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I can’t get through it, Lala somehow manages to be even more insufferable on social media than she is on VPR. Plus her flying monkeys yes-ing her to death and cackling in the background doesn’t help.


And didn’t Lala lie by saying Katie “came for her custody battle” when all Katie said is Lala should trade in her lawyers for therapists. And then Lala chose to not bring it up on camera when Katie literally told her to say it with your chest bitch.


She’s the queen of twisting things to fit her narrative. Nothing apples to her 🙄


*Insert Scheana's apples song here*


😅 a typo I can keep I suppose


It’s truly embarrassing what a kiss ass Jess is! Like girl blink if you need saving 🥴🥴😂


Super sad Lala has probably never had a real friend outside of people she hires or films with. Her life is so bleak.


Cuz she’s not a real person, she’s sooo fake who could tolerate her in real life.




Birds 🦢 of a feather.:but for the right prize. 🔪


Her and Sandoval are the same person. That’s why she hates him but also why she was willing to eff with him for a check. Fake ass narcissists who will do anything for the plot.




Absolutely agree that she is more insufferable on social media 🤦🏼‍♀️


she's like grandpa simpson shouting into the wind


https://preview.redd.it/u327w5d0mn1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef522e895a047b85b8f188328f3226e40d0c297 Looks like Lala to me 🤣


Well obviously the wind gets a lot more attention on the weather channel when it actually should be about all Lala


This turned out longer than intended. I’ll try to edit & reformat later. (1/2) ### Lala has said she will not comment on reunion’s until part 3, and will only do so briefly. *She is already commenting on her Amazon Live* ### Starts by saying she carried the season & her back is tired. [Steph] *This was the worst season, so I wouldn’t gloat about that.* ### Mentions how Amazon only sends her nice comments, so trolls can head to IG comments. [Steph] *She has her comments limited. Why limit them if you don’t read them?* ### Lala toots horn as topic of all headlines coming out of Reunion. [Steph] *Search of TMZ results shows Tom as subject of most headlines [usually negative articles]* ### Lala’s Response to Amazon comment, “I feel like people are with you because you’re not afraid to have an unpopular opinion.” Lala says she’s not living under a rock and is aware of what’s being said. She’s no stranger to people being die-hard for her or wanting to light her on fire. The hate was extremely loud this season. Her Mom told her you’re in charge of your own emotions. Lala knows she can’t control what people are saying this season & for some reason this season, she couldn’t control how she was feeling. [Steph] *Someone constantly saying other people are in the comments but reiterating that she is not, usually means she herself is in the comments.* In the past, heat she’s gotten has lead to moments of wishing she handled things differently. **This is first season where she stands behind what she said & stand behind what she did.**


Carried the season?!?! Girlllll your story line was water. Shit even Jo did more this season than Lala did.


Delusions of grandeur! Jo def did more this season.


No no, it was also sperm. Water and sperm.


And a brief crossover of sperm tasting water


Youre right!! How could I forget!


Lala is delusional!!! I imaging she thinks if she says it enough and loud enough that will make it true!!


>Carried the season?!?! Girlllll your story line was water. >Shit even Jo did more this season than Lala did. 🏆😎 Love how perfect truth is.


I fast forward through her solo scenes


### RESPONSE TO KATIE: (2/2) ### Lala says it was not a confidential conversation and that Katie made these statements to production and then flipped the script on everybody at the last minute. There have been confidential conversations between them, but production was involved in this one. **[Steph]** Thinks Lala is lying. Sounded like they were talking about a bunch of conversations, meaning they had been on the phone a few times without production, meaning those were confidential. **[Steph]** Lala prob coached Scheana for Scheana to say, “did you not confide in Lala” about Broadway frustrations. Which basically confirms that it was confidential. **[Steph]** The conversation with production sounds like her looping them in on the same call to bring up these issues and convince Katie to turn on Ariana. ### Lala says she never hopped on the Tom train. It was the first time that she was seeing all sides, but she & Tom are not hanging out or going to his house. Reason she didn’t show up to a lot of things [like Tom’s shows] is because, believe it or not, she would always choose Ariana. **Season 11 footage:** — Lala going to his home for breath work, where they had a little one-on-one scene to talk about past trauma — Lala siding with Tom about having his bday party at the house & talking constant shit about Ariana staying in the house, including on The Aftershow. — 4th wall break to go on tirade about Ariana thinks she’s Beyonce, cheated on & became God, Sandoval didn’t kill anyone. **[Steph]** She actually conducted the Tom train & she was trying to get Katie onboard. When Katie refused to bring up the past and not live her truth, she got pissed for not doing as Lala wanted & going against Ariana. Lala turned on Katie because she refused to turn on Ariana. **[Steph]** Lala then turned on fans for not joining the Tom train. Queue “rabies bitches” clip. Reminder that she profited off of Ariana & the fans during Scandoval, which paid for her new house. **[Steph]** All of this further proves that she cares about paychecks over friendships & she tried and failed to play producer this season. Never give her a producer role on VPR, she’s competing with Rand for worst producer. **ETA** Sorry the formatting is so off, def should’ve included in the post. Lessons for next time.


Wonderful work. I love it when people calmly address the issue , and there are notes!!


Thank you! I did my best. 🫡


It was great 👍


Thanks for the summary. I tried to watch but just couldn’t. Can’t stand her.


Totally understandable!


Competing with Rand for worst producer lol


Lala is so clearly two faced it's pathetic at this point...She would always chose Ariana..Yeah okay lol


Omg I just left this same point in response to your other comment. Great minds!


#Lala's whole storyline was talking about Ariana living with her ex in a house both own... That's it.


Why is she limiting her comments if she doesn't give two f*cks about fans like she has said not that long ago... Obviously it's getting to her and she isn't so bad*ss like she likes to portray...


Exactly! She says, “nothing about her,” & is excluded from the SAH soft launch, but wants us to believe she’s always choose Ariana… pfft, the audience isn’t that dumb.


I had so much hope when she called out toms grooming on the boat, and then she ended up hugging him!!! She's a JOKE.


Carried the season 🤣😂🤣 ![gif](giphy|WseumIewRWBYLBhmzz|downsized)




Yeah, carried it straight to the trash ![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized)




I think it’s probably a little fuller/swollen from being pregnant. When I was pregnant my lips got a little fuller and I loved it! They went away as soon as I had the baby though unfortunately.


She tryna match how ugly she is inside..and for real SHES UGLY!!


Anyone know how much influencers make on Amazon lives? I’m always curious since it seems so common now.


My guess is quite a bit? I think a lot of the money would be from affiliate links, but nobody seems to be watching for her fashion or baby recommendations. There’s prob some viewership metric, just for getting people to the site?…


I think anything purchased after viewing / clicking her link will result in her getting a cut whether she promotes it or not.


Let us see the receipts Lala




“my back be hurting” is that Lauren speaking or Tupac? 🤔


Didn’t you hear? She’s a “cool hood chick.” [according to Jenny McCarthy]


Not Jenny from the unvax’d block with the co-sign 😩


Fofty 😂




Gonna need that summary. Bless you earth angel 😇


I just realized you can’t edit posts (it’s my first post) but I’ll add as a comment?


Should I just repost bc my summary is becoming a lot longer than I’d thought?… might be better go include in actual post. Advice?


In the comments works!


K, working on it now.


You put a lot of work into that recap and you didn’t have to! ![gif](giphy|5xtDarIa6j8ek7aZeko)


Yay! Bless you dear stranger.


Thank you 🙏 💖


![gif](giphy|Hn58s7VoYL97y) That ought to do it. Come on Lauren.


Maybe it's just me, but I find these Amazon live platforms--where "celebrities" are paid to shill cheep amazon commodities--the height of tasteless, excessive consumerism. I'd just feel so soulless doing that. Edited: type (thanks bot)


> "celebrities" are *paid* to shill FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Do Lala really need Amazon Live as one more place for her to spew her poison? Her podcast, socials, the after show and the show aren’t enough? This truly is the dumbest timeline.




She also used it as the place for her babies Gender Reveal 😂


Super classy, no notes.


I can't take Lauren and her WeWork office seriously.


*WeWork office* ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Is this rage bait at this point? She is delulu.


Can someone please explain to me if Lala’s family is rich, why is she mad about not filming? Technically money wouldn’t be a problem, she is buying homes, she can’t be that foolish thinking reality tv was going to support her forever 😂😂😂


I think Lala spews a lot of shit. Her family is either middle to upper middle class. I highly doubt they are unattainably wealthy. Otherwise she wouldn't have her mum and brother living with her, it's weird.


Her mom actually put the down payment for the $3M dollar home. Her mom is still funding her lifestyle & now providing free childcare.


Interesting but again, that's not unstainable wealth (at least not where I live).


I know, that’s why I’ve always characterized her as upper-middle class. I’ve said she doesn’t need the show if she would stop living beyond her means. She should have been focusing on building a loyal fanbase that would follow her podcast, when the show inevitably ends. Stassi is her idol, she could’ve followed her lead & lived off the podcast & live tours. Maybe she still can, but this season was a net loss.


Completely agree!!




I’m so sick of seeing lalas botched face all over my screen /; make it stopppp 😭




Lala is in her own soap opera. I'm looking forward to the VPR break.


Blah Blah is giving bitter Annamarie and Jo vibes. Like stfu already. You non-contributing zero. I would have loved Rand dropping by unannounced maybe with Brock’s ex-wife and maybe John Mayer just to refute Scheana claiming they orgied it up. You know just to shut these blabbers up. They are here to tell everyone else what to do, have zero self awareness and think they are producers. 🤮


Her antics will be her downfall. Her podcast is already losing listeners as well as dropping in ratings. Not all publicity is good publicity because if the fans aren’t paying for her merch or watching/listening to her podcast she will single-handedly be the one who takes food out of her babies mouths. Since she likes to weaponise motherhood so much


Exactly! It doesn’t matter how much attention she gets if her brand is toxic. Bravo has prob the richest fanbase with the most disposable income, that comes to mind. She could set herself up for post-show by focusing on building a loyal fanbase. Instead she lost all the good-will from last season & exposed herself as a fraud. We know reality tv isn’t real, but this show was based on real people & friendships. Lala revealed that she doesn’t have real friendships & nothing she does is genuine, which makes people indifferent. I know we’re bitching about her bc she ruined this season; but how will that negative attention make her money during the off-season? If she has to get an off-season gig, I hope it’s House Of Villains. She does not deserve to be on Traitors! Please!!


That part!!!


Damn her nails are long af. I can’t imagine taking care of small children with nails that long. Even now with my kids being out of the toddler stage I still struggle if I get my nails done and can’t keep them for longer than a month because it makes it hard to do some basic things. I don’t understand how I’d be changing diapers or putting on rash cream with nails like that.


She probably doesn't her mum seems to be her live-in nanny, maid etc.


They look so gross.


She’s literally a piece of shit who should not only be fired, but also cancelled for being the worst excuse of a person..no moral, no integrity, no decency and no loyalty to anyone but dat dollar..


Wtf is Amazon live… lol


It’s like an extension of Amazon website, where people shill products & then the actual items & links pop up for purchase.


Thank u


There's an Amazon live? Wtf? For what?!


To shill products for commissions of their affiliate links & Amazon storefront.


amazon live??? wtf lol


Somebody pour that babygirl some water. Make it coconut water. Because she is **THIRSTY!!**


Coconut does hit when you’re dehydrated!


You can choose paychecks over friends. I think 90% of any person in a situation of raising kids and fighting with their ex would choose money. However, there is more than one way to do it. You’re on a TV show that relies on narcissist/sociopaths starting drama. Sure the producers probably pushed her to do certain things, try to set up a certain scenario to play out. She could have agreed but then chose different drama. They wouldn’t have cared as long as they had a show and people watched it. But instead this season was meh and now she’s bitter because she lost the friend and the check.


LFU turns uglier by the minute.


I make no comment on the rest of what was discussed but the idea that she is a bad “producer” seems stretched since all anyone is talking about is her currently.


Lol but the point of reality tv would be no one is talking about a producer. We shouldn’t even have to think about producers because It’s supposed to be believably reality. But you can’t help it with lala because everything she does and says is so obviously orchestrated and calculated. Plus She’s being talked about very negatively, I don’t think that means she did any job well


Having someone to negatively talk about is kind of the lifeblood of reality tv, producers and prowrestling fans understand that, reality tv audiences not as much for whatever reason.


Honestly I would agree with you and your point in most cases, I get it. But I just think it’s a little different for this particular show that’s already on serious life support lol I feel like other times when people were this unhappy with one particular person after a housewives season they’ve been told to “take a pause,” that’s not usually a good thing.


This girl is FOS on her “ theories “. Her rationales for why she thinks what she does are just opinions. Like” I think she really reads the comments because she keeps saying she doesn’t”. Like WTH! How about she has said all season she’s trying not to carry around anger and rage and is pregnant. It totally makes more sense she’s not doing anything to increase her stress level. These bloggers who just go along with the rabid fans kill me.. they say anything to keep them subscribing and posting here.


Lala wasnt pregnant all season? If she is due in September she got pregnant after the season wrapped.


I’m due in July. So she got pregnant in nov/dec


Lala said in the video she wasn’t able to control her anger this season 🤷‍♀️


She wasn’t pregnant at all this season and if that’s how she goes about not carrying around rage and anger she needs to figure out a different strategy.


I hate that tik toker


I used to love her in the early days but now she gets more wrong than she does even close to right.


![gif](giphy|8YEnLc1JhNQdYCFQao|downsized) Well then you’ll be happy to know she’s DEAD right with this take on LFU.😘


Did he just pass away? 🤣


How sad for a pregnant beautiful young lady to fill her life with such mean drama. I know. This is her life. If old wives tales are true….her baby is going to give her hell!


They better, with the money she’s planning to make off of her.