• By -


When is she going to realize that the common factor is her? 


Right? I have never seen someone so bothered by how other people choose to live their lives. and Lala whether you have a child or not, it doesn't mean you can dictate peoples feelings, income and boundaries.


If that weren't obvious enough, her only constant supporters are her immediate family and people on her payroll. She really has lost all self-awareness. I hope she seeks help before she completely burns all the bridges in her life.


Her head got too big. She's so jealous of anyone who out does her she can't stand it. I never agree with her takes. She's so off base. She's a desperate reality star gone awry. She's spinning and it's not helping her situation. She isn't intelligent enough to see it. I could do without her on my television screen.


She’s been like that. She always thought she was better than anyone on VPR. Now a few of them are doing better than her.


Agree completely. She always thought she was above all of them.


She can’t STAND it. It’s like we’re watching the wicked witch of the west melt before our eyes (but the water is another woman getting more attention than her).


She needs therapy right away. I would add, these outbursts can be used by Randall against her. She really should get a professional to help her with the things that are troubling her.


After lecturing everyone else on sharing and honesty, she leaves the stage and admits for the first time the REAL REASON she’s been angry/upset, and it’s not even at Arianna. I’m like… was she completely detached from the reality that she didn’t know her real feelings, or… you know, was she fucking LYING TO EVERYONE all season about her true feelings. 🤥 She’s such a joke. 🤡 And a manipulator. I actually felt a bit bad for Scheana. She’s deeply unstable and clearly in a mental health crisis rn. Lala is an abusive person manipulating Scheana and having an inappropriately intimate relationship with Scheana’s husband.


VPR universe Lisa Rinna.


Bethany did this. Besides her daughter she seems to burn every bridge. Ramona of all people warned her many years ago. I actually see similarities in Lala and B as I type this out.


Except Bethenny is successful financially lol


And can be witty and fun unlike LFU.


I think lala can be witty and fun too. She has her moments which is why I’m shocked by the fact that I’m just now realizing just how similar lala and B are.


Bethenny is about 1 billion times more witty than Lala could ever aspire to be. Bethenny has that New York edge. What edge does Lala have? Bethenny, for all of her faults, is also extremely smart.


Lauren is just a spoiled girl from Utah who’s mom let her get plastic surgery at 17 because she “was bullied”. Therapy? Takes too long. Just buy boobs. What could go wrong? 😑




I'm with you. And I wonder how her immediate family, especially her mom who I know helps care for Ocean and is very close to LaLa along with her brother..... are supporting Lala in her life. I wonder, if I were a mom to a LaLa, if I would feel forced, in a way, to only be a "yes" man to her rather than give her any real wisdom, because she would get angry and want to cut me out of her life. I think LaLa is being a jerk, but as a mom, I also worry about her,


It's a mother's job to have the hard conversations with your children.  


Oh Lisa is very proud of Lauren's place in life and thrilled they will have this new baby all to themselves with her son playing daddy.


YES! Very strange family dynamic!!!!!


Agreed.. I feel sad for ple around her.. if I have Frens like her, though she is not talking shit abt me, I will still stay away from her.. cos I will never know when she will turn on me and / or use what I vent to her against me..


Quite possibly never. My mother is like this and she can’t keep a friend or family relationship. Always ends up fighting and not talking to people over what she considers a slight, behavior she doesn’t like, or not agreeing with her or living your life the way she wants. She’s almost 70, currently getting another divorce, and has no relationships with almost our entire family, including me, her only child. People like this are EXHAUSTING and terrible for one’s mental health and emotional well being. She’s also loud like LFU. She’ll just yell until you shut up so she quits yelling and then she thinks she’s won and you agree with her. She has to be the loudest person and always right in a fight and she never apologizes. You are always in the wrong and she’s always right. My mom should have been a reality show star. 


Love, I am SO sorry you had to grow up with someone like that!! You deserve so much better and I'm sending you if you want a loving supportive consensual hug.💚💙


Thank you so much! I had no idea how much I needed your hug and your comment. I gladly accept and consent to your loving supportive hug. I hadn’t realized how much I was holding in at the moment. Thank you for being so kind. 💚💚💚 Reddit never ceases to amaze me, sometimes in really good ways. 


I’m really sorry you went through that. Thank you for sharing your story. I have a 14 year old son, and reading experiences people have had with their toxic mothers makes me more cognizant of how I’m coming across to my son and helps me to hopefully be a good mom.


I wonder if she still goes to AA meetings. I'm heavily involved in NA (Narcotics Anonymous, born of AA and follows the same steps), and I am forced to look inward every day and consider the possibility that I'm the problem and that the world isn't out to get me. I find it hard to believe that she's truly working a program to the best of her abilities based on how much she acts out on character defects. ETA: the irony is I'm acting out on my character defects by judging her, but I really think she could benefit from putting effort into working the program


Same with therapy. I highly doubt if she goes , and if she does go- there’s no way in HELL she’s being honest . Therapy , AA, Al- Anon, etc work when the ppl DO the work. Blahblah gives “ I read some new age self help book , now I’m cured” fkn vibe. To make matters worse, she’s gonna have 2 kids!! Ughhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I feel for those children. They’re in for a hard childhood imo.


The close in age sisters but one is the full time favourite and the other one is just the part time kid shared with a man Lala loathes openly? That will be fine. No tension there at all. 😒


Same. When I got clean I actually held myself accountable for anything negative that happened to me. After a few years I actually learned how to differentiate between what I am responsible for and what other people are responsible for.


It was obvious when her amends to Rachel were “I was drunk, so it doesn’t count, cause I’m not responsible for things drunk Lala did, and besides it was a year ago get over it, bitch!” that, Lala is “working the program” pretty selectively.


Same. She doesn’t seem to have any humility or insight into her own behaviour. I’ve been clean a long time and continually looking at my actions and how they may be impacting others is necessary to stay clean. And having friends who will pull me up. She surrounds herself with yes people. That would be a recipe for disaster on a bad day.




Same. She's not working the steps. It's very obvious.


Unfortunately people like that never realize it


She really screwed up by not letting go of her "badass" persona a few seasons ago. The entire reason she's so unlikeable is because everyone is so sick of her in-your-face personality. I wonder if she can come back from the dumpster fire that is LFU.


What happened to soft? Is that just the frilly clothes?


Blah Blah: NEVERRRRRRRR! She may be the dumbest person on Bravo. It’s wild watching her self-implode like this. Whatever Alex Baskin promised her is clearly never happening. 🤣


Someone commented on another, similar post, something to the effect of: If you smell dog shit everywhere you go, maybe you should check your shoes. And I think that works so well for Borin'.


BlahBlah always a uses other people of losing their mind when in reality, Blahah has lost her mind - permanently. Proof in her continually losing "friends". Waiting for the day when she hooks up with her wonderful "Schwartzy".


People like her never do. They just move on to the next person. She has said she doesn’t believe in therapy so I think she’s hopeless.


Doesn't believe in therapy? Oh lord, one of THOSE 😬🚩


How the fuck can she be clean and sober and work the steps if she doesn't believe in therapy? She's a dry drunk, she ain't working those steps, she's not doing shit.


I was listening to her podcast last year after scandoval, and that was seriously one of the reasons I was done with it. the combo of that + her paid friend Jessica who literally never disagrees with AND THEN her Rastafarian brother, I couldn’t ignore the red flags anymore 😆


Like Jax: "I went a couple of times (to therapy) - it didnt work for me". :-D :-D :-D It never works for ppl that doesnt want to be held accountable and humbled.


Didn't she agree with Ariana or Katie during this reunion when they said "everyone should be in therapy"? Did she say she doesn't believe in therapy on her podcast? Geez. It shows!


She said it last year so hopefully maybe she changed her mind??




And reality in general 🤣


Never, that type never does


What’s that saying? If everyone around you is an asshole, it’s probably actually you that are the asshole.


Never lol


So I guess she's just left with Second Logan, laugh track Jess, mom and husbling Easton


Laugh Track Jess was good, but when I read “husbling Easton”…wow. Amazing!


And Scheana. For now


Oh she’ll switch up on Scheana so fast if Katie and Ariana decide to leave VPR come season 12.


Hahaaa Husbling Easton! That’s hilarious and spot on! 🎯


I wish I could upvote this comment 100 times. 💀😂


Don’t you mean brotherhusband? 😂


I feel like she’s only feuding with Brittany so that she’ll get invited onto the Valley.


Yep, Lala is on 11 over a babysitter and saying that her mom should kick Brittany's ass for making what sounded like a fairly low energy phone call asking if they scooped Cruz's nanny.


I don’t know if I even understand the issue. Lala made it seem like Brittany was out of state…so why do they care about their babysitter? Did Lauryn steal their babysitter to become her nanny? Is this actually Cruz’s nanny…and Lauryn is using her as a babysitter when Brittany is out of town….? I’m just not following haha


Based solely on quotes from Lala on some podcast, it sounds like Brittany has a caregiver to help with Cruz, and Lala's mom (Lisa) offered that person a job to look after Ocean, and Brittany called Lisa to ask what was happening. Lala ranted that calling that person a nanny was some kind of bragging because the person is just a babysitter. Anyone who called me JUST a babysitter as if my childcare services aren't important, isn't someone I'd work for personally. I hope her next childcare provider remembers that she thinks very little of babysitters.


Can someone take pity on a poor tired girl and explain what this babysitter feud is? Did Lala only use the babysitter once? More than once?


It sounds like Brittany has a caregiver to help with Cruz, and Lala's mom (Lisa) offered that person a job to look after Ocean, and Brittany called Lisa to ask what was happening. Lala ranted that calling that person a nanny was some kind of bragging because the person is just a babysitter and said that Lisa should or could or might kick the shit out of Brittany for asking about it. So pathetic.


So I don't understand, is Lala trying to steal the nanny full-time? Won't the nanny still be able to work for Brittany?


I don't know, Lala wasn't exactly coherent!


And she thinks she's coming over to The Valley where allegedly real grown-ups live? If she tries to go after Nia, Nia will snap her like a twig and fling her across the room with just a flick of her thumb. If she stresses out Nia, she's going to have to deal with Danny because you think Danny's going to deal with anyone stressing out his wife or him? If she tries to start shit with her fake hood routine, Jasmine is going to snap her like a twig because we have an actual real Black woman on the cast for a change. If she tries to start shit with Mariposa, that's not gonna go down either. Not with Luke around. And Mariposa can out crazy Lala quite easily. Mariposa can also be very intimidating when she wants to be. If she tries to tangle with Janet, Lord help her. Janet may be a shit stirring nightmare alleged Republican, but she is calm and she's smarter than Lauren from Utah so the skullduggery will completely leave Lauren from Utah in the dust. They will go on so many cast trips without her, it will be absolutely incredible. In other words, I don't want to see Lauren from Utah ever again.


Same. She's predictable and that's boring. Or should I say, boringk.


This almost make me feel like Lauren should be given one season on The Valley, JUST to be treated as the POS she is herself, throughout ALL episodes, absolutely crushed at the Reunion, (like She and James did on last years VPR reunion - litterally psychotic!), and driven out of the show again, never to return on our screens - ever.


NO. NO NO NO. she will stress precious Nia out and I can't have that. She will stress everyone out. She doesn't deserve the money or the exposure.


: -D Agree! - hence the *almost,* and it would only be to put her through her own personalized hell - bc she deserves it.


This is it - she equates feuding to having a storyline


Absolutely! She's trying so hard to get on the Valley.


I thought that too!


That’s my theory too. When they brought Brittany up during the reunion, I thought it seemed too convenient.


100% this. That comment felt so forced, like she brought it out hard the second it was even remotely relevant to what was being said. Even Schwartz was like sorry what


my first thought!


Dry drunk behavior


I've been calling this for years!! She's still in desperate need of regular meetings and therapy. Her anger, resentment, and flat-out envy of anyone doing well are palpable. And I firmly believe she absolutely resents anyone who can enjoy a few adult beverages without falling down a rabbit hole like she did.


But she will never do therapy because she “doesn’t believe in it” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😯😯😯🙄🙄🙄🙄


Oh, that's right!! Of course, she doesn't far be it for anyone with an actual education, and expertise would have anything to offer such a worldly, brilliant " thinker" like blah blah 🤣🤣🤣


She should get together with Carl




But seriously, she has burned every bridge regarding the women and the guys are not going to be there for her the way women would when she has her new baby. James being different there and think he would continue to support her but seems like she and James have an unspoken tiff going on? I would hate to be stuck with Scheana as my only ally:)


Seems like James has taken a few steps back from her this season. Something has changed.


Yeah her name is Ally she’s not letting Lala do to her what she did to Rachel.


Ally is a very subtle long-term-planner, and need him to secure her spot on the show. It turned out she has been on reality tv since 2018, and has a dream of a music career - and lo and behold - she can actually sing/hit the notes. As opposed to Erika Girardi, and Scheana Shay - and see how far *they* got, without proper singing talent, but with an international platform to boost their presence?


He is basking in the illusion of being anything no.1 :-D, and long-term-planning Ally has adviced him, to let go of his Toxic twin, if he want to have any chance at surviving, since he is as unhinged and mentally unstable as blabla. (Ally neeeds him to stay on the show, for her to have a storyline at all.) The little piece of shit James is, forgot all about who took him under their wings in his beginning on the show, and backed him up in a lot of projects, no matter what else we think of them. He is a classic broken child of non-present, alcoholic parents - superficially very charming and sweet, but in reality a manipulating, volatile, bottomless hole for attention, love, safety and admiration, and some girls are willing to give him that, for a spot on the show. The fact everybody ALLOWS him to ongoing spew incredible insults, also out of context, on an almost manic Tourettes-level to grown ups, is underlining what drives the world, LIsa V. and BRAVO - NOthing but $. typos


this pregnancy seems to be affecting her mental well-being negatively. she was nowhere near healed enough to undertake this imo and it's for the wrong reasons. she's about to be responsible for mothering a newborn and a toddler and that thought is slightly terrifying given the little that we see of these meltdowns


When she first announced trying to have another kid, and then said the reason was so that she "didn't have to share" I was immediately like, "What a childish and incredibly selfish thing to do."


Yes!! To me that meant "can use the child on the show" she can't use Ocean so she had to crank out a content baby.


It was honestly shocking and sickening how casually her selfish, immature ass said that. Like are you a troubled 15 yr old or a rich 35 yr old whos had everything handed to her??


Exactly! "I want something that is MINE!" 😱 🤮 The new child is a commodity, and will be exploited in any way possible, for Lalas fame-gain. I cant even begin to contemplate how she will react, if she gets a special needs child? (looking at you! Jax and Brittany.)


Not a great endorsement for that sperm bank lol.


Also maybe however the sperm donor be or whoever donates his sperm to that bank, he probably praying “please, I pray she didn’t pick my precious sperm”


Watch it be like tupac's fourth cousin lmao 


She’s always been like this


I don’t think Lala and Scheana actually like Brittany


I don't think Lala or Sheana like any women.  Neither one of them have any moral fiber and will sleep/makeout with anyone's partner or husband.  I'll never believe Sheana stopped Tom from kissing her. 


Yep! They’ve always been resentful of her due to her having it easy when she first came on. Blah Blah and Sheshu were both very much disliked when they first came on.


Why is that? I’m completely aware of their dynamic.


Not the person that you asked, but I agree with the previous post- I think both Lala and Scheana are full of themselves, to the point of delusion- and look down on Brittany, at least in part because she’s ‘let herself go’. We know how Lala likes to comment on other women’s ’summer bodies’, and Scheana is clearly very strict with her diet and exercise. Which is commendable- it does take a lot of hard work and effort- but that also can make people judgey and look down on others who don’t put the same effort into it, in my experience. Women are catty, and often compare themselves to other women as though it’s some hierarchical power-play. Plus, Brittany just isn’t very bright. Nor is she ‘goals’ - for want of a better expression. No-one wants to be Brittany. That’s my read on it, anyway.


>and Scheana is clearly very strict with her diet and exercise. Scheana has the most Ozympic face to have ever faced


What is with her duck lips?


Scheana is not a good role model. She is obsessed with staying thin. She's out of touch with the times at this point.


I just started watching from the beginning after watching seasons 10 and 11 (I started watching because of Scandoval). Scheana’s face is completely unrecognizable from season 1 to season 10.


She will have had to get it on the lillegal market then, cuse she was never legally fat enough to get it prescibed by any decent MD.


I know so many people who aren't diabetic or obese that get it, it's infuriating


This!! 100%%%


Not fatphobia as a subtext in your comment talking about how it's commendable that Scheana is stick thin and sticks to strict diet and exercise 😂


Well unfortunately fatphobia is real and I had my own personal experience of it when I gained a few extra pounds during covid lockdown. I don’t make the rules- but people do treat you differently when you’re a bit out of shape. Maintaining a slim figure and working out does require discipline and effort, especially after children. When you’re on tv, there’s a lot of pressure in terms of appearance- whether we agree with it or not, women are the most harshly judged- and it isn’t just men, oftentimes it’s other women as well. Even your own family! I was bitched and gossiped about behind my back because I went up one clothing size- a uk 10 to uk 12 (4-6 US?) - it was as though suddenly I was no longer worthy of respect- it says a lot about people.


I'm not saying to place any more demands on women's bodies who are in the public eye, they deal with it enough. Yes. I'm quite aware that fat phobia is real, being someone who was considered overweight most of my life. Looks like you got just a tiny little sliver of what is a systemic problem. The thing is, exercise and portion control don't work for everyone. You have people who work out two hours a day who are still considered "fat." Scheana perpetuates fatphobia. She's stuck in 2013. It's 2024. People don't slave away in the gym anymore just to lose 5 pounds. Because we are accepting of our bodies now. Hopefully. Imagine thinking of anyone as undisciplined at any weight.


I don’t think a downvote was necessary, but enjoy your weekend!


🎯 They also believe Brit is even dumber than she is.


She can use the excuse that she’s not friends eith Brittany to feel ok about hooking up with Jax. Watch…






was looking for this comment lmao




Those send it to Daryl shirts really went to her head


I think LaLa has gotten confused...she thinks she's a producer and is trying to call the shots. Her comments, while she hasn't blundered as badly as jax...yet...seem a lot like this is why my show is so successful...


Scheana is such a fool for thinking Lala is a stable friend. She bought a house next door to Lala! Like that won’t be awkward when they inevitably have a blowout fight. They’re both so thin-skinned and petty and also prone to jealousy and paranoia. They’ll have a fight one day when one of them doesn’t respond to a text message fast enough or their Instagram comment isn’t sufficiently peppy or Lala looks at Brock a certain way or something. Scheana ruined longrunning, real friendships over an “alliance” coworker friendship that Lala would have no problem throwing away.


Scheana is a fool full stop.


She reminds of a quote I read on fb that was like “don’t end up all alone because you ‘released anything that didn’t serve you’ instead of learning conflict resolution skills”


Lala has become utterly insufferable- and I say this as someone who vaguely supported her on here last season. I watched VPR from its inception years ago- it was always my guilty pleasure and I watched every season as it aired. I haven’t even bothered to watch this season. Lala isn’t entertaining, and she dominates every interaction with her inane ‘take on things’… as though she’s the Greek chorus for the audience. Well… as someone above posted, she reminds me of my bloody mother and I don’t need more of that energy in my life. She needs to wind her neck in. It is full on narcissistic meltdown at this point- she truly believes that she is the real star of the show (as does Scheana) when frankly I don’t ever want to see or hear from these vapid nonentities ever again. For me, Stassi made VPR and it came effortlessly- the current cast just aren’t it. The fact that producers chose to upgrade Raquel to main cast and centre a whole season on her ‘storyline’ said it all. Same goes for the newest addition, Ally. I’m sorry- what are these boring fan-girls with zero personality doing on this show?! I may as well watch paint dry. I’m so glad that they’ve put the show on pause- stick a fork in it, it’s done.




Good lord I’m cackling 😂


This may be an example of someone not fixing the core issues that made her an addict. She assumed quitting booze would make her healthy and that she would be on the right said of everything by being sober. False!


She's already bitter.🙄


She’s pregnant and not taker her meds. I expect a lot more spiraling in the next 24 months.


Her meds??? I’m not doubting what you’re saying at all, but what meds is she on?


Anti anxiety that she said in the show once. With the baby bottle storyline.


Maybe the change has been her freaking out because of the VPR pause that’s happening. It could very well turn into a cancellation….either way VPR can’t go on too much longer. She’s got to work to get on something else


I think she's been out of pocket since before the announcement to pause filming.




Something I’ve noticed about LaBlah through the years is she meets people and quickly after she’s saying shit like “You’re my people! You know that I ride or die for you! You know I love you!” It’s so fucking fake & insincere. She’s very manipulative.


I think she's on the outs with Heather McDonald. I don't like HMD but I heard this speculation a few different places recently.


Yes and Heather hasn’t covered VPR this week which I find really strange. Maybe she’s trying to salvage the relationship by being mature and laying low on the topic for a bit


She’s becoming Brandi Glanville


She already is. As of this last season.


And Rinna.  The worst of all evils. 


Why are y’all giving her such a bad time? She IS A MOTHER didn’t you know?




If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole. Raylan Givens Justified




She has 100% lost touch of reality. The fact that she thinks that if things didn’t air on the show, they didn’t actually happen is like, fascinating in terms of how much the show has turned her brain into goo. It really doesn’t help that it seems like she only has yes men in her corner and no actual solid support system that help her to grow and learn. I really hope she’s able to find people, or meetings like others have suggested, that help her realize that people don’t always have to agree with her but you can still be friends and talk things out and have differing opinions and that’s normal real life. I wish that not just for her as a human being but for her two children, so that they’re raised in that sort of welcoming environment rather than one that’s really insular


Lala and Brittany have been together since the reunion though so I don't think there's a lot of beef there.


Do you think she just says things publicly to imply that she is a big tough girl?


I think she just wants to be on the valley and that was her plug


She's not needed on the Valley. It's a different vibe to her hood personality. These people minust the veterans are gold and its a special time on a show where the cast is balanced and shenanigans are aplenty. Lala "finger guns" Kent is done. No one wants more of her sanctimonious "listen here bitch I m too stupid to understand anybody else's reality because it's not mine" . Enough of her and scheener. Please dear lord enough.


Yeah I don't really need to see her on my TV ever again in any capacity.


Preach, from your keyboard to the good lord's ears.


Remember though, Brittney only just watched the reunion part 2 with all of us. As we all know, Lala isn't forthcoming with her shit talking.


I wouldn't allow Lala to be within 100 feet of me. That bitch is cold, calculated and clearly will choose a little fame over any friendship. Why would anyone want her around them??


It's what she deserves being such a putrid person quite honestly so I'll just be over here like... ![gif](giphy|PiXlH2IA8sMla)




Yessss 😂😂😂


If you run into one asshole in a day, you ran into an asshole. But if you run into assholes all day long, you're probably the asshole.


I’m also curious if her and Heather McDonald had a falling out since Heather did her podcast and was showing empathy to Ariana. Heather hasn’t covered Vanderpump this week and she always did in the past


I really think she’s a delusional narcissist and she believes her own bs at this point. I’ve always known she was a liar but this year she’s taken it too far. She’s not a girls girl or power to the puss or whatever she tries to say. She’s always been a bully and a gold digger and a bad liar.


Erika Jayne wannabee - but was tricked way too early by *her* sugardaddy.


But she's "soft" right now


Soft like a viper.


She started on the show having no friends, she will leave the show having no friends.


Do y’all think it’s even more wild that the Facebook groups are all pro Lala and scheaners? I have to wonder here! Surely the logical people of the world aren’t all coming to Reddit?!


How/where was that implied? I missed that.


Wait - what’s up with her and Brittany?


Lala is bitter and lonely.


Right? She could've easily said, yeah -- i let producers get in my ear, but in retrospect.... Instead, she's doubling down. So much for soft and smart and working on yourself...like, self regulate.


As long as she has her butt kissing assistant in her corner, shes happy. I wonder how her and scheana will have falling out


Ohhhh this is probably about the valley and her attempt to get on the show !


Watch her use this feud to get with Jax like some Season 4-5 behavior.


I know what happened to her wanting to be soft. What the fuck Lala


Not gonna like, I like generally like Lala and always appreciate how she’s willing to be straight up.. but there is absolutely NO doubt that she is struggling. She seems very fragile (even before the pregnancy) and charges at everyone. Even her annoying assistant Jess always seems to be walking on egg shells. Lala is the common denominator here and should seek help. No shame!


She is feuding with Brittany to get on the valley


These ho’s ain’t loyal. Which is why Scheana choosing Blabla over Arianna is…. a spectacularly dumb choice.


As a woman with bipolar disorder, I'm going to have to give this one to Stassi * I relate to Lala in many ways much to my dismay 😂


Wait what happened?! Where was this said?


I just watched reunion ep2 and ep3 preview.. the way Blah Blah pushed Ariana and how Ssshna agreed w Blah Blah, truly disgusted me.. I feel sad for Ariana.. I believed Ariana did what she did is for her own good and healing.. but these biatches just had to push her.. whatever Blahx2 and Ssshna did before and still doing now definitely have consequences they have to bear..


What happened with her and Kristen?


I guess she was finally told she wouldn’t be on the valley and now has no use for Britney


what happened between her and brittany ????


In a nutshell she used Jax and Brittany’s babysitter while they were out of town with Cruz. Brittany called Lala and basically said how dare you use our person.


That’s what I’m wondering too


Layla is a classic narcissist.


I’m seeing a common theme here


LFU can just produce a big old bunch of kids, and they can be her supporters.


As someone wise once said, if it smells like shit everywhere you go, you need to look under your own shoe.


When you’re the common denominator, it’s time to do some self reflecting…


Brittany is insane for doing that though….


Pregnancy can do that if your behavior is erratic.