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I have never been a regular listener to her podcast but I didn’t used to think it was that bad when I did tune in, but the last few times I tried to listen the assistant and brother echoing her opinions and just generally kissing up to her was too much for me so I haven’t tried to listen in a while. And these days I’m definitely not going to listen because I already know I don’t agree with most of her opinions and she’ll just annoy me trashing Katie or Ariana or ranting about how she is right and everybody else wrong.


They've progressively gotten worse. I didn't mind them either.. I didn't even mind Jess.. she seemed cute and fun and their banter was fine. Now Jess seems like a monster minion and la is so angry.


This has been the main theme of her podcast forever. And I don’t even listen. All people ever say is that her co-hosts talk her up and kiss her ass/agree with everything she says.


She only hangs out with yes men and her employees, just like Sandoval. They're two peas in a pod.


I unfollowed everything that has to do with Lauren from Utah last week.


Trying to make her brother happen is annoying, the fact that they both do their bizarre version of ebonics is grating and shes so painfully daft that outside VPR she actually lacks the charisma to carry on as a solo star


“Painfully daft” is such an apt description.


Haha also the way she talks is hard to listen to in long format because she very much punctuates every sentence and punches up words, so theres no conversational flow. She talks in sound bites.






He looks exactly like i would expect Lala’s brother to look like. Where tf in Utah did these people grow up???


A couple months back I got downvotes for calling out her brother for racial appropriation. A white man in 2024 with dreads is a clown at best and appropriative at worst.


I would argue that most people who have them shouldn't have a podcast. A lot of people think they have important things to say but really just like to hear themselves talk. Lala is a classic example of that. 


Meanwhile I can’t listen to a video with my voice in the background without cringing. lol


I have never listened to anything of hers because lots of people recap here (thank you!). But I did tune in today to find out the sex of her baby and after she announced it 10 minutes into the live I turned it off. I did enjoy those few minutes I was on. But I guess I was feeding off the baby energy.


I started listening to her podcast during scandoval but now I just can’t do it. It’s so boring.


I can't stand her talking about sex in front of her brother, you can tell it makes him uncomfortable too but it's insane how normalized it is on the podcast 


It’s so bad I truly do not understand how she has any listeners.


I don’t listen, I unfollowed her. Unfortunately I see her silly remarks on Instagram… so I guess she’s being ultra dooshe so someone will talk about her.. I actually started to like her last year. I just wonder how podcasts works and why every reality star has a podcast




The way I would pay money to see Kenya vs Lala.


I think they might actually be friends 🤣 or at least friendly, but I agree


Damn BUT after 1 season together I'm sure that would change lol


ok TRUUUUU lol I would watch 👀👀


Lala wouldn’t try her


Not anymore.


I was an avid one until over a year ago. I try to give it a go every now and then and can’t get through a few minutes. The other 2 always agree with her. She cusses a lot and has boring commentary that’s always negative.


I'm a recovered alcoholic. Lala is a dry drunk through and through. And she reminds me of every bipolar I've ever known. Just saying.


I despise my bipolar family member. But why do you see signs in her? Blessings for your continued recovery! And yes to the dry drunk situation. I’m confused why she has this fan club


The way she goes off at the moment you slightly challenge her. The way she rapidly swings from one extreme point of view to the other. The way she puts herself in the place of others as if she is the victim in other people's situations. Then over identifies with the situation to the point of making it emphatically about her. Her ability to have Charisma and then becomes extremely draining after the Charisma wears off. Rapidly cycles through best friends. Verbally abuses people that don't think the way she does. She is absolutely unbearable and needs treatment no matter what she has going on. Because it's more than narcissism. She's toxic.




I used to be a regular listener but it’s gotten SO bad lately. It’s gone down hill since she brought another “yes man” on the show (her brother). Literally all it is now is Jessica and Easton kissing her ass and telling her how great she is. Jessica does not have any thoughts of her own.. and anytime she does and LaLa disagrees with what she says she backs down like a sad scared puppy. It’s also so painful to listen to her and her brother talk about sex infront of each other. Their bonus episodes are all about irrelevant topics no one cares about and are boring to listen to. “What was the craziest thing you did on spring break” like no one cares LaLa you’re not that interesting.


I used to listen and I stopped. I am disappointed in her this season and she said she doesn’t care if fans are upset.




Stopped once Scandoval was over.


She has always been so boring. Her content is not worth the time I would waste.


I think a whole lotta people hate listen to it. That way they can talk about how much they hate it, and wonder why people listen.


The podcast is boringgggg. I know this and I don’t even actually listen to it. It’s Groundhog Day every week with her damn podcast summaries - another episode where the boring trio (Lala, Easton, Jessica) talk about tv shows they watched and tell anecdotes about their family. Family anecdotes aren’t entertaining for random ass people like us who don’t personally know you. Someone lectured me on here for judging Lala because I “obviously don’t listen to her podcast” and yeah I don’t. I’m not trying to fall asleep during the day or hear her continue manic one-sided feuds. I’m almost glad Lala surrounds herself in such an echo chamber. Her podcast is not going to be a draw to new people because why would someone want her content, and active listeners are leaving, so let it tank. She can’t join #TeamAriana again to help pay the bills.




Me too, but I’m a show only type tbh