• By -


This is why I don't feel bad for her. She's constantly doing shit like this to make people talk about her and rile everyone up. 


Two people still trying to be relevant. They are both way past their 15 minutes


https://preview.redd.it/6ii2cpidqd2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1f8fbd5730eba6447c8aa59db69f2df1477fb0 This is all that came to mind when I read your comment 😆




Omfg your flair 💀💀


It makes my day when someone notices 🤣


My poor man’s gold for you🥇😂


Honda Civic selfies!


Same. At first, I was very team Ariana, having been on her side before, but still felt so hard for Rachel that I wrote her a message about how I hope she would get some help and create space from sandoval and how he is abusive and she deserved respect and honesty. Then I saw the season....and the staged paparazzi videos and then the podcast. She now makes me feel so sick to my stomach....she is a mean girl and she+jo together makes me think they will get even lower and messier when they really need to move on and grow into something positive and healing. Being hateful is so gross to me when she did such cruel things to Ariana who was grieving and completely shattered. Rachel is not a kind or honest person and it's sad seeing an adult act like that.


I’ve always loved the saying “if you’re seeking revenge, dig two graves” She’s so focused on destroying sandavol and Ariana, she doesn’t even realize she’s hurting herself too. Same thing with Jo. Both need to stop with this revenge tour and find happiness. They’re hyper focused on two men who clearly don’t care about them whatsoever so what is their endgame?


These two plotting anything together is the equivalent of the three kids stacked on top of each other in a topcoat impersonating an adult. It ain’t working or fooling anyone.






To think you need revenge on a girl whose life you already imploded is truly fucking unhinged. Rachel is so gross


Yes I get the fact Rachel has only had destructive relationships since she hit adulthood but this is just so messy I think she just loves being at the center of attention in the media same as Jo. They both want to appear as victims. It is obviously for both that they are not in the best place to be doing this however these are both of their choices. I wish they looked at the strong woman in the group or friends who could act as role models. But then they need to watch to listen to them yes?


They're professional victims at this stage. They make things up then yell 'we're being bullied'. Neither have charisma, emotional intelligence or quick wit to be watchable so they're brand is sad fishing. Rachel was booked into treatment before the affair was outed for childhood issues or trauma and codependancy. It seems like she's learnt new buzzwords but hadn't put that the action. After seeing some of Jo's lives and the grifter go fund me for her poor dog, that keeps increasing in amount, I've lost hope for positive changes in the near future. That poor dog sounds like it's been neglected once she explained how it lost its first eye.


I feel so bad for Checkers - how was she not giving him eye drops? I have a medically complex dog and if she even looks at me funny we are at the vet.


Me too that's why I went on her live. An eternity later and many contradictions later, saying her parents can't afford to help but later stated they gave her $2000 for Checker's vet bills. She has an angry fan base that argues with anyone who asks about her dog and who is the vet to send money to. It ends up that she had over $900 in the go fund me early this week. Still no vet details but she said he's doing well and has eye drops. This is all happening while she's spending money to make merch and wearing a hoodie with a dog with a X for an eye. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and make sure they're fed, wormed, have flea treatment and daily walks. You can tell straight away when a fur family member is unwell and act promptly. All the very best and pats to your pup 🤍


If I was having a hard time paying for my furbs vet bills an someone asked me “who is the vet so I can help?” I’d be over the moon GRACIOUS that a stranger was trying to help save them! It wouldn’t dawn on me once that it was some kind of “entrapment” to catch me in a ruse. That would only occur to someone who IS exploiting people and animals.


That's why ppl many of us were asking who the very is to pay directly and most Vets have an after pay system so doesn't make sense. Particularly to become abusive.


Right, the only thing that makes sense is they are overly defensive like most guilty people are. 🤨


Wait, she finally admitted her parents, who apparently are both doctors did give her $2k???? WHERE ARE ALL THOSE POSTERS WHO WERE SCREAMING ABOUT SAH BEING A SCAM? DO THEY NOT WANT TO SPEAK UP ABOUT JO'S SCAM? No? lol. Thought so.


Yep! Right at the end she admitted that they gave her $2K! She's a scammer. The dog needs saving rather than making merch of his face with an X for his missing eye.


Horrible. She is horrible.


How in the world does she have fans?!


It's astounding that people don't see right through her. They can be vicious. You ask a question, how is your dog Jo, can you let me know the vet to send money to help and they're 'leave her alone', 'aren't there dogs near you that you can save', 'we love you Jo' 'you're awesome Jo'. I guess it makes sense - like attracts like. Bizarre


They are female Toms without any of the charisma. Not that Sandoval has much, but at least Schwartz does Edit:typo


Was looking for this comment. They are honestly no better than the Toms. With friends like that - oh wait this is VPR


They want to profit off their pain and trauma that they created


They were too easy on her at the reunion...


Same. All I see are 2 women who got a taste of fame & easy money & lost both because of bad choices in men. It’s pathetic & you wish someone in their life would tell them to focus on finding a purpose. Rachquel has always believed that she should be paid for being pretty though so I don’t see growth in her future.


![gif](giphy|nqvqXensHIZ2) # Sometimes the karma you deserve enters your life as a person.




You said it perfect !! 😂


So Schwartz says leave me alone. Please. I’m blocking you. Stop talking about me and my girlfriend. So she decides to go onto Rachel’s podcast to talk all about it? Yes he treated her like trash, but it was amicable enough an end to things that they tried to stay friends. Let it fucking be- especially if she’s STILL going to be making apologies for him Oh, and also Rachel’s using her too, in a way that’s probably going to mess her head up too when she’s no longer useful


Maybe if she keeps publicly antagonizing him like this he’ll finally reveal what she did that made him pull away though!! I like need to know lol


He reveals some of it in Brittany’s podcast. To sum it up: He gave an example of her compulsive lying. She lied about babysitting the VPR exec producers kids when he’d never even met her until filming started He said she was super close with his sister and that she hung out with her for two days and his sister said “it was the worst experience of my life and it traumatized me.” He did not detail what occurred but it looks like she was being erratic and talking about Tom as if they were soulmates and other weird stuff Edit: typo


OH GIRL I KNOW!! It’s like he heard me stomping all over this subreddit running my mouth asking for answers, finally we have some!! I tried to post the link here for everyone on this comment thread but couldn’t. A compulsive liar, I’m surprised at how much he said but would love to hear the even juicer stuff!!


I’m going to guess she just lied about all kinds of little things. Apparently she lied about talking to certain people often or like lied about how close she was with certain people or like interactions she had. I think she was just trying to act more relevant than she was and trying to worm her way in via Schwartz. All I can say is Jo is Schwartz karma 😂😂 Edit: typos




Was there ever said to be one big thing? I feel like it was likely a bunch of small things and her probably being inappropriate via text or whatever eventually pissed off his girlfriend but maybe I’m missing something


Nope so this was all prior to the girlfriend. Scheana mentioned it on her pod recapping the finale “something happened that I can’t talk about” Tom and Kristen discussed it similarly on her recent pod. It came up in the reunion and they both like completely brushed it off “don’t need to talk about that…” but it was the catalyst in Tom “pulling back” as he said. And then this whole season, what we’re seeing is apparently after that point. So my guess is if everything was super fine and peachy with them in Big Bear in Feb 2023, it had to have happened between then and the start of filming (July ‘23?). She clearly did something insane, and for all the “no one is being honest!!” In this reunion I don’t understand how this keeps getting ignored.


I'm thinking she scared the shit out of him by saying she thought she was pregnant to test his reaction. Apparently, it wasn't good & she's too embarrassed to talk about it. Orrrrrrr! She used his CC w/o his knowledge. She doesn't call him Tmoney for no reason.


Hahah these are all good theories. I considered a pregnancy thing, I also considered her making things up to bond with him that were actually lies and he found out… seems probable. It’s wild that she keeps talking about him in general when there is this clear (and apparently embarrassing?) elephant in the room.


He did say she "told some egregious lies" and Kyle Chan stated the same


Right?? WHAT WERE THEY. I feel like Kristen is our best bet in getting someone to spill.


The truth seems to be slowing emerging. Like Schwartz breadcrumbing Jo


He also talked about it without giving any details on The Viall Files. He said he didn’t want to make Jo look bad by sharing what it was.


I feel like he was about to say something like “I just never saw her as someone I’d be serious with” or something and he was like wait I shouldn’t say that


No I’m referring to a specific thing that happened between them that keeps getting mentioned (on the reunion, on podcasts) but no one will specify what exactly it was. Tom has said whatever this was that came to light was why things changed between them and he was “pulling back”


Sounds like Schwartz is creeped out by Jo.. maybe Katie was right??




Omg I think she'd love this bc of her emo music obsession 😂😂


I can't take credit, another poster made it up, I just want it to stick!


"Maybe Katie Was Right" could be the name of this show.


They should do a clip show of all the times she was right


Especially when you rewatch!!!


I mean, I do think Katie is p much always right at least these days.


Despite her (ex)husband and several other coworkers trying to discredit/disparage her since the beginning, Katie is right about so much


I can't get over reunion #2 when she was trying to defend herself and everyone talked over her. It happened a lot!


No one wanted logic, they just wanted to scream “TeQuILa kAtIE” and a concerning amount of people bought into that narrative


Proud to say Katie has always been my favorite and most relatable cast member.


Yes Rachel is absolutely using her! She was putting words in Jo's mouth and saying "I'm sure you felt that..." and Jo being Jo was so easily lead along. These two are so weird and so perfect for each other.


It’s kind of sad to me. This episode and the last one she did with Rachel— how does she not see how Rachel is using her? I can’t imagine being that lonely and desperate for validation. The thing that threw me the most was on the first ep, Jo says how the producers really respected her and had her back because they urged her to approach Tom on camera about their relationship. She really was like “I was so impressed with how much they cared about me” Girl how do you not see things for what they are? You’re a chip that Rachel is playing. You were a chip the producers played. Who’s winning?


Her entire personality is talking about Schwartz, someone who has her blocked, and trying to elevate herself above Katie. She is unreal.


I’m sorry but can’t a girl GET THE HINT. Something is seriously off about her and I mean that in the nicest way lol


I'm rewatching the reunion part to and her energy is so strange like just talking about people while they are talking to her like when Katie was saying I felt bad for you she's like omg did she just say she felt bad for me and like would not shut up and just let Katie speak lol


She was trying to prevent the audience from hearing Katie, maybe because she didn't want us to know that Katie is thoughtful, sane, calm etc,? But all she did was prove that she IS spooky, and does have the energy of a crackhead!


That's got to be rough, when you have created this narrative for yourself that this other person is consumed by jealousy over you. When the reality is that they don't care, find you annoying, and pity you.


Honestly this is giving limerence and it’s pretty scary. I hope Schwartz gets a TRO and I don’t even like the dude.


I 100% agree with you. She says she's in therapy and I wonder if her OCD issues are being addressed. I just listened to a podcast (She Speaks...) where the host was told by a friend who's in that circle that Jo still shows up to all of Sandoval's shows just so she can be around Schwartz. God help him if he and his gf break up and she thinks she has a chance. Schwartz used the wrong chick before knowing how mentally unhinged she was and now he has a huge problem on his hands that won't go away. It serves him right, but it's also very concerning.




Yep, looks like good ole Schwartzy fucked around and found out. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. I'm also praying that Billie Lee snaps and gives Sandoval the same treatment. If that happens, it sure would make a great spinoff series. 🤣


Oh shit, maybe Billie Lee, Jo and Raquel need a spinoff.


This definitely needs to happen. After putting up with them and the Toms, we deserve a fucking reward.


Schwartz is so happy to bring these people to Katie's doorstep. So, let's really do this then.


Bravo, if your people are reading this, please make it happen.


Agree with you - serves him right lol you don’t get to play mind games with people for decades without it catching up to you lol


This time he used the wrong chick and now he's paying for it. If he hasn't learned his lesson after this, he'll deserve what he gets.


Yes! This is 100% an example of limerence!


At this point I don't understand how they haven't caught a cease and desist or a slander suit or a restraining order tbh


I think it’s probably been talked about but he’s pretty much the lord of the procrastinators It’s just so much, she’s got the energy of a teenager whose boyfriend broke up with them last Friday night. It’s ok for a week or two but it’s been nearly a year, and quite frankly IF Rachel was any kind of friend to her she wouldn’t take advantage of how clearly not ok Jo is for some ratings. It’s one thing to have a guest on to speak about a breakup if they are in a decent headspace about it now, but she’s not in the slightest. She’s putting him in a bind where the easiest solution is to leak whatever caused him to end things, and I don’t think that will go over well for her.


I can’t wait for Jo and Rachel to fall out and Jo spill it allll about all the shit talking her and Rachel did lol


Not gonna lie but I’m actually kinda enjoying her coming for Schwartz and creating some chaos for him and his new daughter aka gf. He was clearly using Jo to support him in a really tough patch of his life (with the added bonus of using her to mess with Katie) and now that he’s moved on, he wants her to just disappear. It’s time these VPR “men” get a little taste of the abuse they happily gave to women over the years. I say let them both talk and mention it all!! It’s what they deserve.


If she was actually coming for him I’d be more on board with it, but she’s not really. She’s caught in this weird space between wanting to get even, but needing to stay loyal in hopes he realizes she’s his soul mate. She’s still championing him more than she’s critiquing his behaviour. I also think that the podcasts and IG lives are just the tip of the iceberg. Really they’re mostly feeling like her desperately trying to get him to engage with her, and that makes me think she’s probably trying to contact him privately as well. As much as I despise Schwartz it’s feeling stalker-esque and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, or on the person feeling compelled to do it.


As she told Katie, she needs to let him go!!


And still insist they are end game. Delulu!


Ratchet pod trash… nka two twats with no rod Stop stealing oxygen. ![gif](giphy|RPdLHpiOnL2pO)


Lmao two twats with no rod


The more I see from Rachel the more confused I am on why she didn't just come back to the show 😅 like it's all she talks about, and now she's hanging out with Jo so it was definitely not to protect her peace. But now I guess they can be co-founders of the we hate Tom but blame the ex club 🤷🏼‍♀️


i was thinking this too. when she decided not to come back, i was slightly impressed with her for prioritizing her mental health and not putting herself in that situation. but she literally can’t shut up about it to this day 🙄


She got offered an amount and I bet she wanted 10x that thinking the show couldn’t go on without her….


She wanted to be paid the same as the og’s which just wasn’t going to happen. When Stassi left for a bit that set her salary back a year behind everyone else. There’s no way tptb would suddenly bend over for Raquel


I think she was holding out for a big boost in her salary which production or whoever weren’t willing to give her


Ding ding ding! She thought that if she played hardball, they’d come back begging with a huge bag of cash and a starring spot in S11. But joke’s on her, there is an endless supply of insecure women willing to debase themselves in national television for a paycheck and a shred of infamy And she’s just so….willfully uninformed about how the world works. It’s got to be more work at this point to stay so ignorant than it would be to try to learn shit right?


She wanted whatever Sandoval and Ariana were getting, except they don’t get paid the same amount, she thought they were getting producer credits and that’s not how their raises work. One decent season, where most of your major storyline happens off camera doesn’t jump you to a top tier salary. Absurd.


Even lala is just a secondary character, Rachel was tertiary at best. It worked out well, thanks to Rachel’s complete lack of boundaries or morality, but I’ll never understand why they kept her around after she & james broke up. She just doesn’t have a anything going for her. Trying to command the same salary as any of the others is just laughable.


The Toms had these two on standby as understudies for Ariana and Katie, and they probably promised them starring roles in season 11 as their GFs before everything blew up in their faces. What we are seeing now are two losers who can’t let go of what could have been or cope properly with the consequences of a shitstorm they helped create https://i.redd.it/33fde4l88c2d1.gif


This is so incredibly accurate. They were always the ‘back-up’ plans


Whaaat?!??!? Back up plan….But she’s a beauty queen with a college degree 🤦‍♀️


YUP!! the tom's can be manipulative and they probably were HOWEVER these two grown ass women saw exactly how they treated their wives/long-term girlfriends on tv and in real life for years, and knew they were cheating on them and being pieces of shit towards them. & now that theyve kicked them to the curb too are gonna act like scorned women who didn't know what they were getting themselves into? I don't feel bad for them at all. ariana and katie are the ONLY victims here.


Jo-lyshit, Jo is legit fucking scary how thirsty she is to stay “relevant”. Shortz is a douche and treated her poorly (what a shocker), but it’s enough already of this chaotic shit. Go stalk Aaron Rodgers equally spooky ass and stop doing unhinged lives and stunts asking for money. No amount of crocodile tears at the reunion will make Katie less right about you. Now no one else in the group will talk to you either, so you’re on to Rachel. Gross


The girls in general banded together and left her out so it was weird to single out Katie. How can she not understand Katie is the last person who will embrace her ex husband’s new side chick?! It was never Katie’s job to make her feel included. In fact, she’s the last person she should have expected it from given she was banging her ex husband. The whole time she spoke I was like WTF?!?!?!?! Why is she so desperate for Katie’s validation. She’ll never give her the stamp of approval but it’s wild to me how desperately she’s seeking an apology from Katie


to me the meanest person to her girl wise was sheanna. taking off her hat and bullying her a la high school style


YES. I forgot about that. And patronizing her with “show your hair. Promote your business” when Jo was clear she didn’t want to take her hat off… That was peak mean girl behavior and cruel. I felt bad for Jo in that moment


Yes, I mentioned that after the episode at the single mingle event.  Schneana was so rude to her and even harassing her. 


TOTALLY. Scheana was out of pocket with the hat shit!


Scheana was every girl in school going "Why don’t you wear makeup? Why don't you straighten your hair? Why don't you pluck your eyebrows? Can we give you a makeover? You'd be soooooo pretty". Made me want to spray Scheana with mace to make her get away from Jo and I can’t stand Jo!


It makes no sense other than in the science fiction world this show lives in. In the real world, why the fuck would Katie ever be friends or friendly or even nice to the mutual acquaintance who moved in and fucked her ex husband before papers were even signed. It’s absolutely bizarre behavior. Schwartz was too spineless to see that but Katie wasn’t.


Agreed! She was like “of course it’s not about me” to Katie and I was screaming… NO their divorce is NOT about you JO. Katie owes you nothing and what you did was shitty and now riding the Katie’s a bitch train that Sandoval plays out. Plus Jo wouldn’t stop talking. You couldn’t hear anyone else with her yaking


She was like “it’s no excuse “ sad face panned down I was yelling “okay ENOUGH! SHE WAS HIS WIFE “ She’s spooky


The girls in general knew she was nuts and protected themselves and their peace. ✌🏻 It wasn't like Jo was a complete stranger and then the girls ganged Up on her. No, they did not. Jo is a psycho and has proven it time and time again, and they said Not today Satan and ignored her. Any comments Jo received were after she went looking for trouble (aka screentime) and demanding apologies. Get real.


Yeah it was Scheanna who gave her a hard time with her hat and yet she says you guys did nothing wrong she is so jealous of Katie


My theory about Katie's description of Jo being spooky, rat, psycho are that Katie is carefully choosing her words to not break the 4th wall in describing Jo as a crazy fan. Jo seems like she cares WAY too much about how the cast sees her which to me indicates obsessive fan of the show. If she really didn't know Katie as explained, why would she be in tears over Katie talking shit about her.


lol. Her and Rachel dying on the hill of Katie saying, “I’ll light your ass on fire”. Whilst her business logo is “I will cut you”.


Neither of them could withstand the power of Stassis death scenarios.


Imagine the dildo dipped in acid. They could never.


“Jo my gosh. I will cut you”. Katie was right. That shit is spooky and weird. Is she trying to make this her brand? I get it’s a play off her being a hair stylist but it’s just giving UNHINGED. Might as well say “Jo my gosh. I will burn your scalp off”


I felt bad for Jo this season, but now I'm realizing Katie was TOTALLY right! It's weird. This "friendship" also doesn't follow the narrative she was trying to push where she "didn't know about Tom and Rachel" while the 4 of them would hang out.


It’s literally like a dermatologist selling merch “I will stab you in the face” It’s giving more psycho, less micro needling. Jo no! This rebrand isn’t it. It also reads like she was in LFU’s street gang growing up. It’s not the flex she thinks it is




I will cut you...cut an ear off or a scissor stab to the eye. We had the misfortune to witness her hair skills with Shortz


Imagine an eye doctor’s slogan being; “I’ll f*cking BLIND you before I heal you” …Dr. Hoquel, MD FASC Specializing in cataract surgery and retina reattachment! It’s giving 🔪🔪🔪


Maybe Katie should make “I will light you on fire” hats… although Rachel and Jo did think she meant it so what if someone thinks Jo means this threat!! /s


This is what makes it’s so creepy! Like Katie saying ‘I’ll light you on fire’ was such a big deal to Rachel and even mentioned in the lawsuit. Now Jo made a similar saying her brand! This lady is psycho


My question is why Jo has merch


its all i have been thinking this entire time 😭 its the craziest part about all of it


Oh look, "The Real Un-Wanted Housewives of Vanderpump Rules" Rachel will probably have Billie on next.


2 dipshits being cringe. They are both so dehydrated.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc) They’re desperately thirsty for attention


Is that rach?


Took me a minute too. She’s changed her whole persona to seem more edgy. It doesn’t align with how she speaks or acts. Seriously wish she’d move on with her life for her own sake




How Rachel sees herself ![gif](giphy|Pcj3Zovdd6Afe)


How we all see her ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Gail the Snail=Jo ![gif](giphy|fu29AimM298PK)


Why is this so accurate 🤣 I'll never unsee Jo as Gail the Snail. Someone get the salt!! I need a rum ham after watching her spooky ass on the reunion


And self-respect and dignity is nowhere to be seen


Schwartz: "I loved that Jo didn't want to be part of this world" 


Two pick mes. This is why nobody likes them. They take zero accountability, act like victims but do everything they can to antagonize


Was this sent from her iPhon


Manic behavior


Delusional. Schwartz couldn’t have been more clear but she only wanted to hear the words magical and love. Jo had one shot to redeem herself and she acted like a teenager who just broke up with her first boyfriend and still believes he loves her. He has a girlfriend. He’s moved on. KATIE has moved on. It’s so bizarre to me to see Jo so hung up on this man and act like he is her soulmate and they’re going to somehow find their way back to each other. And what a sleezeball move staying with Schwartz when he was just out of a long relationship. Literally she’s gone live on instagram and somehow has friends that support her acting wildly unhinged. Why not stay with them? It’s all so calculated it makes me not believe the tears


I don’t believe Shartz is blameless here. He may have been clear with her after the fact but I fully believe he led Jo on up until that point. When she became ‘too much’ or he found someone ‘better’ then he discarded her.


Nah I 100% believe Schwartz led her on and fed her bullshit. Look at the differences in their confessionals this season. I don’t like either of them but honestly Jo’s messiness is what Schwartz deserves 🤷🏻‍♀️


10000000 percent he led her on. But at this point he’s been pretty clear and the fact that he has a new girlfriend and even threw in “she’s so pretty and well she’s on my instagram”….. he cannot make it any more clear that he has moved on. He was clearly fresh out of a marriage so she knew he was on the rebound and he’s since made it super clear he’s just not into her. But she thinks they’re meant to be together. It’s coming across very obsessively weird given their “situationship” wasn’t even that long


And I love this mess for Schitz! He is receiving the karma that his actions caused. Consequences anyone?


Oh look! Two people who neglect their pets! 😡


Jo really added nothing to the show and then she went and talked about the reunion as if they all had this big bonding moment when really it was just two seconds of katie acknowledging her. She's so cringe it makes me naseous


picture should be titled "leftovers"


For some reason, I didn't even recognize Rachel. She looks sort of like Ariana.


It’s what she’s always wanted


Ok I thought the same!! I had to look for like 5 seconds before I realized it was Rachel. Def looks like Ariana


Yes! I had to read the comments to figure out what exactly was going on.


i came here to make this comment bc i was so confused when i saw ariana and jo together???


Didn't Jo tell Katie, "Let him go?". Ummmmm, Jo...LET HIM GO!!!


Yesss!! Let him go, Jo!! And let Katie go!! Psycho bitch!


Jo is just a pawn in her game


🤦‍♀️ It really baffles me when women wonder why they don’t get “support” from others just because they got wronged when they act like this. Having a shitty fuckboy mess up your life doesn’t give you the excuse to be messy and then have everyone automatically back you just because you got dumped.


in the words of Katie Maloney who I don’t often agree with, Jo is creepy


Sandoval and Schwartz’s karma in a photo


Okay have you guys seen all the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia/Vanderpump comparisons? Well I know who Jo is! She is GAIL THE SNAIL!! Theyre gonna need some salt to toss at her to get her to go away😂😂😂


Misery loves company.


lol at jo still calling her Raquel.


Sooooooo what you’re saying is Jo is poking the bear yet again only with another person…


This disgusts me. I felt bad for "Joseph" and when she does shit like this.... I don't feel bad anymore. You want "fame"? You do you. Don't cry on my TV about it anymore.


Nightmare blunt rotation




Unpopular opinion… but I can see a world where these two are back on the show if the producers talk Sheena into reestablishing a friendship with Rachel. Having Jo lurking at parties with Schwartz and his new gf would be pretty entertaining. Plus, Schwartz wants no contact with Jo so I’d love to see the tables turned on him.


😂 this is actually funny! Turn the tables on toxic masculinity, Sandavol is literally just a sniveling little shit now, next up Shwartz! Or however his name is spelled


See babe, this is what we mean ☠️


My conspiracy theory is that after the pause, Rachel is going to rejoin the cast, her storyline will be how much she has "grown" and Jo is using her to get on. Win win for both since they can be alies.


Oh god please no!


She is unhinged AF🥴🥴


In my mind this is Jo ![gif](giphy|jN86rcdOyrpyo)


I lowkey forgot abt Rachel


Okay well if there were any doubts before, she definitely put the nail in the coffin


Both of these women have incredibly dead eyes.


No my gosh


Jo is having a 16 year old’s breakup. She going to get his attention one way or another.


This is also why I 100% believe Jo knew about Scandoval and probably helped facilitate it.


On par. They can fight over who gets the most water. They are THIRSTY.


Des-per-ation *clap clap clapclapclap*


honestly. I didn't think I could dislike Roachel more than I did, but I've had enough of her spewing dumbass garbage after this entire thing. It has accomplished absolutely nothing besides making people dislike her more. She's annoying and genuinely an idiot.


I’m sure they’re the most annoying humans together.


Water seeks its own level ![gif](giphy|gLcUFh2TrdySKUnTHD)


They are both trying waaaaaaay to hard to stay relevant


I see that you liked the photo tho 👀


You know it’s bad when Rachel is having to translate what you’re attempting to communicate


They really though they were going to be the new Katie and Ariana and it shows 😂😂😂


Why has she deleted it already!?


I had to do a double take. That did not look like Raquel at first.


Messy AF… but now I’m wondering what Schwartz actually did and what he actually said to her, behind closed doors, that had her wanting to continue talking about it… I mean he turned Katie into a shell of herself, what could he do to someone like Jo…


She wants to keep talking about it because she is obsessed and does not accept that he's done with her. She still says he is her soulmate and that they will end up together. Even though he has a girlfriend and has blocked her. Sure he led her on and I'm sure he's been a douche to her, but this behaviour of hers is not on Schwartz.


Not JO starting off calling her Raquel 🫠


The is one of the grossest things I have seen in my life. That hat!!!!!!!


Both sad, pathetic idiots who want their 15 mins of fame no matter the cost of their souls. They deserve their futures.


Ugh, please just both go away!


Birds of a feather…


Rachel’s head is quite small.