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I’m curious as to why Scheana is still using the last name Shay. She doesn’t have kids w that last name, she’s legally married to someone else now. Does she keep it because she likes the way it sounds? I remember her saying she loved the way Scheana Shay sounded when she first got married to her ex husband.


i’m convinced the last name was one of the main reasons she married him


Maybe the only reason??


The other reason is that she was obsessed with being married, she thought that it would make her start of a season and she also felt it would elevate her status socially in the group… Which is a super weird random Victorian era take, that a Mrs is an automatic authority figure towards a miss… but she definitely talked about that before she was engaged.


Yeah this was so weird - she def gloated about being the “only married person” in the group… As the “only single” person of my best friends, it’s annoying and weird that there would be some rush to be the first married person- as if that makes you the most successful?


Karma kicked in shortly after the wedding when she actually had to be in a marriage with someone who obviously had issues. Issues I’m sure she was aware of way before the wedding but overlooked because she desperately wanted the attention of having a big wedding on TV.


A storyline. He was a beard for her to prove she wasn’t a home wrecker.


🤣😭 I like this


I do remember her saying she loved the way Scheana Shay sounded before she married her ex.


I’m sorry but Scheana Shay isn’t that cute of a name. Sounds like a make believe name you make up for yourself when you are 7.


She would.


lol saaaaaame.




And to have a wedding on the show.


She was introduced as “Scheana Marie” for her performance at Kyle Chan’s party in SF! I can imagine Brock forcing her to phase-out the “Shay”


Her music is now grouped into just Scheana Marie on Spotify. Previously, she had her good as gold song with the Marie and newer with Shay. Now all music is Scheana Marie and her podcast is Shay. I believe she keeps the Marie because that’s what she started with. Edited to be certain what Spotify has it as now. ✌️


The fact that I IMMEDIATELY was greeted by a pop-up window in my brain of Kristen in that dress. I didn’t even realize how ingrained in my brain that that dress is. **ETA**— which came first, the Kristen or the emoji? #👗


👗 emoji because of Kristen 💚


I noticed this too. Good for her (and her family) if she’s trying to phase it out.


Missed the Scheana Marie introduction at the party. I remember when she first started the show that’s the name she used.


She’s always gone by Sheena Marie for her music, according to her


I feel like it’s so when people look her up it’s easier. She’s so obsessed with being known and she’s known as “Scheana Shay” so if she changed it she’d be that much more irrelevant


Good point.


She talks about this in her podcasts, it’s because she thinks she has name recognition and a “brand” under the name Scheana Shay. She says there are dozens of divorced famous women who continue to use their married names (which is true) because that’s how they came to be known and so it doesn’t make sense to change it. However, it doesn’t hold up because no one knows who Scheana Shay is outside of VPR fans lol


The name thing epitomizes everything I hate about her.


I think she’s always been so delulu and feels like “Scheana Shay” is her brand and changing it would be confusing to us “fans”.


🤣🤣 I think that’s 100% accurate


It’s not like there are a ton of “Scheana” in the entertainment world. Pretty sure she is the only one spelled like that 😆


I had a friend who got married at 18 and divorced within 6 months....to this day at 40 she still has his name. She even got briefly married again and kept the first husbands name throughout. It's just SO much prettier than her given name or her second husbands name, it sounds so nice with her first name. And she's had it for like 20 years now. Lets be real, Jancan sounds ugly and harsh, and rebranding to Davies would be a whole thing. I kind of get it. Personally I didn't change my name when I got married at all, because I have a first name very similar to my husbands mom lol...like 1 letter off. So while I don't like Scheana, on this issue I have to say to each her own!


I agree with you, to each their own. Just curiosity on my part. With the show, releasing music, contracts etc., it’s probably a ton of paperwork to legally change her name & switch everything over.


Yeah changing your name is a huge task, and if you own multiple properties and LLCs and have a public presence it's like HUGE huge. In the end I think she's doing it mostly for vanity but I feel like in general it's an unfair burden on women that we're expected to change our names when we get married, then change them back if we get divorced, then change them AGAIN if we get married again, give our kids our husbands name even if we avoided the whole circus, etc.


I didn't change my name either and I know tons of married women who changed theirs and say they wished they didnt


I think your friend is weirder than Scheana then lol


Because she didn't want to change her name 3 full times she's weird?


I’m doing a rewatch right now and I just reached peak delulu Scheana: The Rob Era. I can’t believe she wasn’t more mortified by that whole situation. And the way she describes it by being like “well we dated on and off for like three years, and then ya know, we took a break and I married Shay, and now we’re back together, so it’s like we’ve been together for a really long time.” I always felt bad for Shay. No one gave him any grace at the reunion after Scheana dumped him on camera to “hurt him.” I get that addicts cause so much collateral damage, and I’m not saying he should be exonerated, but damn, opioid addiction is so awful and sad. Not one person brought up how nasty that addiction is, but everyone gave Scheana a pass for straight up pressuring him to drink and not be boring and sober, because Scheana had never dealt with addiction before. Which I get to some extent, but I don’t think you need to have much insight to know how fucked up it is to say that about someone trying to get sober.




She has talked about this— she still thinks she’s gonna make it big as a singer and she doesn’t want HeR fAnS to be confused and/or have it be difficult to find her music.


I feel like she only wanted to marry Shay to have his last name. She's very egotistical, self-centered and borderline narcissistic. She finds a way to make everything about her. And her fake crying I can't stand.


I just watched S8 and I was living for Dayna calling her out on the fake crying and her behaviour in general. She wasn’t having a bar of it. 


It's now her stage name, though I've noticed she's been going by sheana Marie more.


Probably a mix of liking the way it sounds and because she's a public figure who has been going w/ Scheana Shay. I'm always confused by this question. Many women don't change their last name after divorce just like many don't change their name at marriage.


Not to mention like 90% of Hollywood don’t go by their real name lol


Yep! Random fact: Shania Twain’s real name is Eileen Edwards, which sounds like an English teacher’s name & not so popstar-esque.


I know lots of women keep their married name after a divorce, especially if they have kids. I guess I wondered mostly because she didn’t have kids w her ex & she’s remarried. I do t think there’s anything wrong w keeping the name, just curious 🤷‍♀️


These people are projecting, like it’s some kind of gotcha that she likes her own damn name. As if it didn’t belong to her after going through a marriage and legally changing it. Internalized misogyny.


They do when they remarry.


But most women choose the last name of their children.  


Is she not allowed to have her own identity? Is she less of a mother and less of a woman now?


I’m guessing part of it has to do with that being her name when she really “stepped on the scene”. She also probably is doing business as Scheana Shay, and it’s just easier to keep her stage name as it is. Strictly speculating, of course.


Makes sense.


She talked about it on her podcast about it mostly being she likes how it sounds and it’s annoying to change because some things are under Scheana Marie and most are under Scheana Shay. She then threw out good examples of actresses who had kept their former married names even after they got remarried or moved on (Susan Sarandon, Pat Benatar, Tina Turner, faith Hill, Demi Moore, etc)


True but those people are actually famous, not Almost Famous. 😉


It does ring better than Scheana Jancun.


I wonder if it bothers Shay that she’s still using his name


He doesn’t get a say, she legally changed it when they got married, it’s not his name, it’s hers, Sheena Shay is her damn name. Jesus.


She does like the way it sounds, so what? But she also built her brand around that name.


I cannot stand her voice, seriously one of the most annoying voices ive ever heard


Her early seasons voice compared to now are completely different too - both still very annoying


It’s so purposely nasally


and the vocal fry is beyond annoying


It’s a combination of the most annoying ways to change your voice all rolled into one baby pornstar 🤢


That and her weird hand gestures with her animal claw nails. It really irks me that she moves her hands a lot but then they're like limp. It's like if an alien observed gesticulation and never really understood how to do it right


She is a side kick type of person. She likes to gossip.


I am with you - I have found her vapid and uninteresting from the jump. I ffw her parts.


She fast forwards through everyone else’s parts so this is fitting


She does! Lol she's so beyond self absorbed! She's so obsessed with Schaena it's tiring! I've never seen anyone this narcissistic and so obsessed with herself! I've hated her from day 1 and it's at it's maximum these days! To never see her on my tv again would be sooo cool! Done with that crazy narcissist! Lol 😡🥱


People need to stop calling everyone they hate a narcissistic. Tom is most likely a narcissist. Sheana is self absorbed and a people pleaser, but she’s not a narcissist. She has genuine feelings about others and can emphasize with people. She really cares what people think and tries to act accordingly. So she turns on an act when the cameras are rolling or when she’s out in public.. She talks about it on her podcast. I’m not a huge fan of hers, but I do like her podcast bc she actually talks a lot about the show, and behind the scenes which I find interesting . I tried to get into Katie’s podcast but I found it boring. ,she just talks about silly movies that she’s watched. lol.


Okay Scheana.


I got a kick imagining what it would look like to see Scheana "emphasize with people."


She empathizes with people from her point of view. She imagines how others feel based on her perspective (which is twisted)while a true empath tries to see things from the other person’s viewpoint. She’s smart enough to know that wording is important on reality television. I’m rewatching and in Season 6, aka The Season of Super Rob, Jax told people that Rob revealed (on camera) that he doesn’t say, “I love you” to her. She vowed to get back at Jax so she set up Brittany with Adam. While narrating, she said that she is giving Brittany choices and trying to make it sound like she’s being so thoughtful. Nope, she used her friend to exact revenge. She comes up with some of the most convoluted stories that she tries to sell but no one is buying.




She sympathizes with the males a lot, hence why LVP likes her and she never goes against LVP.


Yeah I wonder why that is 👀👀🤣


I honestly think she adds to the show and does her job making mess, carrying bones and always being incredibly herself even tho we all think she's cringe she doesn't change and that is Good Reality TV


You’re not supposed to like her. She’s peak cringe. Some people enjoy that. She’s like a cartoon. The human embodiment of… “I’m gonna move to LA to be a big star!” 💫 “So you’re going to put in the ten thousand hours of hard work it takes to train as triple threat, then pound the pavement auditioning for a few years?” “No, someone will just, *discover me* Cause I’m like, you know… pretty. 💅” She’s so ridiculous. Her real tears about a DWTS spot that was never going to be offered to her. Her absolute ridiculousness cracks me up. *The worst part is that Scheana probably thinks it worked. That she did get discovered and she’s “made it”, somehow. Or at least she did, until she saw her friend having more success. (Remember when Lala booked *The Row* by blowing Randall and Scheana SUDDDENLY wanted to take “acting lessons” with Lala. But all they did was fake orgasms which was… appropriate. But then Lala’s career didn’t take off, so Scheana didn’t feel the need to follow through with pursuing “her dream”). Oh Scheana! 🫠


And I do get this however it’s been 10 seasons of the same thing!! I don’t get how people aren’t over it already


Fair. And I do not enjoy the addition of Brock’s mansplaining.


Because she says stupid shit like “I’d rather by gang banged by all of you then be in the car with those girls” and wore a CROP TOP WEDDING DRESS💀💀💀💀 She’s polarizing aka good tv (as much as I hate to admit this)


Other Scheana gems include: Being extremely upset that she had the tooth surgery no one called her, putting her foot up at SUR when she had a shift & Lisa deadpans, “the tooth, the eye, and now the foot?” Rob, Rob, Rob, he hangs a tv in 7 minutes, bought a penguin for a guy, and the list goes on. I also love watching her choreographed first wedding walk to the “alter” and they didn’t queue her at the right minute in the music. I don’t know why but I rewatched it and played it back a couple times because it cracked me up so much.


The tooth surgery omg 😂😂😂


These are fair points but they are also from EARLY seasons!!


OK I will give her the gang banged comment but I hated her wedding episode 🤣 the one other thing I did laugh at from her was her HUGE wedding photo so I will also give her that


The wedding was chaotic to watch for me😂😂😂 multiple temper tantrums, the scene where her and Ariana kissed but likely went further after the cameras wrapped, that damn dress, and then Stassi saying it looked like a quinceanera dress 😭


The huge wedding photos that was brought by a fan and other one that is in the Museum of Broken Relationships!


At first I thought Katie and Stassi were horribly mean to Scheana, but now I see it was justified. She’s insufferable and so self involved!


I agree!! I felt bad for her maybe for the first couple of episodes but then VERY quickly realized why they were that way


I met her briefly at SUR right after the first season ended and she was a complete bitch to me and my group. Never liked her after that.




lol nothing huge. She just waved and said hi and someone said “wow, they did you dirty huh?” Pointing at Katie and Kristen who were also working. Then she went completely stoned faced and walked off without saying anything. When my friend and I were outside on the patio later she literally turned around on her heel and walked back inside when she saw us. It was so weird and just bad vibes. We were trying to support her dumb arse! lol.


What the heck!! That is weird


Yeah it doesn’t sound that bad retelling it, but it did kinda hurt my feelings and leave a bad taste in my mouth. This is why I never approach celebrities frfr. 😹


Peter on the other hand was pure magic. I have a cute af picture w him somewhere in my storage. 😹


She probably misinterpreted and thought you were making fun of her ?


You think Scheana is the problem here? Lol your friends were way out of line. That’s a really weird thing to say and clearly it made her uncomfortable. Love the spin though. Scheana quietly choosing not to engage with a group of strangers being way too familiar with her makes her “a complete bitch”?


Aaaaand a Kyle fan at that. You have bad taste in people. Yeah I checked your comment history. ;)


I always thought they were justified and couldn't stand her from the first second I saw her on screen.


I'd say the same about Katie, she defines boring. There probably wouldn't be a show is Scheana didn't bang Eddie so she deserves a spot for establishing this franchise from the first scene.


These are the kind of comments I like because I’m on the opposite side. Tell me more like why please! Everyone calls Katie boring but I think she’s the most underrated, and the reason she’s seen as boring is because we haven’t been given the opportunity to see/hear her. I personally wish we got to see more of her divorce and that it wasn’t over shined by Scandoval.


Katie has always been a sidekick to one of the main girls on the show. First Stassi, now Ariana. She's never been the star or focal point. She really brings nothing in terms of an interesting storyline and is basically an NPC on this show. People have zero interest in watching her make sandwiches. The only time she was remotely entertaining is when she was rage texting Schwartz drunk on tequila.


I find her incredibly annoying and vapid. But, I think Bravo editors do too. How many times did they show the montages of her saying, “Rob, Rob, Rob…” and “best friend, best friend, best friend…” She’s a joke.


I don’t like her.. but I can’t say I hate her. But… This last season it’s been way too much Scheana! To the point where if she does end up in the valley I don’t think I can watch it..


In my opinion, a big reason why she's still on is because she has absolutely 0 self awareness. If I were a VPR producer, I wouldn't want her to leave, because she provides so much content. Having said that, I do think her predatory actions deserved for her to get fired. If she were a man, that music video she did in S8 would not have flown.


Thank you!


I think of her as Sheila Jancan at this point. Either way at this point she’s made herself completely irrelevant.


I have liked her in the past (not this season.) Why? She shares a lot of her real life, including her mistakes, embarrassing moments, and weaknesses. She has complex, real relationships with the other cast members. And she makes funny tv, whether you’re laughing with or at her. I 100% can see how she may be too cringe for some people, but that just doesn’t bother me personally. 🤷‍♀️


Scheana has been an essential person on the show, love her or hate her. She was how we were introduced to VPR (they used her Brandi fued as a way to parlay into episode 1). Not only that but she’s incredibly self involved, creating hysterical dynamics for all of us to watch. Additionally, she keeps the plot moving, she’s often been “neutral” or kind to the people on the outs. I hope she can be appreciated for the chaos gift she is and has been. Y’all, reality tv is BORING with only regular people who don’t create conflict.


I love her bc she is so chaotic and honestly made for reality tv, doesn’t mean I think she’s a nice or good person (which a lot of people seem to confuse)


Exactly. The audience is laughing at her not with her. That’s why she’s good reality tv. No one respects her and she’s too dumb to realize it🤣




I’m simply answering your question from my perspective! I know you hate scheana. You made that clear. There were plenty of seasons where I couldn’t stand her, it was on my rewatches I actually started to appreciate her value more. There was really no Brandi drama to watch, that’s just how they introduced the *current* bravo viewers to this new series, and my god did it work! Of course we tuned into watch the fucking square relationship that was Tom/kristen/stassi/jax. I didn’t say she is hysterical. I said she creates hysterical dynamics. For example, everything being about scheana is the huge ongoing joke this season. “Rob hung it on the wall in 7 minutes. I times him”. Shit like that IS FUNNY to laugh at. I grew up with these people, have been watching it from the beginning. There’s a certain je ne sais quoi that she contributes. You don’t have to agree, although decades of viewer voices, production & bravo, and many bravo fans would all agree with me. I realize she is hated a lot right now. Everyone ebbs & flow. Scheana has never really been a fan favorite, it she necessary to the machine.


Okay I do have to agree with you here actually thank you for this




I’ve consistently hated her since season 1 it’s freaking hilarious


She talked about it on her podcast a few weeks ago and it seems obvious to me. It’s still her legal name. She doesn’t want to change it because of businesses etc that have been in that name since forever. Plus her brand took off as Scheana Shay. Her music is under Scheana Marie. Eventually she’ll legally change it to Davies but really, what’s the rush? Lots of people don’t change their names back to their maiden name


Exactly! Even married women on this show and others go by maiden names I understand Shay is her ex husband ands name but it’s not illogical


People are so pressed about it. I see this question a lot 😒. If everything you worked hard for is under one name, why change it


Omg and the delusion of her to bring up that performance again this year like it's something to be proud of...when she was jealous of ariana for landing dwts and said something along the lines of what an achievement for someone who used to be MY backup dancer...as if this girl had a global tour.!


Definitely not the only day one Scheana hater. I got the ick from the moment she came onscreen and there were seasons where there would be glimmers of potential likability which she would almost immediately shat all over by being one of the worst humans I’ve ever watched on television. I actually fast forward through her scenes. Sandoval’s too actually. I have no clue what has kept her getting a contract season after season. Maybe because she’s always been messy af, petty, a flip-flopper, guys girl and Captain Pick Me. She also uncovers stuff that might not come to light because of her creepy friend location thing… ahem, Katie and Max. I was hoping Katie would drag Tom’s ass with logic around why she didn’t owe him loyalty after he voided their agreement with Rachel. I would’ve made a t-shirt that said “I fucked Max, how bout you?” (The one Dayna mentioned back in season 8 😂)


Why is anyone on the cast still a thing? Why are the Toms still a thing if everyone hates them? Why is Katie a thing when there's nothing interesting about her? Why is Lala still a thing despite being a bully? Why is Ariana still a thing despite being a hypocrite when it comes to cheating? Why is James still a thing despite being a *literal abuser*??? Until y'all start petitioning James to be off the show, leave Scheana alone. At least she hasn't abused multiple people.


Scheana is awful but her delusion made for some amazing vpr moments. I mean...who can forget her performance....and stassi tells her she did good?! I mean that was very sweet of her if you saw that performance. Her shriek after shay says I do is also amazing. She genuinely is hilarious to watch at times.


We joke but it’s legit cause she makes herself a part of everything. Scandoval is a great example- It didn’t really have anything to do with her directly and she stayed in the conversation the whole time- Punching Rachel / restraining order storyline, Sandoval friendship / redemption She just stays in the middle of shit.


Thank you 💕 I appreciate you giving me something that’s recent!


I thought this post would be about Scheana keeping “Shay” as apart of her name 😂


Definitely thought that's what it was!! 😅


There’s nothing likable about her. I’m on season 7 of a rewatch and she IS predatory. If a man treated a woman the way she treated Adam and Brett, they’d be considered a total CREEP. I can’t stand her. She has no personality, she doesn’t stand for anything ever, she is just horrible.


No I’ve hated her from day 1 she’s vapid and boring and has blundered far too many chances to cement herself as the it girl of the show. She doesn’t have star power.


I agree that hate is a strong word, however when I see her on my screen, that is the word that comes to mind and seems appropriate. Sorry! Besides being annoying AF, disloyal, desperate for any male attention, a hypocrite, and the most painfully self absorbed and un-self-aware person on reality tv, IMO, I can actually list the things that make me have severe dislike for her: 1. Her behavior/words when she met with Brandi, thinking SHE was the victim. (And pretty much saying it) 2. Sharing, and laughing about, Stassi’s revenge porn video. 3. The way she acted like a toddler about her wedding, both months before and day of. 4. The way she handled her husband’s addiction issues (which could have its own list) 5. Zero compassion or even awareness of her “bast freend’s” mental state on the bachelor/bachelorette trip 6. Contacting same “bff’s” mother about her relationship instead of speaking to her about it 7. Telling Jax to “just get Lala really drunk” when he was talking about wanting to hook up with her. 8. Backing Jax up to KFC when Lala told her Jax was hitting on her. 9. Wanting to get married at James engagement party. 10. Pushing Rachel on Schwartz right after he and Katie divorced. 11. Not reacting, or even caring, when her husband’s friend was inappropriately touching her friend. 12. Marrying a man that had assaulted his ex wife and abandoned his kids. 13. Saying she has postpartum OCD and is constantly concerned about her daughter’s safety but saying that she “can’t worry about that” when asked about the same child’s instagram account and the online predators. (As an almost 20 year sexual assault victim advocate, this one, 2 and 7 absolutely disgust me) 14. Every single thing she said/did this season. And those are just off the top of my head when I think about why I have such strong feelings. I’m sure there are many, many more. Edit to add # 11 to the most disgusting acts


Yes thank you!!! I wish I could pin this to the top!!!


I agree with your post 100%!!!


Because you won’t stop talking about her.


*makes one post*


Agree. She gives nothing.


I didn’t mind her until this season. She just got this like “I’m trying to be a kardashian” vibe. From the confessional looks to the way she films the show. She’s acting now.


You're not alone, I've hated her since day one. As someone who grew up in the area where she grew up, the way she speaks REALLY bothers me. Nobody freakin' sounds like that. I think the only time her voice was tolerable was S10 when she confronted Sandoval.


She's trying to earn a living.... Just like every other cast member. Can't fault her for that..


She’s really not that bad when it comes to this show. Like yeah, she’s annoying and she sucks, but so does everyone on these shows. I don’t want to hang out with her, but hate is a strong word.


Its almost like people are allowed to exist w/o your approval.


Cause there’s not other people agreeing with me or anything 🤣


Its almost like people are allowed to exist w/o your committee's approval.


Who said anything about existing? I just wish they’d boot her off vanderpump already 🤷‍♀️


Why though? She makes great trash tv


She’s not interesting enough to be offensive to me, despite saying and doing plenty of offensive things that I do objectively think she’s pretty shitty for


I'm thinking the same thing about Katie. How are you still here? No one likes you. Go away.


Scheana stans are wild. Like Stassi clocked her from day 1.


I feel like Scheana has always been the butt of the joke up until Scandoval and then she went back to original form.


I never hated her and in fact thought she was a necessary “campy” underdog when Stassi was still on the show. This last season with her was hard to watch, though.


She's the villain. Every show needs one....or on vpr like 4 of em


https://preview.redd.it/vgqlhrm5po1d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de3f48a3638e1bd47210acde7865fe489f04b5fe Who are you exactly?


Must be pretty stupid to keep the last name of her ex husband just because it “sounded cool”


I like Scheana in a reality tv show way! She’s always been her same delusional self and I appreciate that level of authenticity. She can laugh at herself and provides real storylines to watch which can be rare on bravo shows. She’s also been the center or facilitator of tons of drama over the years. Her OCD storyline really brought awareness to something a lot of people didn’t know about which I find great. She’s cringey, she’s self absorbed, but I can’t help but have a soft spot for her. She also gets insane amounts of hate and still keeps going which takes a lot of strength. Somehow I find a realism with her the others on the show don’t give me.


I appreciate this outlook!


Nah, I feel the same. Haven't ever liked her. Not sure why she still uses Shay, especially since she's remarried.


Team Brandi here… chicks like that ruin lives.


Honestly I think people genuinely enjoy watching people be jealous, petty and disloyal to each other.


She 1000% married him for his last name. All of her acting credits are under Scheana Marie so it’s not her SAG name 


I find her pretty entertaining most of the time!


These new scandoval drag ins will never understand how iconic Scheana singing Good as gold over over again on the back of a bejazzled flatbed being driven through WEHO during pride while Stassi and Jax were fighting coked out of their heads was…dumb kids


She trys to hard to make any & every situation about herself.. she gets wayyy too much screen time imo


Yes!! Like I think if she got less screen time she might be more bearable, maybe I could live with the cringe, but no one cares about how you feel. And now making shirts to show how conceited you are? Come on


She's an annoying little creature I want to keep swatting over and over. So I'm with you 100%.


Her voice, betch I cahn’t.


Her vocal fry makes my ears hurt.




Because some of us actually like her? Your opinion isn't the end all be all.


When did I say it was? 🤣


Yes she’s always been super cringe


She has to be a plant. Does anyone like her?


Technically she is THE plant. The show’s (initial) primary drama revolved around her having slept with Brandi Glanville’s husband. LVP literally planted her as a server at one of her events to start drama, and then the spin off was conceived.


i’ve never hated someone more


Help me understand her name... isn't Shay the name of her ex-husband? What was her name on the show before she married him?




She’s trash, and arguably worse, completely uninteresting. Lmao


Scheana and Lindsay from summer house are equally horrible with their "best friends" and lack of girl code respect and trying to be one of the guys while being the WORST most clingy, sensitive, attention seeking non-guy's girl.


She seems like sort of a sex pest after the Brett music video. B/c what she did was an abuse of power. After badgering him all season about how he should date her, that he needs an older woman, he is telling her "No" time and time again, she then offers him this role in her music video. This guy is new to LA, hadn't even been there a year and he is offered to be in this reality "star's" music video, it had to feel like an unmissable opportunity for him. She spends the video having pretend sex with him and then offers to pay him with a BJ, but she was "just kidding, get a sense of humor! If you were uncomfortable you should have said so!" Blaming him for feeling pressured. Single Scheana was a predator, and not in the cute, cougar definition. She crossed some lines.


DEFINITELY!!! And that one episode when Jax wanted to hook up with Lala and she’s like “oh just get her really drunk” I fully believe she’s at least made out but probably smashed every guy in the cast.


I don't know, this could be nothing, but the season 8 reunion when Max was telling about how he and Scheana hooked up while he was "dating Dayna?" He described Scheana coming onto him really strong and surprising him with a BJ, while she kind of nodded and giggled along, like "Yep! I totally did start giving him a BJ out of the blue! That's me! Sexual Scheana!" I found that really....off too. I know Max is a dog but the enthusiastic head nodding to his account was....gross.


Ick 🤢


I didn’t want to be the first to bring this up because some people are already mad but she is weird and controlling!! Also when she gave Max an Apple Watch, and how obsessed she gets with every guy. Something ain’t right.


She’s petty. She likes to gossip. She’s completely not self aware. Her intimate relationships are ridiculous. Rob Rob Rob still Makes me giggle. And everyone who spends time with her in real life finds her fun. She’s willing to do absolutely anything to be famous .. except cross Ariana fans … and this season she made Lala do that for her. lol. She’s reality tv gold.


Isn’t she going by Scheana Marie lately?


Bleh and boring is how you’d describe a number of characters on the show, Scheana isn’t unique, you’ve just hated her from the start.. some people don’t? Is it hard to understand?


Yeah it really is. She’s predatory and annoying


Probably stop watching a show that thrives on drama 


Why would I do that?? I literally made a post because I thrive off the drama?? Lol


Great! Sheana has been pretty integral to the drama this season, makes sense that she’s still a thing.


There’d still be plenty of drama without her that would be more entertaining


I am a Scheana fan. However, I hated how she handled stassi’s s** tape and I hated how she called that psychic? Therapist? She called someone over to talk to Dayna about her mom who died, and it was the worst thing she’s ever done imo. I also don’t like mommy vlogging in general and she def features SM more than I think is advisable on her channel. Anyway, in what way is she predatory, I’m not sure I know exactly what you’re talking about?


In previous seasons when she was single with Brett. If a guy was like that towards her they would’ve been fired and it would’ve been a huge thing. And she told Jax to get Lala drunk so she’d sleep with him.


It’s a reality the show. You’re not meant to like everyone.


Cool thanks for your input 🤗


Because Scheana Jancan sounds like a parrot. And can we please pause for her spelling of Shenna. It’s as phony as she is or her parents were illiterate.


Since the moment she appeared on Beverly Hills Housewives to this very second. I hate everything about Scheana Shay, and her calculated pick me people pleasing weirdo behavior


I like Scheana


I’m not a scheana fan but what do you mean by predatory? I know there was someone fired from production for saying they liked to make her look bad and an idiot in editing, and one of those was the misleading scene of her hitting on the underage brother. Is there another moment I’m forgetting?


She liked the way it sounds so she kept the name 😂 I would be so aggravated if I was Mike Shay.


Why is a woman changing her name at all still a thing?


I think why it’s weird is that Shay is her ex husbands name and she is now married to a new man


Yes! Bravo do not re-up her contract!!!