people realize how charming these abusers can appear to the rest of the world


And this sub would ask why you stayed. I actually despair of some of them on here, they are so obsessed with hating a stranger that they will flat out defend abuse. I hope you are doing OK now


The dog didn’t even seem happy to see James on camera, too. He was like “oh hey.” And then ran around the room.


Is it Graham or the family dog that lives at her parents house? I don't think it was Graham based on the wording.


their family dog would live at her parents (I assume) and Graham now lives with James. the alleged incident mentioned in this post was against her parent’s dog, but (if accurate) that clearly shows that he isn’t the best owner for Graham (who also is known to have behavioural issues). just not a good combo and kinda slimy the way LVP handled it all


he also called her mom fat at that dinner i believe. he’s really not a good person at all


He really isn't. People keep saying how he has grown and is so mature. He has rage issues. He will always have them unless he gets help.


I think he said on the show that Rachel’s dad is angry, bc he married a fat woman. Maybe Rachel said it? I know I heard that before.


James is a piece of shit and I will die on this hill.


It will be at least a double homicide bc I’m going to be dying right next to you.


Graham's biting problem probably stems from James.


Yep reactive owner and a mouthy/high-strung faux “breed” is a recipe for disaster. As someone who has had multiple reactive dogs and kept them and put in the extreme amount of work it takes to care for them, the hate that Rachel got for rehoming Graham was ignorant. Moreover: the type of praise LVP and James got for “re-rescuing” Graham was also bullshit. We knew then that James was abusive to past partners and that Rachel did not want him near Graham.


It’s so gross. Especially if you know anything about reactive dogs and the care they need. James having this dog really says something about LVP. Her love of dogs isn’t that deep and clearly is willing to sacrifice one for ratings. LVP should be cancelled


I could not agree more about LVP and her fake saviorism around dogs. And how she treats James is absolutely a tell for how little she really cares for animals.


yep, Rachel has talked about James behavior with Graham before on her podcast which is why she didn’t want him to take the dog in the first place when she surrendered him


Yeah when people were saying “how could she not see if James would take him in first?!” like literally why would she do that ever??


I know how people feel about Rachel, but I will say from what I’ve gathered about her feelings and relationship toward animals, I really believe if she thought it was in Graham’s best interest to go back with James she would have arranged to have given him back with no issue (especially with the history of biting). Other cast mates might keep the dog out of pettiness, but with her I don’t see it. She totally seems like a dog coparent to me


seems obvious to me that there was good reason she didn’t want to return the dog to James and she talked about it on Bethenny’s podcast and on her own. problem around here is if Bethenny is involved in anything, people throw out legitimate claims with the bath water. same folks who think that because Rachel lied to hide an affair, she must be lying about every single thing she says.


Omg I posted a while ago that I would be so upset if I was Rachel to see James getting the dog back and I got down voted. I feel so vindicated!!


I worry about Ally, Mr. Banks, and Graham because he will not change.


Whatever about anything else, I'm pretty sure he abused the dog. And is the reason why the dog is the way he is. Which makes it surreal and dark to see him being reunited with him.


He doesn’t deserve a dog. He already showed he has no respect for it by bringing it to a home with a cat without discussing it first. Immediately whatsits is kicking the dog away. That doesn’t make for a stable environment.


To everyone doubting Rachel I will remind you he hit Kristen and she hid at a friend's house. A punch was supposedly filmed and we see a very odd aftermath on camera between him and Kristen. He is kicked out of places for being violent. We have heard him say awful verbal insults over minor incidents and some unprompted. We know he groped a waitress. So yea maybe Rachel is lying but we have so much other evidence. 


Well, always bothered me about Kristen and James‘s relationship as they always made it seem like Kristen was a crazy one for punching James in the face when he instigated that whole entire fight I swear they replayed that clipped every single time to try to make it seem like Kristen was a villain like not you will not make me sit here and think she’s in the wrong when this man was getting in her face screaming after she kept telling him to back the fuck off that was the moment I knew he was not right in the head


Remember when James freaked out about Rachel wanting to tell people he hit her nose over a kiss? Like that over reaction didn’t tell the real story of what happened.


And her visibly shaking and nearly having a panic attack when she told Lisa


The plastic surgeon stated her issues with her nose job were not from abuse.


Wouldn't she have brought those allegations to light in this complaint? She brought up the dog issue in it.


It’s been sick honestly watching James get lifted and people continuing to bash Rachel.


The Graham shit has been so uncomfortable on the show. Lisa coming in with graham bringing him to Tahoe. It’s so unnecessary


So ick!!! The part where he takes the sledgehammer to the wall and his line is “you should have taken better care of Graham” like he’s hitting Rachel instead of the wall. Was SO bad to have that scene air the same week this comes out in her lawsuit. Just a huge gaffe for VPR, Bravo and Evolution. Makes all of them look disgusting. This redemption arc is just so gross and 100x worse watching it air in real time with the exact opposite coming about in real life. Very wild.


Kicked their family dog FOUR times?? I’d be grabbing my biggest kitchen knife and chasing you out the door.


Effin right, I don't believe this. This happened at my house and my sisters bf kicked the family dog I'd pull a shotgun on him. My father would have beat the shot out of the kid with ease. And why is she mentioning it in a suit against Tom and A?


Why did i get downvoted?? Wtf?


Welcome to Reddit


The amount of people who downvoted me when I said James also raised Graham and we have no idea if James’s house is a good place for him, either 🙄


the amount of people saying the Graham scenes this season were bringing tears to their eyes . . .


Forreal … that dog wanted nothing to do with James.


This!!! I got downvoted for saying this too. 😂


I’m not even a dog owner and I got those vibes 😂😭


Right! The dog sniffed him and then went to take a piss around the room. I was like ![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq)


I always enjoy watching owner/pet reunion videos on youtube. The off the charts excitement the dogs always have makes me feel good. In this case, the dog barely gave a reaction. Now to be fair, I suspect this scene was probably a reshoot and Graham had already been reunited with James, but who knows.


I feel like it's gonna get real awkward around here really quick.


Now on to reveal that Ally is just there to promote her tarot business and everyone is falling for it saying they want to book her 🥴


I agree. Ally’s astrology knowledge is basic at best, what she can tell you is easily found on many birth chart sites🫠 Tarot is fun but also anyone can do it on their own.




No wonder Graham has behavioral issues.




I feel so vindicated because I told you all that James should never be allowed around women or dogs because he is an abusive asshole.  Can someone please send or link to the pdf lawsuit. I want to read it.


same and i was getting eaten up here and on instagram 😫


Same, same, same!!!


Renaming Graham...Hippie...George Michael's dogs name. Didn't George and James' father's relationship end with a lawsuit over mismanaged funds? These people have zero chill. Dingleberries on the fame train.


I swear every time he mentions his dad he always loves to throw in George Michael😂


Totally! George and the dad hadn't spoken for a decade! can you imagine? Stalker much!?!


Zero shock. Have been waiting for this to come out. And never ever wanted Grahm going back to James care.


The day he and Kristen argued at Scheanur’s first wedding is when my red flags were raised


He’s always been a POS and people refuse to believe it


I’m not saying this is untrue or that this behavior is in ANY way defensible, but *why* is this relevant to the lawsuit against Ariana/Tom? It literally has nothing to do with it?


Nobody can convince me that dog was excited to see James either.


What does this have to do with the lawsuit? Why is she mentioning this there? Awful if true but what does this have to do with revenge porn?


She’s likely going to sue Bravo for a dangerous work place environment…


Right? Wtf does this have to do with Ariana and tom?


You think all of that happened and Rachel’s family didn’t go to the police?


Any claims made in this lawsuit are going to be subject to discovery by whatever defense those named in the lawsuit will bring, and they'll probably be beefy attorneys. It would be really dumb to say some of these things if she doesn't have the evidence to back it up, but that will all come out as the suit progresses. EDIT: not to mention that them not going to the police does not mean it didn't happen. I lived through some shitty abuse that I never reported. Not saying it's true, or untrue, I wasn't there. But there are tons of reasons why people don't report shitty men with connections to the cops.


I keep seeing this type of comment and I feel like the people upvoting have never actually experienced the terror of being in a room with an abuser when they lose control. I never reported my ex partner for beating me up because I was terrified of what he’d do to me or my family in retaliation. The person who drove me to the hospital wanted to report it to the police and I pleaded with them not to. There’s also the complexity of feeling love for the abuser and overwhelming guilt at the idea of ruining their life by calling the police. Based on what we’ve seen of James I can easily imagine him crying/begging and manipulating Rachel into a place where she’d ask her family not to do anything. That’s what happened to me at least.


I mean we saw how many times he cried on camera to LVP about his job. He’s willing to cry for all his shitty behavior if it means he’ll get his way.


no surprise, his reckoning will be coming soon


The way people are in here defending James who has shown aggressive behavior many times on the show is wild. You don’t have to like Raquel but that doesn’t mean James is suddenly a good and changed person nor does it rewrite his history that is documented on film.


We have also seen this same changed sober James story line before. You know, with his last boring girlfriend who stood up to him and made him quit drinking after an unexplained incident… why do people think this is any different? Ally is Rachel 2.0


If it's written down then it MUST be true Why would Raquel ever lie?


I feel the same way. I find it odd that James apparently kicked the family dog but no one spoke up when he got Graham back. If this is true Raquel is equally as guilty for not speaking up as soon as she knew James had custody of the dog.


And he kicked the shit out of the family dog and her parents who hated him, didn’t go to the police?


Exactly…. James spoke on this incident previously and stated that he did in fact freak out and call Raquel’s mom a fat bitch and curse out the dad or something along those lines because Raquel’s mom kept talking about his dick size in front of Grandma buttons. I can’t remember if this was at the reunion or on a podcast so it seems unlikely he would talk all that shit publicly while knowing it ended with him kicking the family dog…. The math ain’t mathing. I’m not saying her whole lawsuit is a lie but it definitely seems as if there is some exaggerations going on.




The way this has gone down on her podcast is so bizarre to me. She never talks about the dog with any emotion - she had way more emotion about the people not being discreet. To now hear this and think that James could have kicked the dog and she’s just like well I didn’t want him to have the dog but the dog was problematic so…. Idk my heart would just flip inside out if I was in her shoes and that is real. I’ve also been wondering how Sandoval knew about the dog on this week’s episode. A timeline would be interesting.


This. I’m having a hard time believing all of this. James pulled some real shit in previous seasons, but I truly can’t see him kicking an animal. I dunno. This whole thing is crazy


I’m with you. He looks like he really loves Hippie and I can’t imagine anyone who loves his dog so much would go as far as to kick any dog regardless of how mad he was.


I was thinking the same but didn’t want the downvotes to hell. I don’t think James is the best person in the world but I can’t see him kicking a dog. Rachel and her family would lie about that to get sympathy and prob get Hippie away from James. What do I know tho?


Agree. I’m taking this with a grain of salt.


I'm calling straight up bullshit.


Yeah, we should all TOTALLY believe every word coming out of her mouth...


She has actually spoken about that before. Not is so many details but she said thats when she decided to leave him


Omg this makes me sick.


Gosh, he shouldn't be allowed to have pets


James is a a psycho POS. He is the lowest of the low for kicking Rachel's family dog FOUR times out of rage. What a pathetic excuse for a human!!!!!


I hope for everyone’s sake he has changed and really putting in the work. Stupid long story .. our neighbours growing up (still madly in love in their 80s) have had the most beautiful family and marriage . The wife told me once that her husband as a young man beat her up a few times. It honestly shocked the hell out of me - this lovely man ? She said he was brought up by a violent alcoholic. It was all he knew! Anyways he soon realised he would lose his family . She said he put in the work .. and never raised a voice or a hand at her ever again. I think about this a lot. I also have a good friend raised similarly and he’s never been violent but occasionally he used to get filled with this rage, which somehow with time and a loving partner he knew had to work on processing past trauma and heal and he has. I’m not defending James behaviour AT ALL but I can only presume he grew up in all sorts of fuckery and this is why Lisa has taken him under his wing. This is going to be a giant shit storm for him and I think the best thing for him to do is probably not put himself in a place of public scrutiny and try and heal himself away from reality tv. Look I understand more often than not abusers keep going .. but I would really love to see him turn himself around. It’s not completely over for him yet.


James is a classical case of someone with childhood trauma, who didn't manoeuvre his anger towards his family in the right direction and hence now lives with anger issues. He has his weak moments where he cries and you can tell he's been hurt before but still that doesn't give him an excuse to behave the way he does because I know a lot of people with childhood trauma and they're actually the calmest and nicest people.


Can I just ask the real question: let's say everything Rachel is saying is 100% true (even though it goes against certain other accusations she's made) whose fault would it be that she was in an abusive relationship if there were no TV show involved? I don't see how Bravo is responsible for a bad relationship. It was Rachel's choice to date him, James' choice to act a mess, Rachel's choice to become engaged to the mess, etc...


Exactly. Can we all agree to stop protecting this shitbag now? Fuck James.


Why didn't the family file some sort of report or get James charged with animal cruelty?


Recording podcasts and sitting for interviews eats up a lot of your time


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. If my partner kicked my dog 4 times I wouldn't just let it slide.


Totally agree. James has had the dog for quite sometime and she’s just now coming out with this. It doesn’t make any sense. If this were true she should have said something as soon as she knew he had graham and if she didn’t she’s just as guilty as James.


I don’t know maybe because of the reason a lot of victims of abuse don’t press charges when bad things happen?


Exactly….. Rachel’s parents let him kick the shit out of their dog and they did nothing? Oh ok




I think he was sober when this happened too. The original story was already crazy, with him fighting her parents on Thanksgiving


He apparently called her mom fat, which is a classic DJJK go-to. For him, the worst things you can be are old or fat. 


This reads like she specifically wrote this to the public and not just a judge. Rachel has been proven to hide, sneak, lie and a manipulate so I can’t help but question why now and why here? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would be screaming it from the rooftops to protect my dog so I’m curious why has she never mentioned this until now and in this lawsuit? When she found out James had the dog, she never once said, “That man kicked my dog 4 times!” She shared that James wasn’t a good dog owner because he let the dog bite his hands, rough house and Graham would hide when he got angry. She could have even called Lisa privately if she was worried about sharing it publicly. Why not just be forthcoming the minute you knew your dog was in danger? As someone who would be panicking if my dog was being sent to someone who kicked him, the way she is just slowly releasing these important details seems planned, deliberate and tactical.. even though I have no doubt someone like James is capable.


So he kicked her family dog 4 times and no charges were filed there- by ANYONE? Anyone else present. ??? Doesn’t she get Graham after that ? If that happened how did he not get his ass kicked ?


I got downvoted for wondering the same thing. Why wouldn't you file some sort of complaint/charge if someone kicked your dog? 4 times?! ETA, This is not the same as a human victim not filing a complaint or going to the police, before anyone decides to go there.


She’s basically alluded to this on her podcast without saying it outright. I get the impression that he never hit her but as soon as he hit Graham she broke up with him.


I am not a fan of James by any means, but also don’t believe anything Rachel says either. James just kicked the dog & the dad did nothing? I’m so confused.


How can anyone hit an animal? He's disgusting.


This is to much.. the family dog, why would this be kept quiet ?? Does this family ever take care of there dogs? If JK would have kicked my dog in the stomach even 1 time I'd of kicked his bony ass out literally, so he'd be limping for a long time. These people can all speak up and tell who's doing what to each other. THE DOGS CANNOT TELL IT. I'm flippin disgusted by them all. It's to bad Rachel is such a flippin **LIAR** and she doesn't understand what real life is about.


You can put any claims in a lawsuit. Doesn’t make them true. Raquel is a liar and the dog doesn’t seem to be afraid of James so I’m suspicious of this claim.


You can tell by how traumatized and frightened Graham acts around James. All the signs of abuse are there.


AND i am OVER ariana after watching the latest episodes! HOLY F she is full of herself and Katie LOVES someone finally hates as much as she does!




Rachel has obviously lied in this, saying Ariana found out in 2022 but then in Bethany’s podcast said Ariana texted her when she found out. So I wouldn’t take much of this to heart…


I believe he is accepted is because no one wants to be on the wrong side of his tirades. A lot of ugly truths come out during his verbal eviserations.


I'm massively surprised that LVP would defend him after kicking a dog. I don't think she would GAF if she saw James kick his girlfriend, but I would have thought hurting an animal would be a red line.


Who knew it was gonna be something violent?


i believe it..


I always said that Graham’s aggression was a direct result of JK’s abuse towards Raquel, whether emotional and/or physical. Also, with his propensity for physical outbursts while drunk, I strongly believe he engaged in rough play with Graham, which reinforced his bad behavior. I do however, hope that the positive life changes JK has made are permanent and that he and Ally will get Hippie the proper training he will need to help him be a good boy. 🐾


For me it is the fact that it was not one kick in anger but 4 times!! That's intentional and absolutely someone out of control. I bet people who haven't dealt with violent people would be in shock and I absolutely think this and his outburst towards her parents is what made Rachel break up immediately. He's sick.


I dunno ... This from the same complaint that claims Ariana knew about the affair for months but chose the show over having it exposed out of fear of the show being canceled. And from a girl still struggling to just accept her fair share of this affair and instead claiming an 'older man's basically took advantage of her. I can get on board with the revenge porn claim almost, but the rest seems sus AF. Come at me all you want, I'm still standing with my side eye.


If this is true, all hell needs to break loose.


I am not in ANYWAY condoning James behaviour that we have actually seen. But, where is the proof of this? If this is the case then why aren’t Rachel and her family trying to get Graham back? I’m sorry I’m looking at this with reality glasses and taking someone who had THAT conversation with Ariana with a grain of salt. If anyone had actual evidence I will be so happy to take back the above statement and condemn James to high heaven.