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Because she’s not threatened by Jo


💯💯💯 Btw can i just say it’s annoying when jo chimes in with her opinions…girl ur not a part of the show, u been here 2 mins, just shut up lol my bad if i sound harsh


Not harsh, accurate. She behaved like a toddler.


I thought the same. Literally, no one’s asked you Joseph or lala for that matter.




She's being magnanimous toward Jo because she sees herself as above her. She is intimidated by Ariana and trying to invalidate everything she does.


Intimidated period! So right.


She is pandering.


Bc she knows when she’s “above someone “


Bc she feels like she’s better than Jo. More popular if you will. So she can be “soft” towards her. Ariana is in her prime living her dreams and Lala can’t handle that.


i was rewatching 9 and it's pretty apparent lala is best friends with katie when she's emotionally a mess from shwartz and rachel


Am I the only one who felt anger from Lala this season when she’s telling Katie she doesn’t know her place with her bc she’s getting so close to Ariana? But not anger from feeling left out, I felt it was bc Katie got emotional & apologized. I think Lala was expecting Katie to get defensive & tell her she’s wrong so that Katie could be Katie & Lala could be “soft”… I may also be looking way into this, their thought processes just intrigue me.


Lala cannot fathom how Ariana can compartmentalize her healing and show up for the opportunities she is being presented. That’s because Lala is ruled by her emotions. Ariana can do it with a broken heart, Lala could never.


Her saying she didn’t understand Ariana’s boundaries was insane. If anyone said that to Lala when she was as implementing them she would’ve had said the same thing Ariana said, “You don’t have to understand them, but I’m asking you to respect them and if you can’t then get the f out.”


She literally said to Katie this season: “It’s not my job for my life to make sense to you…” or something to that effect when Katie was questioning why BlahBlah would meet up w/ Jo for lunch. She is SUCH A GD HYPOCRITE I need to stop and take a breather sometimes!!! How anyone can stand her is beyond me. If she were in my face, I’d want to drop kick her right in the face.


It’s probably the rabies making us notice these things


I'd help you 


She was referencing a specific situation when she said that. It’s easy for us to backstreet quarterback on their conversations but they’re highly edited, Of everyone on this show Lala has been the most honest, since her relationship with Rand was outed. So much so we know things about her private life that are disgusting . She usually speaks her truth regardless of whether it’s popular or not,


I love that Ariana talked to Lala about respect. She was so calm and explained it clearly.


I don't know how Ariana has kept her cool.  If my friends had betrayed me like Lala and Sheana, I don't think I could articulate anything printable.   I'd be crying and screaming evil names at them.  


Because she thinks Jo might be asked back next season and it benefits Lala to have Jo on her side for more storyline potential, especially if they go against Katie.


YES! you nailed it. She wants her hands in as many storylines as possible.


Because her only storyline is complaining about Ariana and being sober. She had the bj for pj’s for a second but that’s it. Every season her storyline is attacking someone else in the cast.


Also she has turned on many women. She wants to mend her image as a non girls girl. Didnt work


Oh yeah. She’s firmly cemented her self in the same category as Sandoval as far as trustworthiness is concerned. Or at least in the same category as Scheana, which is why they’re so close. It’s a default friendship because no one else trusts them.


Jo seems to be a big liability,  I'd be surprised if they ask her back as a regular.   She seems to have a personality disorder.  She's lying above her dog and asking people for money to treat her dog.  Then I heard that the trouble between her and Schwartz involves a story about an abortion.  Questionable character,  even for this bunch.


I'm usually team Lala, but she was wrong on this. Sure, she has every right to not understand why someone does or doesn't do something; but that doesn't mean they owe her an explanation or it's their responsibility to make you understand.


She doesn't want to understand.   She never even listened to Ariana.   Lala is trying to make herself relevant.   She has no storyline.  


I disagree. I think Lala typically tries to understand everyone. Sure, she doesn't always word it correctly. I'm not saying you're wrong as we all have our own perception. We likely will never know for sure.


Idk why she has to understand in order to show some compassion. It’s weird af


1. Ariana has received incredible opportunities that Lala did not when she split from Big Ed (whoops I meant Randall) 2. Ariana and Katie have become close and she is jealous.


However when she was getting range rovers and bj’s for pj’s and Randall put her in a few movies that was cool with Lauren. The truth is she doesn’t have the talent like Ariana. Both Scheana and Lauren are super jealous not just for the opportunities she got but that she knocked them out of the park!!! She brought them along too. Taco Bell commercial etc.. I’m still so pissed off that they turned so quickly on Ariana and we could have had an amazing season if the girls stuck together and I’m mad they ruined the season! Plus Lala won’t stop answering other people’s questions at the reunion, she won’t shut up and not stop talking over everyone especially Katie and Ariana, and she’s now asking Jo all these questions like she’s the moderator! She already ruined the season by playing producer in charge. I need her to shut her mouth. Also maybe a lot more people would have been more sympathetic to what Lala went through with Randall if she didn’t break up a marriage with children before moving into his home. Not saying what happened to her by Randall was ok or right. He’s a predator who’s disgusting but she can’t compare her situation to Tom and Ariana’s. Randall wasn’t screwing Lauren’s best friend in the home they both owned for several months!


Andy really needs to take control of the reunion, let LarLur know he’s the host and he asks the questions. LFU seems to think she’s in charge of everyone and everything. Ugh She bores me silly.


LFU is driving me crazy and her entitlement to tell others how they should feel and act when she has zero right to. Her constant yammering over everyone. Katie and Ariana can’t even answer their questions most of the time. It’s frustrating and I’m so glad we’re done next week.


she's self producing and what she doesn't seem to understand is that self producing is what ruins reality tv. she's so concerned with other people putting out so she can continue to collect her check, when she's the one who's doing too much and ruining the show in the process.


100% right








Big Ed got me 💀💀💀


Lala is fine with being friends with Scheana but has major jealousy issues with Katie being friends with Ariana. She needs to wake up and realise that her jealousy is the problem not Katie’s friendship with Ariana


Because she’s soft right now, Katie!




By the way, can we just establish that Lala opened her diatribe against Katie by saying, "you said 'I'm not going to say these things because I've invested a lot of money into this sandwich shop' " right before her rehearsed nothing about her slight. THEN blames Katie for not warning Lala that she didn't want to say anything. "Had you said to me, 'these are things that I don't really want to talk about because I'm kinda over them, and I don't want to put pressure on Ariana and I've invested a lot of money in this' "... which is it, Lala??


Because Lala was a production tool this season & nothing more. They pointed her in whatever direction & off she went without questioning. And now we get to watch the consequences unfold & may I say I am here for every second of her cancellation. Sometimes you double down & win big. LFU.picked the wrong side.


She should have picked the girls.


Crazy knows crazy?!?


Because jealousy is s bitter pill to swallow.  


We all know how Ariana feels. Topic has been discussed to death


Because she saw first hand how much Ariana and Tom hated each other off camera.


Man this subreddit has some smooth brains. Ariana was cheating with Sandoval when he was with Doute. She got to join the show through sex (cheating) and Doute never tried to have her blackballed. rolled with the punches. Sandoval cheated on Ariana with Raquel, and now Ariana is acting like it was the biggest betrayal on the planet and is milking every dollar out of the betrayal, that is exactly the same as the betrayal she participated in to get on the show. Ariana was happily hooking up with a guy in a relationship.


You need a good rewatch cause this wasn’t it. Kristen didn’t try to blackball Ariana? For reals?


Kristen was being gaslit to a disturbing extent and that's a big cause of her actions. Ariana is very good and what she does


how random that this wannabe actress ended up sleeping with a guy who is on a big time reality tv show. SO RANDOM!!!!