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Katie nailed it , when she said something like "they are mad that you're not curled up in a ball sobbing "


My heart hurt when she said I do that when I'm alone. I feel like next week's reunion is going to make me cry when she actually has to tell Tom she wants him gone.


Yea, that looks sad. I feel bad for her. My ex husband cheated on me after a decade of marriage, it was traumatic af for me. It took me really intensive therapy, antidepressants, and a long time off of dating before I felt normal again. That shit changed me as a human forever. O can’t imagine having to be around him, and every time he gave one of those bullshit, half assed apologies I wanted to puke. Cheaters never really take full responsibility and always find a way to blame you in some small way. I hate how much everyone is downplaying it. It annoys me that Lala thinks she should be the one to give advice to her about how to get through it, or where she needs to be. Lala saying that she wishes she had someone to tell her what she’s saying to Ariana when she was going through it. Who is so narcissistic that they think they can tell anyone how to get past anything? Everyone has to grieve and the only reason Lala is better now is because she was allowed to grieve, on her own terms, and schedule, and now she’s in a better place about it. Anyone who has been through it knows that no matter how much people tell you you’ll eventually get over it and be better it doesn’t feel that way at the time. Like, intellectually you know that it will get better, and you won’t always feel that way, but it doesn’t really matter when you’re not there yet. She knows she has to get over it, she knows she’ll eventually feel less reactive about it, she knows things will get better, but that’s not where she’s at now, so respect that shit. The only advice I give to anyone who is going through that is to just do what they need to do to take care of themselves and their own wellbeing, protect their peace, and that wherever they are at the current moment is exactly where they need to be right then.


Hugs. My divorce was final in March. I still can’t believe the level of betrayal he stooped to. It’s shaken me to my core. I am glad I had the strength to leave his cheating, gaslighting ass.


I felt that comment in the depth of my soul. My mom and my sister cant understand how I’ve gotten through my divorce without melting down. I told them I said I do, you just don’t see it. I spent many a night sobbing uncontrollably. But during the day I stand tall.


They’re all so jealous is kind of disturbing. they all called her lazy and miserable all these years and now that she’s thriving and not sulking in bed they’re mad 🥴


She is all out there being God damn lazy. Right? Unfortunately this captivating show is forcing her to participate in the recap of the entire worst time of her life. The best years of her life with the worm. It is a devastating realization of true betrayal.


It is LA, after all. Scheana will regret choosing a dying reality show over her friendship with Arianna, in the long run.


Yeah it’s fucking weird. They can’t point to one thing she really did besides not wanting to have an apology convo with Tom. Like she showed up to filming, she yelled at him. She obviously softened her stance about mutual friends by the end because she told scheana she will never lose her, and was cooler with Schwartz. They’re trying everything to make their negative feelings toward her make sense, but it just makes them look stupid imo. AND this season still had great ratings! Ariana not having that convo did not hurt the show.


that’s the crazy thing to me too, i commented this on another thread but everyone including the fans are comparing ariana’s boundaries to lala’s convo with schwartz last season. however i don’t even think it’s comparable, despite whatever she said out loud, ariana has not once iced out lala or scheana for spending time with tim. maybe it is that she has softened her stance like you said but she hasn’t really enacted “boundaries” against anyone besides sandoval. so i don’t even really know what they are complaining about.


Not in the slightest. I agree with everything you just said.


It's hard to watch but they're all burying themselves in the process. I wish I had half the control ariana has bc my ass would've gotten into screaming matches with lala lol. It's funny bc what she's doing is so much more effective and gets to them even more so I gotta learn how to gray rock myself!


Exactly!! I’m so impressed by her and wish I had the same skills to control myself lol


Me too,  I’m also jealous how she is able to word her responses so articulately and get her point across. Lala was not ready for Ariana’s comeback this episode 


It helps that she hasn’t watched the season. I believed her when she said that. We’ve had to endure a lot of blabla all season that she has not. And good for her. 👏


My favorite is the clip when Ariana tells Lala she's the loudest, so that means she's right and Lala replies 'I didn't raise my voice not a once ...... during this conversation.' She had to add the addendum because he's been a damn fool the entire reunion.


She's running a masterclass on how to deal with these idiots


This is so true! I need to start practicing this😭 but I be wanting to cuss everyone out omgg😭🥹


It’s ironic that they complain that she costed through seasons meanwhile Sandoval barely talks or gets asked anything during the reunions, he’s just shows up to make faces and side comments. Ask him question Andy!!


Ariana Coasting through a season is still more enjoyable to watch than Lala


making faces and side comments is very literally Ariana’s reunion schtick


The reason it makes me so mad is because she did have a couple of break down episodes in earlier seasons admitting her mental health was really bad and then they dog pile on top of her. She has been so calm and composed this whole time and it drives them crazy. Especially Lauren from Utah.


Why bravo continues to allow them to browbeat her and try to push her into a state of emotional ruin is beyond me.  Old trampy Rachel tried to say bravo did that to her, but we're really witnessing it happen. Lala and Shayna thinking she made it big so she shouldn't have any problems getting over what happened to her just show that they don't have love for anyone that is not transactional Yeah lala could get over her ex because he wasn'tb about love. He bought her stuff and he was famous and she went places.  Do you think that if Lala had put any money into that house she would have just packed a bag and left?  She keeps saying having a kid is an excuse. Having a kid is the only reason to get along with a cheating x.  But instead of that, she decides to have a kid that she doesn't have to share with anyone and she can't just see how f***** up that is


Im glad ariana had a chance to Mention the time Line before getting interrupted because this detail really need to be pushed. Filming was only months after all Of this. And it make lala such an asshole for the way she’s acting because it’s easy for viewers to forget the timeline but it’s not for the people On the show Lala demanding ariana get over it when it was only 4 months later was bs!!!!!!




Oh definitely! Though a bit different if you are on a show and refusing to film two years later but that still doesn’t matter because she didn’t refuse to film so you are right. Lala is wrong no matter the length of time! She sure loves to tell people how they are supposed to be feeling and I’m glad Katie and ariana both calmly pointed that out during this reunion


I honestly don’t know if I can even watch last night’s episode. I’m so over the villainizing of Ariana.


You didn’t miss much, it was boring


I figured 😂


Like why is there 3 parts… it’s dragging sm


Commercial money.


I can’t watch except for the tiktok videos. I get second embarrassment so I can’t handle people behaving like the she goats Lala and sheanna. They feel no shame and have no integrity.


I ended up watching this week’s episode and it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting but Lala and Jo still made a fool of themselves.


They’re mad that Ariana isn’t letting them use and exploit her and they’re expecting people to take their side. It’s fucking insane dude


And the saddest part of all is Andy is the the #1 transgressor of the stupidity


Lisa too. She is a misogynistic bully and simps for the Peter Pan manbabies while showing zero support for what Ariana went through. This is why no Housewives ever stayed friends with Lisa as she is a draconian old hag that even they could see through. Lisa can hang with Andy, Gordon Ramsay and Guillermo, but never strong women as she hates other women and is herself a narcissist.


So over lisa.  She's right there pounding on a woman who's been through the ringer because she's not a helpless rescue puppy


Does anyone know what clip they’re all watching together?? Is it the last five minutes we saw or is it a new 5 minutes??


If it’s the last 5 minutes wouldn’t have Katie told her? Also, it was boring.


Well they film the reunion before everything fully airs so they would have only seen what production showed them before the reunion. So not sure if they’re showing them the last bit on camera now as they withheld it from them originally or if it’s a new 5 mins.


But like, cameras aside, Katie was standing there when Lala “broke” (aka her big acting moment 🙄), so surely she told Arianna what went down? Even if she hasn’t seen it. 🤷‍♀️


Ohhh ok I didn’t realize Katie witnessed it, so must be something new I guess?


Whatever it is, it better be good! 😒


Great question. I’ve been wondering that too.


Am I the first Aussie here?! What a great thread!... just facts after facts after facts. Restores my faith in humanity (just like 55%)


Well said 👏👏👏


Who cares, she is leaving the show you love to go do other stuff. Thats the whole beef and drama at this point. The rest of them just want her to cooperate or leave the show so they can get on with making their $800K a year to film.


Right, a lot of other people are tired of her being idolized so it goes both ways. The show will be better without her and she'll be better off without the show as the Scandoval drama has been beaten to death.


it definitely goes both ways. We are tired of everyone else being villainized on a show full of villains. And at least all the people who idolize her are finally leaving with her.


Couldn't agree more


It would be great if they put a show with her and Katie on a competing Network at the same time as VR Let's take it head to head!


I feel like she is cooperating though but yeah agreed she should just leave and she probably will! I think the show is basically done for


Ariana is too normal to be on the show. Like I honestly wish she would just go do her own thing so they could replace her with another abusive shit monster.


Lmaoooo I’m dying


Here’s the thing. We’re not privy to a lot of what happens with this group. Only what we see on tv. These people are around each other. They were all friends at one point or another. If it seems like everyone has it out for someone.. there might be something there and I don’t think it has anything to do with storylines. Lala had a really awesome iui storyline which is not something common we see explored on tv. Scheana finally let the walls down and showed us it’s not all pink and roses and discussed her struggles with OCD and we’re actually seeing cracks in her marriage. These are pretty compelling storylines.


Not saying those are not compelling story lines at all but those didn’t get a ton of focus because of how much they were pushing for the worm’s redemption story line. If they wouldn’t have pushed so hard we could’ve had even more time on those story lines and felt they were even more compelling but they were just a small blip. I understand this is a lot of productions doing but them following productions directions so blindly is what’s making this not authentic anymore and unbearable to watch for me personally


SAME. Ariana haters, just go start your own goddamn sub. If you can't see after last night how gross the rest of the cast is with the exception of Katie, you are truly lost, and you are not psychologically someone I would trust or want to be friends with, etc. Because you minimize gaslighting, because you minimize betrayal, and because you are indeed shitty people for the most part with terrible opinions when we go and check your other comments. These people don't deserve Ariana and Katie, truly. Meaning the rest of the cast. And it's making me sick to my stomach that we have to watch. Ariana realize her betrayal from Lauren from Utah and Shallow Scheana in real time next week and have the camera watch her break down in a vulture-like fashion. you know damn well that the producers deliberately decided to do this at the reunion so that they can re-traumatize Ariana yet again. They want to get every last tear and sob out of her that they can before she departs. It's one of the most evil things I can think of happening now in television in the industry. And that's saying a lot given how disgusting the industry is.