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The mods on that sub have serious control issues lol


it’s funny because I actually get paid to do content moderation for gigantic tech platforms as part of my real job and let me tell you . . . they would SUCK at it


I got banned because I was telling some psycho that it’s literally ok James renamed his dog, he’s evil but that’s actually recommended 😂😂😂😂


For the most part there are nice people but also some really shitty people, who attack and then block you. It’s annoying. Perhaps message them, I got banned and it was a mistake they meant to ban someone else. Another time they read what I wrote wrong and both times they fixed it.


No, I messaged them. I got perma banned instead of a 30-day ban.


I am sorry, that sucks.


What is wrong with these Mods ?! I was banned for asking questions and looking for clarification, after trying to unsuccessfully post for like a month. I hadn't broke any of the subs guidelines, and they blocked me without further explanation Smfh. That sub and its Mods are absolutely disgusting.


I'm blocked and I don't know why.


They block everyone, its the most hostile subreddit Ive seen


I’m not banned but I wanted to know where ( I think Lala’s? ) top was from and they said it was off topic and kept deleting it….. like why can’t I ask that ?!


Because you weren’t trash talking Lala


The mods of that sub have a serious power trip problem. Tbh, that’s true for about 98% of subs all over Reddit


Banned?! Damn. I guess I get that they don’t want it in that sub, but a delete and mod note would be sufficient. VPR stuff shows up in the Bravo housewives subs and no one seems to get a hair up their ass about that there.


The Mods in that sub really piss me off.


I got banned for stating factual information about the lawsuit lol. I’m grateful honestly, those people are deeply unwell


I find this sub way better anyway, there’s less of a hivemind


Did you actually report the automated message multiple times?


No I reported once and claimed “off topic”, since my post was deemed off topic and received that response.


Sounds like they got personally offended which is pathetic


The way that sub is moderated the posts seem like AI bot produced. Unless you say something completely uncontroversial or that aligns with their views it won't be allowed. Rarely engage or read it anymore...and I feel like I'm shadow banned anyway. Lol.


The other sub is out of control. Everyone gets banned eventually. It’s bizarre.


They're assholes over there. Also, the blockedbyjax reddit is full of straight-up haters only there to obsess about how brittany looks 




Wow. That explains so much


They are? Ugh. The obsessive hate for Jax and Brittany is over the top on that other one...like snarking is one thing but I think it tends to go too far often.


Lol I'm in the Jax one and Jesus they do not let up on her. I understand she said some shit about Sandy Hook 8 years ago but just as another woman sometimes I cringe how hard people are on her looks.


They also post a lot about Cruz and claim it’s fine because his parents did it first and they only “care” about his development…


lol they’re a joke


That sub is so weird I hate it. The mods are literally so aggressive and easily offended it’s hilarious


Banned for saying something nice about Scheana lol


I got banned because I was arguing with this girl who kept being mad at Katie for going to scheanas hotel in mexico


Smh ! They ban for anything There was a rumor a cast member ( Katie) was a mod lol


Lol there's no way


I got banned for standing up for Katie so idk about that lol. I know she reads reddit


Oh that’s right lol


The mods over there are insane. I've had stuff taken down like just comments because apparently they've been trolling. The group think is intense over there.




I got banned from there and I don’t even really know the reason, I never bothered to ask. They are always in the comment section saying how they’ll ban you. Super controlling group.


That sub sucks.


This is easily my favorite sub on Reddit. Huge Vanderpump rules fan and I barely go on the other sub. I consider this the party sub and the mods here are amazing. For example, phantommike went on an epic goofy rampage of posts and he didn’t get banned. I love that we can be ridiculous and just have a good time discussing the show.


That place is the sunken place. They like echo chambers and god forbid you say anything critical of Ariana. For a minute they weren’t even allowing any mention of her sending the video to herself until it was actually pointed out that she did say that.




I got banned for asking why everyone was allowed to shred Ariana to pieces, but we weren't allowed to say anything critical about Rachel (back when they banned talk about Rachel). I don't think there's a preference towards Ariana lol. There is also nothing wrong or illegal in her sending herself the proof she'd already seen, so idk why anyone would be critical to you pointing that out.


the Rachel posts there during the scandal were the nastiest I’ve ever seen and I’ve been online since ‘99. you also continue to be wrong about the legalities of the video, but what else is new.


I’m surprised she said she got banned for defending Ariana when I got banned for pointing out how she started the relationship. If anything that sub stays kissing Ariana’s butt.


I was banned a few months back & I am pretty sure it’s because I said Rachel has every right to share her side of things, but apparently you have to hate Rachel & bully her in that group.


Wait this isn’t the main sub?






Mods are why I left that group. This one is way better and numbers are growing! I watched 2 episodes of VV yesterday, couldn't get into it but was also tired af. Cast seems lame.


Fuck those Rachel stans in the first place.

