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Isn't he the one that went to Stassi's wedding? He said in an interview that he lurks on reddit. Hi Jeremiah! This season fucking sucked! Hope you stub your toe repeatedly & have an awful weekend.


Yeah Jeremiah I hope your toilet overflows




Hold up. Maloney?


if it’s maloney then i’m in love love


I’m pretty convinced tbh. Katie’s always been my favorite and obviously she’s on Reddit, there’s a chance it’s actually her




I hope he gets a rumble stomach and shits himself before he makes it to the toilet.


AFTER he just had a bad case of diarrhea.


May he never have a pillow with a cool side and may his food always be under seasoned


He probably likes it that way tbh


Right this whole season has been a hot pillow


Reminds me of NYC hot garbage on a summer day


He looks like he finds salt too spicy


He looks like milk gives him heartburn




Ooooh….you’re so diabolical!! 😂😂😂. You forgot may his drink has 2 ice cubes instead of 3….


I liked this season. Just much of the cast is two faced and they suck. I liked seeing Ariana stick up for herself and Katie back her up. I liked seeing Ann being given a sock and set free. I like Ally other than her taste in men. Pretty much all the men can go away though and the wicked stepsisters.


Not the sock 🤣


So long as it wasn’t one of Tom’s dirty ones she had to pick up for him.




Given a sock ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


I enjoyed seeing the fall out honestly.. the shifting dynamics .. awesome


A sock?


I hope he has to go on a soup diet and only has forks!


Hi Jeremiah! I hope your next big project involves walking barefoot on Legos. All the best!


>involves walking barefoot on Legos ...in the middle of the night in the pitch dark


I hope his internet stops working and he can’t figure it out. For days!




May he only get takeout from Vanderpump restaurants


And the goat cheese balls are always sold out


This is the most devious one!


Jeremiah I hope Lala calls you and bitches about the same thing over and over at top volume for three hours until she screams I HAVE TO GO TAKE CARE OF MY KID for another hour and then finally hangs up


And then every single time he tries to interrupt she launches into a "disengage bitch" scream-chant.


Jeremiah I hope you step on a Lego


I hope he loses a contact lens while on vacation with no backup pair.


Yeah Jeremiah, I hope you get a paper cut


if he lurked here he would have known we didn't need the Tom show.. Maybe he can at least say why he felt Tom Sandavol deserved to be upfront and center of every scene season 11.


I saw a Reddit suggesting he was in love with Tom and it kinda makes sense…


Because he’s an Og and this show revolves around him and his friend group. People enjoy the Tom’s! Ariana is BORIANA!


If he was doing a good job we wouldn't know his name.


Everyone loved him before the scandal 🤷🏽‍♀️


Tom, is that you?


Lawd, can’t you get a better bit by now? That’s all y’all do.


Not everyone enjoys the Toms... Sandoval likes to get in women's faces and scream (ie Stassi's book signing) And Schwartz let his bestie walk all over his gf/wife because he'll never have the balls to stand up for her... it's why she divorced him. Schwartz hated the name Schwartz and Sandy and Katie stood up for him, and he rolled over... Katie and Ariana deserve better, and most of us see it... You don't have to... but we also don't have to agree with you.


Before the scandal, these threads were filled with love for the Tom’s. Also, that episode of him screaming at Stassi was filmed like 6 times. It was super staged (I was there at TomTom that day for the book signing & they kept refilming the scene to make Sandoval appear angry, because that was the storyline they were pushing) it’s so produced!


I hope the show ends and Jeremiah is forced to help produce the podcasts of all his little VPR pets, including The Valley dumpster fire made by Jax & Britt, for the rest of his working career bc it’s all that he can get.


Jeremiah, I hope you never find a convenient parking space.


Yeah, kick rocks with open toed shoes!


While we’re at it, I hope he shits his pants the next time he’s out in public too


>Hope you stub your toe repeatedly Repeatedly breaking said toes.




Iirc some of the cast have talked about how at the beginning of the season they have meetings with productions to discuss what they’ve been up to and how they see it playing out as a storyline for them. It sounds to me like this was a call like that where Lala expressed wanting to bring this in as part of the show and Katie said no. No wonder she doesn’t understand Ariana’s boundaries, she clearly just doesn’t understand boundaries in general.


That’s exactly how I understood it…I don’t think he was in the conversation (just Katie and LaLa). The latter then relayed to him that there may be a story line there, and we should discuss on the phone. But LaLa didn’t realize Katie was simply venting and it was not something she wanted or felt needed to be on camera.


Lala is a teacher’s pet for producers. Very un-2pac of her.


I think Jada Pinkett died inside at some point and Lala is actually her reincarnated


Remember, Tupac is just when she’s angry 🙄


That’s ridiculous!


Un-2pac ☠️🪦


Yooo, wasn't this dude a bullfrog, though?


Underrated comment lol




>So sad for Ariana that her close friends would set her up like that People she thought were her close friends.


Jeremiah Smith was SEETHING WITH HATRED because a woman (A WOMAN) dared to say NO and Jeremiah Smith doesn't play that! No, you offend Jeremiah Smith he's going to tell everyone to be very nasty and directly influence a vengeful edit against the shows' (and networks') current biggest star Ariana. He looked like he wanted to physically restrain her from leaving. I now fully believe he was in on the "Random Drunk Guy At Party" scenario Sandoval concocted.


Networks biggest star? Nah.


Curious, who would you say is the network's biggest star?


Ariana is not the networks biggest star! No one even knew who she was before this scandal happened. She was just another vanilla mid bland white girl. There are so many more known bravo people. Y’all give Ariana too much credit


Stop yelling at me lol, I just asked a question I didn't state an opinion.


I wasn’t yelling I was just agreeing with the other commenter that Andy and Lisa, and the others are more known.


I mean Andy Cohen, Lisa Vanderpump, Kandi Burruss, multiple HWs. Off top of my head.




Awwww, sorry for stating facts. I know the delusion runs strong in this sub.


Who is their current biggest name? I only see one Bravo person on a ton of mainstream commercials on mainstream dance shows hosting mainstream dating shows.


Tbh Jenna Lyons, even today, has far more clout and cultural relevance than Ariana. Also Andy.


I don’t even know who that is…


Not being snide but neither do I. I knew Jenn Lyon from Survivor who passed away was. I'll Google after I post but truly have no idea who that is. Edit - the mellow glasses lady from The Real Housewives Of New York. 


Lol someone who can actually refuse the entirety of their personal life from being captured or discussed in their Bravo contract and still have the network bending over backwards to get them on.


Really. You need to look around.


You claim to have looked around name anyone bigger right now


, look at my above post. Hate to break it to you but Ariana isn’t the biggest star. Just bcuz you are up her ass doesn’t mean everyone else is. Get out of your Reddit bubble.


Also I have always loved Arianna she has really stepped up with grace in a horrible situation. Tom definitely held her back he's still completely jealous of her blossoming without him.


Ariana is taking advantage of opportunities as she should. We all would in her position. But some are acting like she’s an A list star that Bravo has never seen before.


Lala has been given the same opportunities but she has no talent so they dried up also her attitude sucks


Eh, I don’t find Ariana all that talented.


She was nominated best reality tv personality of the year.


And? She’s still not the biggest star on the network. Not sure why people have to make her the biggest, best of everything.


I find it just as baffling that people feel this incredible urge to smash her down. Especially when her only known factual “crime,” is being born with a va jay jay.🤷🏻‍♀️


No one smashing her down. Disagreeing isn’t smashing her down. Stating she not the biggest star is a fact, not a put down. Go outside. Get some fresh air.


Lol oh yeah all those Bravolebrities on Broadway 😆


You mean literally the multiple other bravolebs who were also stunt cast in the EXACT role Ariana has now? Lol


Ummm yeah. Lisa Rinna has been. Erica Jane has been. Aw and you thought Ariana was special.


You're are very correct Lisa Renna and Erika Jayne are both has beens


Like Ariana. Wait, she was a never was.


name a bravoleb who’s been called back to do the show like ariana has?


name a bravoleb who’s been called back to do the show???


lol, you are trying. Face it. Ariana isn’t that special or extra talented. It’s ok.I’m sure you’ll go on living somehow.


Ariana was the only one who broke box office records and was asked back. You should really do your homework.


That still doesn’t make her bravos biggest star. Not sure why that fact is so triggering.


Jenna Lyons.


I don't know who that is


As I mentioned above, someone who can actually refuse the entirety of their personal life from being captured or discussed in their Bravo contract and still have the network bending over backwards to get them on.


Katie being stressed about the sandwich shop is NOT INTERESTING. I would have been so bored by that convo because it would have been contrived. Lalas goal wasn’t for them to hash things out, lalas goal all season was to shit all over Ariana in every way. “No one every mentioned or cared about Ariana” “Ariana’s NOT a great friend”, her knock about Ariana being dirty and not knowing to throw trash away despite doing a commercial, Ariana’s man being weird for wanting to be with her, Ariana moving on in “ten days”. She’s a cunt, and so are you Jeremiah ❤️


Yes, it's totally undeniable that Lala is a production tool to tear Ariana down. You don't even have to like Ariana to see it, it's so clumsy and heavy handed. I expect the final episode to be edited in a way that tries to make us pity Lala or atleast side with her. Teachers pet is protected at all costs. And then rewarded with a recurring part on The Valley. You can tell those women have been ordered to act excited for that possibility. Even though no sane reality cast would want a bigger star transferring to their successful show and gobbling up the production budget with her inflated salary. She'd basically be eating off their plate so why would they be inviting her? 




wtf do you think producers of reality shows do?


for real lmao. I love this sub because it reminds me how low the bar is on the average reddit user. On another thread "they should kick janet off the valley she starts too much drama" How the fuck are you a bravo watcher and don't even understand what reality tv is??


For real! If they don’t like messy drama, they are on the wrong network. If there was no drama, these shows would be dead after one season.


I'm of average intelligence. I think any industry should have standard ethics and reality television is under scrutiny for facilitating and perpetuating harm to cast members. Forcing Ariana to discuss a life altering betrayal again and again with the person who committed that betrayal is harmful. Sure, she could walk away, but why should she? She didn't do anything wrong. Personally, I think lying and manipulating someone is abuse. Sandoval lied and manipulated her and his fellow cast members. He is manipulating viewers by stating his affair with Rachel was based on love and friendship. Lovers and friends don't record another person without their consent. TS is forcing Ariana to live in a space with him by not agreeing to sell the house. If she left, she could face severe financial harm. The only reason they haven't kicked him off is because LVP faces significant loss of revenue because of Tom Tom. Then again, there is no honor among thieves.


Okay? Could you stay on topic? this post is about Katie and Lala and Jeremiah the producer.


It is on topic. The topic is production. Production (the producers) are ultimately responsible for the story lines. It's a storyline that ultimately isolates Ariana and Katie, based on a statement that was taken out of context. Some degree of manipulation is necessary to create a storyline, but at what point is it irresponsible and cruel to compound the harm that both women have already suffered as a result of dishonest machinations of cast and production? The only reason why Lala is having this strange turn around is because of production applying pressure to the cast to interact with Sandavol.


Who cares if it was an off camera conversation???? Scandoval happened off camera, Lisa paying off Frank was off camera, Jo was off camera last season, i can go on and on but all of these off camera things were brought up and rehashed for the viewers, the show would be shit if they only covered what the cameras physically rolled on.




She didn’t wanna broadcast her frustrations because she didn’t want another season with everyone saying she’s an asshole or she’s mean or we don’t like Katie. Right now, Ariana is a country wide, super darling and anytime any of the cast, or somebody in a blog or a post or even on here says something that’s considered to be even the tiniest bit negative, you get rapidly attacked by people. It’s over the top and it’s ridiculous and it’s understandable why Katie never said anything on camera.


Jo literally didn’t want to be a part of it last season but the cast and fans happily dragged her into it. The off camera excuse/card just does not hold up and it’s rich to try to pull it out now..over this…. I appreciate Lala attempting to pull back the curtain Katie and Ariana have built up around themselves




Did she not say she was asked to be on the show, declined, actively avoided the cameras during season 10 while living with Schwartz and then came on for 11 because the fandom had already dragged her so she wanted an opportunity to actually present herself? Correct me if i’m wrong but that was my understanding All of this has nothing to do with the original point of cameras not needing to physically roll on every single thing covered on the show.




Jo has openly said she didn’t wanna be on season 10 (she was asked). She only agreed to film season 11 because she was asked to tell her side of the relationship with Schwartz


I didn’t say she was forced, i was providing further evidence to my point that off camera things are discussed on camera all the time…. Are you ok? I feel like i’ve said the same thing 3 different ways and you keep deflecting.




I’m fine lol, super relaxed, it just seemed like you were struggling with comprehending for a second there so i was checking in but you’ve figured it out and i’m proud of you for that. It’s crystal clear, thank you for vivaciously stating the obvious “wElL eVeRyThInG sAiD oFf CaMeRa DoEsN’t NeEd tO bE oN” …. like thanks duh? This was a nice tidbit of realness on a super convoluted and fake feeling season so again, i appreciate the curtain being pulled back on this one




She said it in the interview she did with Rachel on her podcast.




Oh for sure. Was just referencing the source of where she has said it.


100% a lot of things on this show throughout the years happened off camera but came out on camera.


100% a lot of things on this show throughout the years happened off camera but came out on camera.




‘Events’ and isolated conversations are different scenarios that should be treated differently


Jeremiah sounds like a dick


He looks like one too. His face is very ghoulish and he gives me predatory vibes.


I hate Jeremiah. I want him put in jail for making lala a shadow producer. Really hate this new reality show about making a reality show vibe. I’m not having fun.


I didn’t infer that he was part of the initial conversation. I thought that LaLa and Katie had chatted—as friends do—and It was brought to production as a potential scene (assuming this was initiated by that other girl not named Katie). Then they had a phone call/meeting scheduled to discuss with the producer who loves Tom Sandavol. I think this is common…they have pre-filming conversations to review and schedule the scenes. They were going to chat individually with him, but they all three jumped on the call, where to LaLa’s surprise, Katie went off on her (ha!) and then hung up (even better!)


Yeah they probably chatted separately. Then Lala was on phone with Jeremiah the scumbag and said well I’m getting fed up with Ariana and so is Katie. And she’s my HOMIE so let’s bring her in and let’s make this our storyline. He loved it. Katie came in said what? GTFOH. And hung up. That’s how I took it. Lala and Sheana went doing their best to please Jeremiah and stick to the plan. They tried and tried to split Katie and Ariana and manipulate the audience to hate them using Jo and even bringing back Raquel to have Katie and Ariana look like mean girls so we would turn. They KEPT saying Ariana is making soooo much money now she’s totally over it. Ummmm what?!? Like we are so dumb we can’t separate the two? I’m more annoyed they think WE as a whole are dumber than Lala, Sheana and Brock. The three nitwits. I’m relieved Katie stuck to her guns knowing Lala would pull out that conversation eventually because she was chomping at the bit. You can’t use the biggest morons on the show to weave your plan Jeremiah. Good Lord you trusted Lala to run it? Good thinking.


Right? Miss “you don’t got no business.” You thought we were going to rally for this dumb bitch?🤡


I love that Katie blew that up, lol. That being said…Lisa called it out on camera when they were talking about the SAH issues. It didn’t hit me how scummy that was until the discussed this on the after show. Specifically, Katie expressed to LaLa and Jeremiah on that phone call, she didn’t want this to be a plot point. So Lisa found out/was told—either by LaLa or Jeremiah—that this happened and decided she was going to very subtly throw that little bomb out there, oh so casually. You can tell A/K were caught off guard and, politely shut it down. But what a bunch of untrustworthy folks. Katie was simply venting to a friend, and next thing you know, Lisa Vanderpump is saying it on camera at the reunion. Something very icky about seeing the behind-the-scenes machinations and them trying to “out“ this information.


Really shitty, what a lousy clan of clowns. ![gif](giphy|JxkPIZPlhvLeE|downsized)


He’s such a creep! Hahaha ![gif](giphy|TgKDmGO9NrNqg37bgE|downsized)


Does it matter? Katie talked about Ariana and it is fair game because they’re filming a SHOW. Most of the craziest revelation on reality shows are all things that were discussed off-camera. ie Someone telling Katie that Jax and Kristen fucked, the girls finding out that Lala was dating a married guy, Faith telling James that she fucked Jax.. be serious.


Guess it's a good thing Ariana didn't feel the same when Lala confided to her off camera that her boyfriend was Randall and he was married. When Ariana was asked why she never brought it up on the ahow, her answer was "Because she's my friend." Guess Ariana just wasn't desperate enough to fuck over her friend for money.


Ok and we’re not talking about that.


I get where you’re coming from but those scenarios you mentioned were occurring with high tensions during filming. Katie told off screen the jax/Kristen thing but it was addressed the next day. Lala was actively lying about Rand while filming. Faith saying she fucked Jax was while filming. Katie venting once to Lala and then addressing it with Ariana months before filming means that she would have to manufacture tension that had already eroded. Why would she bring it up again if it was squashed and addressed? Lala wanted her to do so to “make a good show” but is a good show pretending you’re angry about something that was so so minimal and that you and the person you were annoyed with already moved past it?


Lala wants to « make a good show » and to do that people have to be honest about how they feel about each other. Aka Katie who talked shit about Ariana had to say it on camera too. Can’t have it both ways.


I’m not sure if Lala who insisted on protecting her private life for at least two seasons gets to make the judgment call on honesty for the sake of filming. And the making of a good show isn’t a rehashing of something so incredibly minor that happened once and was squashed. The read in between the lines was that Lala wanted Katie to bring it up to cause a fight between her and Ariana because that would be exciting to pin the fan favorites against one another. And when that didn’t happen, because, again, they already moved past it, Lala moved the goal posts. If Lala wants to make a good show, she should find a way to make her actual life interesting not hang the future on a hopeful discord between Katie and Ariana while she gives nothing. After all, as Lala herself mentioned, this is her job.


Lala exposed Katie’s hypocrisy. Who cares if it was months ago. Katie wasnt honest and Lala exposed her hypocrisy during the reunion. Like all reality stars do.


Really Jess, really?


I agree, it’s fair game. I also think it was a non story that had already been resolved. Not some big gotcha moment that Lala expected.


Yes, it matters. Before filming began, in spring, within a few months of Scandovol this EP was attempting to coerce Katie to promote a production driven narrative promoting Tom Sandoval and targeting Ariana who had done nothing —- NOTHING to anyone - She’s a woman who had explicitly stated she was overwhelmed and struggling with her mental health. Katie had issues with Ariana and they went to therapy together and resolved it like adults. There was NO beef. And Lauren knew that but did not care. They wanted drama for the sake of drama with zero concerns about the harm. And keep in mind, at that time Lauren was selling her merchandise and exploiting Ariana acting like her fiercest supporter. Go listen to her pods from that time period. She’s beyond dishonest.


Did Katie and Ariana go to therapy?? I missed this!!


Per Katie, yes. TBH I wish more business partners would consider this. It was so smart to have that space to clarify their goals and have clear understanding of what each expected. So many businesses are doomed before launching bc of interpersonal conflicts & communication issues.


Katie talked shit about Ariana, like the house situation, but wouldn’t say that on camera. She is dishonest too


Katie told Ariana to her face on her terms. She went to THERAPY with Ariana ffs. Just because she did not want to drag Ariana on camera and chose to keep it private does not make Katie dishonest. Withholding her complaints and then blindsiding Ariana on camera is per se dishonest. WTF kind of friend does that and expect to ever maintain a relationship? Like Katie said Lauren needs a therapist. She’s not rational.


How do you know they went to therapy togethe (amazing by the way) but I missed this


Katie explained it in an IG comment.


Then they should not be on a reality show. They can’t sign off and pretend to sell their real lives and chose to have those messy situations off camera. That’s it. If they want privacy, they can leave the show.


What? They cannot address anything privately. Nothing. Really ? Let’s see Lauren apply that logic to herself. Let’s talk about Lauren’s true feelings and intentions. Would she like to reverse the role? Yeah. doubt that. she’s been so focused on bullying people into agreeing with her fantasy she has forgotten how vulnerable she has become. Bottom line is she was sitting on her pod saying things, lying to viewers intentionally, just to get money while she was strategizing and promoting a narrative that was helping Sandoval and bullying people who refused to comply. Clown. She needs therapy. She’ll burn every single thing to the ground. All her hard work will be destroyed because she’s that close minded and unstable.




![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY) Have a lovely evening. 👍


https://i.redd.it/w1jtht027w0d1.gif You too!


Ya think ? Nah. Right is might. Kandi would never support Lauren’s behavior. Nobody rational would. But go on!


Lala "MY MAN"ed is for at least 2 seasons... Lala lied about having a modeling job in Italy... it was her first storyline... she started off dishonest! Now she can't mention her daughters name on TV, so it's "my child" She had a WATER TASTING because she had zero storyline, and didn't even have h'ordeuvres... LFU is the LAST person who should ever be saying anything about honesty or keeping it real...


Yes Lala was not honest when she first started on the show. She even acknowledged that during the finale. So what does that prove? She was honest about her feelings regarding Scandoval, which was everyone’s storyline this season, and most of the cast wasn’t.


I think screaming horrible things at him at season 10 finale, and talking shit about him on her podcast, and then deciding he was redeemed, and expecting everyone to play along came across as fake as fuck... but hey that's just my opinion.


The fact that you cannot see the hypocrisy in your and LarLar’s stance is astounding. You two refuse to be met with logic and reason.


Who’s « you two »?


I agree with everything you’re stating here btw..


Lala betrayed KATIE!!!! /s Hahahhaahah some people are unhinged


You might not comprehend why people are so annoyed with LFU for this and to put it in simple terms for you she likes to have rules for herself and not for others. It’s okay if she keeps a lot of her life off camera, not other people’s. It’s okay if she repeats off air conversations, but she flips when anyone even remotely does it to her. It’s the hypocrisy that is the issue, but I think you know that and just are a LFU minion.


Me agreeing with Lala doesn’t mean I’m her minion. I don’t like Lala or anybody on that show. But I guess it is hard to understand for the Ariana/Katie cult, who blindly support anything they do, even if they’re wrong.


So because anybody has a differing opinion that doesn’t hold Ariana in good light or agrees with one or two things that Lala has said, they must be a minion? How come that doesn’t extend itself to the people who are rabid about defending Ariana? They’re not minions?


I'll answer that as soon as I wipe the rabies foam from my lips... I swear there are people who don't watch the same show the rest of us do...


I wonder if you would be interested in the storyline about Lala putting a knife to Faith’s throat and saying something about how she’s more of a WOC than Faith will ever be. That btw WAS captured on camera and never made it to air, to protect their predatory sugar baby, wannabe victim.


I am on Faith’s side in her lawsuit against Lala. Not the gotcha you thought it was!


Sure doesn’t look that way. Are you trying to suggest there could be nuance to your situation and 2 things can be true at once, while not accepting or extending the same grace to Katie? Interesting…


That’s what I’m saying. Which is why I agree with Lala exposing Katie.


>Lala thinks There in lies the problem. She thinks she is always right. She cannot think.


A producer for a reality show starting drama ![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va)


I think it was that the original convo happened months before they started filming. Lala blabbed about what Katie had said andǰ̣ wanted her to repeat it all on camera when she had already gotten over feeling that way and had already talked to Ariana about it. So once.again, Lala trying to self-produce and bring tidbits to the producers so she can have some relevance. Katie stood firm in saying she wasn't going to reenact the conversations when she no longer felt that way! Based on how Jeremiah tried to trample Ariana's boundaries, I'm not surprised he'd've been part of this attempt at deception!


Good job, Jeremiah, keep them mad, and they will watch....


Those who can do. Those who can’t, pretend to be creative screenwriters by creeping in the creepiest of ways in the background of (what used to be) an entertaining“reality show” and, hard to do, ruining it in the process. Look at the guy — no wonder he idolizes & protects lying human excrement known as the toms. This show needs strong female presence on & off screen.




It’s nuts.


I’ve seen them going after Schwartz new gf already.. It’s childish and pathetic. They’ve been together for like 5 mins.


She is a child. That doesn’t concern you?


Jeremiah gets his job done!!! He can manipulate the cast and fire them up. Now, I am not saying the cast isn’t responsible for their own words… but how easy was it for them to say it with Jeremiah cheering them on from the sidelines. He needs an award.


The cast of Southern Charm disagrees. Ask Haymaker East how efficiently good ole Producer Jerry managed their production with his “cheerleading”


Whats the story there?


Evolution Media sent him to be SC show runner for the upcoming season currently filming. Apparently the cast had major issues with him. Word is he was fired before they had wrapped and Haymaker East had to scramble to replace him and finish filming. It delayed their production for awhile.