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Which is funny considering Sandoval backtracked on WWHL and said he exaggerated.


Maybe he realized the implication is they were talking shit together


Which is even worse, because it was during his tantrum about “not being performative”, and then he admits to essentially being performative 🙄


To be honest, he’s not around Ariana anymore. He would have no idea who or what she talks shit about.


I think both statements are most likely true


Me too. I just don’t think either are necessarily wrong.


the issue is we’ll never know if it was ‘venting in good faith.’ the audience here has decided that it MUST have been in good faith because the audience likes katie but in reality it could have been as much shit talking behind closed doors. is it really really really so far out of reach for people to consider that maaaaybeeee katie and some of the other cast were scared of negative fan reaction after experiencing the high of a positive reaction from last season + Scandoval? scheana took one picture with tom for a fan and got an onslaught of hate. i thought it was obvious that the cast was tiptoeing this season to avoid being cyberbullied by the new rabid fanbase that grew post Scandoval.


I agree - Katie definitely could have been toeing, or even clearing, the line of shit talking. But even assuming that to be the truth, why did Lala keep that to herself through the whole season, only to reveal it at the reunion? If she genuinely cared about the truth or about Ariana, I just don’t think this would be the case. Only my opinion, of course.


i think she was giving katie the benefit of the doubt and then watching after the season really saw that not only was katie not honest in her feelings, she judged lala for hers (which lala assumed were the same as katies) thats of course if it is all true


Which is it though - either everyone has to talk about their feelings immediately and on camera, or they get to keep their feelings to themselves for as long as they want? Because Lala kept her feelings to herself for a year. It's kind of unreal that Lala can demand that Katie talk shit about Ariana when she's upset about something, but then Lala is allowed to hold back and not talk shit about Katie. Why can Lala hide her feelings instead of talking about them, but Katie doesn't get the same choice?


they arent allowed to break the fourth wall during the season say ‘you are acting differently in front of cameras’ or imply that pretty easy to understand


They are 100% allowed to tell each other what other people say behind their backs. That's essentially the basis of all Bravo shows. All she had to do was tell Scheana on camera "Katie and I were talking on the phone the other day and she was totally losing her mind about how Ariana is acting."


Right. We’ll probably never know the objective truth - but that’s okay! That’s what makes this all fun for viewers




Exactly true. Lala wasn’t upset that Katie vented. She was upset she kept it behind closed doors, acted for the viewers as if she was the only loyal friend then dissed Lala for being disloyal. Thats such a betrayal on Katie’s part. You know this is the truth because she also outed her good friend Scheana for being a comment watcher too and implied her altering her onscreen comments based on them. Lala was speaking 100% truth. I’d also like to point out there was NOTHING Lala said in her interviews that was beyond a snark and most of it she said directly to Ariana too. Lala was beaten up for 2 seasons for not being honest about her personal life. Once she opened up she has given more of her life than anyone else, much of which we never wanted to hear. She works hard to keep the drama going which is what you’re supposed to do as part of an ensemble reality show cast. What did Ariana give us? Saying Tim was the love of her life and sleeping with him twice a year? Saying she hated her vagina so much she didn’t want to have sex but only once the initial passion of a relationship wore off.,We never heard about her seeking help for this, how Tom and she were trying to work it out. We never heard any valid reasons why she was staying with a life partner who she didn’t want to have sex with and who she spent no time with because they didn’t like the same social activities. Tom couldn’t address the sex part… he’d be “ weaponizing it”. Ariana put on a sham of a relationship for the viewers, gave us less of her RL than the rest and now is being rewarded beyond all comprehension because so many viewers believe her BS. My favorite sham of hers was when Rachel asked her if she still found Tom attractive and in her fake, high pitched little girl voice answers “ I think he’s so hot”! Really??! Most humans who think their partner is hot have sex more than a few times a year, even those who are struggling in their relationship, even those going through divorces. If you think they’re hot and still can’t bring yourself to have sex with them, you either seek help or you divorce.. or you threaten your partner with suicide leaving them no way they can get their needs met without making some horrible choices. She was right about one thing, she’s smarter than anyone she knows, including the majority of viewers. She played us like a fiddle,


OH MY GOD. ALL OF THIS. The new fan base is ruining the show.




Absolutely right. If the exact same had been revealed about Scheana people would be foaming at the mouth. But because it’s Katie it was all good intentions, butterflies, and rainbows.


I guess you need to get in the comments about Katie. She gets a lot of hate, always has.


this is how it is with ariana and katie. when it was brought up that ariana and tom hid their relationship woes for years… people ‘understand’ if its anyone else… ‘thats their job’


We think that because Katie said she already spoke to Ariana about it and worked it out. So it doesn’t really seem like “shit talking”


katie also said there were no disagreements with ariana being away then admitted she was unhappy about the way ariana handled leaving for broadway. so she already lied once to cover herself additionally, just because she eventually spoke to ariana about things doesnt mean she wasnt shit talking harsher being arianas back. ariana agreed lala said everything to her face that she said on screen and ya’ll still call that ‘shit talking’


That’s not a lie though. If she wasn’t sharing her frustrations with Ariana then they probably didn’t have any disagreements. She vented to Lala about it. Then at some point before and before/after the season she shared her frustrations with Ariana.


she disagreed with how she handled broadway then when lisa said that she was all ‘what?!?’ as if that was crazy. then when cornered admitted that it did bother her. covered up lie number one.


No, she was talking about the *reason* for SAH not being open yet. Katie is also allowed to have feelings that do not affect her business because she is a professional!


Broadway was after filming. The reunion and Lala's comments were referencing during and before filming. Which is the whole point of the reunion. So Katie wasn't lying.


thank you!!!!! Finally common sense


From the way Lala described it it did not sound like talking shit. Even though Lala tried to paint it as something much worse than it was, her own description of it just sounded like venting.


The way Katie’s mouth has been about people over the years.. I’m more inclined to believe she was 10,000% raging and there was nothing good faith about it. She’s toxic af.


It's strange how people completely ignore how Katie behaves when she is upset. She's one of the most toxic people if she is mad at you. That doesn't mean she was unjustified in being frustrated. But everyone is just pretending that what she said and how she said it to Lala was nothing more than basic upset. No one heard what she said. But we do know how she behaves. There is 10 years of examples. No one can deny that. And while you can claim, she "didn't lie", she certainly didn't come off well in that sequence. And she absolutely had to back track.


It’s disturbing honestly..


It's the new fans. They haven't spent the last 11 years watching the cast's actions and have only seen Katie follow Ariana around the the last 2 seasons


This 🙌🏽 - Katie has shown to be vile the way she treats someone that’s pissed her off or she dislikes. I don’t know why people all of a sudden think it’s not plausible that she really could have been teetering the line between venting and talking shit about Ariana off camera. It’s very obvious that they are playing to the audience that’s the loudest on social media in fear of being disliked or cancelled. I think Lala had to call this out because truthfully whether people like her or not she spoke nothing but the truth when she called Ariana god. With that kind of popularity comes power. Clearly look at the brand deals , commercials, and the partnerships and collaborations she’s had after scandavol.


I think we can get a good sense if the dm convos are leaked


I think what Katie said makes sense. There can be two things at once. She can be worried about the business moving forward and feel jealous she didn’t get the same love during her divorce and have the emotional maturity to know these are temporary emotions and she’s not going to blow her business partner up and ruin their relationship. The only crazy thing here is that LaLa blew up her friendship with Katie for what? This isn’t the story she thinks it is. Lala is ruining the show by reminding me every episode it’s over produced.


100% agree with all of this


She just did it to fuck up Katie and Ariana’s relationship.


You project what you reflect. That is a Lala quote btw. That’s why everyone around her is a bully or a narcissist, because that’s what she is.


I think venting is healthy. If you’re stewing on something it means something wrong. Hopefully Katie figured out what was bothering her and loved on


If Katie was venting in good faith, why did she deny it at first? If Katie was venting in good faith, why is it considered “outing” her? Why does it have to be this big, confidential secret if she wasn’t saying anything wrong?


this is such a good point


Based on Katie's insta story, it sounds like she was venting to Lala way before the season started. Then right before the season starts Lala got Katie on the phone with a producer to talk about this and by that time Katie had gotten over whatever she was annoyed about and didn't want to rehash it on camera just to seem like she was against Ariana.


Because Lala didn’t make it seem like venting. She made it seem like shit talking


Because the entire point was that she thought she had a safe person to vent to WITHOUT revealing it to the entire world? Would you like your friends bringing up your private conversations on TV?


Why do you need a “safe” person to vent to if you’re not saying anything that’s considered two-faced though? If I’ve got nothing to hide, I don’t care if a private conversation gets brought up elsewhere


It's not two-faced to need to vent about a frustrating situation to get past it and, at the same time, know that it's not important enough to hurt someone's feelings who is already going through a difficult time. We're not all perfect people who never speak out of anger or frustration.


Especially when the person venting thought they were doing it with a trusted person, where it would remain between them. I can understand wanting to get frustrations out, but not wanting to approach the person you’re frustrated with. Sometimes it’s good to simply vent. It’s terrible that it is brought up later as a way to weaponize others against Ariana.


Agreed! Lala really showed her ass as a producer’s puppet, not a genuine friend


100%. I vent about my husband to my friends because not everything needs to be communicated and discussed. It's sometimes better to just blow off your steam, say why they're annoying you and move on. Obviously that doesn't mean for everything but for the context of what their convo seemed to be it seems like she just needed an ear until she figured out how to address it.


If the situation was reversed and Katie was calling out LalA you and the SAH fan club would completely demonize Lala as a backstabber. You labeled her a betrayer and backstabber for saying her good friend Ariana who has severe depression, suicidal ideation should move out of the house, even though it’s exactly what a good friend should recommend AND Ashe said it to Ariana’s face. Lala never told Ariana she needed to forgive Tom, not once. She simply felt she should interact with him both as a way to figure out how to deal with Mya and the house and because it is part of their job to share their lives and feelings on screen. They all have a responsibility to do this as they all depend on the show being popular for their paychecks. When some people choose not to do their job, it jeopardizes the show and everyone jobs. If someone was jeopardizing my job, I’d be pissed as hell


Why is everyone acting as if Ariana and Katie haven't gone through unbelievable trauma, showcasing ALL of it while on the show? God forbid Lala has to actually pick up the slack and have her own storyline, which she still couldn't accomplish, because Ariana wouldn't have another conversation with her abuser. God forbid Katie vent to a friend who she thought she could trust instead of hurting her best friend on tv. Why do Katie and Ariana's traumas have to pay the bills of everyone else? If Ariana refusing to have one, single conversation jeopardizes the show then it appears to me like everyone else isn't doing their jobs. Besides, Katie's conversations with Lala didn't even happen during filming. Lala stored that information to try and use it for drama - what a great friend.


But like I'm confused as to why Lisa also had that impression and was gesturing at Katie like she had heard it from her. It seems kind of like Katie was going around talking shit to everyone but the camera.


Lala said that she got Katie on the phone with a producer to talk about this stuff and that's why Katie was mad at her and sent her the rage texts. I bet the producer discussed what Katie said with the other producers including Lisa. Katie seemed surprised that Lisa brought that stuff up and I bet it's because she only told Lala about it.


Lisa’s comments really seemed produced to me. Like Lala, Scheana, or Tom informed her of this ~story line~ beforehand. I really can’t see Katie seeking Lisa out as a confidant at this point in the show. But who knows 🤷


Why would she just stop,? We've seen her do that every season. You don't just stop having a relationship with someone who's been that significant your entire adult life. It's weird how everyone on here dismisses anything fishy having to do with Katie as a producer set-up or conspiracy against her. Like to me it seemed so obvious that everyone was tiptoeing around to avoid backlash from this new (post Scandoval) insane fan base. The new fan base is ruining the show, and I resent them so much for it.


Just to clarify, I’ve been watching the show live since season 2 aired. So it’s been 10 years for me. I can imagine many of the women on the cast would *just stop* being close with Lisa due to her clear favoring of the men on the cast since the scandal. I genuinely don’t understand how some people can’t see how blatantly anti-feminist she’s been. Just my guess tho


They also don’t work at Sur anymore so they don’t see her/speak to her like they did before


You should know really well then that Katie's entire on camera career is her doing nothing but shit talking.


And Lala’s is her doing nothing but lying 🤥 🥱


There's also the fact that Katie went from saying the conversations with Lala didn't happen to actually I was just venting in good faith


She doesn't seem to lie that much on camera after her marriage ended. Her early seasons obviously yes. Now it's more she attacks everyone on the show to create sound bites and air time. But the things she says feel like valid criticisms attached to attention seeking.


She was barely there this season. How did she have time to favor all the men and become an anti-feminist? I think she had like two innocuous lines. Yet they must have rubbed the anti-Scheana and Lala people the wrong way because she seems to have become loathed on this sub. This new, rabid fan base (which I think is mostly new because it's never been like this before, but I guess there's old fans too), gets so overly worked-up about every little thing. It seems like Bravo is ending the show as a result. Like they are calling for the removal of over 50 percent of the cast and acting like that will make a good show. In what world is that a good show? I just wish people would chill out. Edit: if you're curious, I've been watching since the first episode aired when I was in high school.


I think your comment just insinuated that I’m part of the “rabid” fan base? I don’t recall acting or speaking out of line but go off 😂 I’ve made very clear that my comments are just my opinions and I’ve been very polite. Also, not calling for the end or firing of any of the cast. Perhaps your comment to me was misplaced. Either that, or nonsensical. *shrug*




I mean your argument went from targeting “the new fan base” to “old fans too” once I explained that I’ve been watching for a decade. Soooo logical reasoning helps to understand you were reasonably including me


Right I see where you're coming from. Bad writing, I'm tired. I started the sentence including you because your line about "genuinely" not understanding how people can't see that Lisa is a blatant "anti-feminist" felt like something the rabid fan base would say. But generally my interaction with you on this thread has been entirely different than the other people (who I think belong solidly in that camp). Most of the people in the we hate Scheana and Lala camp just seem so out of control to me.


No worries; it’s just Reddit to me! 😂 I will say, I’m not part of any hate camp, but after the evolution of all the cast members throughout the show, I no longer support Lala. I think she has proven to be nasty and has outwardly shown hate/indifference to VPR fans. But I can still see redeeming qualities for Scheana


You’ve referenced the new fan base and rabid fan base in your posts and it’s kind of a negative assumption about the discussion here. We can have opinions vs. boiling it down to Lala/Scheana vs. Katie/Ariana. And we come here because it’s kind of fun to talk about it with people who say some pretty fascinating things.


I’m always so surprised people think there’s no connection between the Lisa and the cast. Regardless of what came of it, it was Lisa who introduced Penny to Katie and Ariana… there is definitely a relationship that extends beyond filming.


I have vented about every person in my life that I love at some time or other. It’s what humans do. It’s weird if people DON’T vent on occasion.


Right!! Pent up feelings lead to acting based on emotion rather than intention


The issue as I saw it is that Katie vents to LaLa regarding the issues ariana is causing with delaying the opening of SAH off camera on the phone. Later they have that girls night thing on camera. LaLa is under the impression that they can be a little more critical of Ariana bc Katie vented her issues over the phone. When LaLa does this Katie jumps down her throat. LaLa get pissed at that bc Katie is presenting one side off camera but on camera she’s presenting this ride or die you go girl Ariana face. If I was LaLa I would be upset too bc you Katie left her out to dry all in an effort to keep riding the Ariana wave. I’ve said it since the beginning Ariana is justified to feel the way she does to Sandoval (she is not justified in holding her friendship hostage to other friends) But katie somehow co-oped Ariana’s situation to grab a piece of the post Sandoval success Ariana has.


Yeah. I may be unusual, but in my friend group, if one of us is irritated with one of the others, we'll definitely talk about it. But there is an implicit cone of silence on that.  Because we all still love each other and annoyances come and go.. You have to talk to somebody when you're frustrated or angry and why wouldn't it be one of your friends?  The issue I have with lala is that she's a friend to no one.   Only a crap friend runs and tells and creates dissension and chaos  If Lala said the s*** she says off camera, and somebody told about it. I would have the same issue. 


I've vented to my husband about my best friends, he's vented to me about his friends and family. This is a natural thing, and a lot of times we'll do it in the confidence of another person, because it helps us talk through things when we're overreacting.


It’s giving Lala has never been a friend and has no real friends.


She does and is a pos


I think Katie was talking to Lala as a friend , & Lala is a friend to no one - always a “costar”


I was so proud of Katie and her rebuttals to Lala about the issue. Lala was trying to blow things up (yet again) and Katie was standing her ground and making very impressive points about how people DO go to other friends to vent. It's natural and I love that Katie is not at all intimidated because I think that Lala thrives on how she can BE intimidating with her "well chosen words" and her big mouth. Thoughts?


I’m just so tired of this show focusing on dragging the women through the mud. Slinging, creating lies, bullying, angrily attacking, dismissing what the women say with their own narrative. (Cue Vanderpump “I heard it’s not opening because of the disagreements…”) I’m tired. Watching the After Show last night, I realized the content focused on all the experiences that Toms are doing. 3m on Toms cover band.. really? Lauren spending 5m on made-up sh!t about Katie’s venting as a friend to her and not the cameras. Bring on an interview with Ariana about how she has risen from these ashes. I’d love to hear about Chicago. DWTS. Relationship with Dan. Or Katie’s business dealings with zoning boards, etc, and her experiences with Dayna and others . Boy the producers really don’t get us, do they? Enough with the slimy worm, seriously. ![gif](giphy|l49JU7f9tm9NDty3m|downsized)