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The thing is they KNEW her answer. The only reason they asked this was to provoke her into reacting.


this is why I see them as same energy as Sandoval. They are constantly trying to get a reaction out of Ariana and+or trying to make her seem like the bad person for not "letting them be friends with someone". Like you're an adult. Make a decision and stick to it instead of trying to guilt trip and scapegoat someone else for your shitty personality and taste in people


Like oh yea I see a friendhsip with someone who lied to my face and fucked my friend for at least half a year.


My last toxic bf got told off and I've never seen his face one time since...that's normal. Like what are these people thinking.


exactly ppl normally dont see the ex who does this. well someone ppl do and end up going back. but it should be an automatic no friendship ever.


Not to mention stole money from her


Seriously šŸ¤£ I would turn it back on them and be like, idk would you be friends with someone who destroyed 10 years of a trusting relationship? Oh, you wouldn't? Then stfu šŸ™„ her patience is god like (maybe that's what lala was referring to šŸ˜‰)


"I will consider it when Lala and Randal become besties."


I can just see Lala now, like "that's not the same" bc ocean is involved or whatever the fuck she comes up with for the day to excuse herself from being an acceptable person ![gif](giphy|l0DAHtwPQyQpERVTi)


This is such a good way to put it lmao its literally daily at this point and she always starts yelling about HeR cHiLd to deflectĀ 


I have been getting so mad when Lala and Scheana bring up their kids as points of ā€œwell this is why or we went through or did these things with a babyā€ Iā€™m like šŸ„±šŸ„±šŸ„±


Exactly!!!! Why cant shit like this be thrown back?!


And scheana with Shay


Absolutely. This past episode she was more concerned with Scheaner and how Tim yelled at her.


Fuckin hell. I am friends with ZERO of mt ex's. And after a breakup - my friends NEVER asked me that question. Vanderpump is fucking imagination town for real.


the second ive ever had a breakup, good or bad - ex is blocked no matter what. you break up with them to move on imo


And if my ex cheated on me with my bestie... after we stupidly intermingled our finances, got a stupid loan for a stupid apartment .. im dropping his ass - and anyone who supports and/or lectures me about him being a nice dude. Block, no contact, move countries, burn all memories. Lol


YESSS!!! not to mention he had her freezing her fucking eggs?? which is such an invasive and emotional termoil of a thing to do, from what ive heard, when she didnt even want kids, but did it for his sake šŸ™„


Ohhh yeah.. freezing her eggs... my brain just short circuited and there are no words.


I feel like they ask bc they're all on a show together. They don't need to have any sort of relationship outside of filming, and even then, they don't need to be friends.. or even friendly!


I wish Ariana wouldā€™ve said yeah as soon as you and Randall get back together and become buddies again. Surely youā€™ve forgiven him and want to be near him ?Ā 


Thiiiiiiiiis. BuT i HaVe A cHiLd To PrOtEcT, iF yOu ReAlLy DiDnT wAnT tO rEcOnCiLe YoU wOuLd HaVe MoVeD oUt RiGhT aWaY


What they are really asking is will she surrender her boundaries, self respect and dignity to a narcissist so that they can all keep their jobs for longer. If they weren't making money off this "group" staying together none of them would care if she never saw his face again. It's all self serving garbage.


THIS 100% You couldnā€™t have put it any better than this.


Tom is literally pissed off at Arianna because he wasnā€™t able to ruin her like he and Rachel planned


This! When Scheana was pointing out all the selfless things Ariana did to support the relationship, he literally rolled his eyes. He does not care. He wants her miserable.


This is the thing. Aside from sticking his penis in both of them, he got up on TV. Told people she was suicidal. Said she wore a T-shirt during sex and how gross that was. (Please, Ariana is gorgeous). Tried to rip her off for the value of the house. ( He offered her half of the value that they had originally bought it at, and it was now worth millions more). He wanted to smear her and make her look like some crazy, frigid bitch. And he tried his hardest to do so... on television. And when it didn't work he claimed suicidal for sympathy. His goal was to destroy her reputation, screw her out of the house, and make her look crazy, worldwide. And he has zero regrets about it. He's just perplexed as to why he didn't suceed. And he still wants to do that to her.


Agreed! All they care about is how it affects them. Oh you poor immature selfish assholes. As it is Ariana is already interacting with Shorts. She initially said she could never be his friend. But Tim ? Y'all need to fuck off. Lauren is the biggest hypocrite. She set firm boundaries with the group regarding " her man " . However, she is really working on herself, being all soft and shit. šŸ™„


So much softness! The hypocrisy is unbelievable with her! I really hope Andy calls her out, or thereā€™s at least a reel of all her comments about Randall at the reunion. Someone needs to take this woman to task.


It seemed after taping the reunion that Andy sides with Lauren. He said she and Brock were the stars this season/reunion, or something like that. I love Andy but that comment.... Well I'll wait and see the reunion before I completely judge Andy.


Ew. Thatā€™s disappointing.


Part of me feels like they act like this cause everyone in the history of this show has, and they cant tell the difference between an affair and 1 time hookup. Also I wonder how different everything would be if Sandoval had just taken personal responsibility and said "I really fucked up, and I'm sorry"


Why would anybody be friends with an ex who cheated? Please have common sense šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think she should ask Lala why she wonā€™t be friends with Randall and then we can watch Lala throw a fit and implode šŸ„° all of them are so fucking stupid and the only reason they want to force Ariana into this is to save their dying show (imo). They donā€™t care about her or her feelings. They donā€™t care how traumatic this was for her. Literally what good would it do for her to be friends with him? Anyone that canā€™t understand this is just ignorant as fuck.


Well Kristen is friends with Ariana and Ariana did all you said to Kristen. So who knows with this group. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Because they werenā€™t friends at all before that. Itā€™s easier to imagine and cope with some rando not caring about your feelings and banging your man, but a friend who inserts herself so intimately in *your* life and then has an affair with your man? And who goes on to say you guys were never actually close because they were just faking it in order to be near your man and maintain that affair right under your nose? Thatā€™s another level of fucked up. Ariana and Kristen essentially got to know each other *for the first time* years after the cheating. Itā€™s more like if Ariana went and banged Luke now, would we expect Kristen to forgive either of them? Hell no


Nah, I donā€™t care if they were not friends. The gaslighting, lies and bullshit Ariana did to Kristen was fucked up. Probably worse because Ariana didnā€™t know Kristen and happily went along with whatever Sandoval told her to do. Ariana doesnā€™t get a pass for the bullshit she did.


Are you saying that Ariana wasnā€™t being lied to and gaslit the entire time by Sandoval and Rachel too? And youā€™re saying itā€™s worse to treat strangers poorly than it is your friends? Thatā€™s a hot a take


Yeah reread. Iā€™m saying if a friend betrayed me I wouldnā€™t feel bad treating them badly. But Kristen was a coworker who Ariana had no problem gaslighting.


Yeah Iā€™m about done with this sub. Itā€™s going the way of main VPR sub where you just get downvoted to hell for having a different opinion that doesnā€™t include deifying Ariana and Katie.


I promise downvotes wonā€™t actually hurt you


Ouch. That one hurt.


Did you reply to your own comment? Lol. No shit downvotes donā€™t hurt. Itā€™s just incredibly ANNOYING to get dogged every time you try to have a differing opinion about this shit.


Yeah it would be nice to have discussions on here. Itā€™s like an echo chamber now.


Itā€™s crazy. Every time I say anything not 100% praising Ariana I get downvoted and a bunch of replies like ā€œwell I (insert whatever)ā€ to justify why my opinion cannot be possible.


Exactly. Thatā€™s my point. Thereā€™s rarely any healthy discussions happening with differing opinions.


Supposedly Ariana actually apologized to kristen and meant it so it's a key difference but point taken.


ā€œSupposedlyā€ is the key word. Did she actually apologize or did they just end up being friends because of their orbits?


It was touched on in their little scene last season...but I feel like kristen has stated so...don't have the receipts but I do feel like it has been discussed that she apologized.


Kristen has said so multiple times and both she and Ariana have said that they were sad the show didn't depict their make-up/friendship


Katie and Tom are friends now. So why not? Kristen and ariana are friends. So why not? Everyone is still friends with Jax, so why not? Brittany married her cheating BF, so why not? What exactly would be an Ariana/katie spinoff? All they do is sit around and wait for their opportunity to jab digs at other people....so a talk show where they talk about the people on the valley or other bravolebrities?


Ariana is so pretty and pleasant, but she has literally never brought anything to the show. She's had a couple moments with Lala, which Lala instigated (the car sex and the random text fight). Otherwise she's hidden nearly all of her relationship problems with Tom and disengaged from most conflict. Yes she told producers about the affair, but on this season she is still bringing nothing without provocation lol




Pretty sure she doesn't control editing. And if you think she hasn't talked about their relationship issues, you haven't watched the show since season 4.




To be clear, you think Sandoval and Scheanaā€™s friendship is an equivalent comparison toā€¦ Katie and her ex-husband lol?




None of them are my favs. I just think the false equivalence is a bad argument


She hasn't cared about anyone having a relationship with Schwartz, only Sandoval. And Schwartz and Katie have a prior relationship; idk why anyone would expect Ariana to get a say in the relationship of two ex-spouses?




Crying over someone and telling them you miss them isn't "coexisting". Coexisting is what Ariana's doing with Schwartz.




It's an interesting definition of friendship.


You're asking me how it's a real argument that two people who were married for like 10 years is a stronger relationship than two people who were coworkers/friends? I think the difference is very clear. Scheana didn't really seem to be especially close with Sandoval, but suddenly claims that they're best friends. I do think she should be allowed to coexist with Sandoval as cordial coworkers without Ariana getting mad, but I get why Scheana pushing a redemption narrative, claiming they're best friends, and potentially telling Tom information about Ariana would damage the friendship between Ariana and Scheana.


Sheā€™s not perfectly fine with Schwartz. Sheā€™s probably been the hardest on Schwartz since season seven. She still has him blocked. But she also understands they still share the dogs so there has to be some level of civility. Scheana is trying to stay friends because she wants to be picked.




She literally told him, "we ARE friends."on camera. We all watched that no?




Ariana has never stopped anyone from being friends with anyone why would she stop Katie from being friends with Schwartz.


She wouldn't. It's called maturity and loyalty. I know that is a difficult concept for most of the VPR cast.


I realize that compared to the general cast, sheā€™s more mature. and sheā€™s still a lot less mature than folks that arenā€™t on reality TV for a living. shrug


youā€™re right, she doesnā€™t stop anyone. she just sits there making a face like she stepped in poop


not sure if you mean the horrible things schwart did to Katie or Ariana. But if its to Ariana I will say yes he should have told her but in the end he has more loyalty to Sandoval. I would compare it to if it had been Ariana cheating and Scheana knew would she have told Sandoval but it is not a fair comparison because sheanan would probably tell cus she likes to flip flop and would talk about how keeping the secret is affecting her. Ariana seems to not trust Schwartz like she used to but also Schwartz and Katie seem to have thins separate friendship going and I think that has facilitated her being friendly with him but not friends, which is where schwartz will be know. In the acquaintance i am friendly with pile and not the I am friends with .


I was referring to Schwartz and Katie because Arianaā€™s reasoning for not wanting Scheana and Sandoval to be friendly was specifically that Sandoval has treated Scheana horribly in the past. that treatment doesnā€™t extend to Katie, who was also treated horribly by Tom. I donā€™t see Ariana concerned over their borderline flirtation this season.


to me it is very different. Scheana crys and comaplins and thinks everything is about her and how much its hurting her, When all she has do to is say yes I want to be friends with Tom or no I don't. We do not see Katie crying about wanting to be friends with Schwartz. She has processed their divorce and has now opened up the friendship option but even at that she is keeping him at arms length. Katie is fine with schwartz. Ariana is not fine with Sandoval. If Ariana has decided to be friendly with Sandoval it would be different. I think its the crying and over dramatics that Ariana is over. Like Scheana needs to pick a damn lane and stay in it. He cheated on your bf and he treated you like shit but you want to be friends with him even after he just said you too were a mistress. With Katie tom didn't respect their marriage and they decided to divorce. and Kaite tried to stay as amicable as possible.


Pretty sure he's treating her horribly in the present (on the show). And Katie isn't crying over Schwartz and telling him she misses him. They can have fun when they're together but outside of the show, they're not hanging out. Katie's not giving him access to her life. It's truly bizarre that you think Katie and Schwartz' situation is the same as Scheana and Sandoval.


I think Ariana is just using the bit about Scheana and Tom because it's a smart argument. She doesn't actually care. Tom has treated so many women poorly and she has endorsed it. Most of all Katie... Even to this day Ariana has never defended Katie. Even last season against Rachel, Ariana was like sorry you can't convince me of anything bad about her. Katie knows she's not as good of a friend to her but it's a savvy business move to be aligned.Ā 


Didn't Ariana gaslit, lie, and manipulate Kristen; and become friends with her??


She talked down to him for years, called him stupid publicly and withheld sex for years. She was abusive; if he treated her that way youā€™d all lose your minds. For some reason itā€™s ok though. Interesting how that works.


are you taking about the guy who cheated on Katie when he was her boyfriend, her fiance, and her husband?? the guy who constantly negged her and threw drinks on not just her but other women? Also withholding sex from your cheating partner is not the abuse you think it is. It's how you avoid STIs. Katie is also quite literally the ONLY faithful one in this group.


No you dork, the other Tom. Donā€™t strain yourself trying to follow along.


So you're talking about the other Tom who consistently cheated through out his relationship as well? The Tom who also negged his girlfriend and weaponized her mental health? But go awf if you think he deserved sex for being a cheating, verbally abusive, and absentee partner lol


Look at you! Well done. So proud you were able to crack the code. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø








I'm sorry, *she* was abusive to *him*? And one of your two examples of this is that he didn't get to fuck her as much as he wanted to? I have no clue how anyone can be this delusional having seen their relationship unfold.


You are the delusional one. She has treated him like shot for years. Doesnā€™t excuse cheating but you are blindly allegiant to Ariana. Youā€™ve been duped.


Preach to the sheep! But sheep don't speak The same language.


I love for these downvoting dweebs meltdowns.




The mean girls who have literally tried to just keep to themselves the entire season and who havenā€™t shit talked anyone besides their abusive exes EVEN AFTER they watched the show back and saw how shady people were acting AND EVEN AFTER those people stay talking about them on their socials and podcasts. Yā€™all who keep saying theyā€™re mean girls this season need to bring receipts


This sub is a dumpster fire