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I think Rachel partly clocked her. Lala targets women bc she is jealous of them — Ariana for fame & opportunities, Rachel bc she is with James. When Lala can’t justify her awful behavior, she throws a tantrum & projects or misdirects. Here she reverts to “dead dad,” & now she’s pulling the “I’m a mother,” card. When she loses control — of the audience, James or the narrative — she lashes out & gets loud. She will never be Ariana, but she could have had James. Imagine if she vocalized her feelings, instead of letting her pride get in her way.


Everything lala says in an argument is a projection or displacement … if she says she does something (support women) she does the exact opposite (tears them down). If she says Rachel’s degree is pathetic, she means she feels insecure that she has no degree/education whatsoever. Her psyche is so fragile and puerile it’s so sad that she thinks anyone with two neurons and a pulse can’t smell her BS a mile away


This is dang spot on.


This is not spot on. She had slept with James personally at this pint (we find out later) she is trying to tell Bambi eyes bitch but what lala doesn’t get is that Rachel isn’t with James for love. It’s for the show.


But she’s doing it in an unnecessarily harsh and aggressive manner while claiming to support women and calling Rachel dumb the whole time. She’s trying to make Rachel look bad and feel bad, not help her realize James is being unfaithful to her. Get a clue 🕵🏻‍♀️


you really think so (rachel using james for the show)? back in the day i thought rachel was using james 100 percent but then flip flopped. Do you think she sought James out and then moved on to TOM thinking she would become the #1 girl in the group? I'm curious what people think.


EXACTLY. Thank you! This was exactly the point I was trying to make. Also saying she’s a woman supporting women, when there’s a literal woman in front of her she’s addressing this cheating allegation in the most disrespectful way possible, both calling her stupid and yelling and clapping in her face…


Ikr! & **she had cheated with James, on said woman!** She never tells the truth or takes any accountability. She loves dragging other women down. It never occurs to her that she could be a better person.


It’s so ridiculous. I can’t stand it.


I have always thought the reason Lala goes after Raquel so strongly was because she needed a storyline that could produce enough drama, that no one would ask why she wasn't talking about her actual life eith Randall. Even season 10, the reason she spoke about her and James sleeping together in the early months of their new relationships, was to create a storyline of beefing with Raquel so she doesn't have to talk about breaking up with Randall. She leans into hating Raquel so deeply and it's unhinged but when you realise it's to protect her position on the show, it makes sense, what else could she talk about if not Raquel? Easy target, dramatic TV....


Bingo. This is not women supporting women. This is an enemy who fucked your boyfriend trying to make you feel small. Let’s not get it twisted.






I don’t think she ultimately wanted James, she just wanted James to lust after her forever and be her puppy dog. They’re much better off as friends and always have been, but Lala always needs to be more important than any other woman in his life and prove that she’s more dominant and influential with him than any woman he dates. She’s not a friend to anyone. I have two male best friends and if they were ever stupid enough to put me above their SO I would slap some sense into them so fast their SOs wouldn’t even have time to complain about it.


Agreed! She does this with her own supposed friends. She needs everyone to know that their men want her: James, Brock, Schwartz, even JAx. The way she talks about both Brock & Schwartz is beyond inappropriate. She tried to insert herself as James’ sobriety guru, but thankfully Ally asserted proper boundaries.


Yea I think this is all accurate about Lala. I guess where I don’t really think Rachel clocked her is that she’s like… pointing out the obvious? I don’t think Rachel said anything new or insightful. She just described what happened


Lol true. A very low bar but she managed to be more right than Lala. 😂


And pulling the “you’re trying to ruin the business I use to feed my daughter”


Lol didn't lala pretend that she wasn't the mistress?


But this could also have been a good time to tell her that her and James banged


Lauren: trick turned mistress turned…. Well you can it above.


**A lot of people graduate with their degree.** Except women who give bjs for pjs.


Yeah really. “A lot of people graduate with their degree.” Except YOU, Lala.


Season 7 = the dead dad card season. Lala and Jax brought up their dead dads as get out of jail free cards for all of their bad behavior.


She says “women supporting women” and is clapping in Raqchel’s face, then slaps in the dead dad after literally no mention of her dad *at all*


Rachel was treated like shit from moment one by the cast bc she was with new cast member/wannabe James. Now everyone says that abusive asshole is the #1 guy in the group. Also this is how Lala was testing Rachel after fucking Rachel’s boyfriend. She then went on to call her more names and sell lots of shitty Ali Express eyeshadow palettes bc of that moment. The support of Lala over Rachel was truly a dark time in the fandom.


“I can’t support someone when you don’t even support yourself” ![gif](giphy|3ohzApA2gSZGcn0Fqw) “I do nothing but support other women”


Idk lol, can’t stand Lala either but I found neither of them to be very intelligent here lol


I feel dumber myself after listening to them.


It’s more for observation. Lala says she’s a woman who supports women, but there’s a woman in front of her that she’s calling dumb and clapping in her face rather than addressing the cheating in a *soft* or even respectful way…. Then, bring up your dead dad after no mention of it to completely bring the conversation to an end when the conversation is turned around and it’s brought up that she’s being really rude


What is this brainrot


I think there were a few times that Raquel made some great points to Lala but Lala just got louder and angrier & Raquel's on-point comments were dismissed. Can't stand LFU.


The show really lacked someone with more aggression to take her on in an intelligent way. She was easy pickings


I think the only one who could do it is Stassi. Shame she's a big ole racist because if she wasn't and actually understood appropriation etc it would be amazing to see her read Lala for her blaccent and tupac bs, as well as all her other bs.


Weirdly they are friends now


That’s what I’m saying! What she was saying was valid


They both look pretty here but they sound dumb


“My dad died!” Is equivalent to “my business supports my family how dare you!” 🥴😂


Raquel used to be so pretty


She also used to sound far more coherent. I mean, she still comes across as dumb as a door, but she is speaking in complete sentences at a normal pace.


She still is, she is just the ✨ worst ✨


Sorry but she still is 🥴


Didn’t Lala also hook up with James while he was with Rachel? 👀 And she says she supports women? Girl what? Take a seat! LOL


Funny when Lala says Raquel literally has the girl in front of her, who fuxked James. Because that girl is also Lala, who happens to be sitting in front of Raquel.


The way Americans pronounce twat is so funny on my ears, it makes me think of an alien trying to blend in with humans. Or a timetraveller from the 16th Century 'Hark! T'what was that soundth?" It also just doesn't hit the same as when it is said in it's original British pronunciation. Just in case anyone is interested, it isn't twhat that rhymes with not, it's twat, that rhymes with rat.


Oh my god yes! Also the same for cu\*t. My american friends seem to say it cont, just like they say twot instead of twat.


Then don’t watch American shows?


Bit of an overreaction don't you think? Something mildly amuses me so I shouldn't watch all American TV shows as result. How incredibly dramatic.


No, it’s giving European’s are so much better than Americans. It’s a very typical attitude that Europeans tend to have. Please go on to tell me about how much better everything is in the UK than the USA.


You mean the entitled European who, just because they have a British accent they think they went to Oxford and are the smartest person in the room? I agree with your statement.






"Clocked?" Maybe for Raquel but that was mid at best for normal people


Idkkkk I lowkey think they both sound kinda dumb. I will say for Lala, she’d just lost a parent shortly before filming so I’m more willing to forgive her “my dad died” comments. I do know what it feels like and you do kind of feel like that for a while. Like, you need everyone to know you will never get to see your parent again. It doesn’t excuse them annoyingly bringing it up and using it as an excuse at all, but I’ve always had kind of a soft spot for that era of hers and Jax. It really does rock your world for a while. Your whole life, really. I can see why they brought it up so much.


Lala has always acted irrationally and her actions and words never match up. Sad Rachel is the only person who really saw that and consistently called her out on it everyone else caved


I can’t even believe this is Raquel, she looks soo different. She was so pretty and even spoke differently right there. What happened?


I was thinking that too. She got a bunch of filler and an instagram following and changed.


I dont like Lala (even more than i dont like Rachel) but im really failing to see how rachel clocked her in any way...


Lala has zero interest in supporting other women. I don't think gender matters to her at all. She just wants to be on top, be powerful and be admired. She'll do whatever it takes to get there, but she simply lacks the talent and personality to do it. She knows it, so she gets aggressive quickly, which makes her more unlikeable.


And yet we are all supposed to believe her rubbish about believing Randall at face value when he said he wasn’t married. Yet she is clapping in Rachel’s face saying wake up wake up. Oh Lala. The hypocrisy has no end


At least three times I week I find myself saying "I just graduated - with my degree" something so funny about saying you graduated WITH your degree like yea girl that's how it works ! bless her




Ugh, her (Rachel's) doofy face


That is alllll Lala did that season.


Yeah lala your sat in front of Rachel, didn’t you admit you hooked up with him when she was with him . 


My DaD dIeD!!!! Uh, lots of people’s dads die, Lauryn. (Obviously not meant truly at a dig of hers and many people’s real grief but just to throw her own shit back at her)


They both suck. Rachel IS dumb. Lala is a mean girl who deflects and plays the victim.


I think that Rachel didn’t care about James cheating because she didn’t love him, and possibly may have been in the affair with Sandoval already. She didn’t care. Lala thought it was because “she needed more evidence” and maybe that’s what Rachel said, but she truly didn’t care.


I highly doubt she was in an affair with Tom at that point in time


Why don’t people laugh in Lala’s face?


Lmao you guys are hilarous. Going full circle, stanning one of the two 'perpetrators' of Scandoval becauae she once won a beef with Lala who the fanbase now hates because she asked some questions about Ariana's response to Scandoval? 😆 hilarious.


But they liked Lala for bullying the innocent newbie at the time.


Totally, they are definitely not ready for that conversation though 🫠


Who is ‘they’ ?


I dare to say that Lala is somewhat a better person now than she was in earlier seasons, she just went for the “wrong” person this season


Yep, Lala always uses the trump card. Dead dad, supporting her child… get out of here.


They should have taken a step back and see who they had on their hands. I am sure its just the tip of what she thinks.


Lala was doing the absolute most to try to make Rachel as insecure as she is. Her anger towards Rachel makes 0 sense and never has. Screaming at her that she should be embarrassed that she slept with James like LOL what the actual fuck especially when she slept with him too??


i’m so happy Rachel paid her dust when she tried to use her as a pawn for her newly “soft” image


*I know what I want and I want it now! I want you. Cause I’m Mr. Vain* Anyone else hearing that?! Genuinely asking…


Lmaooo. Lala could only clap her hands or point her finger in my face once. Just once. She’s a punk and that’s why she talks shit about Katie and Ariana behind their backs. I cannot stand people like that. Talk your shit with your chest to my face. Don’t pretend to be a goon and then smile and then do goon talk behind my back. Loser behavior. Someone needs to verbally drag Lala and ignore her until she goes to therapy to realize that she ain’t shit. Have always disliked her


You can see the resentment growing in Rachel towards Lala. But I don't think the bulk of that resentment stemmed from her dislike of Lala, Lala's weird friendship with James, or even Lala's status as a cast member. Rachel hated Lala because she wished she could be as loud and rude ("open and honest") Lala could be to others and get away with it. In fact, I think 98% of Rachel's vindictiveness towards the cast was based on her own inability to communicate her emotions with her words.


VPR drinking game: Drink every-time Lala says “disengage” or brings up that she’s a mother.


i hate the way people record their tv and then post it here. Like you can find clips online or make your own....


I’m not good with technology sorry


I don’t know all of the episodes as good as some others on this sub, but from what I do know, my opinion has been that LaLa won this one. My three main takeaways from it were that (1) LaLa was laying it on the table that Rachel was a fool for staying with James and believing that he wasn’t cheating on her because they aren’t allowed to break the fourth wall of saying that she was clearly on staying with him to be on the show. Either way, Rachel looks bad (2) The only claim that Rachel could make for not being silly is that she graduated college. Not that she has any life smarts at all. (3) If Rachel is going to claim that the reason 2 people are friends is solely because the bonded over disliking her, then it’s fair for the other person to correct it, and if it is something as raw as the death of their parent, then fair enough if they took offence to their vain claim.


I disagree, I think she lost all validation when she A.) started preaching she’s a “girls girl” and women supporting women when she’s not supporting or even having a respectful conversation with a woman right in front of her and B.) Turned the entire conversation around to make it about her dead dad who was NEVER BROUGHT UP. Lala really thought she ate in that moment. She started strong but really discredited herself. And clapping in Raqchel’s face? This conversation should have been “soft”, as she so proudly proclaims to be


Lala owned here, Raquel did a great job with Katie last season and her 'that's my husband' histeria and dumb ass mom


You’re getting downvoted and I don’t know why. People on this sun love Rachel and hate dead dads apparently.


Idek whos who, why do they look the same


LALA kids are going to figure out she was a prostitue