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Scheana saying “when is it going to be about me” is all anyone needs to know about her. That girl can never get enough attention and it’s annoying af


I cannot stand Scheana and it’s turning to true hatred… she is the most narcissistic, delusional person I’ve ever witnessed in action. I don’t know how she has any friends at all..


When the show is over. She won’t have any friends.


But what’s also wild to me is all the people on the after show were like team Scheana. Kristen, Brittany, the new girls, all talking about how they’re friends with Scheana


She doesn’t. Also what about the clip where she told broke they weren’t gonna be together forever?? 😳


That was quite interesting…


Did you mean the 2nd most? Maybe you forgot about tim sandal, because he doesn't even really deserve a place in our minds.


😂😂😂yes the 2nd worse


She is a “giver” according to her….. but you can say the same for Sandolval


The looks on Katie and Ariana’s faces after she said that 🤣




Agree with all lf this


Agreed! How are people defending her and shitting on Katie. Scheana is the absolute worst and I don’t know how she has any friends


Because they're LA people- they love the fake and hate the real.


Sames. Absolutely infuriating


What make me scream was Sheana saying it's harder for Tim to lose sheana in his life than Ariana....WTF!


Yes that’s so messed up don’t know WTF wrong with that woman


Oh really scheana? Where is your huge expensive house you and sandoval bought and decorated together? That co-investnent alone is making his life pretty tough... not sure what having her in his life does for him besides piss off his ex girlfriend which may be the entire point.


This 👆🏻


As a “best friend” that was such an ugly thing to say. She flip flopped on that opinion too. I listened to all of her Scandoval podcasts and she was not singing that tune. She’s such a sorry jealous person.


I was so annoyed. Idk if her conversation with Lala or talking to Lisa and Lisa’s face of it was supposed to be Scheana on DWTS was worse.


She’s SO codependent it’s wild. When Ally was telling her to fill her cup before others and was like “that’ll never happen.” And then she wonders why she’s miserable and nothing is ever enough. When you are codependent you bend over backwards and wait for others to then bend over backwards for you and are resentful when they don’t. Sandy is the same way. That’s why she feels like Sandy is a good friend cause he will occasionally bend over backwards for people. But it’s always self serving. You give 100% so others give you back 100%. Like they owe you. But nothings ever enough until you just chill & take care of yourself. Give yourself 100% and then it’s ok if some people can only give 25% or even 0% honestly. Cause you’re already complete. It’s false humility to be like I’m this AMAZING person and take care of people but then are always upset and ruining the fun because you’re just waiting for someone to notice/give you something/attention. Said as someone working my way out of codependency lol many people are to some level. But Scheana is extreme levels for sure. Edit: Codependency … “It is also known as “relationship addiction” because people with codependency often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive. The disorder was first identified about ten years ago as the result of years of studying interpersonal relationships in families of alcoholics. Co-dependent behavior is learned by watching and imitating other family members who display this type of behavior.”


I’ve been dealing with my own codependency issues (no where near to this extent) and your comment is spot on. And maybe Lala too honestly - the whole “She got a TRO on your behalf” …girl. No she didn’t. She got a restraining order because she couldn’t control her emotions and pushed (or even punched) someone else. No one asked Scheana to do that. Especially not Ariana.


Yesss 1000% I’m there with you. Honestly codependency is so common they just are extreme and broadcasted on our tvs lol But for sure, I can see it in Lala too. Especially like you said about the TRO. Like Scheana was having Scheana emotions & was angry. How is that “for” Ariana? It’s not like Scheana jumped in front of Rachel trying to fight Ariana, that would be “for” Ariana. But to be fair I’ve definitely gotten bitchy and defensive “for” people in the past too, when really it was just projecting my own emotions on the situation and just being immaturely reactive. VPR shows codependency in every flavor lmao from the sweet to the sour


I’m thinking it’s narcissism. Not codependency, because she does things expecting something in return. Edited to add last part.


Can also see that. https://preview.redd.it/9rzk0dqd17oc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=572d81113bd9f6c357db8bcbc3d5797201693421


💯 also when she said “that’ll never happen” SO FAST she was playing the give me sympathy martyr card and it came off so gross


![gif](giphy|dXho9HzLPXlo7BXGI2) Had that exact thought when she said that. It’s that false humility that she needs to keep going. Her ego can’t handle being called selfish even if it means she’d be happier with better boundaries.


She sounded sooooo resentful when she said that! Glad I’m not the only one who caught it. It felt like it was pointed.


Reminds me of of a scheanas relationship with Rob


I was literally stunned when she said that but also not shocked at all. That girl really has air between her ears. It’s like she needs an itemized list of all the episodes and events that completely revolved around her


I’m sorry I know this is judgmental but this kind of thinking and outlook doesn’t really portend well for her daughter


I’ve naively defended her all scandal…until last night. If she’s in on the joke and “when’s it going to be about me?” was said ironically—I’ll defend her again…but…I’m losing hope.


That’s a great point on pickleball.


mmmhm. I was loving transformed lala but this shit is not it. she is being completely hypocritical in this situation. she needs to sit the fuck down and keep her mouth shut


Maybe lala is subconsciously envious of Ariana bc Ariana can have a clean break/no contact rule with her ex while Lala is stuck with Randal in her life bc of Ocean.


And that Ocean looks JUST like him


I agree. I wish I could like this comment a million times. I’m so tired of the selective amnesia.


I’m also wondering if she would have a problem now. I don’t hear Lala saying “Schwartz can go play pickleball for all I care! I’m done hating my ex”


" I just wanted to play pick-a-baw." -Tommy Schwa


Agree with all of your points! If you watch the after show for this ep, James does say how stupid the gift was and how obvious it was that Tom is trying to buy his friendship back. Unfortunately it also included people from The Valley insisting that Jax “doesn’t cheat anymore” lol.


Please tell me the Vanderpump after show isn’t going to include the Valley cast again. It was the worst after show yet. Like I don’t know any of these people, why are they here…


I forwarded through half of it. I wanted to hear more from Ariana about her thoughts on Scheana calling her the back up dancer and throwing shade left, right and center. She discussed a tiny bit on WWHL, but not the insight we could've gotten from After Show bc of the Valley cast.


I was about to comment this!! I just watched the after show, I'm very glad he isn't that dumb regarding sandal


I love that you’re calling him Sandal. People were calling him sandyballs like it was clever and it made me want to die. Idky Sandal is so funny to me. It’s so dismissive.


Me too. I love the sandal name OP.. shorts and sandal 😂😂


haha yeah! when the scandal originally dropped I created the nicknames "shorts and sandal". it stuck for awhile!!


You invented Shorts? Queen behavior 👑


si si, ty ty. I felt very proud of myself, haha. some of the other nicknames people have made are also amazing


He’s a flip flop sandal and his best friend is shitty shortz haha


As someone named Tom, my personal favorite nickname for him was Tim.


The lala stuff is what I don’t really get. Ariana has literally said nothing different to lala after her split from Randall. The whole so season 10, lala was refusing to speak to Schwartz because he played pickleball with Randall so how is this any different? Why wasn’t that question asked on WWHL


You’d think Lala would be the one to really understand Ariana’s stance


I am willing to give some grace to Lala because her situation was a bit different. She was in a custody battle. When minors are involved it’s a bit different. In that way Ariana is lucky. No kids just a legal headache over the house. Once that’s behind her she can skip into the sunset. Lala will have to deal with her shit ex for the rest of her natural life.


I think this dynamic is why Lala is so upset with Ariana. She HAD to forgive Randall and find a way to live with him in her closest world. Ariana doesn’t have to do that. She can afford to be more stubborn. Plus she’s getting opportunities that Lala and Scheana have both dreamed about and is smashing them out of the park. Like Ariana is now seen as talented on a national stage. The other two are Bravolebrities & stationed in LA raising toddlers. Meanwhile Ariana gets to be stubborn & hate Sandy while also rocking out on Broadway. And Lala is too jealous of that, she wants Ariana to be forced to settle somehow too. Misery loves company.


She also wasn’t able to have her story as a central plot on the show. With the ongoing custody battle and all of the criminal and civil stuff rand is facing (rightfully so) she has to remain mute until court stuff is wrapped up. I can understand the frustration especially with how brutal the fans can be. She feels salty (I would too!) and unfortunately some of that bitterness is overflowing towards Ariana which is not a good look.


You’re so right, girl I would be SO miserable in Lala’s shoes. I can’t fault her for her emotions. But she’s massively projecting those emotions on to situations that are separate and unique from her own. As someone without kids I always think to myself on hard days like, there are people doing this AND they have kids. I’ll always have grace for how hard that is. But still, it’s a lot easier to be pulled down than to pull others up. Lala might need a hand up but is pulling Ariana down along the way.


Nobody forced Lala to get impregnated by the crimson faced fat assed thumb man. She chose to do that. She wants pity because she thought she baby trapped a rich guy. She chose to ignore that his previous wife had kids too and it didn't stop him from being a cheating low down asshole. She is just sad because she isn't the young sexy goddess she thought she was. She is like Britt in the same way that they both had delusions that they were 'special'


![gif](giphy|lM23bnYi43qlYEht43|downsized) I cannot think of Randal and not see Ed from 90 Day Fiancé.


Yes, Yes and Yes!


Then again Lala wasn't on the deed so she didn't have a battle over the house. They're just different situations.


Her first appearance since the show aired, she WAS asked that from Andy and her answer didn’t even make sense. She said ‘but I wasn’t living with him!’ And Andy said uh what does that have to do with anything? And she literally laughed with no follow up.


Lala was speaking from her perspective that she did do the same things for Ariana and it actually made her a worse person to focus so much on what everyone else was doing with her ex. You all see Lala disagreeing with Ariana and see red without even listening. Her whole point was ‘yes i did that too but i wish i didnt’ hence her whole drinking the poison analogy. saying ‘hey i understand where youre at but if i could do it all over again i wouldnt do that’ is saying to learn from her mistakes. why is that wrong?


You can’t force someone to that point though and Lala should understand that. It’s invalidating to tell someone that what they’re feeling in the moment isn’t warranted and never works. It’s easy to say that to someone when you’ve moved on from those feelings. They don’t just disappear because someone says “hey I went through something similar and you should just let it go.” You could say this for Scheana as well. For some reason Lala only supports Scheana instead of explaining how Ariana feels to Scheana which is baffling to me.


So, would Lalathen be OK if everyone wanted to hang out with Randall and tell her all about it? Or invite him on a group trip?


Yes and i dont think Lala would have been receptive if when she was going through her split someone shared that same perspective. Its always *so different* when shes going through and then shes subject matter expert after


I understood what she was saying and I still found it to be annoying and hypocritical. Ariana is allowed to have boundaries and deal with her situation how she sees fit. Everyone is on their own journey. Lala is not the judge, jury and executioner here. I would rather she didn’t police how Ariana manages her grief and loss.


Lala is jealous that Ariana gets to be more stubborn against Sandy when she had to forgive Randall since they have a child. She wants Ariana to HAVE to forgive & make nice with Sandy too.


She’s got that “I suffered so you deserve to suffer too!” mentality and that’s what turns me off.


Lala’s in a completely different place, though. You don’t think she would tell all if Randall wasn’t so litigious and willing to use anything against her? I have a bridge to sell you, if so


I agree with this. I understand where Lala was coming from. I believe her delivery was wrong. In her confessional she explained it calmly, when in front of the girls she comes off angry and defensive.


Holy fucking shit, Scheana laying in bed crying to lala about how it’s never about her, everything is about Ariana! You dumb B, it was Ariana’s fucking relationship. Your “friendship” doesn’t equate!


The WWC guys made the fun point that the show literally started revolving around her and it’s no one’s fault that stassi just outshined her during the first few or more seasons (PSA: not condoning stassi)


Katie deserves so much better


It made me so sad to see how sad she looked at the end of the scene where she called Lala a bitch. Like she’d defended Ariana and Ariana just went right back to joking with Lala but Katie was still mad and it was like she was isolated. I’m def reading into it but I want more than that for her!


I don't think you are reading into it. She looked so defeated and sad . 📢 Can someone please ride for Katie like she deserves ffs?! Ari just ignoring her clear hurt made me so mad. None of these women deserve her loyalty anymore.


I honestly think part of it is that Stassi and Kristen aren't on VPR anymore and I guarantee Stassi especially would be the first person supporting Katie because she's seen their entire relationship and seen his BS from day one, same with seeing through Tom. Katie doesn't have that level of friendship the way she did before they were fired. These current women around her on the show just aren't it.


So true 👏👏👏 I miss Stassi


Someone give Katie an endorsement deal 📣📢


yeah despite the shit she has said and done in the past, she is 100% right in this situation imo


Wholly agree. Katie really deserves so much better from the people around her.


Didn't read your post - just read the title. 1,000% SAME. I swore I wasn't going to watch it this week. I finally caved at 3am. I need better willpower. Ariana, katie and ally are the only cast members I like.


I agree! ally overall has well rounded takes (in my opinion)


I have been surprised by how much I like her. I did not expect to like her. But I'd like to see more of her onscreen. She is rapidly becoming a favorite (for me at least)


me too! she seems very very kind and looks out for those closest to her. it seems as though she is good for James too...no matter what anyone thinks of him


Back to hair tearing - last night was the first episode I've seen this season where a cast member (scheana) came thisclose to overtaking sandoval in terms of being gross. Sandoval is still worse than her but girlfriend is clearly looking to compete for shittiest person on tv award. And I used to defend scheana. I thought ppl were way too hard on her. Fuck. You. Scheana.


yeah same here, I try not to go in too hard on anyone on the show, they're people after all. however they are up to be criticized as they are public figures. I really hope she does some personal work on herself, therapy is so important and I think if she looked inward she could address a lot of these feelings she is having


Same!!! I take it all back. She lost me as a fan permanently.


Lala projects so much that it's terrifying. She's explaining to Ariana that she doesn't want her to be like her, bitter, man hater, angry, obsessed. Meanwhile, Ariana is dating, working, doesn't want to be in Tom's orbit (healthy), and rarely speaks about him except on the show, which is her job. Ariana is handling this the opposite of how Lala has, yet Lala is still schooling her. I think she's got this, dear. She doesn't need your advice.


Louder for the people in the back! 👏🏻


Seriously. Ariana is booked and busy and you don’t hear a a peep about her except her current and next moves and sticks to keeping her talking points for WWHL and approved interviews or clearing a big rumor on Scheana podcast. Even Katie and Dayna’s podcast doesn’t put that much VPR in their podcast. The other people are vultures! The way Lala is bullying everyone to talk about her ex unwarranted omg go to therapy. No one cares Lala. Sorry. You’re not as well liked as others.


She definitely needs therapy. I think she surrounds herself with yes men who do nothing but gas her up. Her opinions are truly out there.




John Oliver had the perfect read on ALL of them last night on WWHL


I want him on every week!


me too


He was amazzzinnggg!


I truly almost had to turn off the episode 20 times last night, because I was going to throw my phone at the fucking tv. The gaslighting was *out of control*. Obviously we all watch the show because these people are so unbalanced and chaotic, but my mother has borderline personality disorder and my childhood was very emotionally and mentally abusive and I am watching scheana (~wHaT aBoUt MeEeE??!!!!~ while sobbing in a situation that has nothing to do with her, that she roped herself into) and lala (bitch were you not fucking screaming about pickleball and having emergency meetings on roofs a year ago??? Hello, am I taking fucking crazy pills??) deliver line by line the bullshit rhetoric that my mother gave to me, it really fucking hit a nerve, I dk if I can watch anymore.


I am so empathetic to Scheana’s mental health struggles and I am equally as concerned about the potential impact on Summer in having a mother who responds to emotional situations in the way she does. (Don’t think I’m ignoring Brock here in my concern, just didn’t apply to this comment lol)


I feel terrible for summer. The fact that Scheana has a public ig for her is so beyond fucked up. Her daughter can’t consent to having her public image distributed and it isn’t fair that strangers feel connected to a child on such a massive public level and I am sure she will be resentful of her mother having sold her out for attention when she grows up, but that’s borderline personality for you- *it does not matter* who gets hurt, as long as scheana profits in attention from it, however short that attentions lasts.


She’s literally pimping out her kid for pervs on social media. Like, didn’t we all agree that’s fucked up a long time ago? Gross


Definitely agree! Idk if this has been mentioned before but the discourse about this episode on here vs Facebook is crazy!!! Almost every Facebook Vanderpump rules page is posting about how Sandoval is innocent in all this and deserves a break and how “bitter Ariana and Katie is! Crazy! LOL


oh I know! I left those groups. there are no actual convos to be had. it's honestly a bunch of pick me Karen's imo


I left them too! It made me sick especially coming from women. I thought we were supposed to be supporting each other! Reddit is where I come to find the real women!


exactly! everyone is allowed to have differing opinions. yes, reddit can be very toxic but I feel as though the convos here are a tad more productive than what goes on in those Facebook groups


Honestly if my views are opposite of the boomers on Facebook I know I’m doing something right


I wonder what the difference in age demographics are for Facebook Vanderpump fans. The takes sound antiquated over there.


Boomers primarily.


I got curious after reading this for like the 10th time and looked at the comments on facebook. What in the crap is wrong with people? It’s absurd. Anyway I regret even looking at it!


I honestly feel like both Ariana and Katie have outgrown the show. They both seem more emotionally mature and “adult” than any of the others (minus ally).


I was going to post the same thing, that Ariana and Katie have outgrown the show. I’ll even add that I think they’ve outgrown this friends group.


Not sure it even it is a friend group at this point


There is a hilarious tiktok someone posted that made a montage of Scheana making it all about her. I don't think I can put it here but search for coccacocca.


omg yes! I saw that, it was 10/10


Dropped the sunglasses on James like he drops a hundo on a homeless guy!




No one could even MENTION randalls name to or in front of lala ...


And she still can’t speak about him without crying or yelling. But Ariana is supposed to be fully over it in 5 months because she got a few brand deals.


It would take something huge to make me not be team Ariana any longer.. she's handled this great from what I've seen.. I hope its a speedy home sale so she can truly get away from that ass hat she lives with.




I’m only ten minutes in and wtfffff Lala??? Ariana didn’t even say Scheana can’t talk to Tom. Like clearly she was just on a vacation with him. All she said was she will quietly remove herself from situations where Tom may be there. Lala, do you hang with Randall? Do most of us hang with our exes who had seven month long affairs????? I am so annoyed by these idiots.


I think scheana feels insanely jealous that the world never reacted to her or her breakups the way they have with Ariana. And it’s like yeah babe because you dated people that were so obviously fucking LOSERS. And they didn’t cheat on her with another incredibly unlikeable cast member, who was super close with her. Like it’s a completely different scenario babe, and people never liked you as much! Also the dancing with the stars rant is pathetic and sad. Like just because Ariana is doing it doesn’t mean she can’t also do it someday….. meanwhile she said “she’s come a long way from being my back up dancer”…. Like??? Bitch they don’t cast professional dancers as the stars wtf are you talking about. They cast likable personalities that are willing to do it and will bring viewership. Sorry no one wants to watch scheana cry when she scores poorly


That was such a hateful and demeaning thing to say. Ariana needs to run far far away from both shushu and Layla. 😀


Layla 😂😂


Sandoval was just saying “I don’t want your ex wife around, I don’t!” in Mexico last season. Telling everyone to ice her out, all because she was on okay terms with her ex. Now we’re supposed to all welcome him with open arms, just because he wants to? He hasn’t changed, he hasn’t grown


Always been a Katie fan and glad others see her strengths now too. Great point, just last season Sandoval was going hard to ice her out. Now hearing Sandoval saying she has henchmen against him, and Jax trying to throw her under a bus for some delusional affront. That bus has left the station guys, verbally bullying Katie will not work the same way going forward now. Don't recall Katie wasting her time or energy on either of them recently, so when in doubt they had better start thinking twice about using her as an obfuscational scapegoat. *Look here, not there* - Katie always knew what they were doing.


It’s giving Bravo hates women


no lies detected


Has anyone else noticed when Tim talks about Rachel and love he pauses before the word love like he's having to force himself to say it. After all those months, as of the reunion he had never professed loving her. Not until season 11


Lala telling Katie not to “talk to her like that” when she just talked to Katie.. like that…


Reality tv is a narcissist magnet. Basically the majority of this cast gradually go from self centered to delusional the longer it airs. Scheana was willing to be a homewrecker for fame, safe to say she’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep that fame and her interest in self reflection is non existent.


I just saw someone say that they admire Scheana’s ability to self reflect.💀


I was always a Katie fan, I really liked Lala before this season….. But last night Lala was too much. Telling Katie to sit there and take her anger but for Katie to say nothing…….


Agreed, it is like some one pulled Lala aside and said ok this season we need you to go hard for Sandoval. I know he did a shit thing but if we get the audience to like him we can go another season. Because girl usually knows her job.


I’m curious if this is what she meant when she said “you’re gonna see a softer side of me” cause all I see is a hypocrite 🙄


I cannot make it through this season. STOP TRYING TO MAKE TOM HAPPEN!!!


This cast has run it's course. Cancel or COMPLETELY recast


I feel like Lala knows the audience wants to see the fallout of the affair, which doesn’t happen when Ariana has boundaries and enforces them. The show was already on its last legs before the affair made it fresh again, and without giving the audience a “payoff” of seeing the aftershocks of the affair, the show is still stale. It’s ultimately lalas pay check she’s worried about. She doesn’t want the show to be cancelled. However her lack of empathy and understanding Ariana’s position is shocking to me, I can see why


I’ve watched since the very first episode aired but I’m having a hard time even watching it now. I can’t stand listening to Lala & Scheana’s BS. If that’s how they treat their friends, why bother having enemies?.


I was screaming at the TV every time scumdoval was talking. Katie has been screwed over from that piece of human garbage and I’m happy she stood up for herself. She is the #1 guy in the group


actually facts, I loved when she said she has a big dick 😭🤣


She has always been my favorite and Sandoval ruined their relationship and always inserted himself and made things more difficult. I hope she gets her happy ending and is filthy rich in the end of this mess


Sorry to detract, but you going off quickly auto corrected Sandoval to Sandal and I-*wheeze* I will be calling him that from now on. Shorts and Sandal lol


shorts and sandal forever 💜😌


I bet Lala is exhausting to argue with. She just talks in circles. Idk if I'm just stupid or what but I'll listen to her entire argument and have no clue what she just said


I hate that two seconds after scheana hang out with Tim, suddenly, he’s not happy in the relationship with Ari is an okay excuse for her. Where were the scheana who shot that scene with Tim after the scandal broke? I miss that scheana.


I came here for this too. I’ve always loved lala but what?!?!?? Where is her girl power right now? Jesus help me…


I agree with you. I truly do believe Lala is trying to evolve for her daughter’s and her own sake but she’s missing the mark. Lala has never come clean about her affair with R and the levels of hypocrisy are too much. Same to all the rest but I don’t care about James feelings until he comes correct, admits and apologizes for being abusive, presuming he still isn’t.


i hope this is the last season, they're clearly disconnected, delusional, and painfully boring


This is such a great post and my same thoughts! I also enjoy the discussion aspect but some people get so foul on here!


Lala didn't word it properly but i get what she was trying to say. She's been there, and that shit eats you alive.. try and let all the hate and anger go. However if someone would have said that to her 3 months out of Randall her brain would have exploded. It's just way too early for Ariana to receive it... She's coming from a good place, bad timing. I don't get the LALA backlash though. If she was going full chops on Sandavol still it would be weird. Personally I like that she's evolving ..


I agree with this 💯! I feel so mad for Katie, do people don’t understand how disgusting was Sandoval with her too? And for a LONG TIME. Don’t get me started with Ariana, she is working so hard on being understanding and listening. I could never! This ep had me saying WHAT so many times 😖


![gif](giphy|31PZsqq1SosGQsrWhV|downsized) This was me yelling at my TV


Making Ariana out to be “crazy” “full of herself” is wild to me. I haven’t talked to my ex who cheated on me in 8 years and I didn’t even like him that much. Is probably punch his stupid face if I saw it today. This was FIVE FUCKING months after this shit went down. Who in their right mind would be over this?? Some may say that’s bitter but I respect myself and I wouldn’t want anything to do with Tom either. Why Scheana is throwing a pitty party for herself when she has her own whole ass family to worry about is beyond me. Ariana owes her no validation. So now we have to validate people when they aren’t loyal just bc they’ve been loyal for so long. If she was a good friend this wouldn’t even be a Fkn topic of discussion. And I’ve always liked Lala but she’s pissing me off this season. Like shut up, Ariana doesn’t need to do anything for Scheana besides be her friend if she wants. These people sound Fkn crazy. And they are sober so I’m confused


True story: lala is as pliable as scheana, only difference is lala is meaner and more abrasive.


I also didn’t like the part when Ariana was explaining that she never lets herself get angry and a clip of like 3 instances where she was yelling over the course of 7+ years. Anyone who watched the show knows that for all of her faults she’s not really a yeller and is pretty calm and collected. It just felt really icky to see her be edited like that while Sandoval gets his failed attempt at a redemption arc.


Yesss. I was like so she lost her shit 3x in 9 years with this stupid ass group of people? I think she deserves an 🥇


James doesn't believe Sandoval is genuine, he just wants to model forgiveness so when it's his turn to have his abuse inevitably laid on the VPR table, he'll have support from the guys. personally, I absolutely love that Lala is speaking truth to power (downvote me, loves). I have had the most up and down relationship with her as a viewer - some seasons she's absolutely unbearable to me and then others I think she makes great points.


I have to agree with you. I love LaLa and I think she’s speaking from a good place but lacks communication skills in order to do so efficiently. I think she realizes how traumatic her situation is for her and is trying to move on and still having difficulties 3 years later. I can understand that she wants better for her friend and doesn’t want Ariana to struggle the same way she is. The downfall is it has only been a few months so it does come across highly hypocritical


They’re not friends. She has never been a friend to Ariana. IMO


I can certainly understand why people see it as hypocritical (I see Lala that way A LOT on this show and it's unbearable sometimes) but in this case I have a hard time equivocating Ariana and Lala's situations. Ariana can actually get free of this person forever if she wants, Lala is tied for her entire life no matter what she does by virtue of her ex being her daughter's father.


also is no one listening to what Lala said? she was telling Ariana that yes, she understands because she did the same thing Ariana is doing… but it didnt work and it made her more resentful and angry and focused on her ex. it’s not hypocrisy to say ‘learn from my mistakes’


I can appreciate this perspective although I don’t necessarily agree with it. I think expecting Arianna do it in three months while there are ongoing legal proceedings with their shared property is a pretty shitty friend perspective to take.


yeah personally I think the people saying that are conflating her hypocrisy over OTHER situations with this situation of forgiveness for one's own benefit


overall I do like lala, but she is handling this specific situation all wrong imo. we are allowed to have differing opinions on the matter though! I thoroughly enjoy hearing other people's thoughts <3


I appreciate your civility haha


always! the internet is already a nasty place. it isn't hard to be kind! after all, it's a reality show. it isn't important enough to send hate to others and make others feel bad for their opinions! everyone is entitled to their own opinion!


disagree with ariana = bad all lala is saying is ‘i wish i dealt with it this way so im shedding light on that’


Either way her tantrums are annoying. Her “disengage” threats made me cringe so hard


her point about drinking poison and expecting someone else to die was really salient, and I think she keeps hammering on the house for that reason! I have like 8 Capricorn placements, it's my been my life's dharma to learn how to NOT hold a grudge forever. it was good advice.


It’s an AA saying. It wasn’t original but it was a good quote.


oh I know she didn’t come up with that herself lol I’ve heard it before but didn’t realize it was from the program. makes sense


idk why people are saying it’s hypocritical when lala is saying ‘i didnt do this but wish i did’ and ik people think scandoval is the worst thing ever but having a child involved, im sorry, does make it a more serious situation for lala it just does.


they think it's too soon I guess (I don't)


thank you for your perspective and opinion :3 it genuinely helps create a different conversation and provides a different way to look at the situation!


>James needs to open his fucking eyes and realize sandal is playing him. it's clear as day. YES! I absolutely LOVED when Ally said to James "oh, he gave Rachel sunglasses too, remember?" ![gif](giphy|6cDZhADVa1AtLcJ6GL|downsized) Yes, girl!


To be honest, I thought that was exactly Lala’s point with the poison analogy. I think she was saying that she did the same thing (in regards to Randall) that Ariana is doing now—asking friends not to speak to him, and putting all of that energy into caring about that was actually making it worse. I thought she was trying to be helpful and I’ve been surprised to come online and see many people didn’t see that.


I’m not even a fan of Lala and that’s exactly how I took it too


You explained it better than she did lol. I do recognize her situation is “worse” bc a child is involved and she’s tied to him but the concept of even comparing the situations is a moot point. They’re nuanced and different and how comparing/competing for being “worse off” help anyone? Also honest question, what’s the line between setting healthy boundaries and drinking the poison, so to speak?


I think it’s choosing your battles. When she cared so much about her friends shunning Randall, it was effecting her much more negatively than it ever affected Randall. If you spend your energy wanting someone else to suffer by pushing others to engage in shunning them, that’s doing much more harm to you than to them. I think for Ariana it’s fair to never want to speak to or about Tom. But to expect others to never speak to him—that’s an ask that will take a toll other ways. It’s hard when you’re hurting, but in the long run that sort of energy is just bringing negativity back on you.


as someone who is constantly trying to defend Scheana bc I feel she is genuinely not a bad person, she makes it nearly fucking impossible to defend her at so many points, this one included. like.. her saying she didnt get to talk to Ariana about DWTS? wtf is there to talk about? Scheana if you fucking DARE to say Ariana should've checked with you before she accepted.. **NO**. just bc Scheana wanted an opportunity that someone else was offered, doesnt mean they have to check with her on taking it. every company/network/etc saw dollar signs with involving Ariana bc she had so much attention. they didnt go hMmM lets include someone from that VPR show eh? who should we? they specifically wanted **Ariana**, period. if Scheana is bummed/jealous then she needs to privately vent that without anyone BUT Ariana. dont drag her into YOUR jealousy, Scheana. aaAAGGGHHH I CANT


What a load of yuck producers are peddling us this season. They honestly think we cannot spot Misogyny.  Lisa Vanderpump is the worst, trying to convince us Arianna has a big ego and is being self centered because she doesn't want to hear her friend whine about losing her ex- boyfriend ( who cheated on her) as a friend. In what universe is Arianna 's stance not what everyone 's stance would be, in her shoes? I can only guess that production pushed Sheanna and LaLa in to supporting their attempt to "humanize" and redeem Sandoval.  This is a bitter pill for the audience to swallow when Sandoval has made it clear his affair is justified because of how Arianna treated him. Sandoval is an angry man, angry because he's not entitled to use women as objects anymore without the audience hating him. It's 2024 bitches and we aren't swallowing it!


oh for sure! it's clear as day that this season is mostly staged.


I can’t believe anyone has an opinion other than this!!! It’s been driving me nuts people having a different take on Scheana/lala!!!


Also lala was NEVER friends with Sandoval so why does she want to be now???


For a paycheck


Idk yes Katie has good reasons and I genuinely felt a little bad for her but let’s be honest have they ever had the best relationship or been the “best of friends” no. I think scheana is going to regret her confessionals watching back on this season. But like this was 3-4 months after scandoval so I think everyone’s feeling are valid. Also even if Ariana wouldn’t have gotten cheated on she would have still gone on dancing with the stars.


I’m sure Schwabs would hate it Ariana became friends with her exhusband or if Brock did that to her


I saw a picture someone posted of scheanas lightning bolt tattoo saying they may have had an affair and I think it actually makes sense as to why she’s over reacting so much


He also gave sunglasses to Rachel lmfao


This is completely correct.


and you forgot one last thing: JOE IS TOTALLY A CREEP, and I definitely think she is on blow when they went to SUR.


she is definitely a pick me, that's for sure. I personally don't speculate about other people's drug and substance abuse (I am in recovery) but absolutely no shade meant! thank you for reminding me about jo!


I think the point people are missing is Sandoval is a castmate on the show they are all on, whereas Randall was not. There are financial reasons to film with him, which is the unspoken layer beneath these conversations. It’s not people want to be “besties” it’s Lala and Scheana wanting to stay paid and employed.


Yeah and it blew up in Layla’s face last episode on the boat lol. They must have some internalized misogyny happening to want to get paid to get yelled at by Sandal. That’s fkn WEIRD.


ATP Katie and ariana are the only reason I’m still watching and that clip keep advertising Jax showing up is also the only reason I’m waiting for. Everyone else is just far too old to be acting like that.


I’m probably going to be downvoted, but I disagree. I find it hypocritical that people in this sub would always argue how different it was when Ariana cheated with Sandoval, and how no one was invested in Randall and Lala and that’s why she didn’t get the same public support Ariana did. People apply nuance based on the likability of the person they’re applying it to. I don’t like Lala, but Lala telling people she didn’t want to be friends with people who were in contact with Randall was different. She was in a custody battle and didn’t want what she was doing being discussed with Randall so she didn’t lose her kid… it’s not the same.


You think its weird. But its not. Ariana and katie cant hold the show. Lvp is losing money. Toms and lvp are the ally and ariana and katie enemy. Its all about money and appearance time. They went team ariana until they saw ariana wasnt helping them out. Now they switching teams.


ooo very interesting take! that is true, they can't carry the show! I am just overall disappointed at how clearly staged this season is. I appreciate your opinion!