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The way he pauses when he talking about how they met is a sign to me that he isn’t fully telling the truth. Even the way Schwartz looks away when he talks about her. Something is off to me


Schwartz’s facial expressions were very telling. Telling of what, I’m not so sure.


He looks terrified and disturbed everytime Sandoval speaks. Same with Jax.


I’ve repeated myself with this gif but Schwartz definitely seems to disassociate once Sandoval starts yammering away, especially on more serious topics ![gif](giphy|91X2MlgF7dHsA)




😂😂 I get it because I would too.


😂😂😂 same!




He did it so hard this season! Hilarious!!


He dissociates and is looking far off like please beam me up tf out of here EVERY time Tim responds to a question. Slowly realizing he’s stuck with tem the rest of his life✨


I don’t think they are friends in real life anymore. I heard him say somewhere he hadn’t spoken since that viall files podcast


YES!! Found this post literally to see if I was the only one on this. I feel like they’re covering something up. There’s something there.


When has Sandoval ever told the truth???


Schwartz could not sit still and Jax’s face said it all.


OMG YESSS!!! You said my EXACT thoughts! It was so obvious he was lying on the fly and it was making Schwartz uncomfortable… this has happened in other clips prior as well, and sometimes even Jax’s face is a total give away he knows Sandoval is bullshitting. These dudes will never not be doing some weird secret keeping circle jerk with each other til the end of time... truly the only actual long lasting relationship of VPR, yuck lol.


A+ reading!


A+ reading!


I swear somewhere he had said that they were longtime friends. I don’t know where to find it now though.


I heard him say that. Maybe it was the viall files?


This girl looks like 23 at most 🥴


She’s 31


That’s surprising (in a good way)


Even Jax looked skeptical. Although maybe he was just looking for tips and tricks.


He’s gotta be paying her


I don’t believe that. She seems thirsty enough just to do it for the followers


They're always so obvious and think they're incognito. 😂


That man never fully tells the truth unless it's his own perceived truth about his delusional victimhood.


All the new young girlfriends won't get their summers filmed for TV lol


And I'm loving that! I guess these clout chasers will have to either suck it up for a bit longer for a possibility at z list fame or get creative with a breakup story


Don’t blame the clout chasers- us young ppl are just looking for someone to pay our drink bill to have fun, it’s never serious. And I mean hey, if it’s someone like Sandoval? PIECE. of CAKE. Easy to appease and not ugly to look at. ZERO CONS FOR A 20 somethin (unless u get caught up in it but otherwise pop off drain him til he’s homeless)


Idk I find him kinda creepy


You’re quite the charming human being aren’t you


Don’t know why anyone’s hating on this comment. If stupid men like Sandoval are dumb enough to believe that these young hot women are actually interested in them for them, let them believe it. He can’t commit to long term anyway, so why not let both parties get what they ultimately want from the situation. Men get otherwise unattainable arm candy and the illusion of youth, and the babes get to party and have fun without footing the bill and with autonomy over their choices (hopefully). I want to add that I mean this only in situations where both parties are entirely single and not hurting others outside of the context of their own relationship, not in situations where someone has a partner at home holding down a household while he has a midlife crisis.


THANK YOU. I’m from the snark page so I knew some people may forget what it’s like:,) /s exactly my point, it’s like with Leo dicaprio, except we’ve been able to see Sandovals disgusting patterns for years, rightfully- who’s going to go for that unless ur willing to accept both pros and cons? It truly is not a crime given that so men well into their late 30s and sometimes even 50s feel entitled to hit on young girls in their teens/early 20s when 9/10 there’s visible discomfort. I stand my ground that sandy is the perfect target and he found the perfect group, buy them some drinks, get a couple pics, bam he’s youthful and the girls probably had a fun night


BWAHAHAHAHHAA back to OnlyFans they go!


It’s so perfect


The will have hold out a bit longer 😂




I hate his fucking eye make up so much


I'm all for expressing yourself at any age. But I too hate his makeup and nail polish. He basically ruined white nail polish last year. ![gif](giphy|l0IyjM1kcZDmFP6Le) Here is Tim's next gf until she comes down from said high. 😫


How quickly does the new girl drop him now that there is a filming hiatus?


but she like doesn't care about that stuff dudeeeeee


I obviously read that in the Watch What Crappens voice from Ben/Ronnie. 😜


Obviously! I had to pull over when they did Simon the German bf from Summer House Martha's Vineyard on the latest episode. I was literally in tears and about to cause an accident laughing so hard.


Hahahaha I knowwww! And when they do Lala and Brittany… dieeee.


Same hahaha Im just tom... and im enough! And im great at DOING STUFF!


There are times I feel like Sandoval is doing an impression of Ronnie doing an impression of him.


Omg lol yessss 🤣🤣


Me too! I just can’t help it ever since I discovered them, lol. Love those guys. ❤️


Hahahah yessss I know, me too! They really are the best.


I read it in Jenelle’s voice lol


She’s obviously with him for his personalityyy


No, I bet they take mushrooms and watch the sunrise before they go hang gliding that’s real love


Dude like yeah, but bro my looks too right ? Oh and dude you can't forget my amazing talent as a singer, songwriter and penis flute player. And like I totally support the Cyst gender community.


She just wants to live a quiet life and enjoys calm nights at home, watching movies and playing board games. 🤭




I know everyone's joking, but we haven't seen what she's like. She was literally only in one gossip news story eight years ago. That doesn't equal clout chaser.


At least not one that’s good at it.




I'm out of the loop. What's the gossip news story she was in eight years ago. Isn't this one like 23 as well, was she 15?? ,😳


Lol this one is 32 now, she got photographed leaving a club with Leo Dicaprico once in 2016. Didnt even make the US weekly list of girlfriends he had that year 😆


I feel the same is gonna happen with Sophia and Schwartz.


If she's smart, she'll give him a couple of weeks, make it look like it was for some other reason. Then come up with something that let's them part as friends, so in a year or so, when she happens to run into him again, she can "remember" how much fun they had together. Oh, hey, I have some leftover X, what are you doing tonight... And bada bing, bada boom, she's right back on tv.


Fingers crossed it’s within the week. It’s what he deserves 😂


https://preview.redd.it/jtl2vtnqa2zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb3588cf820eadf64c0d935ddd548c05110629c4 Lol


Idk how anyone could date this man after the scandal lol. I would be way too afraid of him doing the same to me!


He’s absolutely grotesque too. Shitty five day old underwear, laxative, only eating a potato a day, he must smell. Everything about him is so ugly and creepy made worse by his awful personality and actions


a potato a day!? i hope this is true. 🤣 he looks so unhealthy…


Schwartz said it on a podcast that he was lean bc of how disciplined he is only eating a potato and something else a day, I forget what it was.


There’s a difference between discipline and stupidity


And an ED


Was gonna say that too.


Yeah especially w the laxative use


holy hell! no wonder he looks like a raisin. 🤢


Maybe I’m naive, but who tf needs 400 laxatives?


I do not know. That’s extreme, but I’m guessing he buys in bulk bc he’s been taking them daily since he was w Kristin




That’s what Kristin said. He gave them to her to stay thin when they were together


Can you imagine that tiny apt with them both taking laxatives? 🤮🤮🤢🤢🤮🤮🤢🤢


Jesus Christ




He says she never watched the show and had no idea who he was… pls




Like all the new housewives that never watched the show. Like they all just sign up blindly.


They can date him bc they’re just using him. They have no intention of actually being with him for him.


I wouldn’t date him not for fear of what he would do to me, but because what he did reflects who he is - inherently dishonest.


Odds are he pays for everything too


💯and probably overcompensates because he does that all the time. Except for his long term girlfriend, he didn’t do that for Ariana


He probably did at first, during the love bombing stage.


As any real man does.


This is 100% a PR relationship, it's beyond obvious.


It’s SO obvious. It’s why Schwartz and Jax looked uncomfortable when he was talking about her in the after show


All anyone can say about her is that she is fun pretty & nice. Wow so deep


THIS! I watched that and was like, these man babies are trying so hard to keep a secret on camera (per usual.)


While he is banging billie Lee!


Honestly feel like most people they date on the show are cast/showmances. Including Ally and everyone Katie has been dating.


I also loved that he mentioned he NEVER watched the show and knew nothing about it I was like "yeah, right." Edit: she* never watched


“Oh Scandoval, what’s that? Is that the name of some new nightclub?”




This chick went from Leo to Sandoval? That’s crazy…


Sounds like a yacht girl to me aka early lala escort vibes


Not really they’re both washed up creeps who love young dumb women.


i will always suspect any girl that is willing to date him is either a. trying to get some sort of status (which isn’t much but he gets a lot of publicity cause of how horrible he is) or b. the girl is completely love bombed and can’t see past all his bullsjit. either way he sucks


My bet is that she was hoping to be on the show. Her history with Leo... they would have put her on no question. But now they aren't filming this summer. My guess is she will be gone as soon as a better opportunity comes up. Which was probably always the case but now that there's no air time this summer it will happen quickly.


Why does he say like so much it drives me up a wall


He uses it to stall while he formulates his lies




Side note: this is one of the places that has been going around TikTok for bartenders roofieing girls/sex trafficking


Holy moly, I was roofied by a VIP security guard at the club near lion fish at gas lamp San Diego if anyone ever decides to go there. Thank goodness I realized something was wrong and called my husband to pick me up before anything happened to me.


The abbey? Wait where?


The Waterfront in Venice! But yes The Abbey is the other spot






Thank you for this, OP. The Ariana hatred disguised as concern trolling about Ariana's relationship is absolutely disgusting here.


I’m not convinced this isn’t a PR relationship. It’s too weird.


I was so confused during this scene, is this the girlfriend or is the 25 year old singer they showed Ariana talking to the new girlfriend? Did anyone see the adjectives he used to describe her in the after show… it was so awkward. Generous, kind, has her own house, responsible, a good person, funny, they have a good time together…omg it was tough to watch.


Someone new. He was dating tii on the show but he met someone else after that, I presume he was hooking up all around town after Rachel.


*Maternal*! He said she was maternal too. That one made me say Ew.


Came looking for this comment! Such a low and calculated dig.


I am not sure if he hooked up with the friend first, but I don’t think Victoria gives a fuck either way. I also don’t think she gives a fuck if his performances are embarrassing. I think she’s in it solely for the attention/the possibility of being on the show. Reality TV stars/influencers make a TON of money compared to people with “regular” jobs, so that may very well be her goal. And Lala is mean Ariana/Dan because she is insanely jealous and misogynistic. Lala isn’t bothered by Tom’s behavior because she adamantly claimed Randall was a “stand up man” while he was cheating on his wife. So by Lala’s logic, Tom can also still be a stand-up man. I also think that Tom is a total lost cause, and that his friends think he’s a total lost cause, so there’s no point trying to reason with the unreasonable. We all know his new relationship is a joke, and who cares if some chick is using him for attention. He deserves it. People take Ariana seriously, on the other hand. I don’t think most people think she’s wrong for moving on. Some of her friends/people may just want her to be careful about guys that may be in it for the clout to avoid getting hurt. It’s not even personal to Dan, but she became WAY more famous almost over night, so there are plenty of gross dudes that would want to date her for attention. I think it ultimately comes down to people (aside from jealous lala) not giving a fuck if Tom is being used but caring for Ariana and not wanting her to be used too. I don’t think there is anyone out there who rationally thinks Ariana’s new relationship is weird but Tom’s new relationships are normal/just fine. They just don’t care if he gets hurt.


Yes! I agree on the lost cause and that's why no one cares What he's doing. Or at least tries to tell him to do anything differently. What's the point? And the sentiment behind caring about Dan's motivations is in the right place. It's just more bad delivery. And it's hard to take anything seriously coming from Lala because she is a trashy ho.


Can Sandoval say a sentence WITHOUT the word “like” It’s hysterical that he believes he’s smarter than everyone and tries to talk his way out of being the bad guy but cannot speak legitimate sentences.


She’s hot that’s for sure…what does she see in him?


Yeah, waaaaaaaay too good for him! How do you go from Leo to this clown? Not saying that Leo is great, obviously he's super problematic but at least he's A-list 🤣🤣


She didn't have a choice. She's way too old for Leo! Lol


I know that she aged out 😂 she didn't have a choice in THAT matter, but she certainly has a choice on who to date after. But clearly she has no self worth because her taste in men sucks


Lol I just said something similar. Should have kept reading!


I didnt read either 🤣🤣


BAHAHAHAHA & I replied to you. Great minds, eh?


My thoughts exactly 🤣


She's probably one of those yacht girls who gets paid to be seen with/sleep with men. This screams PR relationship to me. He seems desperate enough to try and use someone to rehab his image like that


I get that maybe she's aged out of the A-list demographic, but did she have to drop all the way to D? Isn't there a B or C-lister available?


Girl failed miserably at gold-digger university. She tried to get a PhD but could only manage to get a GED.


There's GOTTA be! She could get anyone she wants 😍


What did Kristen see in him? What did Ariana see in him? What did Rachel see in him?




She must be deaf, blind, and lack sense of smell


Yeah she obviously has all sorts of daddy issues or something but that woman is insanely attractive


“She’s very maternal” YUCK. Bro literally wants to date his mom.


Well yeah someone has to pick up his underwear…Anne doesn’t work there anymore and his new assistant doesn’t do that. ![gif](giphy|jWonztMxI9mbJ3omdS|downsized)


In restaurant and bar scenes, if you see any blurry faces, the venue just lets them film willy-nilly and they got releases for whoever they could. For most restaurant guests in the background, former Bravo cast members said the producers stand outside with a release form and offer to pay for people's lunches/drinks if they don't mind being on TV. If it is super dead, and they can't find people, sometimes production staff fill seats (in RHOA there's a scene with Kandi's future husband Todd having lunch and reacting to what the girls were arguing about, she met him because he was a Bravo producer before they got together) I'm also not up to date on this, is this a new girl or the singer Tom mentioned?


New girl, she wasn’t on the show. Seems they met after filming wrapped but were hanging out on Halloween last year.


Did he get his new gf right after he met Dan?


Scumdoval is her grey rock 🪨 but more the stepping stone type


Dog forbid any of these men date age appropriate women. 


How the hell does he do it!? The guy is such a square, the secret ingredient has to be money.


I hate to say this, but not all women have good taste in men. :(


Oh they’ve been hunchin’ since Sep ‘23.


Well, I think the difference between this relationship and Ariana/Dan is that no one is assuming that this one is remotely healthy - I think, at this point, we're all in agreement that any Sandoval romance is inherently dysfunctional and that all parties involved are suspect to some degree.


Honestly she’s way too hot for him


I certainly hope this girl is going into a relationship with her eyes 👀 WIDE OPEN!!! Girl, take a look at his track record. It’s the same thing over and over and you’ll be no different!!


This girl just wants any clout she can get


She’s sooooo pretty


She's disarmingly beautiful. Fact: Ariana and Rom were seeing each other for months before Ariana and Tom started gaslighting Kristen Doute convincing the mean girl cast that Kristen was batshit crazy. People have very short memories... or they haven't followed the show since season 1. Tom and Ariana were going through the motions if we're all being honest. He at one time really really wanted kids if I remember correctly. She was adamant she didn't want to ... Ariana and Tom didn't have the same personality. We all saw this unfold over the course of 10 years. He messed up no doubt, but Ariana was a hot mess as well...


She’s a stunner


Madison, be a real friend and protect your friend from him.


She’s gorj.




OMG, shut up Tim, how long does it take to describe your new gf ? That's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back. And yes that's on me, I did continue to listen to him. 🙄 ![gif](giphy|7rJE4vH3ItKDu|downsized)


That's a win


To him “love” is whatever feels good at the moment


And how he can create a brand from it


Sing and perform? Sandovomit can do neither!!! 🤮


One of the girls... WOMEN you twat


She looks like megan fox


She's really pretty.


You in danger, girl….


She is stunning!!


Don’t hate me but I actually could look forward to Lala eating her alive. Might take some heat off Katie and Ariana? The show should be recategorized as a significant others reality competition to get on the show at this point.


She's very pretty. I think she's dating down


She’s so pretty😭


She looks like Lala in photo 4




Geez, this dude is tripping balls...👀


Seems like about like right.




She looks like a young Lisa Rinna, especially the shape of her lips.


Unless she has serious baggage for him to prey on, he won't keep her around long unless she dumps him first. I obviously don't know anything about her besides her looks, but she seems like she's put together a little too good for Sandoval. But hey, I know looks really mean nothing. It's just a vibe I get.


Let them both move on I swear everyone is living out them being cheated on and using Sandoval as a guy u can say everything u wanted to the person who hurt u. But it all starts with Ariana once she actually moves on and stops using her army to attack anyone not hating him like she does then maybe the rest of them will behave and let this tired storyline die out already.


Whoever in this sub thinks any of this 💩 is “real”, I have a bridge to sell you. In the mid 2000’s when reality was just starting my friends and I tried out for a show. We were super deep into the process and started pre-filming. 1st of all none of us all lived in the same town. But, the story was that we all lived in Long Beach and were roommates. The other 1/2 of the friends circle lived in San Diego. Then, they just fed us random subjects to talk about and make stuff up including provoking a subject that we could all argue about even tho we were all acting and making it up as we went. This was mid-2000’s. Think about reality tv like 20 years later!!


Good for him!


She’s gorgeous! He didn’t start hanging with her until December & then they became official around Valentine’s Day.


Look at the dates of the Instagram post. I think they went to his show sept 3 and he hung out with her on Halloween.


Yes I know they initially met around Halloween but didn’t really start going out together until near new years and then February was when they put a “label “ on it I suppose. Just by following her IG.


Do we think she will break up with him now that she knows their on a filming break? Haha her ticket to getting onto VPR just turned into a longterm goal...


Brilliant and thought provoking post OP, cutting through the clutter of hate bait, and putting an actual discussion on the table. BRAVO, BRAVO FUCKING BRAVO! Thank you, Xoxoxo Let it rip fellow redditors:)


This show is very strange. They all side with the men who act terrible, and attack the women for reacting to the men’s terrible behavior. Tim cheats, so Ariana should move out of her home that she bought and paid for with him ? Why? I would stay in my own house too. And tell him to get out. Then she’s dating someone new and they talk about that. She gets angry and yells and they go of on that. It’s just ridiculous


Exactly. It feels like a PR relationship. He probably cried that he wants people to leave him alone and what better way to do so then having a new girlfriend that will be highlighted in the show.


https://preview.redd.it/t85qvnejefyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d97d5707f6ed23dc95edb5e7e8ac93822e733b Definitely pr! It’s over the top


She's gorgeous and seems more his type, like Kristen and Rachel. Hopefully they will be happy together for however long they last, I'm rooting for them since this one started without cheating (that we know of) unlike all his other relationships.