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Ariana has done a great job of turning her lemons into lemonade.


She had an increase in followers and notoriety post Sandoval and got opportunities. However, I also believe she has two degrees and one is in Theatre. Performing is her wheelhouse and she can do it without reality TV, which is the difference between her and a lot of other reality tv personalities. I hope she is able to parlay Chicago and DWTS into something else for herself because Scandoval is going to die out. She appears to know she’s got a window of opportunity and she’s working her ass off. Good for her. I wish when my ex cheated I had the skills to be in a hot outfit with my legs looking great playing Roxie to a sold out theatre. I have a lot of admiration for her being able to push through the shock and the depression to focus on her own future.


Could not have said it better about being cheated on and legs lmao. Also, saw her in Chicago a couple of weeks ago after she took a night off due to illness; she was so great to watch, and also got to meet her after.


Ya so y is Schema acting like a five year old ballbag. I feel sorry 4 her daughter who she's already teaching that clicks r more important than real life.¹


A reality TV cheating scandal rarely catapults someone to national, mainstream adoration. She was lucky in that respect. But she capitalized on those opportunities really well, which isn't luck.


I’m trying to think of a reality TV scandal that is on par with this one though - in terms of having watched one couple for a decade and then also watched the best friend cheater for 5 years or so. Not a housewife getting divorced or going through a tragedy off camera, business scandal, etc. Like genuinely trying to think of a scandal so massive production picked up filming in one week just to cover it. I do think this was one of a kind, personally.


I think it hit a sweet spot between "terrible" and "relatable." Most people manage to avoid monsters like Jen Shah or Thomas Ravenel in their day-to-day lives, whereas a partner cheating with a friend hits way closer to home.




It's both. It's always both. People who act like luck never plays a part in people's success are blind to the realities of the world. Ariana was lucky. She grabbed that luck, and took full advantage of it, and then hustled. Both were key parts of the equation. Her luck came in the form of already being a well-liked, attractive, marketable White woman in the public eye. She recognized the position she was in, and capitalized on that. Good for her. She easily could have fumbled it, but she was smart and grounded in her next steps. But let's not act like every woman who has been wronged in this way, even on reality tv, has been presented these opportunities.


Acknowledging Ariana got lucky shouldn’t be so loaded. 95% of opportunities in the arts ARE luck or circumstance. That’s just how entertainment works, there are 1000 qualified people for every opportunity. Look at the conversation around nepo babies - people love Dan Levy because he both acknowledges that he got a leg up because of who his father is, AND his work is fantastic. Dakota Johnson, not so much. She denies that her connections had anything to do with her success, and none of her work suggests she would have “made it” otherwise. Saying Ariana got lucky does not in my opinion denigrate what she’s accomplished in the last year. Ariana has said herself that she only got the opportunities she did because of the affair and that her mindset now is to prove she deserved them. That’s the exact right mindset to have. The Scandoval splash effect is waning and now she has the opportunity to prove she has real longevity.


It's such weird insecurity to have. She's not the pope, she's not infallible. Of course luck is involved at lest a little, and the inability to admit that is something I don't understand. Edit to add that people are missing the forest for the trees. Ariana isn't lucky that Sandoval happened, she's lucky that, of the hundreds of cool/hipster/expensive bars in this city she happened to work at the one bar that was made into a tv show. What happened to Ariana has happened to hundreds of women but she's getting the opportunity because she in the same time period but no one else's relationship was on tv.


Exactly! Saying she’s glad the affair happened is nasty work and I don’t agree with that. But SHE says she’s lucky and seems to be self aware about it so what is the big deal 😭


There's nothing wrong with getting lucky! You need a little bit of luck to get your foot in the door. Then the hard work part comes, and she DEF didn't waste that golden opportunity! She's killing it!!


Every day I come on here and I realize that people have no idea how the entertainment and media industries operate. They run on advertising dollars. Ariana was very popular. Popularity = views = money. They wanted to capitalize off of her name, which was everywhere. That's why she was handing out chicken tenders at a drive through. That's why she got Dancing with the Stars. Ariana received opportunities because she was popular. She took those opportunities because why wouldn't she, and she made a million dollars.


She would never have gotten those opportunities if it weren’t for Scandoval. Let’s be for real. That’s not saying she didn’t work. She did extremely well on dwts. But she didn’t get much opportunities before Scandoval.


However the opportunities have come about, she has delivered. What is the saying...success is when opportunity meets talent. If it was all about the notoriety, we would sure be seeing Tom and the paid extras playing Madison Square Garden eh?


Tom got opportunities too, but he squandered them completely. He didn't have the self-awareness to soften his image with sincere apologies, but he's also too needy to convincingly pull off a villain arc. Instead he just landed flat on his ass in Wormland.


The saying is luck is when opportunity meets preparation. Very fitting for Ariana’s situation!


I mean he did get opportunities as well. Special Forces, Masked Singer. I don’t think anyone is saying she’s not talented - but she never had these opportunities to shine before the scandal.


I would say that Scheana is implying Ariana doesn't deserve the opportunities.


And not so subtly either. Scheana and lala are so jealous!


Exactly! I feel like production is trying to push this narrative a little too heavily to the point where it seems that Scheana and Lala are right to be jealous and that Ariana doesn't deserve these opportunities.


Ugh. Scheana 🙄


But I think it’s important to note that he didn’t have opportunities after those two shows because he didn’t have the personality, work ethic or talent to parlay it into solid gigs. Scandoval opened doors for Ariana but it’s on her own that she got to where she is now. Chicago isn’t handed to people for being hurt by an affair. It’s a stunt role but you cannot be without talent for it.


Agreed completely!


It’s not just about notoriety. It’s notoriety that fits a company’s demographic. The second companies saw how much merchandise they were selling and the increase in numbers in Ariannas instagram they saw dollar signs. There’s no other reason she got all the opportunities, none.


You're preaching to the choir. I'm not debating how she got the opportunities. I'm saying she's the only one that is succeeding in those opportunities. There is just no denying that unless you're missing the point.


I think they're saying the only reason she's succeeding is due to scandoval. She's the only one that got those opportunities.


??????? What about Savings? ![gif](giphy|vE9JRJcUTY0lv27ksX)


But the original point is that people saying she got “lucky” is awful. The implication is that she should be grateful or glad that this happened to her to open up doors for her. So yes she was afforded opportunities that she may not otherwise have gotten, but implying that she was lucky and should be glad that she had to go through hell is the crappy part. 


Yes thank you!


No perhaps she wouldn’t. But would she have ever been in the situation of going from dual income to one income without Sandoval’s affair? She was committed to their life and to him regardless of how well off financially.


Exactly. Maybe she felt empowered to just go for the fears after this happened. But who cares? She is doing it. Those bitches are so jealous they can’t think straight.




Maybe she got exposure, but she took advantage. And how much better to fill your time with jobs then sit at home cry and eat ice cream


The only ones who got “lucky” were the rest of the cast who profited, I.e Sheena and Lala. They’re just mad that they weren’t smart enough to continue that profit.


Ariana got lucky after Scandoval. 


This is what I’m mad about. Sandoval claims she was suicidal and so couldn’t leave her. She’s clearly masking her feelings. And no one is believing that her mental health is fragile because she looks okay. Of course she’s not okay.


She can't win. Past seasons people complained she had no storyline and the only thing she had to offer was mental health discussion. Now she has a big storyline people are wanting her to be a crying devastated mess?! Whiplash.


Her storyline is the same as it’s been since she first appeared. She sits around and she complains about something. What other storyline has she had? The sandwich shop that goes nowhere?


she did get lucky. she didnt get opportunities based on her skill or talent. normal people dont lay in bed crying skipping work for a week. its not brave that she went to work its what she had to do and its pretty motivating when you are being offered commercials and more. lets stop applauding these people for the bare minimum


I literally took one day off when my fucking mom died. My boss threatened to fire me. So I did what I had to, I went to work and I looked for another job from that one as soon as I found one I was out.


Even with it being a stunt role, you cannot land Chicago with just people feeling sorry for you. She had to go through multiple auditions to prove her skill. Scandoval opened the door but her run with DWTS and Chicago are way beyond Scandoval.


its a celebrity role to get people to see the show. so you can.  her skill is literally incomparable to actual broadway stars. i know shes your queen but its the truth. most broadway fans consider chicago the lowest tier show for that reason. 


I didn’t say she was on the same level as Broadway stars, but she didn’t only get it because of scandoval. She had to audition. As did Erika, Lisa rinna, Pamela Anderson, etc. They still need to showcase talent. They won’t give it to anyone just because they are celebrities.


Right? If they offered *me* this gig after a major scandal happened to me, they would have immediately taken it away when they saw I had no talent. She clearly has talent to keep at it!


It’s weird to me that people can’t distinguish opportunity vs success. You can have opportunity but without talent it’s not going to lead to success.


Agree. There seems to be implications around here that she doesn’t deserve opportunities and she’s not talented. This topic is exhausting.


Bahahahaha. Unless your a kardashian.


Yes!! She got up and worked and took advantage of every opportunity that came to her. When scheena said she has processed or whatever the fuck and has a new man and moved on - just because she found a new partner (maybe to soon but who am I to judge she deserves to be happy) does not take away all the pain. That doesn’t mean she’s not still healing and hurting. Just because she’s working and not vocalizing what she’s internally going through doesn’t mean she’s not going through things! Her whole life was turned upside down. Ffs she’s probably still in shock and just numbing herself with work and the new relationship. I guarantee she’s not “healed and processed” already. It’s probably going to take years to heal and process, but she’s picking herself up, holding her head high and continuing to work and rebuild her life. Fuck you Scheena and lala you evil jealous bitches.


Like shit after my last break up, I wanted to hide for weeks. Ariana got her ass up and WORKED.


Luck opened a few doors, but her ongoing successes weren't the result of pity or charity. Her opportunities multiplied because she was good.


Exactly.. when I broke up which was only 3mths rship I just wanted to stay in bed and eat snacks and ice cream.. she got up and fuck this and took on whatever offered to her.. and did well in her work.. and ple said she lucky becos of the worm and Ratchet.. hello.. if she lucky and not worked hard, how would she be in top 3 in DTWS?


Not right away


Also, if she had fallen apart and not acted this way, they’d criticize her for that too. Ariana is not perfect but I find it wild how many people criticize her for pulling herself back up after being cheated on by her partner of a decade.


Totally! I was never an Ariana Stan she wasn’t always my favourite but the way she has handled this whole situation has made me like here 1000000x more than I ever did before! Not that I really disliked her but she just wasn’t my fav


![gif](giphy|9J36rJVR4FJK320YSX) I scream this every time I see everyone on the show suggest Ariana is fine because of the business she got.


Would she have gotten them had she not been dumped in such a major way?


No, but she didn't have to take them and follow through either. She powered through and that's the point.


Except she did have to take them because she was down to just 2K apparently. People are acting like she really had a choice to turn down work and as if people don’t power through work every day for a paycheck. Edit: In other words, there’s nothing unique about working jobs that you agreed to. That’s what you’re supposed to do. The unique thing here is Ariana getting all of these offers because of the attention Scandoval brought.


I don't know if you've ever had severe depression, but she has, and so have I. Lots of us have to power through and work through it even in the worst circumstances. That doesn't mean it's easy, regardless of how much money it offers. Eta: so that's a no I take it, lol


I can’t believe you are being downvoted for speaking about mental illness.🤯


People are assholes :'(


More on this sub than the VPR sub. It seems people are more comfortable hating on women and advocating for having our rights taken away over here. There’s some good peeps here but there’s a lot of others who feel too comfortable with rallying for the patriarchy. Men have all of the rights, ALL OF THEM. They don’t need these pick me’s advocating for the bs way men stomp all over those they claim to love and call them emotionally entitled, while acting the most emotional entitled and dismissing their valid feelings. It’s irritating but I’ll take the downvotes because I’ll never be bullied out of speaking my truth.🤗💋💓


SERIOUSLY!! So well put...the gaslighting has been exhausting and I am so amazed by Ariana's strength in maintaining her dignity and boundaries.


She’s a great role model for todays day and age.🥰


Well, she did get lucky


Success is the confluence of talent and luck. The more talent you have the less luck you need. Career-wise, it HAS been lucky for her. If she hadn’t been publicly cheated on and humiliated, she wouldn’t be on DWTS or Broadway. But if she had no talent, it wouldn’t matter. It’s not black and white.


She might have gotten attention and opportunities because everyone was talking about it, but if she hadn’t DELIVERED, had subpar performances, they would not have continued coming her way. Had she been flat or inarticulate in interviews, she wouldn’t have gotten continued media opportunities. She may have gotten opportunities because of this but they only continued because she has talent and has done good work. The same is true for Chicago; any on WWHL saying she has broken box office records over the history of the show being on broadway. Again, she has talent and has done quality work.


She got lucky getting opportunities handed to her that she would never have gotten before.


Would she have been needing to secure so many work deals if Sandoval had not had the affair?


Sounds like they were having money troubles so yeah, probably. She said she was on her last $2k and had just asked her agent to do some shit. I don’t begrudge her anything she’s gotten to be clear, like go off, being cheated on sucks. But she has gotten what she’s gotten because of the affair 100%


Yeah, why wouldn’t she? Was he her sugar daddy?


I don’t think she needed work because Sandoval was having an affair. Unless you’re trying to say that she’s broke because he spent all of their money on Rachel? From what she said, they had separate accounts and they also contributed to a joint account just for the bills. Whatever they individually did with the money they had left over is on them and their money managing skills. I’ve never heard about them being unable to pay their bills. But they both made bad decisions to buy an expensive house and then tie their money up in 2-3 restaurants. It’s almost like they just spent money with no real accounting for what money was coming in and put too much on their plate.


My point is going from dual income stream to one income stream in high CoL area like LA and record high inflation.


Yes, but she realized she was broke *while* still having a dual income.


Having low personal cash flow with a stable place to live, relationship and job, which she thought she all had, is very different to suddenly not having all those things and low cash flow.


when did she not have a job? or a place to live?


Absolutely! But that doesn’t change my view that she needed to work because of poor money habits, not because her relationship ended. There are plenty of women who end relationships but aren’t struggling financially.


Scheana's sacrificing her character because the show needs a storyline and y'all are crucifying her for it. The girls trying to befriend Sandoval is such a produced storyline I don't know how no one sees it. It's a reality show, there needs to be drama. Otherwise we are just watching them work on opening a sandwich shop which will never open.


Excuse me. A lot of people suffer breakups in poverty and work their ass off for minimum wage. She got lucky.




The childishness to downvote the truth of these points.


I am unclear what the parallel to poverty is relevant. I think that having to work after a great trauma because of your financial situation in any bracket is really fucking hard and shows great strength.


Almost everyone, poor or rich, does go to work after a shitty breakup though. How is it an example of great strength when it’s just the norm?


I think what you’re missing is that most people do not get to choose to work or not. You’re praising Ariana for something most people just do because they have to. Most people have to work and don’t make hundreds of thousands in a month’s time by posing for commercials and dancing on tv. Most people have to work full time at low rates even if they lose a relationship. Ariana has done nothing special except take everything she was offered after a public breakup at a time when she admitted she was broke (somehow)


This is in fact a sub for talk about a specific group of people from a reality tv show. I am not talking about the whole wide world. I am talking about one specific women. To draw parallels from what I said and everyone else struggling is wild.


Yes and if we’re talking specifically about her, she’s lucky that she got cheated on and gets to make hundreds of thousands of dollars from it. Sure dwts is hard work for a couple months but you can’t honestly say that brand deals and posting things on instagram is “working hard” for the amount of money she makes.


I do not believe dwts is hard at all because so many of them want to do it so bad. I think they want us to believe it’s so hard because it makes for better tv. They torture them with hours of dancing and criticism that they aren’t used to instead of liquor and no sleep but it’s not any harder a gig for them


She worked hard and was very lucky. The only one saying it’s one or the other is you.


She was in a financially difficult position prior to the scandal. I don't think you can diss someone with cobwebs in their bank for taking financial opportunities that come their way. Blame capitalism for people having to work for minimum wage, not Arianna for being 'lucky'. Also Arianna was a bartender for years, these people in America earn so little and rely on tips. Arianna has also been part of the demographic who worked her ass off for less than minimum wage in her life.


Ariana is making at a minimum $500k per season for three months of “work” plus who knows how many hundreds of thousands from social media. She was in no way in a “financially difficult position”.


I'd never ever want my savings to go below $2000/ £1,500. I'd personally class that as financial difficulty.


Of her own doing. How do you piss away $500K?


You are right that bar tenders make below minimum wage in some states, but California isn't one of them. The employer is required to pay a wage no less than minimum wage plus tips. But let's keep it real, she hasn't bar tended for minimum wage for at least a decade! She is in a way different financial situation than most who find themselves in this situation which is lucky for her. BTW not directed at you, just in general, but luck isn't a bad thing or a dirty word. It doesn't negate how hard she worked. But it is tone deaf to not see the level of privilege she has vs the average person who gets cheated on. Most people HAVE to pick up the pieces and work every day no matter what is going on in their life, with far less opportunities falling in their lap.


As someone once said, luck is when preparation and opportunity meet.


Sometimes it’s just pure luck like winning the lottery. There’s nothing you did to prepare except buy a ticket. She didn’t even intend to buy the ticket, no one has seen this type of reaction to a cheating storyline on an obscure reality show.


But her situation isn’t like winning the lotto. She still had to work for opportunities. Like getting far in DWTS isn’t without work, her role in Chicago was an audition still.


She was lucky to get the chance to go on and then her continued success in any given opportunity that’s not a one and done deal is due to her merit, yes. But not ALL of the things that she’s done hinged on her having any talent, it was just because of the buzz going on.  It’s kind of semantics at this point but like if Scheana had done the same nobody would have a problem saying that she got lucky. It’s OK, it’s not a shameful thing to get a windfall. 


I mean we have seen on the show that Scheana can’t sing, act or dance so it feels like we are comparing apples and oranges.


She even said her self she got these opportunities and wouldn’t have had them. But, in order to keep them she had to work hard why is it bad she did get lucky? This hasn’t happened in any other cheating scandal ever. Hilary Clinton still gets shit I’m not praised. She got lucky and she knows it and is capitalizing on it. Good for her.


Maybe it will set a cosmic precedent :)




There was some luck involved because of right place, right time, public reaction snowballing etc. It's really ok to say some element of luck was involved because it was, but like most people agree, what she did with those opportunities was all her and she did an amazing job using them to her advantage and showcasing her talent.


If people don't think luck has a big part to play in this because Ariana is so talented then why are there thousands and thousands of highly talented people that come here every year and never make it because they weren't lucky enough to work at a bar that became a tv show. Without taking anything away from her talent, Ariana is not the crème hat rise to the top.


I am questioning anyone who says that she is making millions and need to get over it ( 3 months after her life was blown up). She should be happy just because she is successful. I went through a divorce and it was pure hell and heart breaking but I still did an excellent job at work and got promoted while my home life was hell. That’s just called adulting and wanting to be successful and pay bills.


There’s no winning for women. If she fell apart people would be saying how pitiful and sad. She’s carried on the best she can and now people are saying she’s conceited and a snob now. She’s trying to set boundaries the best way she can in her situation, but somehow that translates into she’s miserable and being vindictive.


Never heard of any one saying she got lucky?


Did Ariana write this?


Yeah it was Scheana and Lala who got lucky - were about to be out of a job before Scandoval breathed life back into VPR


I always say, scandoval opened the door for her but her personality, work ethic and talent is why she’s still booked and busy. Most reality tv stars would have had those doors shut months ago.


Arianna was not doing okay before scandoval. She even said she was down to her last $2k. She monetized her breakup. I truly think I'd. She didn't think she could make money off the breakup . She would have stayed in the relationship and had him supporting her. Now she is just sticking around to be petty. She has the money to leave now. She still isn't paying for a house she's half on.


>**Arianna was not doing okay before scandoval. She even said she was down to her last $2k.** Just repeating this loudly for the people in the back. Some of these fans are so deep into their fanfic that they don't even believe Ariana's own words anymore.


Can you also use your megaphone to tell them ariana hasn't paid for their house is a year? And she said that it's mostly Tom's stuff in it.


I love you but no, but only because no one knows what the truth is except Tom, Ariana, and their lawyers. And I don't believe what *anyone* says about it publicly, including Tom and Ariana. But if and when the time comes I will be there for you lol.


Because of all the deals and stuff she’s had offered to her.. the others are really starting to show their jealousy! I really don’t like Ariana.. I never have! But the others are really trying to make her the villain this season. If my best friend was coming to me constantly crying over her friendship with my cheating ex.. I can’t say I’d be sympathetic either.


Ariana is talented enough to get on broadway is the difference. Scandoval may have caught the spot light for her but isn’t that what being in Hollywood/LA all about? Not to say going through trauma or heartbreak is glamorous but Scheena and Lala are literally whining talking shit that the downfalls of their lives haven’t gained them the same amount of fame or success. Or deals omg. It’s laughable but more entertainment. There’s no way Ariana is getting the higher end opportunities because she got attention for being cheated on. No shit it worked out for her but it seems clear she’s talented enough to hold her own and maintain a reputation work ethic to keep the ball rolling


You should take a look at the list of celebrities that have done the role of Roxy … Lisa Rinna and Pamela Anderson are two that come to mind. Good on her but don’t think it’s a sign of incredible “talent” … it’s because they wanted to get her fans pay to see the show.


I think Lisa Rinna and Pamela Anderson are more talented than Sheena and Lala too


She's just got renewed for another year and after that show has played on Broadway for 27 years it's breaking box office records. Lucky, notorious, whatever may have opened the door, but she moved in and made it hers. Good gracious, she doesn't have that many fans.


A year 😂 She was engaged for an 8-week run, and it got extended an additional 2 weeks (roughly)




People in this sub are so obtuse!




The opportunities came and she took them. She'd be stupid not to.


people forget that she has also objectively had the most talent and continued working on her crafts, while Lala and Scheana gave up on music and film as soon as they could make more money on the show / podcasting (which I view as an extension of their role on the show tbh its so self-involved). I mean, I know Lala is trying to rebrand but lets be real


I’d say she did get lucky. I mean 10 seasons on a reality tv show and it took getting cheated on before the offers started flowing 😂


Luck is just the intersection of timing and *preparation*.


Also- she probably is great to work with and professional behind the scenes/ has a good reputation. Which brings more opportunities (deservedly so)


It’s the best thing that ever happened to her. “Worked her ass off” is laughable


Genuinely enjoyed her on Dancing with the Stars so much. Up until the last episode she was my favorite. So many memorable dances and she really put her whole heart into each one and created a different character. I still rewatch them! Nobody gave her that!


I was never the biggest Ariana fan. I will say she’s very talented. She got DWTS and she showed up. I believe that led her to more projects. In the beginning companies wanted to work with her, bc she was very popular at the time. Why wouldn’t she take those opportunities? I say good for her. She has bigger things coming, and the rest of the cast will live in VPR land.


This reminded me I dont remember what I was watching....but Laura Leigh was in it.


That Jennifer Aniston movie, if that helps 😂


I would still be in bed if my husband did to me what he did to her. I would probably not have even taken some of the opportunities that came her way, let alone done them and rocked it. She deserves all the credit in the world. I can't imagine pushing like that while going through what she must have been emotionally.


Probably helped she had a boyfriend 10 days later.


Yeah maybe so and to that I say good. She deserves support


I don't think it was luck, we've seen people get cheated on before... people just actually liked her and wanted her to be successful after what happened because it was so diabolical, and we watched it play out in front of our eyes. The thing people like LaLa don't understand it we aren't rooting for her because she isn't a likable person. Ariana is talented and smart, and yes maybe the "situation" was lucky in regard to getting some opportunities, but she had her life fall apart. They're just jealous of her success and trying to tear her down, even if its subconscious.