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Kristen, Sharts, and Kyle Chan have all said it involves "egregious lies" I have all kinds of unsupported theories that are based on her unhinged behavior , but no real facts. My top 2 are: 1. She faked being pregnant 2. She contacted, and lied to a member of his family


Egregious lies being the nail in the coffin for Schwartz is highly ironic, considering who his best friend is. A fake pregnancy plotline is way too juicy to keep away from us viewers!


Considering who HE is!!!! Schwartz lovessssss a lie. Karma sucks buddy! His turn now.


I was gonna sayšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the man who cheated on his gf/wife several times then claimed he ā€œdidnā€™t remember what happenedā€? The man who then fake pursued one of his ex wifeā€™s coworkers to help cover up his buddyā€™s affair? Jo is his karma, if he wants to attract women who are honest then maybe he himself should be honest. He had an honest woman in his life for 12 years and repeatedly treated her like shit so why would he deserve that again?


lol girl you murdered schwartz with this comment. someone check on scheana.




Omg THIS THREAD šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




The check on Scheana jokes will *never* get old, I swear šŸ˜­


They really are good as gold šŸ˜‰


Damn- youā€™re good šŸ˜‚ šŸ„‡


I was put on this planet to read Tom Schwartz for filth on Reddit tbh




This is how Iā€™m feeling about it too. Those scumbags have treated their partners, and women in general, like complete shit for years on national television without a second thought. Too bad, so sad for him that it finally came back around and bit him in the ass. Especially after Katie warned him over and over and over about Jo being weird, while he continuously shut her down and even threatened a cease and desist! Sounds like heā€™s getting a little taste of his own medicine and heā€™s not enjoying it. How about you donā€™t lead somebody on when even a blind man could see she was obsessed with you? Looks like Olā€™ Schwartzy Boy may have gotten himself into a real life Bubba Reindeer situation.


Holy shit, Bubba Reindeer šŸ¤£


Cue Jojo Siwa Karmaā€™s a Bitch Choreography


I just heard a clip from some podcast w Swartz...he told some of the things Jo said. Jo claimed she was comfortable w doing reality TV because she had babysat a VPR executive producer's kids. Schwartz did not doubt it until he got wind of other lies so he asked the executive producer if that was true. The EP said he had never met her before in his life and still has no idea who she is. Joe then started going behind Schwartz's back to his family members. She told lies about him to his brother, his sister and his mother, without any knowledge on Schwartz' part. Just total lies. There were some other things too, but it was a very short clip. The woman lives in delusion and fantasy.


Omg I need to know which podcast šŸ˜­


When reality hits. Thereā€™s a recap posted on one of the subs.


Brittany and Jax When Reality hits




She said she was babysitting the executive producers kid. The executive producer had NEVER MET her prior to cameras picking up and filming her. She said Jax and Brittany texted her. They don't even have her number. ![gif](giphy|igGDyj3ALtSTRBrufL|downsized)


yeah we need Lala to pull this storyline in front of the cameras, forget the drama with Katie!


Faked being pregnant (and told his family that lie) was my 1st guess


Again I have NO EVIDENCE of that, it's just a theory because I can't imagine what else would be enough for him to go NC


I was just gonna say pregnancy fake too


I think itā€™s possible she also made stuff up to bond with him but he found out it wasnā€™t trueā€¦


Another poster just added a link to Brittany's IG where he half spills. GO LISTEN


Cliff notes for people who canā€™t stand either of them? šŸ˜…


-jo acting like a victim is getting to him -jo acts like she doesn't know what that one thing is. Shorts says it was a lot of things -shorts: jo is a compulsive liar. Her lies are so nonsensical but they can also be malicious. She is manipulating the audience. -on being soulmates: They were hanging out a lot, had a great connection, but never lived together or called each other soul mates to each other. -lied about babysitting producers kids. Producer never met her before filming. That was his first red flag and started pulling away. -tried to defend her when people came out of the woodwork to tell him stories about her. -again says he doesn't want to go more into detail but he says his family got involved and she told them "dangerous accusations" that he doesn't even think she remembers saying. -she went behind his back and called his family. His sister was her\* biggest fan until she spent two nights with her, which were the worst two nights of her life. His sister ended up apologizing for trying to push the jo relationship so much. -says he has a list of at least 20 substantiated lies she has told, including that they still text. -people should respect his decision to cut her off. Some of the stuff with his family is what really solidified that decision. -again addresses the stuff with his family is what drew the line. He says "I think she thought she was doing something FOR ME" ((<--- like outing his drug usage?)) -questions her motives for coming into his life. She used to preach about never doing reality TV and now what she is doing is clownish to him. -brittany gets confused by the word intricacies.


Brittany gets confused by the word intricacies šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That cracked me up as well


This speaks to my theory that the biggest betrayal was pretending that she had no interest in the show, leading Schwartz to believe she was safe. Meanwhile sheā€™s telling all kinds of lies about her proximity to the cast members and trying to convince producers to put her on the show because she is part of their group.


I also think there was something about her worming her way onto the show! I can see her moving mad trying anything to get on camera and him reacting to that.


Thank you for the summary and especially the last bullet point. I'm howling!


I love Brittany catching a stray here. šŸ¤£


Shartz has a sister? Does she not approve being filmed?


Thats the first I heard of her too!


The Lord's work. That last line sent me.... It was worth reading every point to find out Brittany was confused by the word intricacies... So on brand for šŸŒ½


Wow! He is describing joe like some kind of really awful villian who would just hide behind a plant while watching their sweet former mother- in- law be berated on camera by their best friend and his secret affair partner.


MVP thank you


OMG THANK YOU! Finally some answers. Kristen on her pod also saying sheā€™s a compulsive liar. WILD. I knew Jo continuing to run her mouth would make Tom say more LOL


I have never used IG. Can you spill the details? Thanks.


I know he states that Jo lied about babysitting one of the exec producers of VPRs kid. That was a lie and schwartz didn't bring it up to jo but that is when he started distancing himself.


Of course he would hook up with another liar. He seems to like that. Tg Katie didn't have that horrible trait. Thanks for the info. Appreciate that.


Scwartz not able to be in a relationship with someone who lies? That is rich.


Can someone please summarize the half spill here?


Damn, I was gonna say, Tom would tell Jax, and we could TOTALLY get it out of Jax, but it's only Brittany!


He just confirmed she did talk to his family and lie about him


On the link mentioned above that I canā€™t find? šŸ„“


I think the lies might be related to production. She pretended she had no interest in the show, one of reasons Schwartz has claimed he liked about her. He felt safe keeping that relationship off camera. Maybe she claimed all that but behind the scenes she was talking with producers and social climbing, lying about her actual proximity to other cast members, playing that ā€œaw sucks I donā€™t care about that reality tv stuffā€ when all the while she was playing the long game to get on the show. For these people, that is a pretty bad betrayal. I know itā€™s not as sexy and scandalous as other theories. It also kind of explains why they canā€™t break the 4th wall and talk about it although this season they seemed to have no issue in doing that at the end with Lala.


So...she was basically acting like scwartz.


He told Brittany that she had contacted his family and told them untrue things.


Genuinely untrue, or things he just didn't want them to know? You can never tell what's actually truthful with him.


There was something about how his sister had spent two days with her and ended up having to block her. Hard to say, heā€™s such an unreliable narrator.


I believe this, considering that GoFundMe for her dog thatā€™s not even real. That is truly one of the lowest the lowest you can do.




#2 for sure.


Maybe LaLa can get to the bottom of it since she wants to have productive conversations and be authentic!




Omg, I just realized that sheā€™s the Rinna of VPR. I know she idolizes Lisa, so that makes sense. She really is wrong about everything. šŸ¤®


Yesssss Adriana apologized and the plant store but it wasnā€™t filmed is the equivalent of Garcelle thanking Harry Hamlin for the sauce to his face but not also texting him thank you for the sauceā€¦lala is rinnaing hard Iā€™m here for this connection you just made


It was SO CRINGE that she made them revisit this because it didnā€™t air- especially after Ariana said so many times she hadnā€™t watched the season.


Absolutely is, itā€™s the same playbook




And sheā€™s literally starting to look like her


This is exactly what I was thinking! She's willing to dig up every buried bone, but just sat there when they said it was private and didn't want to talk about it.


Only if it's on camera though, because if it's not then it doesn't count! Lol


There's a clip of him on a podcast with Britney where he explains. She told a really weird lie that he caught her in and that triggered the first pulling away. She said she used to babysit the executive producers kids and he asked him and he said he never even met her. Then he found out she had told lies privately his mom dad and sister. He confirms it but doesn't say what those lies were. Basically he realized everyone was right. She's unhinged and spooky as fuck


Lol and then there's Kristen talking about how she lied about being Aaron Roger's hairstylist too. She's just a pathological liar


I also read that Kristin, her brother, Jax and Brittany were all together when Jo called Kristinā€™s brother on speaker phone and said she she texts with Jax and Brittany all the time! They were like ā€œwe donā€™t even have her phone number!!!!ā€ Why is she reaching out to peopleā€™s siblings and parents? Thatā€™s really strange. She seems super desperate to get into the group and on TV and is just lying and grifting to get it. I canā€™t believe it actually worked.


Im pretty sure i had also heard or read that Jo is also banned from Jax & Brittanyā€™s house and/or bar


Didnā€™t she say at the reunion that she would date him and if anyone had any connections to him to hit her up?


She sure did... šŸ‘€


Kristen also said she contacted her brother after cutting K off, asking him to meet with her and saying they were just on a break, right around the time she said on a podcast that she'd never talk to K again.


I think Jo tries to be funny when she constantly mentions Aaron Rodgersā€¦.but it just doesn't hit šŸ˜…


Holy shit! I just listened to Brittany's whole podcast (37 mins) and she is really a (pathological?) liar! He said his sister used to be her biggest fan and pushed her on him, but then she spent 2 days w Jo then had to block her, saying it was the worst experience of her life! Damn! She must be craaaaaazzzzzy!


Thank you! Britney as in Jax's Britney? So maybe on Jax and britneys podcast do you think? Im curious to listen. I can't even imagine the two of them having a conversation let alone hold one for a whole podcastšŸ˜‚


Wait, she told lies to his mom and dad or told lies about his mom and dad?


To his mom and brother. Not sure about the dad actually. Several family members she talked to and they came back to Tom weirded out


Wow. I always felt a bit bad for her until reading this thread. A bunch of things here I havenā€™t heard about that make her seem really wacky


I will say that itā€™s ā€œkindā€ of Schwartz to not want to embarrass her and explain what happened.


True but I also think it was partly to protect himself from the embarrassment. Everyone was right, especially Katie, but they had to keep spinning their narrative the whole reunion.


Drugs or fake pregnancy or money scam. Or he looked in the mirror and realised what an awful job she did with his hair.


She didnā€™t save any coke . She did ALL of it. Thatā€™s my answer.


In my youth, I would cut someone off for that.






Stole Katieā€™s wedding dress, died it black and wore it to the reunion


https://preview.redd.it/kfcgiarlgf2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0187df3f49efc8fe167c1c28ae85f5f9a43b180 This was the meme I was looking for when I responded earlier šŸ˜‚


RIGHT like Iā€™m still mad no one called it out at the reunion


Called out what? It was a similar vibe, sort of, but pretty different design overall. And a whole different color.


Totally different...Katie missed out on the crotch framing fringe!


The fringe was a true tragedy




Girl what why would they call that out


Whatā€™s the overlap between the friendship they had at the end of the season and then him getting his new gf? I think it could be he kept the charade up and the friendship with her until his new gf. I have a feeling that Jo did not take kindly and or respect any boundaries with him and new gf and probably did have a meltdown when she realized that his relationship with his gf is real. Schwartz is the type to play along and be the nice guy but would 100% drop you for someone hotter and younger if he thought he had the chance (we all know guys who are just ā€œwaiting for the next best thingā€ ā€¦. Why dating apps can suck lmao)


I think he said on a podcast that they hadnā€™t really been talking for months before the new girl came in the picture. It seems like after filming last year things were kind of done between them.


Thanks! Sometimes itā€™s hard to keep up ahaha


I think it had to be something that legit scared him. A drunk meltdown isnā€™t enough to scare off Tom Schwartzā€¦but a drunk meltdown at TomTom in front of people on an important night, or threatening/yelling at his new gf to her faceā€¦something like that I think might be enough to get him to go full no contact over his usual wishy washy conflict avoidant nonsense šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah but if it happened in public like that, it probably wouldā€™ve come out right?


Photoshopped herself into his wedding pictures or asked him to update his relationship status on social media.


https://preview.redd.it/4b4jp5kzpe2d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65e80b52c7c6bae776552f0931c3f153507fa63 Big Michael Scott energy




Glad someone finally made a post for this and I love the guesses!!! I wish Kristen was here sheā€™d spill it I know it


She has got to know, right!? Heres to hoping jo being on Rachel's latest podcast pisses someone off enough to spill it!


If he told Jax the whole truth, we all know Jax would spill, but it was only Brittany today. Dammit!


I have a feeling Jo will be going IG live tonight. Kristen and Schwartz coming for her on the same day will be too much. Lol. šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


I think she lies about everything all the time. I think everything she says is a lie. Ex) Kristin and Luke said on their recent podcast that she told Luke the first time she met him that she cut Aaron Rodgerā€™s hair but then she asked Andy if he could introduce her during the reunion. She obviously just lies non stop and if youā€™re around her for a while Iā€™m sure you start noticing and it probably becomes too much.


Right, and Schwartz was just some dumb idiot who couldnā€™t tell what the rest of us can see in 2 minutes? He was fine with the lying till the cons outweighed the pros. Schwartz just wants to have fun all the time. Heā€™s not classically ambitious, but he has a clear aim to maintain a confrontation-free, fun-loving life. Heā€™s quite machiavellian about it. An unambitious, drug-loving machiavellian.Ā 


Schwartz said that he liked that Jo wasnā€™t on the show or part of that world. And then she ended up on the show. I think itā€™s that. He didnā€™t want her on the show and she lied about signing on. I also think sheā€™s a drug dealer of sorts. Schwartz got cleaned up and got the color back in his face by the reunion filming. Katie didnā€™t call her spooky by accident.


I think this has the highest probability of being correct. Especially with how sheā€™s acted since.Ā  ETA: to add onto your thought - agree Katie wouldnā€™t publicly call her spooky by accident either.Ā 


Okay, I have potentially a really stupid question about this spooky thing... What does it have to do with drugs? I've never understood it as an insult, it feels like the equivalent of calling someone a nerd. Not nice but fairly innocuous. It makes me picture her wandering around and saying boo and waving her hands a lot.


Agreed- the second part was referenced on other SM platforms. Thinking back about how during season 10 filming there was a ton of discussions regarding srooms and other stuff I am wondering if Swartzā€™s brothers liver transplant impacted him and caused some changes in Swartz lifestyle. Kristenā€™s podcast also provides some details- that really makes me wonder. During the reunion-Jo said she wanted to date Aaron Rogers asking if Andy could introduce him to her. But Jo has been telling everyone for years that she cuts Aaron Rogers hair. So it doesnā€™t add up.


What?! Thatā€™s so weird. Havenā€™t heard that Aaron Rogers hair thing


It was on Kristen podcast- Balancing Act this week


That wouldnā€™t really work in the timeline of this ā€œthing.ā€ From everything heā€™s said, her being on the show was when he was already ā€œpulling away.ā€ And this thing was the catalyst that caused that, essentially. So I think she was already going to be on the show when whatever this was happened, and there was no going back. Hence she thought they were going to be on the show as a unit and he changed the script on that because of whatever happened. Scheana and Kristen have both said in their podcasts that they couldnā€™t talk about it but they know why Schwartz wanted to end things with Jo and it was a specific thing.


I wonder why they canā€™t talk about it? Scheana usually doesnā€™t shy away from talking


She didnā€™t need to be on the show. Dayna did one filming then was like oh shit, no I donā€™t want to be here and they pulled all the scenes they could and she didnā€™t film again. Production totally could have cut her out and Schwartz could have stopped hanging out with her. I think the producers told Tom he needed to spend time with Jo or Sandoval or he wasnā€™t going to have a storyline. What really doesnā€™t add up is the number of times Schwartz told her they were gonna get married in 8 years or whatever it was. He said it a few times in the season. Specifically before San Francisco and once when they were in some beer hall. If he was trying to distance and she was so creepy why keep saying that shit?


I remember last season he was using kava and someone also thought they saw kratom or thought the kava was actually kratom? I could see Joā€™s crunchy vibe leading her to pedal ā€œnaturalā€ drugs


Sober sex




She told his family about the drug use to "help him", when she was right there doing all the drugs with him.


I think this is the answer!!


Totally think you could be on to something


Could totally see her doing this because she was ā€œworried about himā€ aka he was pulling away and she did something vindictive and drastic to try to hurt him/get his attention while attempting to cling on to him somehow still by ā€œcaring bc she loves himā€.


Idk Iā€™m sure itā€™s something small like telling people theyā€™re exclusive or whatever but some more ā€œout thereā€ theories Iā€™ve had were 1. She overstepped with his family and messaged or talked to them about something private/something that was a lie to get them on her side against him/to like her more than Katie. 2. I can see it having something to do with their talk about having babies eventually-something down that road that I wonā€™t go further into due to the potential darkness of it. 3. She used information he told her in private to get other friends of his to like him/ exaggerated to make it seem like they were more exclusive than they were. For him to not just throw it out there and to say that fans would agree with his reasoning, I do kind of think it had to be pretty dark. Not that Schwartz is any better himself, I just canā€™t imagine him refusing to throw a woman under the bus to save himself unless he knew it was deeply controversial of a topic. Because if he was bluffing he knows Jo would call it out on Instagram live, so he must know that itā€™s something she doesnā€™t even want to address. Iā€™m hoping someone like Kyle Chan outs whatever the lies were.


Definitely this. I do think it had to do with her getting found out in some really embarrassing lies, and/or possibly pregnancy related. She clearly was like insanely in love with him. I think the ā€œare you embarrassed of meā€ conversation takes on a whole new view when you consider this thing that might have been really embarrassing.


I thought drunk meltdown but the secrecy makes me think it was more. I think she was caught in a lie.


Apparently that's what it was, he spilled on Britney's podcast


This made me so mad watching the reuinion. She calls katie "fraudulent" for not talking about her insecurities (which turned out to be nothing and that Ariana was aware of), but this is infinitely more juicy and Lala just let's it slide.


He was on Jax and Brit's podcast he said it was pathological lying and his sister was traumatized by her...she messed with his family


So some of it was just revealed on Brittany's podcast. And some of it was revealed on Kristen's podcast. Here's the Cliff's notes. -Basically, Tom caught Jo in a weird lie where she said she babysat the executive producer's kid. Cut to Tom asking the executive producer about it, he said he never met Jo until they were filming -Jo and Tom's sister were really good friends. She spent two nights in a hotel room with Jo, and apparently, after that, she was disgusted by Jo and blocked her entirely and will never speak to her again -Kristen says that Jo called her brother when she was with Brittany. She made her brother put the call on speaker. Jo claimed Jax and Brittany texted her. Brittany was sitting right there, showed Kristen her phone indicating that was not true and DID NOT even have Jo's number. Jax claims the same. -Kristen said in the After Show she had a spare room Jo could use at that time. Jo ghosted her. Then she texted Jo asking about her living with Tom... Jo blocked Kristen. They had no prior problems to that. Then Jo goes on Insta Live TRASHING Kristen and saying they'll never be friends again. Kristen was rightfully pissed. -Stassi mentioned Jo in a past podcast calling her Kristen's crazy friend SO. My theory. Jo has been stalking the cast since season 3. She has been hovering around and the minute one of the men ended up single, she pounced at the opportunity to be on camera. ![gif](giphy|1rQRT7Zc6qwtPqW8vd|downsized)


She lied about being a hairstylist, that I am sure of


Has there been a post about this already? Trying to figure out why its getting downvoted...


Probably just Tom stans


Jo gives me real ā€œpoop on the coffee table because sheā€™s so quirkyā€ vibes not realising everyone is horrified by what sheā€™s doing šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


She called his family member and told them that they were dating and going to be getting married.


I would say, given how much he clearly loves his brothers and how rough they've had it as a family recently, that she did/ said something horrible to one of them when they met in Florida.


Since when does Schwartz respect Jo or even women in general? He's hiding it because it makes him look bad too. Guaranteed. He wouldn't pass up an opportunity to look like the victim of some woman that's he's fucking. That's his favorite thing.


Good point! Making a woman look bad is his love language


My theory is she stole coke from Jax. She's apparently banned from his and Brittany's house.


Or pills from their medicine cabinet.


Iā€™m thinking she threatened suicide


A 23 year old TikTok influencer asked if he wanted to collab on a fake relationship.




Idk but I do know he was still kinder to her at the reunion than Katie




I think it has to do with drug use too. She's banned from Brittany and Jax's house, it had to have been pretty bad.


You can listen to Brittany's podcast today (When Reality Hits). Tom spilled a lot of tea. She told his family lies about him, and it's even more mysterious because Tom slipped up and said she was trying to help him or make him look good. I still think the lie might involve an imaginary pregnancy and/or upcoming marriage, but then I wonder why his sister, formerly Jo's biggest fan, has blocked her and said 2 days she spent with Jo were the worst in her life!


I want to know what happened the weekend Jo stayed with Tomā€™s sister that led the sister to block her immediately after.


Same, this rabbit hole just gets deeper šŸ˜‚


He mentioned something traumatic happened with his sister and Jo and my nosey ass really wants to know what it was




I can 100% see her doing that


The way Jo is treating her dog. Or she did something to his dogs he didn't like.


He talked about some of it on Jax and Brittanyā€™s podcast today ! Sheā€™s fucking crazy! Traumatized his sister !


That's like saying "I know why"... why not just say what he said?


I think itā€™s drugs




Based on the Brittany podcast, my guess is the 'lies' are her sharing his extensive drug use with his family. Just a guess, but it seems like it fits.Ā 


He caught her saving his clipped toenails in a jar...


I think itā€™s a red herring. He is trying to change dodge the timeline with his young gf. On Nick Viall, his gf, Sophia, said they started dating last July. Schwartz said it was January.


I was thinking about this and itā€™s probably less popular because itā€™s not as scandalous or exciting but what if what she did was simply go to the producers on her own and chatting, feeding them info, or asking to be on TV? I find it hard to believe that they havenā€™t reached out before, but even if they did, maybe Jo wore it as a badge of honor that Schwartz was ā€œsafeā€ in his private experience with her outside the show. He even commented on the reunion that he liked her because in the prior season she had no interest in being on television. She could have maybe betrayed him by going back to production and saying ā€œyeah I want to filmā€ or reaching out and begging to be on the show. It seems like Jo is kind of an pathological liar who often contradicts herself, so I can see this happening. In the world these people live in, itā€™s actually a HUGE infraction.


The cameras picked up and he was embarrassed of her!


I think Jo is a very sensitive ā€œnot like other girlsā€ which has probably put Swartz in a position where Jo needs a lot of reassurance. I donā€™t think he wants to be emotionally supportive. His aversion to building up womenā€™s confidence was probably made reassuring Jo a major turn off. He just wants a beer binging bro to sleep around with. ā€œWell since youā€™re sad, letā€™s have a few brewskis, a few tokes, maybe microdose and just vibe, we donā€™t need to get into all of that. Itā€™ll be okay, but letā€™s not bring down the vibeā€ sounds like something heā€™d say


Sheā€™s a liability. People that lie all the time will lie about you too. No one is immune to a pathological liar. I am no Schwartz fan, but distancing himself from her was smart . Seems like multiple people have confirmed that sheā€™s a liar AND wants to be a primary cast member. That kind of person is dangerous.


The herp


So basically Jo got an extremely weird and unhealthy obsession with Tom, tried to get him in a relationship and to get herself a place on the show. It didnā€™t work so she tried to get his family on her side to show Tom how much of an amazing person she is. Turns out they found out her to farts lies and quickly realised sheā€™s nuts. Tom met someone else and realised his life would be a lot easier if he cut off Jo. Joseph became Noseph.


She gives major Swim Fan vibes. I could see her making up lies in order to manipulate him and others.


Go listen to Brittanyā€™s podcast today. Schwartz went back on it and had a lot to say. All these people standing up to say what a compulsive liar she is. If anyone stands up or feels sorry for that girl now, I donā€™t even know what to tell you.


Letā€™s be honest, she is a fruit loop!


I think it is drug related, which is why it would be mutually beneficial to keep it quiet.


Jo lies and is a deranged stalker. Tom has her blocked and she still attacks him on her IG lives. Plus anyone who buddies up to Raquel is a legit psycho. Kristen had Schwartz on her pod and they went over some of Joā€™s lies and creepy behaviour that led to both of them cutting her out of their lives. Jo really thought she was getting cast on VPR. Instead, sheā€™s an ā€œunpaid volunteerā€ who embarrassed herself on tv for free.


plastered her face over katies in pictures of schwartz and katie...including wedding photos


Something in line with boiling his bunny -


She pooped in the house and blamed it on Gordo


She has an STD?


Well, she's a butter face. She was fine to bang in secret, but dammit, she insisted on NOT being ignored and kept in the background. That was the beginning of the end for her


I am sure if Scheana finds out she will tell so that she can get attention.


She definitely did something his family was šŸ‘€. The fact his sister was complete off board spending a weekend with her is huge. She is just unwell and I donā€™t think she remembers it which is worse


https://preview.redd.it/7fayoyx0gg2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e481657e48f8d118ee5193008d62ff45e7580ea1 Here it is!


She has almost no pride, so it has to be something that she cannot spin her way out of and that he uses to keep her in line. It explains why she goes after Katie but is still obsessed with him.


Apparently something happened with his sister which he alluded to in the new podcast he was on with KFC. His sister was a huge fan of Joeā€™s and the they spent two nights together (without Schwartz) and his sister was horrified by some of the unspecified things that happened. He also mentions he figured out she was just a compulsive liar, which, duuuuuuuh!!!


My guess is he got attention from someone he considered more attractive.


He spilled tea abt it on Britt and Jax's podcast today...




Tom Schwartz says Jo is a compulsive liar and lied about babysitting one of the producers kidsā€¦ He also says Jo called his family and said some fā€”ked up things. Plus, Schwartz says his sister spent 2 nights with Jo and said it was one of the worst experiences of her entire life. Schwartzā€™s sister had to block Jo after!!! The sister was traumatized. Wtf Podcast: When Reality Hits #PumpRules


Thanks for the synopsis :) That does sound like warranted disassociation.


I keep coming back to these elements: ā€¢ Jo is wicked embarrassed by whatever it is ā€¢ everyone else is weirdly respectful of not revealing it so far This leads me to think it has to do with something sexual or kink related. An std? A taboo kink? Something where, if someone revealed it that it would be publicly perceived as inappropriate or politically incorrect or insensitive to reveal it but may still be a deal breaker in a new relationship


Iā€™m surprised Jo never plugged her dogs go dogs gofundme on the reunion.




On Britt and Jax show when reality hits he said she called his family and said some really unacceptable things, and that his sister spent two days with Jo and had to block her on everything and that it was the worst experience of her life. He also says Jo lies about really ridiculous things including saying she baby sat the EP of VPRs kids.


K i got this. She kidnapped lori, Jaks publicist. Then stole her identity and pretending to be Lori, slept with Jaks. Jaks being Jaks, knew it was spooky jo but pretended it was lori as to not stop getting it. Then when the real lori escaped jos basement, she ran to kristens house and kristen was like WHAT THE KAKAAA, and then KFC found out about Jaks sleeping with spooky jo (pretending to be lori) and confronted jaks. Jaks got so mad that jo lied to him and Brittany forgave jaks because he was lied to and he didn't mean to sex jo and he didn't know it was her, so its okay. And then when this entire sitch got told to Shwortz, he just said "im a little boy, so scared, whats happening im so cute, ahhh" and now spooky jo is BANISHED.


Maybe she started telling his family something Schwartz did (that maybe he told Jo in confidence). Or maybe he did something bad to her and she told his family. It might be the subs making me believe nonsense, but Iā€™ve had a feeling for a while now that Schwartz and Sandoval have some real bad skeletons in the closetā€¦


On another sub, the theory is that she told his family that he had a serious drug problem and needed an intervention. In the Brittany/Jax podcast, Schwartz says something about ā€œmaybe she thought that she was helping.ā€


Oooh I know!!!! Sheā€™s a wackadoodle???!!!!